Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

If Molly managed to kill all the high-tier Reds in one stroke then she might as well take over the red court she herself as their new dread overlady. She perfectly fits the mental slot.
It would probably be better to rip out their souls and reincarnate them in our hell for rehab. Red Court vampires seem to be sociopathic monsters to the last, keeping them around as vampires is just going to result in more victims.

Alternatively as damned souls or hellbound humans they can live a normal life and be gradually reintegrated into society as they wouldn't have their hungers or powers anymore.
I agree that if we have a chance, we should totally take it to kill any monstrous murderer of the night. It's just that 1) it's much simpler to take out the leadership with a nuke than trying to steal their ritual and change it to kill every single Red vamp, and 2) it's all about timing and relative power; if Molly is in a position to smack down anyone trying to move in on the former Red Court's territory, she should go for the 100% speedrun, but if she hasn't scaled up in terms of minions to cover a worldwide, or at least South American, span of territory, it might be better to just go for the leadership and let the Red Court wither away under the pressure of everybody else sensing weakness to minimize the overall chaos until we can put our boot down on everybody's neck.

Because while the Winter and Summer Courts are in a similar position where they could feasibly have their leadership decapitated in an alpha nuclear strike without harming any innocents, I wouldn't want to drop a nuke on the Jade Court in the middle of China just yet. And the White Court, unfortunately, can't be solved with just nuclear weapons, if only because so many Whampires live in or near cities for us to risk the collateral.
uhm wrong if either summer of winter court leadership are murdered that can cause worldwide weather abnormalities, a change in leadership where their personalities stay similar to how they were for a while before they adjust to similar personality to what the former fae in their position were like, and possibly the weakening of the borders of the outside.
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uhm wrong if either summer of winter court leadership are murdered that can cause worldwide weather abnormalities, a change in leadership where their personalities stay similar to how they were for a while before they adjust to similar personality to what the former fae in their position were like, and possibly the weakening of the borders of the outside.

If Mother Winter/Summer were killed, that might cause worldwide weather changes (I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume unlike everybody else in their factions, they can if not survive at least be able to run from a nuke). Mab and Titania are fair game, and let's face it both are monsters who should die, if only because Molly would be there to ensure whoever replaces them is much more humane (by virtue of killing anybody inhumane who tried to take up those mantles).

And that's late-game Molly I'm talking about, because even if theoretically all Molly needs right now is a nuke and a Perfect Dodge/Soak charm to take out Mab/Titania/the Red King, we can't deal with the repercussions yet. By the time Molly is up for taking over the world, she'll have enough power to plant her flag in front of the Outer Gates and dare any Outsider to come in and make her day.
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If Mother Winter/Summer were killed, that might cause worldwide weather changes (I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume unlike everybody else in their factions, they can if not survive at least be able to run from a nuke). Mab and Titania are fair game, and let's face it both are monsters who should die, if only because Molly would be there to ensure whoever replaces them is much more humane (by virtue of killing anybody inhumane who tried to take up those mantles).
The Fey rulers are all Mantles, not just individuals.
If the Mothers died it's pretty likely that they'd be replaced, either by new bearers, or by the current Queens upgrading to Mother, the Ladies to Queen and a new Lady being chosen.
This seemed appropriate:
Possible akuma reference said:
Moving on:

Killing every single member of the Red Court ala Harry's stolen genocide ritual would just lead to the same problems as in the books, namely a vacuum worldwide for the forces of darkness to take advantage. Molly isn't quite at the point where she can step in to fill the enormous gap in power that the Red Court would leave in South America, much less the entire world.

Of course, if we limited ourselves to just taking out the top honchos, we can minimize the worldwide strife while still dealing a massive blow against some of the vilest monsters of the night. Even if some other faction takes advantage of the Red Court losing all their heavyweights to a surprise Exalt/nuke (basically the same thing really) to expand, it won't be as chaotic as if every Red vamp dropped dead and it'll send one hell of a message that Molly is not to be messed with.

It's like that one scene at the start of the ExWoD rulebook, only instead of a Dawn caste with a horsehead mask and mall katana taking out a dozen vamps simultaneously, it's Molly flying straight into Chichén Itzá with a pocket nuke ;)

Epic in a way only the Exalted can do.
See the cartel wars in Mexico. Destroying the old cartel heads didnt stop the trade, it just ramped up the violence.
This is particularly important because the Red King is a blood addict, and his propensity for making suboptimal decisions when on blood is one of the reasons the White Council is still in this war with a fighting chance without breaking out the strategic weapons.

Furthermore, the Red Court has an actual hierarchy here, and feudal nobility.
Red King > Lords of Outer Night > Dukes > Counts etc. You arent getting them all with a nuke, and someone will step in to take over their still intact resources and soldiers.

And that assumes you catch a majority of the big wigs in the first place, since mooks are easy to mass produce.

You're talking about pulling an Archangelsk or a Casaverde, not a Chitchen Itza.
Its not a killing blow, and it doesnt prevent them retaliating.
Those who toss nukes cant complain when their opposition retaliate with WMDs as well.

Gonna need more than a pocket nuke. Gonna need an army, like the one Ebenezar brought with him.
I don't think "we can't kill the monsters because then other monsters would just move in" is a compelling argument. The actual solution is to keep killing monsters until you either run out of monsters or the monsters fuck off and stop harming people.

This is the same sort of logic that insists that it perfectly fine for Mab and the Winter Court to do whatever horrible stuff they want just because they have an important job.
We've literally lived through this situation IRL multiple times.

The Vietnamese client regime that was installed in late 1970s Cambodia was vastly preferable to the Khmer Rouge and Pol Pot. Saddam Hussein was a murderous authoritarian dictator, but he was a vastly preferable alternative to ISIS. Popping cartel heads in Mexico has simply led to vastly more violence in Mexico as others have risen in their place and contested for power.

Dresden capping the Red Court when and how he did opened a power vacuum for the Fomori to expand in power and influence, and started a second world war with an exhausted White Council that effectively ceded North America to Marcone and the White Court in favor of contesting Europe and the Mediterranean.

Im not mourning the Reds, but there are Consequences for this shit.
Not least that the Black Council and Nemesis were able to expand their influence in the turmoil.
Chaos is a ladder.

If you do not have the foresight and resources to prepare for the aftermath, you are quite likely to create a worse situation than the one you are claiming to ameliorate.
Rampires may be malignant parasites, but there are worse things than the Red Court in this setting.

Much worse.

I'm unsure the world is any worse with the red court being fully gone if I'm honest. Not to mention all those short of being full red court got cured by the ritual.
Most of them died.
Because it turns out that when your durability and longevity comes from your evil demon, killing the demon also kills you.
It was explicitly why Hannah Ascher wanted Dresden dead in Skin Game, because one of her friends used to be a half-Red.
Im not mourning the Reds, but there are Consequences for this shit.
Not least that the Black Council and Nemesis were able to expand their influence in the turmoil.
Chaos is a ladder.
Chaos is a ladder I guess, but for none more than for a new rising power that the established forces are not prepared for.
That quote does come from a man who went from almost-commoner to one of the most powerful people in the realm via Chaos after all.

If the world were in order and everyone was happy with that order, then the established forces would focus on crushing or suborning upstarts like us.
We should be happy that's not the case.
We could make every member of the red court hate every other member of the red court with a burning passion poisoning all their good memories of each other.
Pretty sure that's how it already works tbh.
I'm gonna give them the benefit of the doubt and assume unlike everybody else in their factions, they can if not survive at least be able to run from a nuke).
They're the power tier that has to suck in their gut to enter reality because their presence warps physical law. Mother Winter's mortal friendly name is Baba Yaga, nuke it from orbit is no way to be sure.

I think you're extrapolating way too far from one set of data points and ignoring the rest of canon. This is basically a point where the story contradicts itself. Battlegrounds is everyone acting so amateur hour that they couldn't have done all the other stuff implied or stated previously.

We can either assume it's an anomaly, or that everyone is an idiot and the highest orders of reality spanning powers were outdone by Raytheon and GE.

Edit: autocorrect
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1) I did note that Mab was weak at the team, but you realize who wasn't weak? Titania (it's midsummer! Mab's rival is at the height of her power!)

And Ethniu, without the Eye, took her out like a trashbag, and had enough muscle to do the same to Odin and the Erlking, and not even be severely damaged. That's not a good showing for these immortals.

(Also, even for being the strongest being on the field, Ethniu at most destroyed a few city blocks at a time, and needed to recharge afterwards. That's just not the same level of casual destruction I imagined for a cthonic Titan come again. That's less than a couple MOABs!)

Swords of the Cross are very much an exception, and it is weird that Knights of the Cross aren't a part of the Accords given their capabilities (but the Denarians are?!?!)

2) How aren't the Fomor strong? Why did they sign on to the Accords, when they know about Ethniu juicing harder than anyone combined? (If Mab threatened them, they could've just laughed it off and gone their merry way. They already did pretty much that, given how they treated the Accords even when part of them. Hint, the first peace talks they attended did not end well)

You say Ethniu was eating a debuff, but again Ethniu with that debuff, without the Eye, was still enough to 3v1 Titania at the height of her power after being debuffed a third time with a waterfall straight to the head. Odin and the Erlking were literally afterthoughts to her at that point. If that's Ethniu debuffed, it doesn't matter that she's debuffed because she's still strong enough to wreck everybody else who'd threaten the Fomor into signing

3) I'm not denying Mab's supposed and never seen on-screen abilities to ice age the entire world isn't amazing. I'm just saying, that ability clearly isn't useful in a fight given she was in a fight for her life and didn't use it.

Similarly, I was focusing less on raw output of destruction of the Exalted and more the nature of their Perfect Defenses: namely, they're cheap for their buck and scale pretty damn high, compared to anything we've seen Dresden Files show.

Take the nuke example. Mab was wiped out nullifying one shot from the Eye of Balor, which she explicity said she used raw power to tank, because she ran the calculations and realized she had enough in the tank to block it once. Somewhat impressive to stop a reality bending attack in its track (somewhat weird when you look back and realize the aforementioned attack didn't ever do that much material damage, even in absolute terms), but one shot and Mab's out. Meanwhile, Exalted could take that shot head-on multiple times, or dodge it, or parry it, at only a relative fraction of their total Essence.

If Molly had to take the Eye head-on (once she gets the right charms), she could take it multiple times, and she could do it even if the Eye was 3x or 5x or 100x stronger. Mab, in any other circumstance, would've had to eat it straight to the face. Her defense was very much not a Perfect Defense in Exalted terms, given it was dependent on her having enough raw power to stop whatever's coming for her ass.

4) I'm not sure why this matters, given
A) it doesn't matter if Titania came straight back after Ethniu suplexed her, because Ethniu would've just done the same again and again. Being immortal and undying is great unless you're not the biggest cat on the block, because then you're just a punching bag. You being pissed about that means nothing when you don't have the power to do anything about it.
B) Molly, funnily enough, has put "sufficient effort" into being able to kill immortals. The same amount of effort most Exalted would've put into killing demons or gods who were also true immortals. You know what happens to them when they fight an Exalted with the right Charms? They die. Immortality is great unless you're fighting someone who ignores your immortality.

Really, the argument I'm trying to make isn't take DF doesn't have heavyweights who can do super radical cool stuff. DF does have those!

I'm just saying, in a scrap, most people are going to start running out of power and subsequently dying if Molly starts throwing around MOABs or nukes around (getting them and finding a place to use them is the hard part). So while defending Chicago from Ethniu invading might be rough, if Molly were proactive and took a nuke with her to pay an Exalted diplomatic visit to the Winter/Summer Court/Fomor lands, we all know how that's gonna end.

Lotta radioactive (and DEAD) fae/fomor. Including Mab and Titania.
1)Ethniu is a Titan.
Thats a different tier of personal power. Mab(and Titania) werent designed to contest that level of personal power. And furthermore, after the player bans and balance patch of the turn of the millenium, everyone else was generally running at lower power tiers.

By comparison, Ethniu ducked the nerf by doing the equivalent of not updating her game client, and evaded the bans by simply not logging in under her main account for centuries, if not millenia.
Ethniu was close to the most powerful she would be.

In addition to that, she was wearing Epic/Mythic-tier artifact armor.

Titanic Bronze armor is made of Olympian bronze and mordite, and cant be penned without divine or infernal power, so basically she was tanking shit that would normally put anyone else down.
If she was wearing the same stuff everyone else was, she's much less likely to have made it that far.

2)The Fomor are amphibious because the Fae beat them so hard they all fled to the sea.
Many of their combat troops are explicitly humans kidnapped and twisted or bred into servitors.

Even at Chicago, Winter was fighting with one arm and both legs bound and shackled; the vast majority of their forces were stationed defending the botders of reality, and Ethniu's attack coincided with a major upsurge of Outside attacks.
Note that the Leanansidhe was nowhere to be found? Someone had to command the Outer Gates.

3)Ethniu is stronger than Mab in personal combat.
She also doesnt care about wrecking the world. Mab does. Ferrovax does, hence he didnt show up for the fight.
Mab got wiped out by a conceptually antithetical weapon, because rock paper scissors is a thing, but it didnt kill her.

It didnt even disable her; she was still in command mentally.

4)Ethniu was at her most powerful at Chicago.
She would only weaken after that as the new rules came into play, and rebalanced her to the current balance patch.
Titania, however, would not grow weaker. Neither would the other Powers.

5)Molly has to actually kill the person before spiritkiller charms come into play.
And we explicitly know that perfect defenses are a thing in this setting; Nicodemus is walking around with one around his neck.
Dont assume that Mab cant soak a nuke; the naagloshii couldnt, but Mab is way more than a skinwalker.

Chaos is a ladder I guess, but for none more than for a new rising power that the established forces are not prepared for.
That quote does come from a man who went from almost-commoner to one of the most powerful people in the realm via Chaos after all.

If the world were in order and everyone was happy with that order, then the established forces would focus on crushing or suborning upstarts like us.
We should be happy that's not the case.

Or they would have simply left the prickly porcupine alone until and unless it impinged on their personal interests.
See how none of the other Powers said a thing when the Reds started using Outsiders in Faerie and popping chemical weapons in urban areas. Or when the White Council retaliated with orbital strikes.

Someone Else's Problem is apparently as much a major governing principle of magical international relations as it is a principle of mundane international relations.

Remember, Molly is only four months old as an Infernal.
Nobody in the Dresdenverse grows that fast in living memory. Dresden is considered something of an infant prodigy and he's been at this for a decade and half. They'd still be gathering information when Molly ascends the throne of her own Hell.
And we explicitly know that perfect defenses are a thing in this setting; Nicodemus is walking around with one around his neck.
It absolutely isn't. The noose grants the 7pt version of the "Immortal" merit and a continuous healing effect, that is not the same as a perfect, though it is a powerful effect. There are perfects in setting but the noose isn't one.

EDIT: I realise I am being rather pedantic here, but in the context of exalted perfects are a specific type of effect that the noose isn't.
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It absolutely isn't. The noose grants the 7pt version of the "Immortal" merit and a continuous healing effect, that is not the same as a perfect, though it is a powerful effect. There are perfects in setting but the noose isn't one.

EDIT: I realise I am being rather pedantic here, but in the context of exalted perfects are a specific type of effect that the noose isn't.
Did we get actual mechanics for the noose at any point? A 7 dot merit and some healing is kind of underselling what the noose is supposed to do and the tier it's listed at.

Is the Merlin's staff a special staff of office, like the Blackstaff, with special abilities?
There are very few objects that have "special abilities." I've only shown about five of them, in fact, including the Swords, the Blackstaff, and the Noose.

It's on the list with swords powered by dedicated Celestine level entities and a staff that breaks one of the few consistent rules of magic across the ages.

Which is why when it's said that the wearer can't be killed by anything other than the noose itself I'm inclined to believe it really means it.
It absolutely isn't. The noose grants the 7pt version of the "Immortal" merit and a continuous healing effect, that is not the same as a perfect, though it is a powerful effect. There are perfects in setting but the noose isn't one.

EDIT: I realise I am being rather pedantic here, but in the context of exalted perfects are a specific type of effect that the noose isn't.
Nah, its a perfect defence against getting killed. Flaw being that Nicky is vulnerable to being harmed by the Noose itself.
Denarians already have Immortal and Regeneration by default. We do see Imariel/Tessa in Small Favor reconstitute from being shattered at close range.

Yes, there's other perfect effects.
But this one counts.
Nah, its a perfect defence against getting killed. Flaw being that Nicky is vulnerable to being harmed by the Noose itself.
Denarians already have Immortal and Regeneration by default. We do see Imariel/Tessa in Small Favor reconstitute from being shattered at close range.

Yes, there's other perfect effects.
But this one counts.
I think the problem is that this is one of the areas where WoD/Exalted mechanics don't mesh very well with the Dresden Files.

In the technical sense it doesn't really operate like a perfect since you can still take wounded penalties (see Dresden taking out joints to temporarily slow down Nicodemus in a few of their fights) it just doesn't matter because he can't die and regenerates fast enough that the penalties never seem to build fast enough to disable him entirely.

He effectively doesn't need perfects, they're a waste of energy for him.

Though it's also possible that they might not actually be able to use them either, which could be why he went for the noose in the first place.

Denarians can get very strong, and work incredibly dangerous rituals using the knowledge of their angelic partners, but it's key to the game they're playing that the human half stay mostly human.

Most of them are mundanes when they take up the coin, and have to work to gain enough supernatural muscle to cheat their way to getting things done. Full perfect effects on a combat timescale might be too far for the fallen to be allowed to take them without getting swatted with a rolled up newspaper by Heaven.
Votes are very close, I'll leave this up for a bit longer
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Mar 27, 2023 at 8:44 AM, finished with 151 posts and 28 votes.

  • [X] Plan Kept in the Dark and Fed on Bullshit
    -[X] Explain some of the reasoning involved in why you want to keep this secret.
    -[X] [Stunt] Molly takes a breath and looks Murphy in the eyes, her full attention on her and the seriousness of the issue.
    —[X] "I'm not doing this to show off, or playing fast and loose with the law or basic decency for my own convenience" she says in a voice full of quiet confidence. "I can only imagine how frustrating it is to deal with this stuff from your end, when so much of the supernatural world looks down on mortals and treats them like mushrooms."
    —[X] With something almost like a sharp grin, she continues "I've been in the thick of it for essentially no time at all and already I'm impressed by the way you haven't shot someone for giving one 'beyond mortal ken' too many"
    —[X] "So I realize how big a request it is when I ask you to trust me here. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and the reason I want to avoid the details isn't because I don't trust you or respect your position. It's because something big just changed and just speaking about it could ruin things."
    —[X] Swallowing the impulse to conceal weakness, Molly plows forward "I'm going to ask that you let this go, for now, because I don't know precisely who or how many people it will be the difference between life and worse than death for yet. Just that it's more than one and I haven't had time to figure out where all the wrong ears are or how loud of a whisper would set them off"
    [X] Promise to explain to Murphy why you let Lady Eiko live
    -[X] Tell the truth
    [X] Refuse to explain (Will damage your relationship with Murphy)
Arc 6 Post 27: Red Dawn Rising
Red Dawn Rising

3nd of October 2006 A.D.

Breathing in more than the dawn air, the insight on the wind, you turn to look the detective in the eyes. "I'm not doing this to show off, or playing fast and loose with the law or basic decency for my own convenience" Out of the corner of your eyes you can see Harry and dad nodding along to the eminently reasonable points I'm not a roll now. Now to inject a bit more empathy into things. God knows I know feels like to be responsible... "I can only imagine how frustrating it is to deal with this stuff from your end, when so much of the supernatural world looks down on mortals and treats them like mushrooms."

Lost 1 Essence -> Now at 7/12

Alas the last word seems to have hit a nerve and not the one you had intended to from the twitch in her jaw.

The grin you had meant to be sharp and knowing comes out a a lot more uncertain. "I've been in the thick of it for essentially no time at all and already I'm impressed by the way you haven't shot someone for giving one 'beyond mortal ken' too many"

"Miss Carpenter," her tone has an edge of warning to it. "I do not need to me managed, get on with it."

For her part Gard seems faintly amused under the mask of professional neutrality, as if to say, 'mortals, what more can you expect of them'. It is probably for the best that Karin Murphy cannot read that expression or she might just arrest the valkyrie for illegal possession of an automatic weapon or something.

"So I realize how big a request it is when I ask you to trust me here. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and the reason I want to avoid the details isn't because I don't trust you or respect your position. It's because something big just changed and just speaking about it could ruin things." Stomach twisting with nausea, you have always hated admitting weakness and getitng a magic crown had not made it any easier you add: "I'm going to ask that you let this go, for now, because I don't know precisely who or how many people it will be the difference between life and worse than death for yet. Just that it's more than one and I haven't had time to figure out where all the wrong ears are or how loud of a whisper would set them off."

Alas your plea falls of deaf ears, or maybe the head between them just thinks she and her new friends at the Library of Congress know better

"People or vam..." She cuts herself off. But it's not hard to guess what she had been about to say 'vampire' Who gives a shit about the souls of monsters, right? Thankfully you do not have Eiko's iron hard nails or you might have ripped off Black Rider's upholstery. "We'll talk about it later under Harry's wards." The detective says tightly, though her tone turns expectant on the name, hoping that he will provide more than a venue for this... interrogation

In response wizard in question puts his hands in front of his face, like he is warding off a bomb, looking adorably dorky in the process, you cannot help but notice. "Woah there, keep me out of this."

"She's your student isn't she, your apprentice...?" the detective grinds out, almost in spite of herself.

Harry shakes his head, trying to explain. "She learns from me but she's not..."

"I do not usually offer advice unasked, but this once I shall do so that minds can be turned to battle not such misunderstandings," Gard cuts in. From the looks of her she had had quite enough of this conversation "That girl sitting beside you all of seven and ten years old is a power incarnate. She can only mind herself, in the battles she fights, the secrets she keeps, the plots she weaves. One who was old and wise when mortal men were only just unraveling the riddle of iron has chosen to bargain not compel and behold I am here. If you will not respect the fortune of the young than you aught at least bend an ear to the wisdom of the old, else I fear your fate shall be a bleak one." Those last words might have sounded like a threat, or even bluster but the cold tranquility of her eyes, like mountain lakes untouched by even the whisper of windin that moment Sigrun Gard for what she is, not only a warrior but a seeress.

No one speaks all the way to South Works, each sunken in your thoughts. Given danger the hostages are in you cannot being yourself to care what's going through Karin Murphy's head as you slumber in the depths of tainted water.

Regain 1 Essence -> Now at 8/12

Beyond the chain link fence the rusted buildings rise up like jagged tombstones of the city's industrial ambitions past. The streetlights that still burn orange through most of the city are dead here, though you could not say if it is the work of vampires or merely of the neglect the whole place wears like a ragged blanket. Out of sight, out of mind. What better place for monsters to lurk.

One my one you cycle though the faces of the taken for Gard framed in screens of arsenic bronze that capture every color, every nuance of expression like those stories of cameras steeling souls. If only I did have their souls, then they would be safe. The sheer strangeness of the thought makes your hand shake above the touch screen, you cannot deny the rightness of it.

Lost 1 Willpower -> Now at 7/9

"What about that J guy?" Harry asks just as you are about to turn to the last picture on the gallery, an empty stroller to ask where the hostages might be found. "He's probably not going to be with the rest."

Make stupid deals, win stupid prizes, if your first uncharitable thought, but that is not what dad would expect, would hope out of you. Can you afford to ask more questions though, potentially to split up more ways?

What questions do you ask?

[] Just the location of the hostages

[] The location of the hostages and J

[] Write in

OOC: The empathy excelency ran out when the scene changed, I figured you guys would want to reup it, but sometimes the dice just want to see interesting times happen.
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Well that could have gone better, though given the rolls we got off pretty light.

At least we established a clear position on why we were doing this that wasn't the same old bullshit or the reasoning of a kid with a cool new toy.

She might not like it, but this is a better foundation for a reasonable disagreement though.
Well that could have gone better, though given the rolls we got off pretty light.

At least we established a clear position on why we were doing this that wasn't the same old bullshit or the reasoning of a kid with a cool new toy.

She might not like it, but this is a better foundation for a reasonable disagreement though.

Molly and company are literally heading into a hostage situation and Murphy is a professional. Expect her to push more later,
[X] The location of the hostages and of the Greater Akuma
-[X] Split up one Einherjer team and Valkyrie to go for the hostages, the rest of the group is on assault
-[X] If the hostages are far enough from the majority of their captors, open up with the mortar and heavy-weapon team, expose as much as possible to the sunlight
-[X] Molly will enter Shintai and use VLE before the opening shot, unless the enemies are far more spread out than we assumed
-[X] Send Lydia's golems in first in case the nearest entry-points are trapped

If J survives fine, but we brought the artillery to use it.
[X] The location of the hostages and J

Not for sentimental reasons or anything like that. J is not (just) a hostage. He's a focus of a ritual / attempt to capture our exaltation. His location is important for planning.
I think we should use a question to ask about wards/traps.

Note that the Wan Kuei have access to wards from their Disciplines that make it impossible for supernatural entities to enter a structure for twenty four hours.

We don't know what they might have installed here,
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