Not the only post making the comparison. Also a lot of arguments that Chackmon is childlike due to the way he talks and acts, which I don't buy given the whole PDF delusion/fantasy/whatever it is.
Oh didn't see that, but the subvote is just Verge asking what would Agnimon would do on our place, still to reiterate Chackmon literally cannot beat us with our gains, his wrecked weapon, and the fact that he will be surrounded inside a Host camp where we will have reinforcements aplenty if he decides to escape.
Look see reason you guys, Chackmon literally has no way to beat us if he decides upon an escape attempt, we cleaved his weapon in two which was also his most reliable weapon against us, we could catch up to him without Hasten Burst, and all his other attacks are ineffective against us, plus he will be surrounded by Host forces, he will not be escaping without help.
@Zwart Jaeger

Guys. The other questers votes are not wrong. They are not being *unreasonable* I ask you to please stop acting this way. The other side has perfectly logical reasons for wanting to delete Chackmon. There isn't really a true *right* or *wrong* in the situation. It was intended to be morally grey from get-go.

Edit: Vote is now closed.
Adhoc vote count started by drexal15 on Mar 6, 2019 at 11:26 AM, finished with 155 posts and 25 votes.
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Guys all of you voting to kill Chackmon, think of your reasons for doing so and tell me if my reasons are wrong
@Zwart Jaeger

Guys. The other questers votes are not wrong. They are not being *unreasonable* I ask you to please stop acting this way. The other side has perfectly logical reasons for wanting to delete Chackmon. There isn't really a true *right* or *wrong* in the situation. It was intended to be morally grey from get-go.

Edit: Vote is now closed.
All right.
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35th Of Water-2nd Of Wind: Mercy & Depression
[] Have mercy, he's in pain and won't last much longer. End him yourself.
-[] Before you strike apologies and wish him a better life in his next.


Staring down at Chackmon's tiny begging form brings a myriad of emotions. Sadness, regret, anger. He's beaten now, unable to truly fight back. Honour tells you that striking him down now would be wrong, desire wishes to see him grow stronger as to fight you once more. But Duty and Logic wing out in the end. Deleting him is your mission and you can't simply capture him, the risk of him escaping, hurting your allies, or simply being deleted by MagnaAngemon are too great. Other memories flash to the surface, words of heroism. But those are crushed by the stark reality of your situation.

There's only one way his path can end.

Memories flash across your mind, Spark's cruel smile, Fugamon screaming in pain.

And I won't allow more suffering, not when I can stop it.

"I'm... sorry." you murmur, raising your shaking paw back up. "May your next journey have better fortune."


Your gauntlet falls, *mercy* is dispensed.

The life of a Legendary Warrior ends.

A light fades, leaving your world forever darker.

"Hrmph. Didn't think you'd do it." Sparks grunts, hopping down to the pile of rapidly fading data. "Tch, 'twould be wise to stay away from the corrupted parts. Can't believe that power is within thine grasp as well."

You nod silently, not trusting yourself to speak. Anger, the urge to fight; all of it is just... gone. Sparks continues to talk, but the cripple's words are faint, more a distant buzz than anything else. You slump down, letting the world pass on by. All that truly registers is the memory of what you'd done, the crying mon whom you'd slain.

At some point the fighting above you halts, perhaps half of the original group stops on the ground to rest. MagnaAngemon grins at you, saying something that makes the others cheer, but the praise doesn't matter. It's not something you deserve. You sleep the night away, return back to the fort and wait.

Sparks proudly shows you the digimental he'd acquired a few days back as *an attempt to cheer you up* but you can't really see the connection there. He tries again, helping you write letters for Lady Ardat and Frigimon, but when that ends you're left back where you started. At least he begins starts tutoring you on spells again.

Beat and Pit invite you for some more kata training and you don't see any reason to refuse. However not even the heavy exertion can bring more than extremely faint tinges of contentment. The Pidmon seems a bit concerned, for what reason you cannot tell, while the Stingmon throws you curious glances every now and then when he thinks you're not paying attention.

The next two days fall into a thick blur of meditation, training, studying and just sitting. Thinking hurts, so you don't.

Storms of wind begin to rip across the lands and even the walls don't provide full protection. Innumerable rocks pelt your body, but are barely felt through the copious amounts of fur.

Finally during the evening of the last day, MagnaAngemon leads what remains of your group to a newly arrived Locomon. According to him, it was time to "join the subjugation force". You can't bring yourself to overly care about that either.

===Stat/Skill Gains:

-4 Strength X7=28
-1 Fortitude X1=6.25
-12 Endurance X5.5=66
-9 Agility X4.75=42.75
-8 SpecialX6.25=50
-8 SpiritX4=32

Strength: 3294.00->3322.00
Fortitude: 2898.25->2904.50
Endurance: 2283.00->2349.00
Agility: 2315.50->2358.25
Special: 2702.25->2752.25
Spirit: 2318.75->2350.75

General Fighting:
Martial Arts, Maul (Gryzmon) Style: 33.25/60->39.50

Basic High Programming: 59.25/60->64.25/180

Muscle Burst: 2/12->5/12

===Authors Note: Deleting Chackmon himself wasn't the best choice for Verge's mental state. *Shivers* It was the worst one short term actually. Even if it was the most practical one. Verge will get better from this, (mostly) and long term it's better than letting Sparks do it. The Wizardmon was planning to use fire, without the power boost given from Burst. Verge would have remember those screams for the rest of his life. The narrative *change* from Chackmon's death was intentional as was him referring to Ardat by Lady instead of the usual cutting himself off thing.

Sad thing is that Chackmon... he was actually a fairly good mon. Sure mischievous, childish, lacking retrospection, and kill happy, but he'd have mostly gotten pretty along well with Flamemon if the two ever met.

Good news is that Sparks got five percent of his stats! Which I'll be putting up relatively shortly.
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Sad to see this come to pass, but hoping this leads to some interesting growth in those around Verge. As while I know this choice will spur on character growth for us, I kind of hope there is a knock on effect from seeing Verge like this on the others too.

As it would be nice to see them notice the kind of change this will have on Verge on more than just a surface level.
So... I think I isolated what my massive hangup was. Whenever I think of Chackmon in my head, I don't immediately picture the mon. I picture the transformation sequence from Frontier. And the crying description... again, not the mon, but the kid from the series that wore the spirit. I know mentally that there's no real link there, but memories are tricky things; and I have a bad knack for pulling up associated images that aren't actually relevant.

As it would be nice to see them notice the kind of change something like this had on Verge on more then just a surface level.
Honestly? I doubt any of the team will notice.

Edit: re-reads the post. Okay, so they did notice, but will any of them actually ask?
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A light fades, leaving your world forever darker.

MagnaAngemon grins at you, saying something that makes the others cheer, but the praise doesn't matter. It's not something you deserve. You sleep the night away, return back to the fort and wait.

Thinking hurts, so you don't.

Finally during the evening of last day, MagnaAngemon leads what remains of your group to a newly arrived Locomon. According to him, it was time to "join the subjugation force". You can't bring yourself to overly care about that either.

So... y'all realize you fucked up right?

Verge went into shock, then it grew into full on clinical depression.

The only thing we have to show for it is a great big congratulations from the hated scumbag fanatic who happens to be our boss whose approval fills me with shame.

Mission accomplished!

Congratu - fucking - lations
So... y'all realize you fucked up right?

Verge went into shock, then it grew into full on clinical depression.

The only thing we have to show for it is a great big congratulations from the hated scumbag fanatic who happens to be our boss whose approval fills me with shame.

Mission accomplished!

Congratu - fucking - lations
Now hold on! There really weren't any good options here. Deleting Chackmon was the practical thing to do, and doing it personally prevented him suffering st the hands (heh) of Sparks.

It's not the clear cut "you guys fucked up" you're trying to make it out to be.

It was a shitty situation, one intentionally set up to be that way. The morals here were dark and grey, as not everyone Verge fights and has to delete is going to be a straight, moustache twirling villain. War is hell, and Verge is in the thick of things right now.
Enjoy the 'fruits of you labor' kill-voters, I hope these minimal power gains and empty praise from a despicable zealot were worth throwing away anything actually valuable we could've gotten out of Chackmon and no I'm not gonna tone down how monumentally livid I am right now.
Now hold on! There really weren't any good options here. Deleting Chackmon was the practical thing to do, and doing it personally prevented him suffering st the hands (heh) of Sparks.

It's not the clear cut "you guys fucked up" you're trying to make it out to be.

It was a shitty situation, one intentionally set up to be that way. The morals here were dark and grey, as not everyone Verge fights and has to delete is going to be a straight, moustache twirling villain. War is hell, and Verge is in the thick of things right now.
So out of coursity what would have transpired if the other option won since from the sounds of things each one would have been bleak in their own way?
War is shit. Sometimes in war people are faced with terrible choices. When it's you or them, everyone would rather pick you, but no one ever likes to think about how them are mothers and fathers and sons and daughters and also have family who are awake at night praying like they never prayed before.

Praying for the people they love to come home.

Verge is depressed cause this is war. It's either us or them. But unlike everyone else, he can still empathize with his enemy. He looks into Chakmons eyes and he sees flamemon standing up to lady Devimon right before she ripped his heart out of his chest.

Right before he did exactly as she did.

It had to be done. People weren't interested in talking and Verge doesnt have the power he needs to change the dynamic of the conflict. Chakmon would have been right back to trying to delete us if we let him go, and if we tried to capture him as soon as the ultimate talked with babysitting was distracted he would be gone, the data of murdered rookies left in his wake.

It had to be done. But that doesnt make Verge feel any better about it. He still believes in something after all.
Now hold on! There really weren't any good options here. Deleting Chackmon was the practical thing to do, and doing it personally prevented him suffering st the hands (heh) of Sparks.

It's not the clear cut "you guys fucked up" you're trying to make it out to be.

It was a shitty situation, one intentionally set up to be that way. The morals here were dark and grey, as not everyone Verge fights and has to delete is going to be a straight, moustache twirling villain. War is hell, and Verge is in the thick of things right now.
True, but allowing things to just push us into making bad choices isn't something anyone likes and well we had a choice to do things differently. Even if it would have been hard.

So for some this will feel very much like one of our bigger mistakes and darker moments. As just following orders and this is war defenses rarely if ever matter with personal guilt and ideals. Especially ones made to be the kind of hero a fallen friend wanted and we promised to live up too.

Since we know shit is messed up, yet still choose to follow thru even when there was a option to try for a better path.

So while this was a grey choice, there were clear lines from our personal morales on what to do here. An this time we clearly picked the path that we didn't believe in because we were order too.

Which makes me really hope this becomes a vital turning point for us one way or another.
So how rare is it for a Wizardmon to have all 3 of Strength/Fortitude/Endurance be above 500?
It's pretty rare, but some do manage to break that barrier and become Mistymon.

But for his age? Entirely unheard of. Compared to the average Wizardmon Sparks would be considered a bonfide freak/monster.

He's just overshadowed here because everyone else in the squad is somehow even weirder than him.
So out of coursity what would have transpired if the other option won since from the sounds of things each one would have been bleak in their own way?
Sparks would have blasted him with a continuous stream of fire.

Doesn't sound that bad right? Well that's only until one realizes that Chackmon's fortitude was over twice that of Sparks's special.

It would have taken about fifteen to twenty seconds for the job to finally finish and Chackmon would have screamed the entire while.
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I won't comment on the *miss* option.
Sparks's psychopathic cruelty isn't normal, not for a Wizardmon at least. Most VamDemon don't even go that far.
On Sparks, he's always had a sadistic streak even as a Candlemon.
There really wasn't a good end for this.

So review now. Whats likely to happen:
-Let Sparks do it - Probably the worst long term option, as it plays into his cruelty, it kills Chackmon over an extended period of being burned alive by an opposing element, while the virus data in his wounds eats at him. Like, thats a death that'd make some of the Gloaming mid rankers give you funny looks.

-Verge does it - Short term most painful option because Verge doesn't like to execute enemies. However, long term it has an influence on Sparks, because he saw how much Verge hurt from WINNING, and despite the great prizes. Verge is like the one person he still has from his first hatching.

-Try to take him captive - We already know how this would end, though the virus data corrupting his wounds would have him in pain throughout.
--MagnaAngemon would execute him, possibly making a big show for morale. Then since we already had precedent, MagnaAngemon would proceed to load that power personally because why give the pagans more power?
--Chackmon escapes before MagnaAngemon turns to that. Its very easy for him to escape, and as a captive theres no reason to hold back from killing along the way, especially since loading digimon is one of the faster ways to recover to full ability and flee.

-Let him go - This would drive deeper the wedge between Verge and the Host(like, its the second time, after we let Lobomon go, and third if you count Beat letting Blitzmon go), as well as piss Sparks off. However, this is the only good ending for Chackmon, since having been shown mercy, he MIGHT rethink fighting Verge. The Virus data would probably leave an interesting scar. We'd probably be bound for court martial or something afterwards though.
At some point the fighting above you halts, perhaps half of the orignal group stops on the ground to rest

And now Verge is in full Apathetic mode, if there is one good thing that could be said to this situation, is that if this continues Verge would probably digivolve into a Demon Lord Digimon, most likely Belphemon based on what Verge his current state right now, his Sloth and the fact that he has a Wrath trait.

The reason for why I think Belphemon Verge is possible why I think Verge would digivolve into Belphemon if he continues down this path of depression is this.
Thinking hurts, so you don't.
Another character associated with Sloth said that line, Sloth from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
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