Welp we're boned entirely, and by keeping the more powerful mon in our village we've basically guarantueed their deaths. Now we can only hope the word gets out and someone eventually rescues whats left of us.
....What? No seriously what? How did we guarantee their deaths? None of the other options had anything to do with them in terms of fleeing. The other choices were either stay still or fight with em.
He meant that by convincing Fu to stay in the village earlier, we set her up to die. Because right now, without a deus ex machina to counter this deus ex diablos, we're pretty much completely screwed. Two Ultimates, three fairly strong Champions, vs a Champion that's mainlining magic like it's liquid crack, a mangled Fu, a battered Flamemon, six five spiderlings, Lunamon, Thresh, Auger, Tanemon, Mochimon and us.
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This just took a turn from bad to worse, to advanced suck.

On the one hand, in protecting the little ones we definitely saved Thresh and his two minions as they would have either gotten smashed or worse, recruited.

Still... the big question is whether or not they think Verge is a Rookie or weak Champion. His shape says champion, but his small size (compared with the Greymon sized Champion Drimogemon) and odd coloration might save him.

Either way, I doubt he's gonna get killed off but it could make a big difference in how things move forward.

My guess is that If they treat Verge as a rookie he's gonna get captured relatively easily, but as a Champion they're gonna kick his ass until he shows them something interesting. (Hint, rage mode could be a useful trait to a dark army) :p
Well on the bright side in this shit show, if we do end up getting grabbed with everyone else and forced into slavedom. At least we will have access to magic that our masters shouldn't be aware of, so that would give us a small ace to hold on to that could help us and our family escape later. Since there is no way they would expect someone of our line to be able to use magic in any form.

Also with what is about to happen I don't know if it will be worse if Flame lives through this event or not? Because if he does, this is going to do horrible things to him mentally considering how powerless he was here to save anyone and failed to do anything. Heck, it might even lead to dark evolution later.
Authors Note: Not Everyone is going to die but. I'm truly sorry about what's going to happen next.

You don't have to be sorry, digimon is afterall part death world and the moment you have digimon follow the way of might makes right you, these situations simple happen,

makes me wonder how else this situation could have turned out, had we made different choices earlier

Slaves are also put to work and Veger's species is perfect for digging
"Oh?" The tall figure murmurs in surprise as you start sprinting towards a trembling Lunamon.
Definitly a possible fate for us, however, given that we have attracted Ladydevimons interest by using wrath, I doubt it will be the only one, so if not for if nt the mines, we will probably either forcefully recruited into their army or made into Ladydevimons plaything

Welp we're boned entirely, and by keeping the more powerful mon in our village we've basically guarantueed their deaths. Now we can only hope the word gets out and someone eventually rescues whats left of us.

I wouldn't bet on it, since probably not the first to share this fate and given that the Host is not at it's strongest right now, there is a far bigger chance that we will have to escape on our own

I think a lot of people are kind of pissed off that it appears all these characters we've spent a lot of time sinking time and emotions into are going to die or get ripped away from us and likely never seen again.

Welcome to the world of Digimon my friend, were only the strong can keep their friends :V

On a more serious note, maybe we shouldn't spread our-self so far next time and instead invest more time into fewer mon, that way, when they leave, Verge would be more emotionally invested and might be convinved to just go with them
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At least we will have access to magic that our masters shouldn't be aware of, so that would give us a small ace to hold on to that could help us and our family escape later.
You mean the one basic healing spell we can only use once for long periods of time with our really terrible magic stats that we'll probably be unable to train? :V

But being serious having even having a basic heal will probably be real nice. Either to heal ourselves or others from over exhaustion and/or abuse. It won't be even close to a ace, but it can be a nice relief.

Also even if it's a dark possibility anyone else find it amusing to Imagine The LadyDevimon and Myotismon arguing over who gets the Mutant Digimon?
35th Day Of Darkness: Deepest Despair & A Faint Hope

*Sad Sigh*. And Here. We. Go.


Spirits above! Wha-what should I do now?!

No answer is forthcoming and you're left standing there in silent terror as the three champions answer the Vaamdemon.

"Hai lord Vamdemon" The sword-wielding champion acknowledges with a single nod.

"Gehehe, you got it boss!" The green digimon cackles, excitedly raising his club into the air.

"With pleasure!" The last of the trio exclaims.

As one, the team of digimon bursts into action, ignoring you and the other small digimon entirely as they lunge towards your magical mentor. Sorcerymon raises his staff up in response, rapidly calling a wall of ice into place as the vaguely lizard-like champion spits out a bullet of dark fire. It clashes against the barrier you couldn't even scratch, and manages to burrow halfway through the thick material before dispersing. The green digimon's club smashes into the stubby structure a moment later, shattering it wholesale.

"Tsk!" Repulsa backs off the spectacle and turns around, obviously looking for a new target. Most unfortunately, her familiar red eyes settle directly on you.

"Twinkle Beam"

Not for long however as a thick laser beans the floating digimon's head directly. She doesn't even have the chance to cry out before the paralyzing effect activates and she suddenly begins plummeting towards the ground. A moment later you turn towards the direction, and manage to see a wax covered Mechanorimon bursting through the web-covered section of repaired wall.


"We're not giving up!" The filtered voice of sparks bursts out from his vehicle's speaker system. "That's not what heroes do!" He charges forward, aiming to plunge his claw into the downed feminine mon, but is intercepted halfway as an armored figure dashes in.

"Shiratori-maru!" The champions sword lashes out at a speed you're simply unable to track and lands a deep cut into the mech's leg. Sparks swears by The Ten and stops his approach, swinging his arm to instead attack the humanoid mon less than half his ride's size.

"Sparkling Thunder!/Flame Toss!" The pair of elemental attacks slam into the helmet of Sorcerymon's ranged attacker, and while neither looks to do more than mar the metal, it does manage to attract the champion's attention, turning the allied champion's battle into a simple one versus one encounter.

"Ah told y'all to leave!" Sorcerymon bellows, barely managing to avoid another swing from the large green digimon.

"No way! A hero would never abandon others to fight for him!" Your best friend replies, cartwheeling aside to avoid a blast of dark fire.

"This old mon still has a few tricks!" Gramps shouts, his body glowing faintly once again.

With the three enemy digimon gone from the path, you make a break for the shelters. Though much slower and more awkward than normal considering that you're running on your hind legs, you make fairly substantial progress. Thresh continues to tear away at your fur, snarling viciously as he attempts to escape, but you hold on all the tighter.

If-If I get inside I can dig to the tunnel! I can get Thresh and Lunamon to safety! Then! Then I'll... I'll come back to help Flamemon!

Surprisingly, Auger falls in beside you a few seconds later, the Tanemon, Mochimon and several KoDokugumon arranged on his back. Together you rush towards salvation. However Auger soon begins to pull ahead reaching the hut first; you're faster than him, but you're running in a very awkward way. Your friend enters the shelter first and gets right to digging, his claws frantically tearing at the earth. He is thus closer as Vamdemon easily rips the roof free from the structure.

"I don't remember giving any of you permission to leave." He comments in a slightly amused tone. "But what is this? A rare find." He reaches down with a single massive finger and taps the Armadillimon directly on the head. Auger unceremoniously slumps to the ground, his many riders taking this chance to flee.

No! No Verge move it! Get them away from here!

You grit your teeth at the sight, but nonetheless continue to try for the tunnel, turning to instead visit Flamemons hut. Only, you run into something hard headfirst almost immediately. When your senses return a few seconds later, your path proves to be barred by the Ladydevimon. She waits just long enough for you to regain your mental faculty before speaking again.

"Oh little mole. I am going to have such fantastic fun with you."

"N-no th-thanks?"

"AHaHaHa!" She cackles so hard your ears feel like they're about to burst. "Splendid, but my little Drimogemon, you don't have a choice."

For a second, strength leaves your body as the terrifying ultimate level digimon (For what else could she be?) takes a single slow step your way. Your arms go limp, leaving Thresh and Lunamon to tumble down to the ground. Something is very wrong, even when you were at your most afraid before it never felt like… this!

WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo? WhatdoIdo?!

Stop whimpering and Fight!

"Raaagh!" A wordless yell of pure wrath erupts from your mouth as you lunge forward, nose rapidly spinning as it seeks to lunge up into her gut. One moment you're leaping forward, then the next you're suddenly hanging in the air by your nose, suddenly spinning rapidly around. Nausea erupts from the sudden motion but before it can reach critical levels, the pressure on your drill vanishes, leaving you to land down to the dirt paws first. You woozily stumble about for a few second trying to find your balance, then tumble over onto your side.

The shrill cackle assaults your ears once again.

"You have to be the most pathetic champion I've ever seen!" Her words have a clearly mocking tone, but they don't manage to fully register given your current state. Once again she stands there, patiently waiting for you to recover enough to actually interact with.

Your vision Groggily begins to return, letting you see the female digimon's feet but more importantly the fights happening behind her. A final rising strike from the blade wielding digimon manages to cleave the remaining arm of Sparks Mechanorimon straight off. His downwards return strike sheers through the wax-patched cockpit, easily slicing through natural and artificial materiel alike.

S-sparks? No. Why would he. That digimon. He said...

The enemy champion lands a moment later, turning even as the artificial digimon slumps over, its power seemingly cut. He flicks the excess wax off of his sword, then is immediately enveloped by a ray of searing sunlight.

"Murderer!" Fu shrieks in uncontrolled rage, her verbal tick entirely forgotten as she carelessly flies through the air to tackle the much smaller, now very much surprised champion. You're not able to get a good look at the other fights before something else grabs your immediate attention.

"What's this?" The Vamdemons voice chimes in from close by. Repulsa bits off a curse and backs off as her commander approaches. You tear your gaze away from the combat and pull yourself back up, ready to fight as the caped mon approaches.

"Verge, get away!" Gramps shouts, leaving his fight to try and somehow intervene. "Body Atta-" A single finger flick hits the villages caretaker mid-shout, sending the old rookie tumbling away across the ground. The Elecmon's body rolls to a stop several feet away and begins to start shimmering. For half of one second you have a hope that he might be digivolving, but then streams of data begin to lift away from his body.


Forgetting about the others you lunge forward, a familiar spell already forming on your lips.

"Dread Fire!"

Only for a small blast of black fire to rip through the air and envelop the ancient rookie. You shy back eyes closing to avoid the glare.

When you open your eyes, Gramps is gone.

No. No. NO!

"Hekhekhek. Too easy!" The champion who'd deleted your caretaker chuckles, ignoring the attacks Flamemon is launching his way.

"G-gramps!/Gramps!" You scream, only to be surprised as Sparks raging voice joins your own cry of despair. Whipping your head left, you manage to spot your friend hopping out of the Mechanorimon's now open dome. Only there's something different about him. It take you a moment to realized that his left arm is missing. However he doesn't seem to care about that fact, his sole attention is on the champion that had just deleted Gramps. "Bonfire!" the rookie screams, his upper body launching a massive fireball towards the being made entirely of dark flame.

It doesn't so much as cause a ripple in the enemies body.

"HekHek. My turn now rookie!" It chuckles, turning towards your friend and spitting out another attack.

"Sparks!" Flamemon roars, leaping forward and pulling the crippled Candlemon out of the literal line of fire. Both land hard a dozen feet away, but only Flamemon gets back up. Sparks just stays there on his side, crying.

"Mmm. That does it. In all my years I have never seen a specimen like this before..." Vamdemon rather happily muses. You whirl about, expecting him to grab you any second... And are surprised as he stands over your sniffling little sister and reaches out for her. "You'll be the star piece of my collection!" He jubilantly declares, ignoring the small black digimon nibbling ineffectually at his ankles.

"O-Onii-Chan! Help!"


With yet another angry roar, you sprint towards the ultimate level digimon, ready to defend your sibling from the threat-

-but are yanked into the air by your scruff as the LadyDevimon rejoins things.

"Daemon's Robe! You are a fluffy one." The mocking voice muses with a hint of surprise. "It almost makes me regret what I'm about to do." Her words are punctuated by a single brief cackle "Almost." You bite, claw and tear away at the offending limb lifting you into the air, but it has no effect, not even managing to damage the covering on her right arm. After a few seconds your rage begins to simmer down, leaving you to realize the horrible situation you're in. Tears rupture free from your eyes, sending a pair of waterfalls falling down your cheeks.

W-why? Why is this happening? What. What did we do? Why are they doing this? Please stop!

You try to open your mouth to speak to the digimon gripping your neck, but all that manages to come out is a single solitary sob. She smirks at your pain and suddenly the sadistic digimon's eyes light up with an idea.

"Now that is an idea. I'll make you watch little mole!" She states to your ever growing horror. "You can go once everyone else is finished with their toys."


"G-get your hands off me!" Lunamon shouts as the Vamdemon hefts her into the air. Your head snaps left to try and see the picture, but you depressingly realize that there's nothing you can do to help. "Help! Help!" But then, the air flashes white.

"BlackGigimon Digivolve To!"


"Black Guilmon!"

Thresh, now standing even taller than you, leaps up at the taller well-dressed digimon, his mouth lunging for the older mon's throat. As he stands there with a rookie hanging off his neck, the humanoid digimon just shrugs reaches up and taps him on the skull.

N-no, Thresh!

"Luck favours me this day. A non-feral BlackGuilmon as well. That's two rare finds!" The smiling masked mon, reaches up with the same hand and repeats the gesture once again, making Lunamon go limp in his grasp. You slump in Repulsa's grasp, despair overwhelming even the raging anger in your core. You don't believe that things could possibly get worse. Then Fu's head falls to the ground at your feet, and the plant digimon's rapidly dispersing body joins her a couple seconds later.

"Well done servant." You numbly hear the Vamdemon speak. "Mm, One. Two. Three. Now, take these rookies, carrying them around is beneath me."

"Yes Lord Vamdemon" The armored warrior replies. "And the... Small Dokugamon?"

"Yes, you may carry them as well." He pauses for a moment before turning towards the mon holding you up. "Repulsa. Do bring the mutant along, he may be useful as leverage."

"Tssk. As you order Lord Vamdemon." the tall mon sighs, like a child being repeatedly interrupted from a game by chores.

The next few seconds pass in a sort of blur as you find yourself not really feeling much of anything. It's like a grey fog has descended on the world, blurring everything. Like your mind has shut down almost entirely in a desperate bid to protect itself from what's happening. You only snap back to reality when the familiar yet overwhelmingly angry voice of Flamemon.

"Rare or not, I'll never join you monsters!" Your best friend roars. "Now let him go!"

"A shame then. Delete him Darklizardmon, his type tend to break rather than bend, he'll never come around, not in a useful capacity." The Vamdemon, pauses for a second before smirking himself. "Repulsa. You are allowed to continue. Oh, and make it painful mind you. I want that *Hero* to regret refusing my offer"

"AHaHaHa! Thank you, he seems ready."

R-ready enough? F-for what?

The only answer you can think of sets your entire body to rapidly shiver

Repulsa whispers something under her breath leading to red claws turning a dark shade of purple. With wide frightened eyes, you watch as she slowly brings a single monstrous finger towards you head.

"Scream for me little Mole. Scream!"

And you do. You scream with everything you have as her claw begins tears a ragged line down your face. You scream as the appendage rips into your left eye, taking half of your world with it. And you scream as she continues down, drawing a ragged line all the way down your face.


"Flamemon Digivolve To!"



A fire-covered fist smashes into Repulsa's face, giving your remaining eye a single moment of bliss at the look of her face curling around your best friend's knuckles. Then the demonic digimon is knocked back through the air, crashing through a still intact piece of wall and barely slowing down as the momentum continues to send her flying away. Your limp body drops towards the ground, but Flamemo-no. Agnimon's hand grasps you mid-fall gently lowering you to the ground.

The Legendary warrior straightens up and glares at the surrounding digimon with a fervor you'd more expect from the Sun.

"I was wrong! There exist those who do not deserve mercy! Now, with this power I can show you why you should never have changed my mind!"


Authors Note: Damn. I did not think that I'd get this done tonight. Climactic finish happens tomorrow people!
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So it seems Agni is the Hindu God of fire, a guardian of humanity, and cleansed the sins of the dead. I looked that up and it fits well here.
Okay One
And you do. You scream with everything you have as her claw begins tears a ragged line down your face. You scream as the appendage rips into your left eye, taking half of your world with it. And you scream as she continues down, drawing a ragged line all the way down your face.
Do we have a perma scar now?

"I was wrong! There exist those who do not deserve mercy! Now, with this power I can show you why you should never have changed my mind!"
By YggDrexal that is Badass!

"Do it Agunimon! Show them what the power of a Legendary Warrior can do!"
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Okay so, there's a lot to take in here.

One: "Collection" can mean a lot of things, but considering how the Vamdemon concluded Flamemon "wouldn't come around", it's probably some kind of soldier program.

Two: Wow. Holy fuck, I really did not expect things to get quite this intense, jeez. It's fucking unceremonious as shit up in here.

Three: Oof, being mistaken for a super shitty champion stings, though I suppose at Verge's current size it's understandable.

Four: I'm interested in seeing how our various decisions affected how this event played out. For example, training with Fu led to her evolving instead of dying before, meaning she was around to distract some guys for a while before getting taken out here, which probably saved Flamemon's life. I also imagine that if that confrontation between Gnaw and the Shamanmon hadn't happened, Gnaw would have taken a bit longer to digivolve and thus longer to go crazy and get kicked out, and thus might have been here in champion form now to assist.
How did he fur end up changing color so much anyway? I've been following along but I never could figure out how that happened.
That is an intentional mystery on my part. But basically Verge's underfur got a bit darker every time he raged out until finally settling at a dark grey.

Sorcerymon's explanation was that Verge is just some sort of mutant digimon.

Also officially welcome to the posters group undead frog. I have mad respect for you as a GM.
That is an intentional mystery on my part. But basically Verge's underfur got a bit darker every time he raged out until finally settling at a dark grey.

Sorcerymon's explanation was that Verge is just some sort of mutant digimon.
Ok good to know I wasn't missing something silly like him accidently signing himself.

Also officially welcome to the posters group undead frog. I have mad respect for you as a GM.
Thank you and I can certainly say I feel the same way regarding your own works.
Ok, looks like the 10 warriors lines are all kinds of bullshit. As holy fuck, we have a fresh champ who was not only able to hurt a ultimate grade mon, but was able to rag doll the fuck out of her in one punch. Wonder if that is just because of how strong Flame's new form is or if it is that and the fact that he likely has massive buffs in hurting Virus types considering he is basically the Digi World Firewall given form?

Though to be fair, I should have expected this, since these are the guys that took out the bullshit that is Lucemon and in their ultimate forms would fight the Royal knights on decent footing.
You mean the one basic healing spell we can only use once for long periods of time with our really terrible magic stats that we'll probably be unable to train? :V

But being serious having even having a basic heal will probably be real nice. Either to heal ourselves or others from over exhaustion and/or abuse. It won't be even close to a ace, but it can be a nice relief.

Also even if it's a dark possibility anyone else find it amusing to Imagine The LadyDevimon and Myotismon arguing over who gets the Mutant Digimon?
I was more talking about how we have a spellbook with two more spells in it that could be helpful later. Though that might be moot now considering Flame just got his shonen power up.

Yes. The eye's not coming back to full functionality either.

Would need some serious healing magic to fix what she did. Not anything Verge will have access to for a while.
Wouldn't something like that get healed when we evolve though? Since I have never seen or heard of a wound or injury carry over from a change to one from to another.
Wouldn't something like that get healed when we evolve though? Since I have never seen or heard of a wound or injury carry over from a change to one from to another.

This is not fully like the anime or games, I think, and we are also up against a corrupting and evil virus type that revels in darkness like an angsty teenager at Hot Topic. I have often thought of darkness and other certain types of injuries to be unhealable or at least very hard to heal when I write certain things.

Though if data is like dna, being the blueprints of a digimon, a virus-type is doing what a virus does, fucking with data. In this case, it is on a more permanent level, the damage being !damage! at our base blue-print level.
He meant that by convincing Fu to stay in the village earlier, we set her up to die. Because right now, without a deus ex machina to counter this deus ex diablos, we're pretty much completely screwed. Two Ultimates, three fairly strong Champions, vs a Champion that's mainlining magic like it's liquid crack, a mangled Fu, a battered Flamemon, six five spiderlings, Lunamon, Thresh, Auger, Tanemon, Mochimon and us.

Yeah for the most part I was referring to Fu, I might have exaggerated a tad.

On the other hand my lord have things gotten out of hand there's nothing we can really do at this point but sit back and watch the show.
"Black Guilimon!"
Yes Thresh! You're making us so proud of you!

Also, drexal15 you misspelled Guilmon a couple of times.
"Scream for me little Mole. Scream!"

And you do. You scream with everything you have as her claw begins tears a ragged line down your face. You scream as the appendage rips into your left eye, taking half of your world with it. And you scream as she continues down, drawing a ragged line all the way down your face.

Well, look at the bright side! We at least have a cool looking scar now, right?
"I was wrong! There exist those who do not deserve mercy! Now, with this power I can show you why you should never have changed my mind!"
Hell yeah! You better gosh darn win this Agnimon!