Second Imperial Fleet Begins Assembly - The Tessen Speaker
The march of Imperial Might has not stopped or slowed down since the First Imperial Fleet has left their aeries and begun to soar across the skies to demonstrate to the world just why the Empire holds the moniker of 'Greatest Nation of Calynth' without equal, and now even contender. Thanks to the continuous contributions of House Dall and their harvesting of Suspendium, hulls and wrecks once thought nothing more than scrap metal or heaps of destroyed buildings or war machines fly once more over the lands of humanity. With every month, more and more of these venerable behemoths of old are secured, repaired, and lifted, their engines and thrusters roaring defiance against gravity and the feeble grasp of the ground into the air, dozens of their siblings joining over the Capital in their chorus as crew march aboard into their ancient hallways and weapons thought impossible are brought back into service with the artifice and skill of Forge-Clan Elders, Savants, and the help of the thousands that are required to service the ships and people operating them. It is, without doubt, the dawn of a new era, and one that Slatnan has seen fit to give us to steer as we wish for the betterment of all sentients on Calynth.
(Read more on pages 1-10)
Shield-Belt Alliance Announces Airship Recovery - The Truthful Observers
Though initially hoped to be fully a unique phenomenon located entirely within the Rusting Forest of Tessen, it seems that it was too much to ask for from the people that caused the Collapse, as the various nations of the SBA have announced that they managed to locate, harvest, and make use of Suspendium deposits on their soils. With that, the once dominance of the Imperial Airfleet has now been cast into stark doubt, though purely in the long-term, as the Empire remains the only nation on the planet that has been operating airships for years, alongside growing the required technical and institutional know-how to lay the foundation for something that will outlast any attempt by the usurpers of our dominance of the skies by centuries! Nonetheless, time has not been kind enough to give us the years we need to grow and stand steady on floating machinery, as we now find ourselves in the middle of a race to find and repair any and all fallen airships that can still fly under their own power.
(Read more on page 24)
Walk Onward, But Leave None Behind - Rags, Rumors, And Rants
It may surprise some of our readers, but the Pilgrims have been, for the past few years, dealing with a minor schism of their own within the underground and hidden places of the Region, the areas where shadows dance, and whispers can kill as quickly as a knife between the ribs. This schism had not occurred by members of the Pilgrims leaving due to issues within the faith or personal disagreements over what direction to take their journey in, but by those who felt drawn to their faith and beliefs but did not, for one reason or another, join their ranks as an official member. These reasons range from the mundane to the more esoteric. Still, they all have in common the belief that forgiveness must be earned by
toil and
sacrifice rather than achieved by acknowledging that only you can truly forgive yourself, for good and ill. That penance can only be found in one's kindness to others, in the outstretched arm to those left behind or fallen, in work done for the betterment of all, instead of chasing after redemption for oneself. The cult of "The Lost" ascribed to the notion of personal sacrifice and selflessness beyond any reasonable degree, with more than a few taking this to self-destructive levels, be it from past crimes, buried histories, or imagined failures. Still, the Pilgrims have done what they can to bring those who had fallen to their knees from the weight of their past into the fold, and they, as far as we know, managed to succeed with most, if not all, "Lost." Only time will tell what happens to them or how this will change the Pilgrims.
(Read more on pages 7-8)
Region Report/s
Tensions between House Era and the Chapter of the Last Light have continued to increase since Knight-Commander Sebastian Sevallus escorted a band of miners from one of their mining operations back to the city, with several House members being heard talking about "reigning them in." What that means is up to debate, whether that threat is genuine or nothing more than the bluster of low-ranked members poofing themselves up in a political bid for more influence. Still, it can be ascertained that the House, in general, is not inclined to stop these mutterings from happening. Additionally, the Chapter has used their guardian rights and declared a three-day holiday in three months to ensure that the arrival of Imperial Marshal Grefial of Jene will be appropriately celebrated by the population. The reason for his visit has yet to be disclosed. Still, rumors point in the same direction: the Chapter will be given a Lost Tech weapon in recognition of another century of loyal service to the Empire and its people.
The Marquess of Tessen has returned from her vacation and has been pleasantly surprised to see the Region still in one piece, not in active rebellion, under foreign military occupation, in the middle of a religious civil war led by the Pilgrims, or drowned underneath ash and smog. Additionally, her humor has not improved over the vacation and remains as it always has, much to her family's misery.
House Ulatarn has begun an investigation if the lost villages and colonies are due to criminal neglect, base incompetence, treasonous actions, or plain bad luck.
House Mirn is finishing its road network expansion, with most work now sinking below their level of notice as the family's head has announced the intent to hold a biological exhibition with House Ulatarn to show off the width and breadth of the Empire's ecology.
The Military is training, waiting, training, being bored, and training again. The soldier's lot; nine out of ten days are mindbogglingly boring, one filled with sheer terror.
The Adventurer Guild is being awfully active in their recruitment as of late. The reasons are unknown, but most agree that
something is about to come up, be it a massive contract for a Region-Wide action or some arcane Guild-Only calculations have flagged their current numbers as insufficient.
The Followers of Light have begun to return to their usual duties. However, some excitement remains as news of the Imperial Fleet spread, especially the
'Punishment of Galla,' an airship equipped with artifact flame-based weaponry.
The Lost have begun to integrate into the Pilgrims. They will no longer exist as a separate entity.
The Common People are intrigued by new rumors and are flocking to the Carnival
'Nightflower Dance.'
The Mutated are enjoying the spectacle of the Carnival
'Nightflower Dance.' from afar.