Yay! Everything ended happily. How wonderful.
Now, regarding Solar and Lunar, I think we should do the same thing we did with Silver and have Solid Drive carry them back. If she can't carry both of them, Gabriel can help.
[X] Have Solid Drive carry Solar and Lunar back to the barricade. If she can't carry both of them, then Gabriel can help out.
Now, I figure since we have a decent XP stockpile, we should upgrade our abilities. And since we're going up against someone who has access to that "turn healing into damage" super ability, I think we should upgrade our health. More base health means more health gained from Segarite Core, and therefore we gain a bigger buffer before that ability becomes a serious threat.
[X] Upgrade INDESTRUCTIBLE CORE to level 25 (2050 XP)
This vastly increases our base health, the amount of health we get from Segarite Core, our survivability in general, and will hopefully buy us time to defeat Grey Champion, or White Soul, or whoever it is with the spell.
On a final note, I'm thinking that bringing White Soul back isn't going to be possible. She sounds like she went off the deep end a long time ago.