So if we for some reason decided to sell it to the Empire what would we get?
A very polite "no" from the Emperor, Militarists, Purifiers, and Refugees, a "thanks, but Hell No!" from the Liberals and Merchants, and a Battle Royale from the Traditionalists, Zealots, and Toaster-Fuckers. The latter of which gets stomped on by InSec in a micro-second.

None of the factions that have two brain-cells available to rub together want that ship anywhere other than in the hands of someone whose political goals can be summed up as: "what?"

Try to sell it, and shit goes nuclear Real quick.
What was will be too OP pls don't nerf
Nah, that ship had been planned (1/3 in the Forest, btw.). I don't put shit on The Lists Of Loot over which I will be salty about if you recieve it.
I meant more in sense of how the other starting tenets could even compete with it. The archeology action it gave us allowed us to reap some bullshit benefits.
None of the factions that have two brain-cells available to rub together want that ship anywhere other than in the hands of someone whose political goals can be summed up as: "what?"

im actually quite worried

the empire social structure is quite stagnant with peasantry and nobility

so as tech resurges,and our faith spread,the belief of ''tech and knowledge must be spread equally'' actually goes against the highly hyerarchical social system of the empire
so either reform of revolution will happen over time

i hope reform
I find it funny that the best case situation essentially boils down to the whole family taking a deep breath and being glad the nuclear stockpile ended up in the hands of their nerdy cousin who just wants to volunteer at a soup kitchen and play with trains.
I find it funny that the best case situation essentially boils down to the whole family taking a deep breath and being glad the nuclear stockpile ended up in the hands of their nerdy cousin who just wants to volunteer at a soup kitchen and play with trains.

i can ony imagine the church of eden reaction

>trying to attack the mutated

>then realizing the pilgrim have an a apocaliptic ship

so as tech resurges,and our faith spread,the belief of ''tech and knowledge must be spread equally'' actually goes against the highly hyerarchical social system of the empire
so either reform of revolution will happen over time
It's not as opposed as it may seem. The Empire will force a gag order on any tech they deem dangerous enough without a second thought, they will also look to maintain an advantage in military power so they will seek to monopolise weapon and armor production that passes a certain line.

Also you need resources to turn knowledge into something usefull. I doubt a peasant is going to be able to afford the cost of building a plasma gun even if it knew how.

The real problem will come when the Forge-Clans realise their monopoly on knowledge is threatened. Right now, the pilgrims are effectively another Forge-Clan, albeit a wierd one. Once we start expanding that ilussion is going to shatter and we will have a shitshow on our hands.
Technically speaking, the Eversun is better than most pre-Collapse nations.
So most pre-collapse nations where in the ballpark of 'Dystopian MegaCorporation', I suppose it is good to know.

It's also interesting to note that the Worm seem linked to what seem to be a religious movement and I wonder why they weren't targeted by the 'peace-keeping' robots.
Since the robots killed a starving poor boy over something minor like either saying things he shouldn't have or maybe stealing food, it's probably not a case didn't notice the 'calling the governments tyrants'.
So if they weren't attacked it either means that the peoples talking were high enough in the hierarchy to be ignored by the robots, or the religion of the Worm was allowed, I'm not sure which is worse.

shit goes nuclear Real quick.
That tend to happen when a faction of a delicate power balance suddenly gain overwhelming power over the others.
Speaking of that what stopped the toaster-fuckers from exploring the Necropolis (besides the risk of death)? Politics like it happened with the nobles?
The real problem will come when the Forge-Clans realise their monopoly on knowledge is threatened. Right now, the pilgrims are effectively another Forge-Clan, albeit a wierd one. Once we start expanding that ilussion is going to shatter and we will have a shitshow on our hands.
That is already, and much stronger, being challenged by 3-Point University. The smartes Forge-Clans have noticed the way the wind is shifting and are busy integrating themselves into the national apparatus like the Vanar are doing right now. Few Forge-Clans would openly rebel, and fewer would last longer than two seasons before being eradicated.
So if they weren't attacked it either means that the peoples talking were high enough in the hierarchy to be ignored by the robots, or the religion of the Worm was allowed, I'm not sure which is worse.
Or the robots themselves had been manipulated, who knows?
That tend to happen when a faction of a delicate power balance suddenly gain overwhelming power over the others
Which is why the sane people are glad the weird cousin has the nukes.
Speaking of that what stopped the toaster-fuckers from exploring the Necropolis (besides the risk of death)? Politics like it happened with the nobles?
That, and they are exploring other Necropoli in and around the Empire. That faction is also very small, so there is only so much they can do.
I was wondering if it's even worth researching trains now, the big reason they were used is because we can't use ships to transport cargo on land and airships completely ignore this problem. And these ships are a lot better than airplanes for this purpose too.
With technology comes power. With great technology comes great power. Power can be turned towards good or evil. Men are not the devil. Men are fundamentally limited in their evil by the means they have to effect it on the world.

eversun are ruthless pragmatic,but they have a somewhat noble/reasonable ideal (speedruning scientific development to uplift mankind)
They are the nega-Pilgrims.
Instant Noodle Recipe we have that and i think it would be agood idea to create afactory for that as a way to prevent starvation by proposing a cheap an long conservation food source for all
Instant Noodle Recipe we have that and i think it would be agood idea to create afactory for that as a way to prevent starvation by proposing a cheap an long conservation food source for all
Starvation is not that big a problem due to sand-wheat. A wonder crop that can grow anywhere and keep for a long time, with the downside being that it's not very tasty. The noodle recipe might help with the taste, but Slatnan does not want for food.
Starvation is not that big a problem due to sand-wheat. A wonder crop that can grow anywhere and keep for a long time, with the downside being that it's not very tasty. The noodle recipe might help with the taste, but Slatnan does not want for food.
One big thing we COULD maybe do to get a ton of goodwill all over is get one of the cargo ships running. Armor it up, give it some weapons, and build a hospital into the cargo section. We could have a flying hospital that tours the nation delivering medical supplies and care to anyone who needs it.
Say, @HeroCooky besides finding the Dawn, will the secret berth become an archeology location?

To everyone else we should begin to prepare the next expedition, though the airship locations all have dangers nearby.
>democratic nation
>it just happens that everyone is an evil asshole and so they vote for the genocidal government candidates every election
It was more along the line of the US Republican party-expy having created such an enviroment as to be seen as the "good" option, who then proceeded to fuck over the rest of the political spectrum.

Also, getting people to do as you say is easy when you control what they see and hear.
Say, @HeroCooky besides finding the Dawn, will the secret berth become an archeology location?
Yes it is a location to look over.