Edit: thats part of your plan.why is it part of your plan?
Infiltrate Part 1 is only paying for rumors and the like, which is explicitly stated in the action as common practice. No one will raise an eye at that much.
[X] Plan: The Only Thing That Matters
[Faith] Build A School - (Big) - (Ularn) - (0/5 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete]
--[X] (6FF) = +6
[Faith] Mausoleum of the Forgotten - (Mirn) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] Elite Contractors
[Endless Skies] The Flagship - (5/15 Turns Complete)
[Endless Skies] Electric Pulley And Crane Storage Systems - (Advanced Machinery/Electronics/Mechanics) - (0/4 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Soaring Wrenches +50, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150) = +220
[Endless Skies] Army Troop Modules - (Common Hydraulics) - (0/9 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5) = +20
--[X] (10x Rare Bunker Manufacturing Artifacts +20 to Advanced Machinery/Hydraulics) = +200
[Diplomacy] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science) - (0/2 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Ashleaf Tea +15, 6FF) = +21
[Subversion] Infiltrate Part 1 - (The Emperor, Forge-Clan Vanar-Feer, 3-Point University)
--[X] (6FF) = +6
[Martial] Guards! Guards! (Outlying: Fortified Orphanages, Soup Kitchens; Holdings: Primitive Radar Tower)
[Learning] Condensed Steam - (Advanced Hydraulics/Mechanics/Metallurgy) - (3/6 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Soaring Wrenches +50) = +70
[Learning] Miniaturized Electro-Steam - (Advanced Hydraulic/Mechanics/Metallurgy) - (0/16 Successes)
--[X] [MSC], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Soaring Wrenches +70, Adjudicator +50) = +120
--[X] (40x Bunker Metallurgy Artifacts +20 to Advanced Metallurgy) = +800
[Learning] Body Images, With Magnets! - (Pioneer Medicine/Machinery/Physics) - (0/20 Successes)
--[X] [In The Name Of Education], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Mutated: Allied +20, 3[TSC] +54, 1[DOC] +6, 2[SUR] +24) = +124
--[X] (80x Bunker Medicine Artifacts +5 to Biology/Medicine/Machinery) = +400
[Learning] Secret Of The Circuit Pt. 5 - (Pioneer Electronics) - (0/140 Successes)
--[X] [VF], [DoD], [PD], [Experimental Oddity Passion 2d4], (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150, Head Scholar Of The Experimental Wing +50, 3[TSC] +54) = +274
[Learning] Assemble The Theorists - (Pioneer Electronics) - (0/12 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Electronics Manufacture - Ancient Circuits +150, Adjudicator +50, 2[FC] +120) = +340
[Learning] Detective Courses - (Living Symbiotes)
[Learning - Piety] Detective Courses - (Book Of The Forest)
[Archeology] Send Out The Scavengers - (BT-06)
--[X] (1[TENG] +24) = +24
[Archeology] Retrieve The Corpse Of the Roots
[Archeology] Scout The Mossy Depths - (2/4 Turns Complete)
--[X] (Lead By Example +30, We Can Do It! +20, Common People Purge Survivor -5, 9[TENG] +216) = +261
[Tree of Knowledge] Artisinal Optical Fiber Production [-2 Forge-Smiths]
[Holdings] Training Fields - Large - (0/11 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x2
[Holdings] Tiny Scientific Complex - (4/29 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x3
[Holdings] The Evergreen Gardens - Large - (5/9 Turns Complete)
--[X] Hire Contractors x3
[Martyris] Too Much To Do (Miniaturized Electro-Steam)
[Martyris] Too Much To Do (Assemble The Theorists)
[Aria] Lead By Example (Scout The Mossy Depths)
[Turi] Too Much To Do (Secrets Of The Circuit Pt. 5)
[Merchants] Procure (Elite Contractors - Progress to Assigned Building)
[Adventurers] Guardians For Hire (Outlying: Fortified Orphanages)
[Herbalists] Study Sessions - (1/7 Turns Complete)
[4S] In The Name Of Education - (Body Images, With Magnets!) [-3.5 Goodwill]
[Vanar-Feer] Unlimited Specialists Galore [-2 Faithful]
--[X] (12x Trained Scientists) - (4/10 Turns Complete)
--[X] (3x Forge-Coders) - (8/15 Turns Complete)
--[X] (3x Forge-Smiths) - (8/15 Turns Complete)
--[X] (2x Forge-Smiths) - (0/15 Turns Complete)
[Followers of Light] We Work As One - (Build A School)