[X] Are going to try and focus on the offense here. You have a number of spells and techniques that would work well in tandem to land crippling hits. Plus you do have the spell Muscle Burst to try out.
Well guys, I'm sorry for the recent lack of activity on my part. I've just found it hard to write recently and has some very occupying events occur in RL. I'll try to update tonight if I can.
19th Of Wind: Preperations & The First Hunt Part 1
[] Will draw the attention and be a shield. With Frame Reinforce and your own natural hardiness it should be possible to at least slow down the champion's onslaught, especially if it's already poisoned... even if you hate that last bit.


The decision is not an easy one, but in the end you choose to focus upon defense. With the addition of Frame Reinforce you should be able to hold back even the strikes of a powerful Ultimate (especially a poisoned one) and the hunting party already has plenty of mon going on the offensive.

"Very well. I shall spend this arc of the path as a shield. He will not reach a step beyond my defenses."

I shall endeavor to protect the others... even if it requires utilizing such an dishonorable, craven tactic such as poison.

"Sure, sure. Sounds good mon. Just don't start going and getting overconfident yeah? Bulwark's viruses are good and all, but this big'un bugger is a toughie. Ya could get seriously hurt."

"Forgive me good hunter, but is this wise?" Wendimon questions, stepping into existence beside the hunter "Surely so hardy as Bellator Verge believes he is, gaining the attention of a powerful Ultimate such as Dinobeemon is folly. I would not see such potential cut short."

"I will overcome this challenge." You bite out, glaring at the taller mon. Who shrugs the looks over, entirely unconcerned. "My duties and oaths demand nothing less."

"If you do so insist, then consider the objection withdrawn. Do not disappoint Gryzmon. For if you do, then our quarry may very well lay claim to your life."

Sparks scoffs at Wendimon's receding form and spits upon the ground. "Just preserve thine life. Take naught undo risks and keep your vitals guarded."

"Aye, I will."

"Good, good. Now, Wizardmon come over here and help yeah?" With that the champion starts directing Sparks to summon up some materials for a specific type of trap. Your close friend creates creates several weighted nets and even something called *epoxy* thanks to Galgomon's instructions. At first you'd thought the champion's lack of true hands would prevent him from carrying out fine manipulation, but in lieu of hands he uses his massive ears to tie things up.

Not having much to really do, you plod over to watch Mikemon work on *preparing* the meat. How she works upon what used to be part of a digimon is sickening but... undeniably fascinating as well given how very specific and well places the actual cuts are. She's clearly practiced in this *artform* and you can't help but wonder how old the champinon is. Her more exuberant nature seems childish, but both her assistant and Galgomon clearly give the feline digimon a large amount of respect.

"Mehe, my you're a curious young mon aren't you? Don't be shy now, come closer and took a closer look if you want! This ain't nothing too complicated!"

That is... one more indication of a greater age, hm. Very well, the rumblings of sickness do not control me. Not anymore.

"It's pretty simple, you see Bulwark manufactures these tablet thingies and gives them to hunters for their prey for the purposes of inegesting-ings." With that she drags her paw down a side of meat, slicing a long and thin cut just barely visible. "See what we do here is put'em inside like this *squelsh* and when the big dumb ferals go and eat'em the storage for our engineered viruses break down quickly and spread out across their systems." You nod at that, imagining a dark web creeping out from the food to latch onto the unsuspecting consumer. "The type I'm using here is set to corrupt its data processors related to reactions and muscle responcy stuff.. Galgomon wanted something to really slow this feral down. But that mean we can't infect him with a virus meant to break down his body for an easier time swatting'em."

I see... I think at least? Dishonorable and craven, but useful.

"And why is that?"

"Well young mon we can't use too many at once before they all start conflicting and interrupting each other's stuff. Processes. Right. Little Weddingmon is helping her *maman* out too and making something to keep this nasty feral sluggish. Double trouble in the jungle." The wommon several feet away actively sighs in sadness at that proclamation, then shakes her head and gets back to work. You can't help but raise an eyebrow at that, but sadly she's too far away for you to hear any muttering. "Now hmm... got to say something like Dinobeemon probably won't be hindered for longer than an hour before the foreign data is all purged, but that should be plenty of time for you guys to get work done."

Once all the necessary preparations are made, the hunting party (minus Weddingmon and Mikemon) head out from camp on the last leg of the journey. According to Galgomon, his compatriots aren't technically fighters, but somemon has to stay in camp to prevent any wandering ferals from trashing it.

Galgomon continues to go about about his tracking, but this time Sparks begins asking questions about how he's identifying their quarry. The hunter cheerily explains that a hybrid digimon like Dinobeemon is one of the easier ferals to track for several reasons, mainly due to size. The profiles of Exveemon's claws and Stingmon's feet don't ever reach such titanic proportions and the feral your group is chasing after leaves tracks extremely reminiscent to each champion. And while it can fly, ferals with such ponderous weight and powerful bodies almost always prefer to move about on the ground. Both to conserve energy and to better spot any potential food. As for why the tracks led everyone to a sparse, mountainous jungle, it's apparently the species favored living space once again pertaining back to its previous nature as an amalgamation of two different digimon.

Eventually your superior calls the group to a halt in the middle of a flat area beside a sheer rock wall and starts ordering everyone to start clearing. Several minutes of swinging your claws later only a single tree remains in the very center. The *ambush site* he calls it. He spends the next few minutes setting up traps and going over the finalized engagement plan against your target. Which disappoints Pit tremendously, but Beat just nods with odd exuberance, as if he's excited for something.

For the most part Galgomon's *snares* won't do much if any damage your target, but against something this powerful they're not meant to be anything more than a hindrance.

Next he orders you to slide down to rookie form and sprays something awful smelling over each of the group members. It's supposed to help everymon hide by *blending in* with the surrounding ferals, but one good thing about being a rookie is that your poor sense of smell is back in full force, meaning you don't have to struggle though the awful stench. Others like Wendimon are not so lucky. From there the gun-toting champion helps the rest of you find good hiding spots, be it in the ground, beneath brush, or up in the trees.

Lastly, he plops the bait down in a pile under the tree and orders Sparks to use Blink Breeze towards the north.

The time for battle would come soon.

===Authors Note: That is all for now. Will try to do the rest tonight.
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Bulwark's virus's are good and all,
"If you do so insist, then onsider the objection withdrawn. Do not disappoint Gryzmon, for if you do then our quarry may very well lay claim to your life."
disappoint, Gryzmon, for
Your close friend creates creates several, weighted nets
Delete the comma.
thought the champions lack of true hands
he uses his massive ears tie things up.
ears to tie
"It's pretty simple, you see Bulwark manufactures these tablet thingies and give them to hunters
set to corrupt it's data processors
and interrupting each others stuff.
but somemon has to stay in camp to prent any wandering ferals from trashing it.
to prevent any
pertaining back to it's previous nature
a flat area beside a sheer rock well
rock wall
For the most Galgomon's *snares* won't do much if any damage your target,
most part Galgomon's
Not having much to really do, you plod over to watch Mikemon work on *preparing* the meat. How she works upon what used to be part of a digimon is sickening but... undeniably fascinating as well given how very specific and well places the actual cuts are. She's clearly practiced in this *artform* and you can't help but wonder how old the champinon is. Her more exuberant nature seems childish, but both her assistant and Galgomon clearly give the feline digimon a large amount of respect.
I get the feeling that we really shouldn't tell Ardat about this process.
Considering at the very beginning of this quest Drexal mentioned it would sort of be like monster hunter it isn't a complete surprise.

Hell we even have a cat companion
19th Of Wind: The First Hunt Part 2
You lay inside a shallow burrow, waiting anxiously for the fight to start... and trying desperately to keep yourself calm.

I-it's going to be okay Verge. Y-you're strong now, you can do th-this.

As always the imagination you bear as a rookie whirls up the worst possible circumstances for what's coming. And that something happens to be big mean and incredibly spiky. Not even the feeling of being surrounded on all sides by dirt is enough to calm your body down, but with that said you keep enough discipline to avoid hyperventilating. Minutes pass in relative silence, only building up anxiety all the more.

What ultimately alerts you to the feral's incoming presence is a horrible, data-curdling crashing sound. Constant cracks pour out of the clearing's opposite side as scores of bulky trees (including a few unfortunate Woodmon) are casually snapped aside, uprooted and even snapped clean in half. And then between the space of a single blink the ground rumbles and it's there looming in front of the area's single remaining tree. Logs measuring more than a meter thick strike the ground randomly in its wake tearing into the freshly cleared ground, but they're nothing compared to the beast that broke them.

Dinobeemon's colossal body occupies a full half of the newly created clearing, equaling if not exceeding the size of mayor MasterTyrannomon. And it's weaponry... you can certainly see why Galgomon's direction to an Exveemon and Stingmon was so apt.

S-so-spiky. C-can those back arms move i-independently? How are y-you going to do anything against t-that?! I-you-Focus/Focus. Spell. S-start Scratch's spell.

The Ultimate level digimon doesn't even bother to looking around before it plunges a hand into the pile of meat and sweets, it is completely unconcerned about any potential danger. But considering its ridiculous size and sheer power that's an indifference that's well earned. Your shivering redoubles, instincts screaming to flee, dig away with all haste. But you refuse to ever sink under that fear, that cowardice ever again.

No. A-all y-you can do is w-wait Verge.

It's here that one of your long-unanswered questions (how Stingmon eat anything) is answered is answered as the feral shovels dozens of pounds of food towards the bottom of his head. A series of chittering mandibles grab at the bait, shredding it into pieces even as it pulls it deeper into the chimera mon's maw. After the feral's first bite, his speed increases, turning into nothing more than a green and blue blur as he devours what you guess to be a thousand pounds of meat and cake.

S-so fast a-and that's just eating. I-I don't think even R-rinkmon could keep up with that.

With its meal done, the feral Ultimate emits what sounds vaguely like a yawn and moves one step backwards-


-and begins shriek as the tightly packed set of weighted nets crash down onto his wings. The containers of fast dry epoxy split open, pouring a rapidly coagulating agent that bonds Sparks magical constructs with the set of four thin wings. Dinobeemon vanishes for one moment, a *crack* pierces your ear as its tail snaps the tree in two, then the Ultimate stumbles back as a blue streak of light bounces of its head.

Rinkmon lands a half-dozen meters away staying still just long enough to spit towards the chimeric mon, then pivots towards the clearing's right side. Both digimon vanish once more and only come back into focus as the hunter's second trap springs to life. A dozen thick chains spring to life from the very thickest trees, wrapping around the mon's green, chitinous ankle, sticking together to form a single, powerful restraint. It reflexively pulls back against the bindings, making each of the connected plants groan in protest. But the poisoned mon lacks the strength to uproot all of them with only his legs (at least not in a single tug) and as such is left stuck in place.


"Destroyed Voice!"
Condensed sound dives down onto the collared Ultimate's head before Wendimon warps away to a new position.

"Gatling Arm!"
A hail of bullets smash against Dinobeemon's rear arms, somehow managing to strike with enough force to actually chip away at the monstrous digimon's carapace. A feat you wouldn't believe possible given the champion's low raw power.

Struck simultaneously from two separate directions and enclosed by a trap Dinobeemon's basic mind struggles with how to move forward. Which gives you the perfect opportunity to release the pressure.

A Gryzmon explodes up from the ground and lumbers towards the Ultimate. Your fanged mouth curls up into an excited, battle-ready smile as the last digits of Frame Reinforce pass from your lips. It activates as you enter striking range, doubling your body's density.

With the entrance of something it can finally strike back against Dinobeemon halts the attempts to free its leg and instead lashes out with a broad sweep of its left arm.

Even whilst slowed by a virus the Ultimate is fast, its speed easily thrice your own, but that's not important. You know exactly where the enormous digimon's attack is coming from and have already raised both gauntlets up to intercept the blow.



Your body rock back, bones ringing as the force nearly knocks your forelimbs free from their sockets. The meter long trench dug by your rear-paws and the still traveling reverberations are a testament to the chimera's overwhelming power. If not for the spell, then that might have shaken your body apart.

Heavy, fast. But... I will overcome this challenge!

You step forward again and duck low, baiting out another horizontal swipe from its left arm. The timing here is crucial, as you rise and pivot.

Keratin claws gouge shards of metal from your right war-gauntlet and pauldron, deflecting the whizzing limb up into the air and allow the imparted force to spin your much smaller body around.

"Crescent Dawn!"
Hind legs stomp down transferring the extremely substantial momentum to the tips of your right paw. The three silver blades tear shallow gashes into the Ultimate's white, scaled belly. At first you feel a flush of victory as your arm pulls free, then you compare the gash to its size and freeze. You'd struck the feral's least armored point with an empowered counter, something that would have been more than enough to delete most Ultimates and your technique had barely made a scratch on it.

Its left arm flashes back down and smashes straight into your left pauldron. Bones bend, flesh crumples and your hind-legs are driven down the knees in dirt. A pained bellow tears its way free from your throat as the feral raises its arm for a second smash that would utterly destroy your shoulder.

You're too slow to counter the incoming strike, even blocking would be impossible against this much force.

Only, you don't have to defend against it.

A blazing comet of gold slams into the Ultimate's neck, driving a metal rod halfway through the lightly armored flesh. Dinobeemon roars, all thought of deleting you put on hold as it directs attention towards the angel which had wounded it so. And in doing so gives Beat the needed opportunity to shove his spear-like weapon into the chimera's armpit.

Nine separate streams of thick lightning dance out against the Ultimate's face, burning the many-faceted eyes into ash and turning the chitin a dark black. The blinded Ultimate bellows wildly, flailing in vain at its surroundings. However both of your friends have already flown back out of the tethered digimon's reach.

"Club Arm!" A fist warps into existence above the thrashing feral and strikes the flat end of Pit's temporary weapon. The silver point punches straight through your opponents neck and out the other side, cutting off its infuriated roars. A nanosecond later, the blurred form of Rinkmon darts in again and kicks the end of Beat's weapon deeper into its armpit. A single, solitary spike launches out from the chimera mon's back the rest of its launchers wholly destroyed by Galgomons odd bullets.

It is hurt, but not defeated.

You pull yourself out from the dirt and look at the flailing mon with narrowed eyes.

===Choose One:

[] Its left arm is weakened from the preserving rod. You should be able to grapple Dinobeemon's limb and keep it from being used while the others continue to strike the feral.

[] Now is the time to step back and unleash your own ranged attack. Perhaps you can even strike the shallow wound on its torso.

[] Stay the course. Heal up and continue to bear the brunt of its wrath so the others can strike without worry.

[] Write in. (If OOC it can be vetoed)

===Authors Note: Woot done! This wasslower to write then I thought it would be! Sorry everyone!
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Wow, I can't help but wonder if this Dinobee is average memeber of it's race or not. But seriously for a Feral this thing be hella scary.

[X] Stay the course. Heal up and continue to bear the brunt of its wrath so the others can strike without worry.

If it's not broken, don't stop.
Hmm...Options, options!

Do we keep tanking? do we step back and unload our equivalent of a Wyvern's Fire? or do we go for the Mount?
All of them have valid reasons for choosing them really, so this could take a while for me to come to a decision. Either way, we've scored a lot of Part Breaks on this guy.
(But why is nobody going for the tail cut?! Rinkmon, what are you doing?! you're the Dual Blades user here, go do your job and get the tail cut! AAAAAAAAAAAAA)
Hmm...Options, options!

Do we keep tanking? do we step back and unload our equivalent of a Wyvern's Fire? or do we go for the Mount?
All of them have valid reasons for choosing them really, so this could take a while for me to come to a decision. Either way, we've scored a lot of Part Breaks on this guy.
(But why is nobody going for the tail cut?! Rinkmon, what are you doing?! you're the Dual Blades user here, go do your job and get the tail cut! AAAAAAAAAAAAA)
As someone who plays World I appreciate and enjoy your comment greatly.
Considering at the very beginning of this quest Drexal mentioned it would sort of be like monster hunter it isn't a complete surprise.

Hell we even have a cat companion
Hehe. That was wholly intentional. Originally I planned several Mikemon. But ended up rolling Weddingmon into the position instead to allow some needed characterization to happen.
Its fucking Monster Hunter

Verge is the Tank
Galgomon is the dude with the traps
Weddingmon is probably the healder
Everyone else is DPS
hehe. Something like that.
Wow, I can't help but wonder if this Dinobee is average memeber of it's race or not. But seriously for a Feral this thing be hella scary.
As a note, this is it with greatly reduced strength and halved speed.
As someone who plays World I appreciate and enjoy your comment greatly.
Bud, I started hunting back in the Freedom Unite days, I know a thing or two about this little occupation here.

Thus far, as near as I can tell, everyone seems to loosely map to these Weapons.

Verge: Gunlance? (Tanker, and a powerful mid-range blast)
Pit: Insect Glaive? (Staff-type weapon, support functions)
Wendimon: Hammer or Hunting Horn? (I'm inclined to believe Hammer, since it seems like he did the leaping chargeslam you can do from 4U and on)
Galgomon: Light Bowgun (Rapidfire, need I say more?)
Rinkmon: Dual Blades (Speedy, hits a lot but doesn't hit hard)
Beat: ...Longsword? (Speedy and Nimble, but not as much as Rinkmon and hits much harder and more precisely.)
Dinobeemon's colossal body occupies a full half of the newly created clearing, equaling if not exceeding the size of mayor MasterTyrannomon. And it's weaponry... you can certainly see why Galgomon's direction to an Exveemon and Stingmon was so apt.
Was missing created.
"Destroyed Voice!" Condescend sound dives down onto the collared Ultimate's head before Wendimon warps away to a new position.
Should be condensed.
[X] Stay the course. Heal up and continue to bear the brunt of its wrath so the others can strike without worry.

Stay the course, as I see no reason to change things up when they are working.
What ultimately alerts you to the ferals incoming presence is a horrible, data-curdling crashing sound. Constant cracks pour out of the clearing's opposite side as scores of bulky trees (including a few unfortunate Woodmon) are casually snapped aside, uprooted and even snapped clean in half.
You know, blending into terrain makes a better disguise when the locals don't wreck terain.
S-so-spiky. C-can those back arms move i-independently? How are y-you going to do anything against t-that?! I-you-Focus/Focus. Spell. S-start Scratch's spell.

The Ultimate level digimon doesn't even bother to looking around before it plunges a hand into the pile of meat and sweats, it is completely unconcerned about any potential danger. But considering its ridiculous size and sheer power that's an indifference that's well earned. Your shivering redoubles, instincts screaming to flee, dig away with all haste. But you refuse to ever sink under that fear, that cowardice ever again.

No. A-all y-you can do is w-wait Verge.
Hrm, so the Drimogemon form retains the old instincts but we're much better at overriding it with our 'true' form?
It's here that one of your long-unanswered questions (how Stingmon eat anything) is answered is answered as the feral shovels dozens of pounds of food towards the bottom of his head. A series of chittering mandibles grab at the bait, shredding it into pieces even as it pulls it deeper into the chimera mon's maw. After the feral's first bite, his speed increases, turning into nothing more than a green and blue blur as he devours what you guess to be a thousand pounds of meat and cake.
Keratin claws gouge shards of metal from your right war-gauntlet and pauldron, deflecting the whizzing limb up into the air and allow the imparted force to spin your much smaller body around.
Damn, even most ults don't manage THAT on our most armored part.

"Crescent Dawn!"
Hind legs stomp down transferring the extremely substantial momentum to the tips of your right paw. The three silver blades tear shallow gashes into the Ultimate's white, scaled belly. At first you feel a flush of victory as your arm pulls free, then you compare the gash to its size and freeze. You'd struck the feral's least armored point with an empowered counter, something that would have been more than enough to delete most Ultimates and your technique had barely made a scratch it.
This is a new and uncomfortable feeling. Its more tonk than we can hurt.
"Club Arm!" A fist strikes warps into existence above the thrashing feral and strikes the flat end of Pit's temporary weapon. The silver point punches straight through your opponents neck and out the other side, cutting off its infuriated roars. A nanosecond later, the blurred form of Rinkmon darts in again and kicks the end of Beat's weapon deeper into its armpit. A single, solitary spike launches out from the chimera mon's back the rest of its launchers wholly destroyed by Galgomons odd bullets.
Piledriving the rod towards the core?

[] Its left arm is weakened from the preserving rod. You should be able to grapple Dinobeemon's limb and keep it from being used while the others continue to strike the feral.

Okay, even WITH the poison its quite a bit stronger than we are in raw mass. I think if we grapple whats going to happen is that its going to be swinging US around like a big fluffy club.

[] Now is the time to step back and unleash your own ranged attack. Perhaps you can even strike the shallow wound on its torso.

...this is not going to do much. Our claws have way better penetration than Crusher Bone.

[X] Stay the course. Heal up and continue to bear the brunt of its wrath so the others can strike without worry.

Tank on. Our tanking WORKED so far, our allies are getting free shots they wouldn't normally get because its busy trying to murder us.
Not even the feeling of being surrounded on all sides dirt is enough to calm your body down,
sides by dirt
Minutes pass in relatively silence,
alerts you to the ferals incoming presence
the clearings single remaining tree.
Dinobeemon's colossal body occupies a full half of the newly clearing,
the new clearing
it plunges a hand into the pile of meat and sweats,
towards the clearings right side.
as the hunters second trap
"Destroyed Voice!" Condescend sound dives down onto the collared Ultimate's head
A feat you wouldn't believe possible given the hunters low raw power.
and your technique had barely made a scratch it.
scratch on it
It left arm flashes back down
Dinobeemon roars, all though of deleting you put on hold
all thought of
"Club Arm!" A fist strikes warps into existence