Grand Army of the Republic: A Star Wars Plan Quest

Have you considered going for more Blaster Factories on Kamino? This is the exposure free way to add onto our Blaster Production, and every little bit helps, going by the QM words, especially considering how scarce our Admin dice.

I do think that even if we can meet our goals soon, our focus should be future-proofing for our next goals. This means laying the foundation for further production.
My supercapital plan will require ALL the industry dice for around 15 turns, as such I want to use industry dice on as little else as possible. The next phase of clone ops will add 256 new units per quarter, but the next phase of blaster production only produces 16 I dont consider it particularly worth it, even more since it also consumes facilities, which we are in even more need off now that we need to build up local defenses.
Do we have the production capacity to handle Fang Class Interceptor production locally? I prefer not to spend Admin dice on Interceptors really, given the resources we've sunk into local Starfighter production capacity.
sadly no, if my math is correct we overshot our bomber goal so far we are actually in a production Malus. A Malus I am willing ti live with for now as long as it does not hinder the fullfillment of our plan goals.
sadly no, if my math is correct we overshot our bomber goal so far we are actually in a production Malus. A Malus I am willing ti live with for now as long as it does not hinder the fullfillment of our plan goals.

It seems like Admin and Industry advisors are our most urgent needs by the looks of it then, and the issues with both are interlinked with one another, due to the nature of exposure tradeoff and mitigation.
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It seems like Admin and Industry advisors are our most urgent needs by the looks of it then, and the issues with both are interlinked with one another, due to the nature of exposure tradeoff and mitigation.
yes, but on a more positive note we are in the final stretch of bringing our plan goals on track. As long as the dice dont roll astronomically low we should have them all in the bag in the next 1-3 turns, leaving us with one year of doing stuff.
In addition, I suggest we lay our clone dice idle for next turn. We are 60 clones short of our goal, meaning we hit it even if we dont take cloning ops next turn immediately. Increasing clones per turn should be done at the same time as increasing our blaster contracts, which would be the turn after the next.
I would say activate the Phase 9 of Cloning Operations in Q2 since we have a surplus of blasters and can grab a Expand Blaster Contract die in Q3. And unless we are really hurting for dice I would consider expanding the AT-PT Contract. The AT-RT might be a better scout but for light combat vehicle in terrain where heavier units can't be used I would prefer our clones to use the AT-PT.
Or at least consider putting 1-2 dice in Q3 into the AT-PT.

Q1 27 BBY

Administration (5 Dice): +16

[] Expand Z-96 Headhunter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-95 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your Z-96 Headhunter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Medium Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-95 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-10 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Starfighters per turn)

[] Expand NTB-630 Naval Bomber Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-95 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your NTB-630 Naval Bomber contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Expand PTB-625 Planetary Bomber Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-95 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your PTB-625 Planetary Bomber contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

[] Expand LR-20B Troop Transport Contract (Phase 1)
You have contracted Incom Corporation to produce Z-95 Headhunters for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Incom Corporation about expanding your LR-20B Troop Transport contract.
(0/40, 5 Resources per Die, +1 E per Die) (-5 Resources per turn) (++ Light Gunships per turn)
Some copy-paste errors from the previous update that I found.
After hitting our immediate goals I would do paper pushers and contacting other companies as needed, as well as switch our 3 free dice to do other task, either putting them to use on research or shipyards.

I'll take that as an excuse to write yet another wall of text about who makes what in Star Wars. We'll begin with everyone's favorite manufacturer Corellian Engineering Corporation.

CEC is best known for two things, light freighters and corvettes, however that doesn't mean they don't build anything larger or smaller. Around this point in time CEC's catalog also includes the Starbolt-class Assault Carrier, the Detainer CC-2200 interdictor cruiser and possibly it's successor the CC-7700 frigate, and the Thranta-class corvette. The Starbolt appears to be a mix between a troopship and carrier. The Thranta, which despite being called a corvette is comparable in size to a Hammerhead cruiser, is similarly kitted out to carry starfighters and troops though it puts a much greater emphasis on being a warship over those other two elements. The CC-2200 and CC-7700 are both interdictors, equipped with gravity well generators to prevent other ships from escaping into or staying within hyperpsace. If we want interdictors CEC is actually one of a handful of starship manufacturers that build ships with gravity well generators at this time, one other is Sienar with their titular Interdictor-class cruiser a design which dates back all the way to the Mandalorian Wars.

Going in the opposite direction, CEC also builds a few starfighters though none really stand out. The S-250 Chela-class starfighter is of note only because of its history as a rare CEC designed starfighter and being a contemporary to the Aurek. It should be noted even back when it was introduced the starfighter was considered inferior to its peers. CEC also inherited a trio of designs from Corellia StarDrive those being the Flashfire, NovaDrive, and Spearpoint. Given its striking similarities with the NovaDrive there is a chance the Liberator-class starfighter is also a CSD design. The confirmed CSD starfighters filled the role of scouts while the Liberator was a multi-purpose craft that served as the primary starfighter of its time.

There are a couple of vessels in CEC's inventory that could fill the role of gunship, though one is technically 'only' a light freighter. The first is the Vanguard-class heavy assault gunship a 47 meter long vessel with minimal cargo and troop transport capability, it is a gunship in the sense that it is heavily armed for its size packing four proton torpedo launchers, two turbolasers, two blaster cannons, and a vaguely described directed energy weapon. Second is the YV-929 armed freighter. Despite coming in at a mere 22 meters the stock freighter comes equipped with two double turbolasers, a pair of ion cannons on a chin turret, two sets of triple blaster arrays, and four concussion missile launchers. It is the DP20 of freighters and moreover it retains the cargo space of CEC's other light freighters, cargo space which could feasibly be converted to accomodate additional troops.

Speaking of accomodating troops, in canon CEC was responsible for two transport designs used by the Republic in the CR-20 and the CR25 troop carriers. The CR-20 is primarily an infantry transport with space for speeder bikes and some other cargo. The CR25 carries as much as a CR-20 but in addition it could carry two gunships or four small walkers. Both designs came equipped with hyperdrives allowing for the deployment of troops and vehicles independent of larger vessels. However both these ships were made in response to the outbreak of the Clone Wars and do not currently exist. A design that does currently exist is the Gozanti Cruiser. Whilst limited in its ability to transport troops, stock Gozantis are stated as being able to carry only a dozen passengers, the Gozanti has potential as a hyperspace capable heavy lift vehicle. Gozanti variants used by the Galactic Empire were capable of carrying upwards of four bipedal walkers or two AT-ATs into the field. The Corellian heavy lifter could do that same for superheavies like the HAVw A6 Juggernaut. With some modifications the Gozanti or more specifically the C-ROC Gozanti-class light cruiser could be made into a capable military transport. Faster and better armored than the stock Gozanti the C-ROC can also be modified to carry hundreds of people, much more than the forty of the two CRs and this despite only being thirteen meters longer than either of the other ships.

That's it for CEC. Up next is MandalMotors.

Most of MandalMotor's designs have already been discussed. The company covers a wide away of products from speeder bikes to tanks, shuttles to starfighters and starfighter transport hybrids, patrol ships, and corvettes and contacting them means filling a lot of different needs without having to go to multiple manufacturers. There are only a few confirmed MandalMotor designs that haven't been covered. The Meteor-class Q-Carrier, the Pursuer-class enforcement ship, and the Lictor-class dungeon ship. The Meteor is a troop transport built to ferry personel from orbiting ships to the planet below. It's an uncomplicated vehicle that doesn't do much more than do one job. The Pursuer is yet another ship in the vein of the Firespray or MandalMotor's own Lancer, a patrol craft that is manueverable, comes equipped with heavy defenses and weapons, and is popular with independent operators. The Lictor is a prison ship and in canon, after the Clone Wars, was used to hold force sensitives and Jedi. An older ship that looks to be its predecessor, the Mandalorian dungeon ship, was used as a military transport. The Lictor itself could be modified for such a purpose.

Now if we assume MandalMotors was responsible for some Mandalorian designs with no known manufacturer or inherited the designs in the way CEC inherited CSD's or Rendili did Republic Fleet System's there are a few more items to consider. Starting with ground vehicles we have the generically named Death Watch tank and Mandalorian attack land vehicle. The former is a wheeled IFV that is known to have been used by the DeathWatch. Given MandalMotors built DeathWatch's Kom'rk starfighters they might have also been responsible for the IFV as well. The Mandalorian attack land vehicle meanwhile is an ancient monowheel tank that was used by the Neo-Crusaders. In the air there is the Teroch-type Gunship, though from what little is known of it, it seems rather lackluster. With MandalMotor's limited ability to manufacture warships at present the company wouldn't be able to make many older Mandalorian designs even if they had access to them. The Jehavey'ir-type assault ship is one that is small enough that MandalMotors could pull it off. The assault ship had the notable quirk of having its weapons charged at all times meaning it could open fire the moment it dropped out of hyperspace. The Shaadlar-type troopship is a purpose made military transport and serves as an alternative to repurposed prison ships though at only 130 meters the vessel would not be able to carry as many personnel.

Finally we come to Rendili StarDrive.

Rendili's focus is on warships. Their most infamous product is the Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser, infamous for its excessive crew requirements and association with the fiasco that was the disappearance of the Katana fleet. There isn't much that it can offer save as a base for another ship built off of it. Designed during the Galactic Civil War and building off another modification of the base Dreadnaught, the Assault Frigate Mark II is a heavy hitting ship that turns the Dreadnaught into a vessel that gives larger opponents reason to pause. While replicating the Assault Frigate Mark II is likely impossible given how its design was very much a result of its unique circumstances, that Rendili employees were the ones that devised it says to me that it would be well within Rendili StarDrive's ability to pull off a similarly extensive redesign of the venerable Dreadnaught. Besides the Aurek which was originally a Republic Fleet Systems design, Rendili StarDrive came up with the FT series of starfighter. Among these were the FT-6 Pike, FT-7B Clarion, FT-8 Star Guard, and PT-7 starfighter. The Pike, Clarion, and Star Guard served the Old Republic in the role of strikefighter while the PT-7 did so as a fighter and a bomber.

Rendili Hyperworks built the two Old Republic warships, the Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship and the renowned Hammerhead-class cruiser. Though nearly three times the length of a canon Venator-class Star Destroyer the Inexpugnable-class tactical command ship requires a crew of only 4,300 compared to the Venator's 7,400. Its fighter complement however sits at about a third of that of a Venator's and it is similarly undergunned for it's size. The Inexpugnable would likely have to undergo extensive modernization to be competitive in the modern battlefield. The Hammerhead by contrast is a proven design that continues to see use. Hyperworks also made the BT-7 Thunderclap. Big with lots of weapons, lots of defenses, and kitted out with all the toys a special forces unit would love, the BT-7 is more or less a special forces gunship. Should the interior be stripped of those toys though I could see the ship being able to accomodate a sizeable troop complement.

The Defender-class light corvette from Rendili Vehicle Corporation has much the same capabilities as the BT-7, though given its Jedi heritage it is less oriented for military operations and does not carry quite as much firepower. Rendili Vehicle Corporation made another starship based off the Defender for the Jedi. That ship was the Paladin-class corvette and while the craft commissioned by the Order was unarmed, it does not beggar belief that Rendili might be convinced to build an armed variant for us. That being said should we really want a corvette from Rendili they should have access, through Republic Fleet Systems, to the Foray-class blockade runner. Also availble to Rendili through RFS are the KT-400 military droid carrier and Herald-class shuttle both of which could be used as attack shuttles. Going back one last time to Rendili Vehicle Corporation, they also produced a series of standing speeders of which the Outrider was one. There existed a number of other models but the differences were in paint scheme and little else.

There are a number of additional Old Republic designs with unkown manufacturers. Seeing as Rendili somehow inherited the designs of Republic Fleet Systems there is a chance they may have inherited these other designs as well. The Republic transport is a dedicated troop transport at least as large as a corvette, though given artistic liberty it is difficult to say just how big it is supposed to be. Though the SWTOR-archive article page states that the starship was a product of Kuat Drive Yards there is little to corroborate that and the Wookieepedia page for the vessel does not list a manufacturer at all. The Republic transport shuttle is more or less as its name describes. It is a shuttle with a ramp on the rear and one dual laser turret on the roof and another on it's chin. The Valor-class cruiser is a warship that sports a unique armor scheme whereby it only armors critical portions of itself granting the vessel greater speed compared to other ships of its size. The Valor's size is somewhat unclear as while SWTOR-archive and Wookieepedia both put the ship at somewhere around 500 meters both articles also state the ship matches the Harrower, an 800 meter long vessel, in size. The VX-9 Redeemer was originally a Sith Empire design until it was stolen by Republic intelligence. While it is known who built the ship for the Sith it isn't stated who eventually did so for the Republic. The Redeemer is a noteable design because it carries a railgun allowing it to snipe enemies at range. The Centurion-class battlecruiser was originally designed as a replacement for the Inexpugnable-class. For its time it was a powerful vessel, but by modern standards the ship is somewhat anemic. Much like the Inexpugnable it will have to undergo a number of improvements. The Centurion also has the issue of being a starship whose image has been tainted by heavy association with the Sith.
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yes, but on a more positive note we are in the final stretch of bringing our plan goals on track. As long as the dice dont roll astronomically low we should have them all in the bag in the next 1-3 turns, leaving us with one year of doing stuff.

That mostly depends on the Sith not taking a look at our progress, seeing us meet our planned goals a year early, and deciding to slam us with the new goals the moment we meet all theredemands. A distinct possibility, all things considered, given that the Sith are assholes like that and both Sidious and Dooku are perfectly aware that Jango hates them.
That mostly depends on the Sith not taking a look at our progress, seeing us meet our planned goals a year early, and deciding to slam us with the new goals the moment we meet all theredemands. A distinct possibility, all things considered, given that the Sith are assholes like that and both Sidious and Dooku are perfectly aware that Jango hates them.
keep in mind I said "bring on track", most of our goals will only complete in the last few turns of the plan.
keep in mind I said "bring on track", most of our goals will only complete in the last few turns of the plan.
Yes, the biggest exception being Armor :)

I don't think the Sith would slam us with new goals, although they might offer them, and It might reduce Sith Support to decline. If we finish early enough for all that to matter…
Q1 27 BBY Results

Q1 27 BBY Results

Resources (R): 9,824,400 (-56,225 per turn)
Sith Support (SS): 35
Exposure (E): 17
Free Dice: 3

Current Capabilities
Facilities: Moderate Surpluses (+6)
Production: Major Shortages (-10)
Logistics: Marginal Surpluses (+1) (+7 per turn)
Trainers: Significant Surpluses (+9) (+2 per turn)

Grand Army of the Republic
Clones: 11,670,000 (+1,167) (+256 per turn)
Blasters: Concordian Crescent Technologies
-Quantity: +1,328 (+274 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Armour: Duraplast Medium Mandalorian Armour
-Quantity: +12,514 (+4,064 per turn)
-Quality: +8
Scout Walker: All Terrain Recon Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +252 (+28 per turn)
-Quality: +2
Light Walker: All Terrain Personal Transport (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Medium Speeder: TX-130 Sabre-class Fighter Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +174 (+38 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Speeder: RX-200 Falchion-class Assault Tank (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: All Terrain Tactical Enforcer (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +228 (+134 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Walker: Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery Turbolaser (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +44 (+14 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Light Starfighter: A-7 Hunter Interceptor (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +24 (+2 per turn)
-Quality: -1
Medium Starfighter: Z-95 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +54
-Quality: +3
Medium Starfighter: Z-96 Headhunter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +152 (+72 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Starfighter: Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 Starfighter (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Medium Interceptor: Fang-class Starfighter (MandalMotors)
-Quantity: +48 (+6 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Interceptor: Aurek-class Starfighter (Rendili StarDrive)
-Quantity: +62 (+22 per turn)
-Quality: +6
Heavy Bomber: NTB-630 Naval Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +44 (+20 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Heavy Bomber: PTB-625 Planetary Bomber (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Light Gunship: LR-20B Troop Transport (Incom Corporation)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +4
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Gunship: Low Altitude Assault Transport/carrier Gunship (Rothana Heavy Engineering)
-Quantity: +32 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Medium Escort: Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +40 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Heavy Escort: Harbinger-class Cruiser (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +41 (+9 per turn)
-Quality: +5
Light Capital: Acclamator-class Assault Ship (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +40 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +3
Medium Capital: Warrior-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +40 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +7
Medium Capital: Venator-class Star Destroyer (Kuat Drive Yards)
-Quantity: +40 (+8 per turn)
-Quality: +5

Original Goals (Q1 28 BBY to Q4 26 BBY)
Clones: 2,056 Points Remaining (+8 SS)
Blasters: 1,894 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Armour: 0 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Light Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 428 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Medium Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 450 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Heavy Speeders/Tanks/Walkers: 338 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Interceptors: 326 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Starfighters: 368 Points Remaining (+5 SS)
Bombers: 124 Points Remaining (+1 SS)
Escorts: 119 Points Remaining (+1 SS)
Capitals: 280 Points Remaining (+3 SS)
Increase Rothana Heavy Engineering contracts by 0 Resources per turn. (+1 SS)
Increase Kuat Drive Yards contracts by 0 Resources per turn. (+1 SS)

Keep Exposure below 25. (+1 SS)

[-] Expand into Titala City (Phase 2)
Titala City is a secondary major settlement located in the western regions of the planet. You have expanded your operations to Titala City, but there is still plenty of space that you can make use of over there.
(65/200, 15 Resources per Die) (++++ Facilities)

While you currently have plenty of space, you expect to use it up in short order so you continue to make more room on Kamino for your operations. This time around the longnecks begin to clear out some more space in Titala City for your use. Unfortunately, the limited budget means they only make so much progress and while some leftovers from older projects are cleared out, there is still plenty of work left to do.

[-] Construct Indoor Farms (Phase 5)
With all of these clones that you will be making, you are going to need to feed them all. While purchasing all of it from the nearby Abrion sector can be done if it proves necessary, you can hide just how many people who need to feed by constructing some farms on Kamino.
(437/500, 15 Resources per Die) (---- Facilities, +++++ Logistics)

While you have sufficient foodstuff arriving from the Abrion sector, you do have a desire to complete the next stage of the local farms after having made plenty of progress on it. To this end, you continue to give the project a decent budget and work continues on it. While the latest series of farms aren't finished yet, the project has reached the final phase and another influx of budget should be enough to see it through to completion.

[-] Local Shield Generators (Phase 1)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Shield generators would be expensive, but setting up one in each major city would be a good way to minimise any damage done by an attack, be it a raid or a full-scale invasion.
(123/300, 50 Resources per Die) (-- Facilities)

While you don't have any expectation of an attack at the moment, it is still a possibility and you have too much invested in Kamino to leave it unprotected. Right now, you only have yourself and your Mandalorian trainers to protect it and while you will have some clone troopers as well in the future, you want greater defensive capacity in case something does happen. You start the beginnings of a shield generator to protect Tipoca City though progress only gets far enough as ordering the various components. You will still need to put them together in addition to getting them up and running.

[-] Planetary Defence Network (Phase 1)
As you continue to build up Kamino, you may want to look into protecting your investments. Setting up a series of defensive outposts and turbolaser turrets will greatly help fend off any invaders and latter stages could include weapon emplacements capable of engaging warships in orbit.
(136/100, 30 Resources per Die) (36/200) (- Facilities)

When most people think of planetary defence networks, they think of the big ones with batteries of turbolasers, planet-wide shield generators and battle stations capable of engaging capital ships and winning. And while some do exist like that, they belong to rich worlds who have had time to build up their defences.

For Kamino, you spend the first few months of the year setting up some turrets at key points. Nothing major, just a few anti-air turrets alongside some anti-vehicle and anti-infantry turrets to protect the most important locations on the watery world.

[-] Local Aurek-class Starfighter Production (Phase 4)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Aurek-class Starfighters to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(77/35, 5 Resources per Die) (42/40) (---- Production) (-20 Resources per turn) (++++ Heavy Interceptors per turn)

With everything already sorted for it from the paperwork to the droid workers, the new starfighter factories swiftly began producing new Aurek-class Starfighters. While a big boon to your interceptor stockpiles, it soon proves to be more trouble than you had originally planned. Mainly because you hadn't planned for this for whatever reason.

[-] Local NTB-630 Naval Bomber Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local factories here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some NTB-630 Naval Planetary Bombers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(113/25, 5 Resources per Die) (88/30) (58/35) (23/40) (-- Production) (-20 Resources per turn) (++ Heavy Bombers per turn)

Having forgotten your orders for the new starfighter factories to be put to work churning out Aurek-class Starfighters, you also try to have them put to work producing some of the NTB-630 Naval Bombers. Everything goes swimmingly and by the end of the quarter, all of the starfighter factories have already been put to work producing bombers.

The only issue is that those same factories have already all been put to work producing Aurek-class Starfighters, leaving you in something of a situation that you need to get sorted fast.

[-] Local Harbinger-class Cruiser Production (Phase 1)
With access to both designs and local shipyards here on Kamino, you can begin to locally produce some Harbinger-class Cruisers to supplement your externally outsourced production.
(45/25, 5 Resources per Die) (20/30) (- Production) (-5 Resources per turn) (+ Heavy Escorts per turn)

Having already got pretty much all of the work done last year, you swiftly get the shipyards of Kamino producing some Harbinger-class Cruisers. The construction droids are online and working within days while the warehouses already hold the stockpiles of raw materials and starship components needed for production to commence.

[-] Develop Kaminoan Shipyards (Phase 2)
Kamino currently has no way of locally producing starships, but if you are willing to put the time and resources into it, that can change. It would only be some basic shipyards in orbit around the planet, but it would be a start.
(139/200, 30 Resources per Die) (++ Production)

With the current shipyards being put to use, you begin work on an expansion to them. While you give the project a decent budget to work with, the longnecks' lack of expertise when it comes to orbital construction soon rears its head. Some solid progress is made, but not as much as you like. As things are, you cannot fault the effort put into it even if you aren't happy with the results.

[-] Develop Kaminoan Starfighter Factories (Phase 4)
Rather than purchasing starfighters from outside entities, you could attempt to produce them all locally on Kamino. You just need to put the effort and credits into setting up some local production.
(492/400, 20 Resources per Die) (92/500) (--- Facilities, ++++ Production)

With the most recent expansion of starfighter factories close to completion, you gave them another influx of funding to see them finished. The work went ahead without an issue and not only did the factories get completed without issue, but the foundations for another set of expansion got set with the spare budget and time.

The only downside is the mishap with how the factories are being used.

[-] Expand Clone Production (Phase 9)
You have completed the initial batch of clones, but the army is still going to need plenty more soldiers. Now you need to work on expanding the current cloning operations to allow for more clones to be produced at once.
(430/375, 15 Resources per Die) (55/400) (----- Facilities, ----- Logistics, ---- Trainers, ++++++++ Clones)

The next phase of clone expansion goes along without a hitch even if things go slower than you would have liked. Faster progress could have been made, but after the incident at the end of last year, extra precautions were taken to avoid any more mutations. And while it has proven to be successful and an acceptable amount of progress has been made, the desired amount of progress has not been achieved.

[-] Cloning Operations (Phase 8)
As you get more cloning operations online and running smoothly, you just need to set things up so the longnecks are producing more as required without requiring your direct input.
(171/100, 10 Resources per Die) (71/100) (40 Resources per turn) (++++++++ Clones per turn)

Even as work commences on the next expansion of the clone production, you are also working on turning over the previous expansion to the longnecks for long term management. The whole process goes smoothly and by the end of the quarter, you no longer need to worry about it.

[-] Construct Learning Facilities (Phase 4)
Even with the accelerated ageing, the clones will spend a few years as children so you will need to teach them some basic stuff. And even if they weren't kids, you would still need to teach them the basics.
(941/400, 15 Resources per Die) (541/500) (--- Facilities +++ Trainers)

You put a massive budget behind the expansion of the learning facilities and it pays off. Extensive progress is made as classroom after classroom is finished until you have a few hundred blocks of fully stocked classrooms. All of them are equipped with droid teachers as the default with room for an organic teacher such as one of your Mandalorian trainers or one of the local longnecks to step in as needed.

This is going to be the end of your involvement project as while you may still need some more classrooms, their construction will be on a smaller enough scale that it won't concern you as the overall head of the project.

[-] Commando Courses
With the clones rapidly growing up, you are going to need some training courses sooner rather than later. While the bulk of the clones can be trained by your trainers, you will need some special forces for the clone army. Set up some specialised courses for the clones to be trained as special forces.
(377/500, 20 Resources per Die) (--- Trainers)

Steady work continues on the commando courses as you give the project a relatively small amount of resources to keep things going. Some progress is made, but the project is still far from done and nothing of interest happens.

[-] Mental Enhancements (Phase 4)
Look into improving the mental capabilities of the clones that you will be producing. Primary focuses will be intelligence, will power, and quick thinking.
(368/650, 20 Resources per Die)

With the brain fully mapped out, Doctor Desnos has been identifying different ways to improve the memory process and identify how plausible each one is. It is one thing to improve the memory of the individual, it is another thing to do so without messing up other parts of their brain.

The work is only compounded by how many genetic modifications the clones already received as Doctor Desnos and her team of longneck eggheads need to account for those as well. Doctor Desnos assures you that it won't keep the project from completing even if it does slow down just how fast it will be completed.

[-] Low Light Vision
Doctor Desnos has suggested the possibility of giving our clones limited ability to see in the dark. It won't be perfect night vision and inferior to having some actual light, but it will allow the clones to see much better in darkness without having to rely upon equipment.
(406/400, 20 Resources per Die)

The low light vision project completes ahead of schedule thanks to the talented efforts of Doctor Tanasi Desnos. Doctor Desnos makes a breakthrough on balancing the photo-receptive chemical and the visual cortex. Not only can the clones see in low-light without colour blindness or being overly sensitive to bright light, but Doctor Desnos has figured out how to put a switch into it.

Well, a switch isn't the scientific term, but it is how Doctor Desnos explains it to you in layman's terms.

[-] Mutation Fix
As you decided to keep the one hundred twenty thousand clones who ended up deaf by mistakes, you should try to do something about restoring their hearing. Doctor Desnos assures you that she can do so by whipping up a retrovirus that will give them hearing just as good as any of their vode.
(136/200, 25 Resources per Die)

Having decided to keep the deaf clone babies instead of 'decommissioning' them or turning them over to the Sith, you get to work on trying to help solve the mutation. While deafness isn't the end of the line, it is a major weakness for a soldier and not something that is easy to accommodate. Or at least, it will be easier to let Doctor Desnos fix the deafness than to try and handle it while there is an active war going on.

To this end, Doctor Desnos begins working on a retrovirus that will restore full hearing to the deaf clones while they are still young enough that learning to hear won't be too much trouble for them.

Administration (5 Dice): +16

[-] Hiring Outside Expertise
You are good at what you do and the Kaminoans know their business, but you don't have all of the expertise that you need to do a good job getting things done inhouse. Hire some outside experts so things can be done more easily in the future.
(258) (DC 50/70/90) (-1 SS, +3 E/-3 SS, +5 E/-5 SS, +8 E)

Vote for all options you want to recruit. The three with the highest number of votes will be selected. No plan voted.

[] Zam Wesell
A fellow bounty hunter, Zam Wesell has proven to be something of a reliable ally and the Clawdite might prove useful. You could certainly use her help in training the clones and you can trust her to help you keep things discrete.

  • -1 Exposure per Quarter

[] Frovar Shen
A well-off human from a nice little Mid-Rim world, Frovar Shen once owned his own shipbuilding company, complete with an R&D division for producing its own starship designs. Unfortunately, he didn't have the right connections and enough deep pockets so he found himself being sabotaged and then brought out by the Trade Federation. While he has acquired a mid-level position with Rendili StarDrive a couple of years ago, he should still be amenable to moving to Kamino.

  • +10 to Industry Dice
  • +2 Industry Dice

[] Sahrin Tas
Sahrin Tas is a Togruta architect and a woman who knows how to get a job done quickly. She can wipe up a design and get it built swiftly to the point she has earnt something of a name for it. Fortunately for you, they seemed to have improved their skills over the years so their speed no longer comes with a drop in quality.

  • +3 Infrastructure Dice

[] Relli Vuth
Relli Vuth is a retired member of Rendili StarDrive, recently let go as the megacorp had to shut down a couple of unprofitable shipyards in the Outer Rim. A veteran shipbuilder, she is an expert when it comes to building things meant to operate in the void and is just generally knowledgeable about working in space

  • +20 Space-related rolls
  • +1 Industry Die

[] Taid Tog
Taid Tog is a Duros from Coruscant and until recently, he was one of the many bureaucrats who helped run the Galactic Republic. Getting caught up in a recent corruption scandal, he was fired as part of the Supreme Chancellor's anti-corruption stance.

  • +10 to Administration Dice
  • +2 Administration Dice

[-] Expand AT-TE Contract (Phase 2)
You have contracted Rothana Heavy Engineering to produce All Terrain Tactical Enforcers for your clones to use when they are old enough to fight, but you could always use some more. Talk to Rothana Heavy Engineering about expanding your AT-TE contract.
(209/40, 5 Resources per Die) (169/40) (129/40) (89/40) (49/40) (9/40) (-20 Resources per turn) (+++ Heavy Walkers per turn)

When it comes to your AT-TE contracts, it seems that third time's the charm. While your first two attempts to expand your contract both went poorly, things go swimmingly on the third time. The Kuat Drive Yards representative that you spoke with was extremely helpful and you massively increased your order of All Terrain Tactical Enforcers. In fact, the number of AT-TEs arriving each quarter increases by a little more than a dozen times over.

[-] Burying Secrets
The clone army is supposed to be a secret which means this whole affair is supposed to be secret. When too many things begin to start pointing in your direction, you need to bury them before people come poking out.
(124) (DC 38/58/78/98/118) (-1E/-2E/-3E/-4E/-5E)

With all of your law abiding business and official military contracts, cleaning up after yourself is a lot less fun. You can't just take out a few people who know too much without hurting your own operations and it is more of a matter of muddling the paperwork and anything else that could directly lead back to you. Your Sith backers are good at setting up shell companies that stand up to some basic inspection. By routing your orders through those, you can make it harder for any investigators to follow the trail back to Kamino.


Sorry about how long this took to get written and posted, I got the new Pathfinder game recently and I've been having a lot of fun with it. Anyway, you get to pick some bonuses in the latest vote. I was going to have six options to choose three from, but I couldn't think up a sixth so you get to pick three of five instead.

Please point out any spelling or grammar mistakes that you spot. Please quote them in the thread and explain what you think is wrong so I know what you are referring to.
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[X] Taid Tog
[X] Relli Vuth
[X] Frovar Shen

The admin guy is desperately needed and with both industry guys we can go for both warship and Starfighter factories as space bonus applies to both. Dont really think we need the -1 to exposure per quarter that much compared to the gainz we can make with both industry specialists and their combined +30 on capital yards and starfighter factories.
[X] Frovar Shen
A well-off human from a nice little Mid-Rim world, Frovar Shen once owned his own shipbuilding company, complete with an R&D division for producing its own starship designs. Unfortunately, he didn't have the right connections and enough deep pockets so he found himself being sabotaged and then brought out by the Trade Federation. While he has acquired a mid-level position with Rendili StarDrive a couple of years ago, he should still be amenable to moving to Kamino.

  • +10 to Industry Dice
  • +2 Industry Dice

[X] Sahrin Tas
Sahrin Tas is a Togruta architect and a woman who knows how to get a job done quickly. She can wipe up a design and get it built swiftly to the point she has earnt something of a name for it. Fortunately for you, they seemed to have improved their skills over the years so their speed no longer comes with a drop in quality.

  • +3 Infrastructure Dice

[X] Relli Vuth
Relli Vuth is a retired member of Rendili StarDrive, recently let go as the megacorp had to shut down a couple of unprofitable shipyards in the Outer Rim. A veteran shipbuilder, she is an expert when it comes to building things meant to operate in the void and is just generally knowledgeable about working in space

With 2 guys connected to Rendili, we should be able to contact to build starships.
i dont like Tiad dog,he was fired over a corruption case

i dont want a corrupt rat,to work in the project in wich the galaxy destiny lies on

[X] Frovar Shen
[X] Relli Vuth
[X] Zam Wesell
[] Zam Wesell
A fellow bounty hunter, Zam Wesell has proven to be something of a reliable ally and the Clawdite might prove useful. You could certainly use her help in training the clones and you can trust her to help you keep things discrete.

  • -1 Exposure per Quarter
Why did Zam lose her training bonuses while still having helping with training in her description?

[X] Frovar Shen
[X] Sahrin Tas
[X] Taid Tog

If Zam gave something more than just 1 Exposure reduction then I would go for her. With Taid Tog we can still keep reducing our exposure.