So what do we want to do for learning? We know we want to get the common theories out of the way but the order in which we do so should look to help the other stuff we are working on. So that makes me think of 3 different directions.

1. Mortar tech + Physics or Chemistry theory. The odds are low, but we have a lot of artefacts to make up the difference, plus it's relatively short.

2. Tractor tech + Hydraulics or Machinery. This has better odds while being as short as the mortar and it would unlock a lot of options both on land and for airships

3. Contraceptives + Medicine/Chemistry/Biology theory. Even if the odds are super easy this will be a while, especially since our auto successes are tied up for the moment.

I personally want to do the tractor tech first and start contraceptives when the psycology tech is done and we can put all our bonuses into it.
I think we might want to hold off long-term planning for research until Laboratories (Grand) finishes, as that would change a lot of the success chances by quite a bit. Specifically, if it changes the odds of success for Assemble The Theorists!, we might be best served by quickly churning through an assortment of Common Theories to get some blanket difficulty decreases and some more chances to fill in the holes in our knowledge base.

That aside, I'd want to slap an action on Contraceptives, as it's already got a 70% chance of 3 successes per turn. Beyond that, Steel Casting needs 7 successes, and will open up a lot of improvements.

Actually, beyond all of that, I want to build more Logic Banks to throw extra actions onto Research to just have a bunch of Theories churning at all times.
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I think we might want to hold off long-term planning for research until Laboratories (Grand) finishes, as that would change a lot of the success chances by quite a bit.
But we have to pick something now, and only the contraceptive (and the mortar if we roll badly) would take long enough to be considered long term. Plus, we know the new lab will unlock even more new projects, so I'm wary of starting another long term project when our priorities might be scrambled.

The pilgrims need an armed branch
Do we? Remember that we are not a state. Having a super strong military could get us in trouble as the autorities start to get nervous. Better to not get too greedy.
Do we? Remember that we are not a state. Having a super strong military could get us in trouble as the autorities start to get nervous. Better to not get too greedy.

I dont care about having a army big enough to win a civil war

But we need security forces for our srttlements and mercenaries would be a good way to send agents across different regions to get intel on whats goin on

So a small but modernized and well equiped armed force is ideal to me
But we have to pick something now, and only the contraceptive (and the mortar if we roll badly) would take long enough to be considered long term. Plus, we know the new lab will unlock even more new projects, so I'm wary of starting another long term project when our priorities might be scrambled.
Toss research onto Common Theories. They'll take a few turns each (2.22, to be exact), but provide improvements to research speed for the topic they're thrown at. Biology, I think, as we've got a fair number of research topics that'd benefit from that.
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Toss research onto Common Theories. They'll take a few turns each (2.22, to be exact), but provide improvements to research speed for the topic they're thrown at. Biology, I think, as we've got a fair number of research topics that'd benefit from that.

That or a detective action for one of the books. They take about the same and we still have a lost tech grade book to do.
I think it would take some serious perspective wizardry to get all of that into one mural and keep Martyris as more than a small dot.

[ ] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology)
One of the things which had bubbled up around the recent B'il debacle was the unavailability of contraceptives. Mind you, even the poorest can still buy them after a week's work, but if you have to choose between eating unflavored sandbread but safe sex and eatable food but unsafe sex, few take the former. Yet, this also has created the view for many that any pregnancy not prevented is a pregnancy wanted. So take a look at how the medicines we have work and any ways to make them cheaper aside from growing more.
(Chance: 80/75/70 for 1/2/3 Successes, Successes Needed: 21
Reward: Cheaper and Better Contraceptives)
We could let this work in the background, but because of the number of Successes needed it will take a long time...

Anyway, a first draft:

[] Plan Search Actions and Psychology
-[][Faith] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Faith: One-Turn] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[][Diplomacy] High-End Introduction - (The Emperor) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
--[] Keep the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Hydraulics Theory) - (0/2 Successes)
--[] (Scientific Theory +15, + 3FF)=+18
--[] (Turbine Injectors +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Chemicals)=+50
-[][Learning] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy) - (0/6 Successes) - (-16 Materials)
--[] (Scientific Theory +15, + 6FF)=+21
--[](Busted Walker Coolant Tube +20 to Advanced Hydraulics, Piston Motor +20 to Advanced Machinery, Oil Refinery Parts +20 to Advanced Chemicals/Machinery/Hydraulics)=+60
-[][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (0/21 Successes)
--[] (2 [DOC] +24, Scientific Theory +15)=+39
-[][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (GY-03) - (Preperation: 2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (3/5 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (2/6 Turns Complete)
-[][Holdings] Blue Light District - [Cultural Specialization] - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-16.5 Materials)
--[] Hire Contractors - (*1) - (-7 Materials)
-[][Aria action] Lead By Example (Search For The Raped Mutated) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Search For The Raped Mutated) - (0/1 Turns Complete))
--[] (Personal Action +50, Lead By Example:Aria +40, Adventurer Guild +25, + 6FF)=+121
-[][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology) - (6/15 Successes))
--[] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], [Grease The Wheels], [Rare Odds And Ends]
--[] (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Personal Action +50, Forgotten Diary +50 to Advanced Psychology, + 6FF)=+138

-[] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[] Repay Loan - (-37.5 Materials)
--[] Backroom Deals - (Engine Assembly)
-[] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[] Investigate - (Assist Martyris with "Search For The Raped Mutated") - (-3 Material)
-[] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
--[] Study Sessions - (1/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[] In The Name Of Profit - (Illness Of The Mind) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (5/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - (0/15 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
-[] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
--[]Grease The Wheels - (Illness Of The Mind) - (-15 Materials, -15 Goodwill)
-[] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)
--[] Rare Odds And Ends - (Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 10 Materials+ 10 Materials+ 16 Materials+ 12.5 Materials+ 16.5 Materials+ 7 Materials+ 37.5 Materials+ 3 Materials+ 2.50 Material+ 15 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 5 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 15 Materials=180 Materials
Remaining budget: 345.94 - 180 Materials = 165.94 Materials

Ok, this could work. We have tons of Materials left over, but we are limited by our Actions, so not much we can do.

@HeroCooky Short question, would Rare Odds And Ends if used on [Learning] also affect Personal [Learning] actions? Also, would hiring Adventurers help with "Search For The Raped Mutated"?
And now that I thought about it and found it strange; Engineers can only help with Mechanical projects but not Machinery projects, right? I'm not sure what the distinction between the two is.

This mostly focuses on gaining more Goodwill so that we can do "REALLY? REALLY! REALLY?!" next Turn. Finding the Mutated needs the boost from being done as a Personal Action anyway.

I try to get into contact with the Emperor to find out how much he cares about Ordinance #326b-S and Ordinance #14-VV7. If he is ambivalent or only needs an excuse to intervene, we can go straight to Lady Tessen and Lord Malarn to deal with it. If he wants to make it the next Emperors' problem, we're going to need both House Ulatarn and House Mirn, in addition to making it an empire-wide public issue.

Is locked.

1 Action to do some theories, 1 Action for "The Movement Of Things" because it shouldn't need too many follow-up Actions and can be reasonable quickly be finished, and 1 Action to get started on "The Means Of Reproduction" because while it is relatively easy it will take a long while.

Is locked.

[Tree of Knowledge]:
Is locked. But we can finish the labs this Turn.

I'm going for the cultural focus because it will help with the Mutated issues, allows us to spread faster, and it was cultural issues that caused the Collapse in the first place. Hell, Mes gave up on humanity because of cultural issues. I really think this should be our biggest focus.

[Personal Actions]:
Heavy focus on "Search For The Raped Mutated", with a +50 from Martyris, +20 from Aria, and another +20 from Aria because of her "We Can Do It!" Trait. The second Action should finish "Illness Of The Mind", with 3 guaranteed Successes, hopefully, at least 3 Successes from "Grease The Wheels", and I hope for 2 Successes with everything else we stack atop that Action.
I'm seriously tempted to use ^Ä^ for another Success so we can prevent more suicides, but the risk of permanent damage...

Mostly standard Actions, but I do send Adventurers after the Criminals that attack the 'Consensual'.

Edit: Changed a few things. Still unsure about the "Forgotten Diary or ^Ä^" question.
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-[][Holdings] Blue Light District - [Cultural Specialization] - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-16.5 Materials)
I want to do the academic specialization first because it mirrors our own history as an organization. We were first and foremost academics who sought to restore and share the knowledge lost to the collapse. But I guess we can do culture first, but academics is definitely second.

+50, Forgotten Diary +50 to Advanced Psychology
I wonder if this artefact would not be better used on an advanced psych theory.

But we can finish the labs this Turn.
And you know what we should afterwards? Steam engines, steam engines everywhere. They are down to 25 materials each.
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Short question, would Rare Odds And Ends if used on [Learning] also affect Personal [Learning] actions?
The bonus only works for the Action Rare Odds And Ends is attached to. It cannot affect an entire category.
Also, would hiring Adventurers help with "Search For The Raped Mutated"?
It would, with a +25.
And now that I thought about it and found it strange; Engineers can only help with Mechanical projects but not Machinery projects, right? I'm not sure what the distinction between the two is.
Mechanical contains all things which require manual operation, or make use of natural forces, like waterwheels. Simple things.

Machinery are things like Turbines, or Steam Engines.
Another thing we should start worrying about is Piety. We are about to lose another minus and if we roll well for recuitment we could be left with -1.

So I think we should start another school sometime soon.
[][Voices] "My first reaction is utter horror and disgust at the Rose of Flesh cult's actions, and the actions of the Empire Judiciary.

After that, there's a microscopically small part of me that understands what Judge B'il did. Protecting mutants and the disabled from eugenocide is an important function of the courts, and - in spirit at least - that is what Ordnance 14-VV7 is meant to do. However, Courts and Judges have a responsibility to do more than robotically execute the most literal interpretation of the law. They exist to ensure that the varying details of each case are considered and judged in context, so that the letter of the law never violates the spirit. To be the oil that allows the machinery of justice and society to function. Judge Bi'l's attitude is an abdication of that responsibility, and he has thus demonstrated himself utterly incapable of performing his job.

As such, the other 99.999%? That's equal parts cold determination to do everything in our power to set this right, and towering fury of NEVER AGAIN."

[][Declaration] "The core of Humanity is found in our bonds to each other. To care, to love; these are both our privilege and our duty as members of the human race. Suffering cries out to be remedied; great suffering demands great compassion in response. The Pilgrims live by this principle, and we refuse to stand idly in light of recent events.

Survivors of the Rose of Flesh, the Pilgrims welcome you. Should you desire it, you need only approach any Pilgrim and we will provide you with shelter, safety, food, care, and work if you are able. We cannot undo the crimes of the Rose of Flesh, but we will do whatever we can to help you heal and build anew.

The Pilgrims firmly recognize the right of all persons to bodily autonomy. Empire Ordinances #326b-S and #14-VV7 are a violation of that right and are actively harmful policies to the Empire and its people. While we recognize the intention of these ordinances to protect the rights of the mutated and the disabled as a critical, praiseworthy goal, we cannot abide a law which allows such travesties as Judge B'il's decision.

We condemn, we denounce, we abhor the absolute lack of humanity displayed by the Empire Ordinances #326b-S and #14-VV7. We declare that with the cruelty and intellectual cowardice of his decision, B'il has demonstrated himself manifestly unfit to hold the position of Judgeship. The Pilgrims will do everything in our power to right these injustices, until the task is done."

Alright, here's my attempts at a Pilgrim reaction and an overall policy declaration on the incident. Not an easy write, I'd value people's thoughts on the matter.

Bit on interesting analisis

You have "state under the rule of law" states in wich law is enforced as the maximum authority over wich everybody must abide

This was pretty much 19 century style of governments

State of rigths and law over evrything else
Wich lead to literalist interpretations of the laws and sometimes unfair judgements

We should push towards becoming a "social state under the rule of law"

A nation whose laws exist to protect citizen rigths amd wellbeing,rather than following law for the sake of it (with the legal mechanisms of emergency appelations,higher courts etc so of you are unsatisfied with the outcome you can see it again on a different court)

Emphasize that we dont want to get rid of the law and stability,we want to expand it and improve it so it becomes more fair and adaptable to contexts
Literalist interpretation of law is a dead end in the long term as thid event has showed
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I want to do the academic specialization first because it mirrors our own history as an organization. We were first and foremost academics who sought to restore and share the knowledge lost to the collapse. But I guess we can do culture first, but academics is definitely second.
My worry about doing the Academic Specialization before the Cultural Specialization is that that was what destroyed the pre-Collapse civilization. During Interlude: Our Graves Of Greed, Deep Below, Mes explicitly states that he did give humanity knowledge stores and technology from before their... pre-pre-Collapse? Anyway, they promptly abused said knowledge to the extend that he gave up on them.

To me, that drives home that for everything that we can regain of the pre-Collapse knowledge, it's even more important how that knowledge will be used. And that is a cultural question.

I wonder if this artefact would not be better used on an advanced psych theory.
I could not use it for this project instead, but that would make it even more unlikely for us to finish "Illness Of The Mind" this Turn. The 1 Automatic Success from ^Ä^ could make up for it, but there is the 5% chance of damage...

On the other hand, we're going to search for even more people that will probably be suicide risks, and "Illness Of The Mind" is pretty much the only thing we can do to help them.

And you know what we should afterwards? Steam engines, steam engines everywhere. They are down to 25 materials each.
We, uh... don't have that many locations left that could be upgraded with a steam engine. Our Jewel- und Silver Mines already have steam engines. Obviously the Iron Mine, and maybe the Desalination Basins? Or maybe the Print Shop?

The bonus only works for the Action Rare Odds And Ends is attached to. It cannot affect an entire category.
Ah, Ok. The (Category) tag of the Nine Tribes Council: Rare Odds And Ends in the Support Action folder threw me off.

Mechanical contains all things which require manual operation, or make use of natural forces, like waterwheels. Simple things.

Machinery are things like Turbines, or Steam Engines.
Wait, what? Does that mean a trained Engineer is better with waterwheels and electronics than with turbines and steam engines?:confused:
Wait, what? Does that mean a trained Engineer is better with waterwheels and electronics than with turbines and steam engines?:confused:
To quote myself:
General Engineer: +14 to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Electronic research
Trained Engineer: +24 to salvaging operations and to Mechanical/Machinery/Hydraulics/Metallurgy/Electronic research
I'm probably not doing a good job at describing what I mean, but Mechanical is simple Mechanisms, while Machinery is for actual Machines.

We, uh... don't have that many locations left that could be upgraded with a steam engine. Our Jewel- und Silver Mines already have steam engines. Obviously the Iron Mine, and maybe the Desalination Basins? Or maybe the Print Shop?
Your Ashleaf-Nursery can be upgraded with the Vuur-Engine.
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You may now cast your votes.

My grandmother asked me to accompany her to the hospital for a blood test and scan. This means that the update will be pushed back to the 22.10.21.

Thank you for your understanding.
[X] Plan Search Actions and Psychology
-[X][Faith] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith: One-Turn] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[X][Diplomacy] High-End Introduction - (The Emperor) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
--[X] Keep the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Hydraulics Theory) - (0/2 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, + 3FF)=+18
--[X] (Turbine Injectors +50 to Pioneer Hydraulics/Chemicals)=+50
-[X][Learning] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy) - (0/6 Successes) - (-16 Materials)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, + 6FF)=+21
--[X](Busted Walker Coolant Tube +20 to Advanced Hydraulics, Piston Motor +20 to Advanced Machinery, Oil Refinery Parts +20 to Advanced Chemicals/Machinery/Hydraulics)=+60
-[X][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (0/21 Successes)
--[X] (2 [DOC] +24, Scientific Theory +15)=+39
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (GY-03) - (Preperation: 2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (3/5 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (2/6 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holdings] Blue Light District - [Cultural Specialization] - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-16.5 Materials)
--[X] Hire Contractors - (*1) - (-7 Materials)
-[X][Aria action] Lead By Example (Search For The Raped Mutated) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Search For The Raped Mutated) - (0/1 Turns Complete))
--[X] (Personal Action +50, Lead By Example:Aria +40, Adventurer Guild +25, + 6FF)=+121
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology) - (6/15 Successes))
--[X] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], [Grease The Wheels], [Rare Odds And Ends]
--[X] (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Personal Action +50, Forgotten Diary +50 to Advanced Psychology, + 6FF)=+138

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Repay Loan - (-37.5 Materials)
--[X] Backroom Deals - (Engine Assembly)
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[X] Investigate - (Assist Martyris with "Search For The Raped Mutated") - (-3 Material)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
--[X Study Sessions - (1/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Illness Of The Mind) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (5/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[X] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - (0/15 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
-[X] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
--[X]Grease The Wheels - (Illness Of The Mind) - (-15 Materials, -15 Goodwill)
-[X] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)
--[X] Rare Odds And Ends - (Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)) - (-15 Materials)
Last edited:
[X] Plan Help of a Core and Searching for Mutated
-[X][Faith] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[X][Faith] The Pilgrims Need You! - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Faith: One-Turn] A Helping Hand - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-10 Materials)
-[X][Diplomacy] High-End Introduction - (The Emperor) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martial] Build An Armory - (Grand) - (3/4 Turns Complete)
--[X] Keep the Wall unit at the Mirn Consensual
-[X][Learning] Assemble The Theorists! - (Common Hydraulics Theory) - (0/2 Successes)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, + 3FF)=+18
--[X] (Ammunition Storage Feeder +20 to Advanced Hydraulics, Autonomous Preservative Injector +20 to Advanced Hydraulics/Chemicals, Rusting Water Pipe System +5 to Hydraulics)=+45
-[X][Learning] The Movement Of Things - Part 1 - (Hydraulic/Machinery/Metallurgy) - (0/6 Successes) - (-16 Materials)
--[X] (Scientific Theory +15, + 6FF)=+21
--[X](Busted Walker Coolant Tube +20 to Advanced Hydraulics, Piston Motor +20 to Advanced Machinery, Oil Refinery Parts +20 to Advanced Chemicals/Machinery/Hydraulics)=+60
-[X][Learning] The Means Of Reproduction - (All Chemicals/Medicine/Biology) - (0/21 Successes)
--[X] (2 [DOC] +24, Scientific Theory +15)=+39
-[X][Archeology] Prepare an Expedition (GY-03) - (Preperation: 2 Turns) - (House Mirn support: N) - (1/2 Turns Complete)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Laboratories - Grand - (3/5 Turns Complete) - [Sandcrete](-12.5 Materials)
-[X][Tree of Knowledge] Library - (Basic) - (2/6 Turns Complete)
-[X][Holdings] Blue Light District - [Cultural Specialization] - (0/2 Turns Complete) - (-16.5 Materials)
--[X] Hire Contractors - (*1) - (-7 Materials)
-[X][Aria action] Lead By Example (Search For The Raped Mutated) - (0/1 Turns Complete)
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Search For The Raped Mutated) - (0/1 Turns Complete))
--[X] (Personal Action +50, Lead By Example:Aria +40, Adventurer Guild +25, + 6FF)=+121
-[X][Martyris action] Too Much To Do - (Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology) - (6/15 Successes))
--[X] [PD], [DoD], [In The Name Of Profit], [Grease The Wheels], [Rare Odds And Ends], [^Ä^]
--[X] (1 [SC] +12, Scientific Theory +15, Black Box +5, Personal Action +50, + 6FF)=+88

-[X] Merchants - (All Are Free Actions)
--[X] Repay Loan - (-37.5 Materials)
--[X] Backroom Deals - (Engine Assembly)
-[X] The Adventurer Guild - (1 Action)
--[X] Investigate - (Assist Martyris with "Search For The Raped Mutated") - (-3 Material)
-[X] The Union Of Herbalists - (Choose 1 Action)
--[X] Study Sessions - (1/8 Turns Complete) - (-2.50 Material)
-[X] Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science - (1 Action)
--[X] In The Name Of Profit - (Illness Of The Mind) - (0/1 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Forge Clan Vanar-Feer - (1 Action Locked)
--[X] Engineers Galore - (Engineer) - (5/6 Turns Complete) - (-15 Materials)
-[X] Conclave Of Fraya - (1 Action)
--[X] Eternal Arts - (Norqod) - (0/15 Turns Complete) - (-5 Materials)
-[X] The Bureau For Imperial Civilian Logistics - (1 Action)
--[X]Grease The Wheels - (Illness Of The Mind) - (-15 Materials, -15 Goodwill)
-[X] Nine Tribes Council - (1 Action)
--[X] Rare Odds And Ends - (Illness Of The Mind - (Psychology)) - (-15 Materials)

Costs: 10 Materials+ 10 Materials+ 16 Materials+ 12.5 Materials+ 16.5 Materials+ 7 Materials+ 37.5 Materials+ 3 Materials+ 2.50 Material+ 15 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 5 Materials+ 15 Materials+ 15 Materials=180 Materials
Remaining budget: 345.94 - 180 Materials = 165.94 Materials

Nearly the same plan as Search Actions and Psychology, but I didn't get any comments on if we should get ^Ä^'s help for the research or not. So here is an alternative plan that doesn't use the Forgotten Diary Artefact and instead uses our damage Core. There is some risk of ^Ä^ being damaged and it still heavily depends on what we roll with "Grease The Wheels", but I wanted the option to be out there.

Also; do people think it would be worth it to use The Followers Of Light: For The Nation on "The Means Of Reproduction"? It takes enough Successes that it could be worth it, but we are very likely to get 3 Successes anyway every time...

Edit: Changed the Artefact for "Common Hydraulics Theory" to two Rare level Artefacts and a Common Artefact. That means we only have the Self-Loading Rocket Tube Artefact for the mortar/"Fuck That Guy And Everything Around Him - Part 1" project left.
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Also; do people think it would be worth it to use The Followers Of Light: For The Nation on "The Means Of Reproduction"? It takes enough Successes that it could be worth it, but we are very likely to get 3 Successes anyway every time...
Nah, it's best to let that one truck along in the background until we can boost it with our auto successes. We cannot get more than 3 successes with a roll anyways.
I don't think we should risk ^Ä^ health (possibly very existence) simply for a slight increase in speed.

I'm also not terribly enthused with burning a +50 Pioneer level artifact on a Common Theory.
Rusting Water Pipe System - 1.43 - +5 to Hydraulics
Use this, and if you absolutely must ensure a success this turn, then use these, before burning through Pioneer-level artifacts.
Ammunition Storage Feeder - 7.42 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics
Busted Walker Coolant Tube - 7.40 - +20 to Advanced Hydraulics