Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Why no dice in Training Facilities? We need 16 Trainers for the next stage of cloning and the facilities/logistics cost for the early expansions is small while we still need to invest the dice to get through them.
You are right, I might as well put the remaining dice on training facilities. But with Clone Ops 9 we will already overshoot our clone goal by 1528 units, I see no reason to rush the next phase of clone expansion.
[X]Plan We will build our own Kuat
Infrastructure 90R
-[X] Expand into Titala City (Phase 2) 4D 45R
-[X] Expand into Tibara City (Phase 3) 3D 45R
Industry 230R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 2) 5R 150R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 5) 4D 80R
Cloning 85R
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 10) 2D 30R
-[X] Cloning Operations (Phase 9) 3D 55R
Training 120R
-[X] Construct Training Facilities (Phase 2) 4D 60RR
-[X] Commando Courses 3D 60R
Research 180R
-[X] Mental Enhancements (Phase 4) 3D 60R
-[X] Investigate Force Resistance 2D 70R
-[X] Mutation Fix 2D 50R
Admin 7D+3 40R
-[X] Expand Blaster Contracts (Phase 9) 1D 5R
-[X] Expand AT-RT Contract 1D 5R
-[X] Expand Sabre Tank Contract 1D 5R
-[X] Expand Fang-class Starfighter Contract 2D 10R
-[X] Expand Warrior-class Star Destroyer Contract 2D+1FD 15R
-[X] Burying Secrets 2FD
Total: 745R, +3E
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[X] Plan Format A Plan.
Infastructure 7D 105R
-[X] Expand into Tipoca City (Phase 6) 2D 30R
-[X] Expand into Tidema City (Phase 3) 5D 75R
Industry 9D 205R
-[X] Expand LAAT/c Gunship Contract (Phase 1) 1D 5R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 2) 4D 120R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 5) 4D 80R
Cloning 7D 90R
-[X] Expand Clone Production (Phase 10) 2D 30R
-[X] Cloning Operations (Phase 9) 3D 60R
Training 7D 115R
-[X] Construct Training Facilities (Phase 2) 5D 75R
-[X] Commando Courses 2D 40R
Research 7D 180R
-[X] Mental Enhancements (Phase 4) 3D 60R
-[X] Investigate Force Resistance 2D 70R
-[X] Mutation Fix 2D 50R
Administration 7D +3FD 40R
-[X] Expand Blaster Contracts (Phase 9) 1D 5R
-[X] Expand AT-RT Contract 1D 5R
-[X] Expand Sabre Tank Contract 1D 5R
-[X] Expand Fang-class Starfighter Contract 2D 10R
-[X] Expand Warrior-class Star Destroyer Contract 2D 15R
-[X] Burying Secrets 3FD

Slow build toward Tipoca, finish Tidema.
Carrier gunships for transporting our slower vehicles accross the battlefield, 4 dice on shipyards to finish 2 levels of development, and 4 on starfighters to finish 1. Total bonus of 48 on dice make it work.
Build some excess on on production while crawling towards phase 10 of expansion
5D to increase our trainers and 2 D to finish Commando courses
Mental, force resistance to unlock more research options and mutation fix.
Work towards goals, focusing on fang and warrior. 3 Dice on burying.

-[] Expand Warrior-class Star Destroyer Contract 2D+1FD 15R
Last time we used 3 dice on an expand it completed 8 phases. We really can't afford that with capital ships.

@Oshha can we have a drill sargent course option for turning clones into trainers? It could be low dice to completion and have limited per quarter increase.
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Infastructure 7D 105R
-[X] Expand into Tipoca City (Phase 6) 2D 30R
-[X] Expand into Tidema City (Phase 3) 5D 75R
Industry 9D 205R
-[X] Expand LAAT/c Gunship Contract (Phase 1) 1D 5R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 2) 4D 120R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 5) 4D 80R
Cloning 7D 90R
-[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 10) 2D 30R
-[] Cloning Operations (Phase 9) 3D 60R
Training 7D 115R
-[X] Construct Training Facilities (Phase 2) 5D 75R
-[X] Commando Courses 2D 40R
Research 7D 180R
-[X] Mental Enhancements (Phase 4) 3D 60R
-[X] Investigate Force Resistance 2D 70R
-[X] Mutation Fix 2D 50R
Administration 7D +3FD 40R
-[X] Expand Blaster Contracts (Phase 9) 1D 5R
-[X] Expand AT-RT Contract 1D 5R
-[X] Expand Sabre Tank Contract 1D 5R
-[X] Expand Fang-class Starfighter Contract 2D 10R
-[X] Expand Warrior-class Star Destroyer Contract 2D 15R
-[X] Burying Secrets 3FD
You need to give the plan a name and format it as a plan.
Industry 9D 205R
-[X] Expand LAAT/c Gunship Contract (Phase 1) 1D 5R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 2) 4D 120R
-[X] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 5) 4D 80R
Might I also inquire on why increase our LAAT/c production when we a) have a production hole and b) dont even have plan goals for gunships and c) already produce 8 units of LLAT/cs per turn?
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Might I also inquire on why increase our LAAT/c production when we a) have a production hole and b) dont even have plan goals for gunships and c) already produce 8 units of LLAT/cs per turn?
For tranporting our slower vehicles across the battlefeilds, and because with a 48 per die bonus to rolls 4 dice is enough to finish 2 phases of shipyard. It's a tactical decision rather than a goal oriented one.
[X]Plan We will build our own Kuat
For tranporting our slower vehicles across the battlefeilds, and because with a 48 per die bonus to rolls 4 dice is enough to finish 2 phases of shipyard. It's a tactical decision rather than a goal oriented one.
But do Gunships use Starfighter Factories or Shipyards for production?
Cloning 7D 90R
-[] Expand Clone Production (Phase 10) 2D 30R
-[] Cloning Operations (Phase 9) 3D 60R
Also missing some X marks.
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[X]Plan We will build our own Kuat

I prefer to hold off any local new air or space asset production until we get the results from this turn, so I'm not eager to produce Gunships, since low dice rolls on Shipyards, and high dice rolls on Gunships probably will still prolong our current production shortage. Also, what will we be short on if we succeed on every action this turn, for the purpose of the goals?

Don't see the point in force resistance tbh

Randy's plan also commits the quest down the Force Resistance research tree, so if you want to push back on that, how will you reallocate our Research dice? Feel free to put forth your own alternate plan, if this is your main issue of contention.
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[X]Plan We will build our own Kuat

I prefer to hold off any local new air or space asset production until we get the results from this turn.

Randy's plan also commits the quest down the Force Resistance research tree, so if you want to push back on that, how will you reallocate our Research dice? Feel free to put forth your own alternate plan.
I voted his plan mainly cus of the LAAT expansion
I personally don't see a reason behind local LAAT production. I think we should reserve the local production for products that generate Exposure or ships since Shipyards don't cost facilities. The fact it will require starfighter production which we have a deficit is another problem. There we are producing Aureks and bombers that would cost us Exposure to order from their manufacturers.
I want to note that I want to start antiaging enhancement as soon as possible to make up for the clones' initial harsh life as slave soldiers.
I personally don't see a reason behind local LAAT production. I think we should reserve the local production for products that generate Exposure or ships since Shipyards don't cost facilities. The fact it will require starfighter production which we have a deficit is another problem. There we are producing Aureks and bombers that would cost us Exposure to order from their manufacturers.

To add on to this, the whole point of going whole Space Industry heavy while giving up on Zam Wessel, from the Exposure economy perspective, is to be able to produce the starfighters and bombers that cost Exposure. There is no point in allocating scarce industrial production capacity to things that can be produced Exposure Free, it defeats the purpose of going double Space Borne Industry advisor while giving up on Zam Wessel.

LAAT production can be done by Admin dice - the reason why we aren't using Admin dice right now is that our Admin dice is being prioritized to completing our remaining quotas, which I believe LAAT does not contribute to any of the Quotas we are in a shortfall for. Yes, it's a tactical decision, but one that doesn't need our local Industry dice to resolve, when it's almost certainly going to be needed elsewhere.

Personally, I'd rather save on Exposure even more and produce our Fangs on Kamino and take the Exposure spent and throw it at Paper Pushers or Hiring Outside Expertise. This is why I want to see our Shipyard/Starfighter production before even discussing on what to expand production on.
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I personally don't see a reason behind local LAAT production. I think we should reserve the local production for products that generate Exposure or ships since Shipyards don't cost facilities. The fact it will require starfighter production which we have a deficit is another problem. There we are producing Aureks and bombers that would cost us Exposure to order from their manufacturers.

i think the idea is having enough production to at least fit an elite legion with no link to palpatine or corporations favored by him whatsoever

sideline palps corpos
i think the idea is having enough production to at least fit an elite legion with no link to palpatine or corporations favored by him whatsoever

Under this logic (assuming this idea isn't head quest-canon), we should be pouring dice into getting our production capacity with as much headroom as possible (since this logic justifies the use of industry dice on any exposure-free equipment over using Admin dice, capacity becomes King) , so I don't see the case for local LAAT this turn still, as opposed to next turn either by Industry or Admin dice, once we know what we have to play around with.
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[] Equipment Specialists
There are plenty of people who make basic equipment for others to buy out there. In most areas, the Kaminoans have a lack of expertise so make up for that by hiring some of these people to work for you.
(DC 60) (-1 SS, +2 E)
I am curious about this option. We might want to take it next quarter depending on the results of this turn (how much more we will need to match our goals). It might be something to do with armour customization since we chose the medium option which had superior protection and greater modifiability, but lesser flexibility and ability.
Another option is a think tank that will tell us what our army is missing for a good design. Not just what the Sith want from us out of the army.
Because I have no idea what else this could be.

Also when our goals will be secured I would really like to see us canceling the A-7 contract. It will cost us some Sith Support but we have the Z-96 in superior numbers and the A-7 will be just a waste of clone training since the controls will be different from our other craft being the only Kuat design. So it won't even make a good trainer.