Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

With 2 guys connected to Rendili, we should be able to contact to build starships.

From the bonuses and description Forvar Shen's specialty is more on the organizational and business side of shipbuilding. Relli Vuth is the ship designer and probably the one we want to get if we want to get more personally involved in ship design.

Relli would undoubtedly be very beneficial to have around for when we eventually go to Kuat and have them improve our current fleet.

i dont like Tiad dog,he was fired over a corruption case

i dont want a corrupt rat,to work in the project in wich the galaxy destiny lies on

We actually can't be certain about that. He's a Duros and he was fired in part thanks to Palpatine which could mean he was fired to make way for someone more amenable to Palpatine or simply to further his pro-human agenda.
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[X] Taid Tog
[X] Relli Vuth
[X] Frovar Shen

Maybe this guy can help fix the flaws with the ships, he's a expert right?
[X] Zam Wesell
[x] Taid Tog
[X] Frovar Shen

Zam helps keep our exposure down as a passive measure.

Also looks like we have to fix our production shortfall next turn.
Yes Sam Wessel only gives -1 exposure per turn, BUT. There is generally a cap of -5 per turn, which will effectively become -6, which almost certainly has quite a few uses in trying to keep exposure down.
[X] Zam Wesell

I noticed quite a few people are voting for Sahrin Tas. Could they elaborate why they think the need for more Infrastructure dice is useful, and what longer-term plan are they anchoring this pick on? It would be appreciated since I suspect Sahrin Tas still has a shot of displacing one of the picks, albeit this is starting to look less likely.

Right now the vote seems like a toss-up between Relli Vuth (this is probably a necessary advisor if we want to reach the point where we can modify capital ships, as Bot-Commander's long term plans have been pointed towards) and Zam Wessel (which would give us more room to buy from the market, our principal expenditure of exposure - she basically nullifies the exposure expenditure of a single die into Blaster Contracts).

I can understand why Relli Vuth might be displaced since he is redundant if you don't agree with Bot-Commander's long term strategic plan of pushing up the capship chain. This probably means we have to give up on the exposure consuming moves of contacting Rendill or MandalMotors, but to me, it's a trade-off I am willing to make, especially when two of our hires are coming from Rendili.

For me, Taid Tog is 100% a must, Frovar Shen definitely alleviates our industry dice issues and gives us more headroom to localize starfighter production, while allowing us options in supplementing things like Blaster Production. Reli Vuth syncs our industry focus onto space, and this includes Starfighter production. I have to point out currently, Shipyards don't consume facilities.

@BOTcommander Do you have anything else to add regarding the Zam Wessel vs Relli Vuth, as the tally currently suggest?

[X] Taid Tog
[X] Relli Vuth
[X] Frovar Shen
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[X] Taid Tog
[X] Relli Vuth
[X] Frovar Shen

Focusing highering into getting dice and bonuses into both of the areas needed for none clone production increase makes sense.

I say we focus on starfighter factories and leave our capitol ship to expanding contracts.
Quick question, how will the canon beginning of the clone wars affect this quest? Like, does the quest end the moment the clone wars begin, or do we continue working as the republic's main clone army organizer?
Quick question, how will the canon beginning of the clone wars affect this quest? Like, does the quest end the moment the clone wars begin, or do we continue working as the republic's main clone army organizer?
Currently undecided. That bridge will be crossed once we get there.