and that proves my point wrong how? I'm saying Verge shouldn't jump onboard unless/until Wendimon can prove that he can accomplish that on his own because there's a high chance that'll just collapse in on itself or get subverted by someone for their own benefit, the thing about the bronze age civilizations is that they had centuries of build up of that kind of civilization, beyond the Host and Gloaming which likely haven't been around for anywhere near that long there isn't any of that build up here.
It's not a jumping on board thing, it's an agreement to consider in the future.

Verge is himself very practical and Drex knows that so I doubt this vote will lock us in if we choose to keep it in mind.
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It's not a jumping on board thing, it's an agreement to consider in the future.

Verge is himself very practical and Drex knows that so I doubt this vote will lock us in if we choose to keep it in mind.
it's basically a jumping onboard option with the overtly positive outlook on it the wording would imply and the fact so many people are voting for it would indicate they'd go full in when the time came regardless.
it's basically a jumping onboard option with the overtly positive outlook on it the wording would imply and the fact so many people are voting for it would indicate they'd go full in when the time came regardless.
Umm... no? Agreeing to consider someone's position doesn't mean you're unilaterally agreeing with everything they do or intend to do. Remember how we voted to be suspicious of the Host, and how we're still working for them? Same sort of situation.
Umm... no? Agreeing to consider someone's position doesn't mean you're unilaterally agreeing with everything they do or intend to do. Remember how we voted to be suspicious of the Host, and how we're still working for them? Same sort of situation.
Well I'm pretty sure that suspicion has been upgraded to outright wariness given recent events but yeah.

Verge as a whole, even at his most optimistic has always seemed like a very cautious and patient character when it comes to issues of society and interacting with other mon, he just doesn't seem to show it much because he rarely speaks his mind on the topic.
Umm... no? Agreeing to consider someone's position doesn't mean you're unilaterally agreeing with everything they do or intend to do. Remember how we voted to be suspicious of the Host, and how we're still working for them? Same sort of situation.
I disagree with that vehemently I said nothing about 'unilaterally agreeing' but jumping onboard (considering to counts) which is a sufficiently different thing, again the the vote paints a part of Verge 'loving it' if that option is chosen which paints a pretty clear picture to me.

Edit: should've not started talking about the vote since my problem wasn't with it, more Wendimon's vision itself with a bit(lot) of bias since civilization similar to what he's possibly attempting was built on the corpses of thousands of ones that collapsed or didn't quite make it building up that foundation which isn't really present here as far as we've seen so far.
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21st-23rd Of Wind: Rinkmon’s Backstory
[] "So you want a set of universal laws across the entire digital world? Won't that require you to conquer and then enforce them on the entire digital world? And if so, what makes your rules any better to fight and die for then any other faction? Since most mon have different ideals about what is right and natural, as I doubt those of the Gloaming or the Host could completely agree on what is right and wrong."
[] Agree to keep his words in mind. A part of you would love to see the existence of this idea. Eventually it might be able to stop mon like Count from destroying villages.


You pause for a second, taking the time to truly think over and consider not only Wendimon's words, but the potential effects behind them. The change he's speaking of is a sweeping thing, one that would require a nearly unthinkable amount of effort and time. It strikes you that his goal is oddly similar to what that old Pegasusmon in Hub City spoke regarding how they attempted to enforce certain rules. However, what Wendimon is proposing would be more thorough and encompassing, something that probably couldn't be thrown off as easily as the Host's proclamations had.

And yet, despite the difficulties involved therein… you can't help but somewhat agree with the champion's words. If his *system* ever came to fruition, then perhaps it would be able to prevent or at least mitigate evil digimon from wreaking havoc. Though that in turn brings up an entirely different point. Namely, how would his grand system ever come to fruition in the first place?

"Very well, I shall do as you ask and keep it in mind. However, there are words I must speak regarding this, *rule of law* you wish to implement. Will it not require the conquering of this world?" Wendimon stiffens for a moment at your question, his eyes narrowing with clear caution. "I cannot believe that there exist many strong digimon that share your goal and they will fight to preserve their current status. Others such as the Host and even your own faction have their ideals, will you end their paths to solidify your own? And indeed, are your ideals superior to theirs?" Wendimon is taken aback by your questions, but soon begins to smile with a very real happiness.

"I must admit Bellator... no. Verge. That your understanding of this topic is most pleasantly surprising. Few really find it possible to realize the full, true ramifications of my words, but here you are. Fascinating. I cannot help but wonder if it's perhaps caused by an exceptional last life as there are few whom could have been reborn into such a being." The champion's eyes gleam with interest, but you just shake your head to halt the tangent before it can begin.

"The journey of my past life is of no consequence to the present. I would ask that my questions be answered."

"Ah. Very well then. I will admit that there will be a price to pay for my vision, as there always is for all progress. Undoubtedly there shall be violent resistance, but I consider the sorrow involved worth it to truly change this world. Look around this world Verge what is it that you see." You raise an eyebrow at the statement then start to turn your head. "-no. Not... literally. I speak purely figuratively in this manner. The Host a shadow of its former self, your superiors have failed in their orignal goals and now fight an endless struggle they cannot hope to win. The faction they seek to destroy is worse, a true blight upon this world in its current state. The City-States are powerful yes, but stagnant and corrupted. Rotting from within. This world's future will see a great revolution come to pass of that I am certain. I simply hope to minimize the damage and turn the ensuing chaos into something that can bring good to all."

"I see..."

Is what he says true? Can the Host never truly triumph? And... will his ambitions truly bring such peace?

The two of you continue speaking for a few minutes (albeit on less important matters) before he bids you goodbye and moves up to converse with his sole subordinate. Which is good, all the talking and heavy thinking was giving you a slight headache.


On the morrow you decide to take a branching path and instead speak with Rinkmon. Unfortunately, the Wommon is far less pleasant than her superior, glaring as you approach... though it's substantially less heated than the looks she gives Pit. Given that she's a member of the Gloaming you're not exactly surprised by her attitude but... before you hadn't had time to think on why the enemy mon disliked your organization.

Perhaps this could be my chance to learn her grievances?


"Veteran Rinkmon." The armor digimon corrects. "Why do you approach me beast?"

... she demands I address her by rank and yet refuses to lend me the same courtesy? Very well then.

"Understood. Veteran Rinkmon, why is it that you show such dislike towards me?"

"You need ask?" She crosses her arms, with a frown, then reluctantly nods. "The answer is not complicated. I abhor your behavior towards Lieutenant Wendimon, challenging him for purely selfish reasons. Just so you can fight him." That's a bit confusing, after all there's nothing wrong with fighting for fun or the thrill of things, but you decide not to press the issue and instead press on.

"And the Host? Your path in life is vehemently set against them, why?"

"Friend Verge! The answer is simple!" Pit interrupts, swooping in beside you. "She is wicked, borne of evil and deception. She wishes to nothing more than to halt our efforts to make this world a better place under the Lord." Rinkmon snarls at him, actually barring her teeth and revealing a tiny pair of small fangs you hadn't noticed before.

"Fine. I'll tell you both why my *path* is set on this course." She growls, before pointing a finger at Pit. "Your oh so *good* Host condemned an entire village to the void for the simple act of sheltering a single wounded digimon. Dozens of digimon deleted for something they didn't even know was a crime."

"Lies! We-"

"It was my village." She cuts in, "I watched a MaganAngemon open his accursed gate and banish everymon inside." Her breathing gets heavier, the wommon's voice tinged with unmistakable Wrath. "But they didn't stop there, those of us left were hunted for being *corrupt*. Hawkmon, Kotemon, Tsukaimon. They were all *purified*." The angel beside you noticeably stiffens at that phrase and in turn, you can't help but feel horrified by what she's saying. "If not for Lieutenant Wendimon I'd have met the same fate. That is why I despise your *oh so holy* band of murderers." With that she spits at Pit, hitting the frozen champion in the cheek and skates off ahead of the column.

That is... I didn't... Very well, then I understand.

"L-lies." Pit mumbles, before whirling towards your. The angel furiously assaults your right fore-limb with his grip, nearly tearing away sections of your thick fur in desperation. "She has to be lying! The Host wouldn't do that!"

"No." You solemnly reply, remembering the actions taken by Imperius MagnaAngemon. He wouldn't have hesitated to do something like that and from what you've been able to gather, his views aren't unique amongst the Host's officers. "Many would tread upon that road without hesitation or regret." Pit opens his mouth, a furious retort on his lips... but cuts himself off. You can't see his eyes, but judging by the angel's slump. He knows that you're right.

=== Choose One:

[] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?

[] Admit that it's the unfortunate reality of this world. There is always collateral damage when trying to defeat your opponents.


  • Strength: 3670.00->3691

  • Fortitude: 3003.75->3028.75

  • Endurance: 2877.50->2908.75

  • Agility: 2624.75->2667.50

  • Special: 2992.75->3055.00

  • Spirit: 2515.00->2537.75
Basic High Programming: 95.00/180->98.75/180

Tandem Body Burst: 10/18->14/18

===Authors Note: Alright done! I'm sad I couldn't get this out yesterday (as a lot of stuff happened) but here's Verge's response and Rinkmon's backstory! Who woulda thought that she hates the host for a reason?:p
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[X] Admit that it's the unfortunate reality of this world. There is always collateral damage when trying to defeat your opponents.

Honestly, seeing that even BishopChessmon got his shit slapped down, on top of the increasing zealotry in the Host; and how SlashAngemon's personality would contraindicate these sorts of things, even if Pit did get a position of power, or even become the successor to SlashAngemon himself, at this point I don't think he'd be able to undo the damage that's been done.

Also, holy shit that's... that's honestly a lot more brutal than I was expecting from the Host. If someone tried that when Verge is strong enough to break the attack... Or the mon that's attempting it; I imagine he'd do so in a heartbeart, regardless of who might have been there.
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And here we have an avenue to the future. with Pit's help shaping up the Host(assuming he accomplishes his dream of becoming Seraphimon), Wendimon doing the same from within the Gloaming, and us doing....uh, something? acting as the reasonable intermediary between the two?
After all, Verge is seemingly setting himself up to be the sort of Mon younger generations go to for counsel and guidance.

[X] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?

He's not alone though, he's got us backing him up. for however much that's worth.
[X] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?

Small steps. Pit as an Angel must realize that his current zeal would lead straight to the same path too
[X] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?

I just hope she realizes her faction is even worse than that seeing as they don't delete villages for harboring their enemies, they do it for shits and giggles.
[X] Admit that it's the unfortunate reality of this world. There is always collateral damage when trying to defeat your opponents.

Acknowledging that a problem exists is the first step towards finding a solution. If the man at the top being a good guy was enough to keep this stuff from happening then the Host wouldn't be what it is now.
Well, Wendimon is certainly a clever guy. Although I do have to wonder why he's with the Gloaming if he feels they're even worse than the Host.

There's also always the chance that he's full of shit and lying to hell and back.

[x] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?
and us doing....uh, something? acting as the reasonable intermediary between the two?
Maybe as something like Baihumon?
I will admit admits that there will be a price to pay for my vision
your superior's have failed in their orignal goals
a true blight upon this world in it's current state.
halt our efforts to make this world a better under the Lord.
better place under
So far we've only seen the Gloaming destroy our village, and that was actually provoked by our aggressive reaction to the Goblimon miners.
And the area around it later ended up being mined anyway, by slavers of all people... man that really has to be a soar spot for Verge and Sparks even it's never been brought up.

[X] Admit that it's the unfortunate reality of this world. There is always collateral damage when trying to defeat your opponents.

Acknowledging that a problem exists is the first step towards finding a solution. If the man at the top being a good guy was enough to keep this stuff from happening then the Host wouldn't be what it is now.
I'll admit this feels like resignation to me, but at the same time I don't think we should imply that power in the organization on it's own will be enough.... this pretty darn complex.

Heh shame we don't know enough to explain the concepts of soft power and organization inertia to Pit, this isn't just a case of being strong enough to enforce your will, it's making sure that those under you are embodying the Hosts best aspects as well.
Right! Here are Verge's updated stats and skills.
  • Strength: 3670.00->3691
  • Fortitude: 3003.75->3028.75
  • Endurance: 2877.50->2908.75
  • Agility: 2624.75->2667.50
  • Special: 2992.75->3055.00
  • Spirit: 2515.00->2537.75
Basic High Programming: 95.00/180->98.75/180

Tandem Body Burst: 10/18->14/18
Right! Here are Verge's updated stats and skills.
  • Strength: 3670.00->3691
  • Fortitude: 3003.75->3028.75
  • Endurance: 2877.50->2908.75
  • Agility: 2624.75->2667.50
  • Special: 2992.75->3055.00
  • Spirit: 2515.00->2537.75
Basic High Programming: 95.00/180->98.75/180

Tandem Body Burst: 10/18->14/18
Does that include the gains from eating bug-dragon steak?
Huh the write in fused with the agree option. Honestly I swapped to the write in to keep agree from winning, bleh it was probably mentioned this would happen anyways somewhere before and I just skimmed pasted it.

[X] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?
[X] Admit that it's the unfortunate reality of this world. There is always collateral damage when trying to defeat your opponents.
Hey Drex do you mind giving an explanation for what the second option entails, I'm not sure enough about it either way to make a vote.
The second option is the more *practical* vote in that it's Verge telling Pit that there's always going to be unfortunate casualties in war. That's just a very sad unfortunate fact. There's nothing they can really do about it. It's pessimistic on Verge's end.

While the first option is more hopeful and encouraging Pit to try and change how things work.
The second option is the more *practical* vote in that it's Verge telling Pit that there's always going to be unfortunate casualties in war. That's just a very sad unfortunate fact. There's nothing they can really do about it. It's pessimistic on Verge's end.

While the first option is more hopeful and encouraging Pit to try and change how things work.
So basically:
-Choice 1: If you want the world to change, you have to do it yourself. Get strong and change what's within your reach. This is the purpose of Power.

-Choice 2: The world is a cruel place, you should just accept it. Kill a hundred innocents to save a thousand, thats how it works.

Verge is closer to Choice 1, as he chooses to pursue Agnimon's ideals, but he's gotten his hands dirty along the way as well.

Choice 2 is how you get MagnaAngemon. Because I'd bet MagnaAngemon wasn't coldly "collateral damage happens, delete the innocents with the sinners and let the Lord sort them out" when he started out.

Down choice 1, Pit might well die trying to change things some day.
Down choice 2, Pit might well become someone we must kill some day.
[X] "It is interesting that her was experience, while wholly anathema to the Host that its elders have described, is entirely believable of MagnaAngemon. It is very much like the atrocities leveled against our homes by the Gloaming. I feel there is some lesson here, something about taking on qualities of that which you fight against? One cannot battle somemon without learning something from them. Perhaps something about being careful about which lessons you take take to heart, so that you do not become that which you fight."

Shit, lets be Nietzschebear.
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[X] Suggest that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Pit will wield real power within the organization some day. Perhaps he can change things?