Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

[X]Said you'd meet Samael by the training grounds for magic practice.
-Following up on this because a) Nepgear herself saying she'd help Samael on this which leads to.. b) him expecting us to show up. Let's not disappoint.

[X]Mike's original idea yesterday was great! Time to meet the other Magical Girls.
-We're always on an unknown time crunch, so it's better to get an idea on who they are now than in the tide of battle. This way, if the opportunity arises, Nepgear can [or at least attempt to] complement her teammate in battle.

[X]Check to see how the War is going.
-Honestly, most of the other choices could've replaced this one. Still, I'm picking this one to mix it up so we can get a bit of world building in the process. Satisfies my curiosity by giving us a glimpse into the setting and Nepgear starts to learn how others elsewhere are handling the war.
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[X]Said you'd meet Samael by the training grounds for magic practice.
[X]Mike's original idea yesterday was great! Time to meet the other Magical Girls.
[X]Check up on Carnage. You kind of left her hanging yesterday.
I was an author like you once.

Until I took a sudden road trip to the knee.

Anyway, voting is closed.

Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X]Rei is annoyed! Use Puppy defense!
No. of votes: 11
Shadowward, veekie, Rei of Sunshine, Nix's Warden, Delwgun, UbeOne, Nightfallen, Serous, LightMage, Wirdo, ReaperofInterest

[X]Said you'd meet Samael by the training grounds for magic practice.
No. of votes: 16
Shadowward, veekie, Nix's Warden, Gore17, Delwgun, UbeOne, 恐Drake, Nightfallen, Serous, Highwind, LightMage, xenondestroyer, Andres110, ReaperofInterest, Locos_Docos, Jrin

[X]Check up on Carnage. You kind of left her hanging yesterday.
No. of votes: 13
Shadowward, Gore17, Delwgun, UbeOne, 恐Drake, Nightfallen, Serous, Highwind, LightMage, xenondestroyer, Andres110, ReaperofInterest, Jrin

[X]Check to see how James' is holding up.
No. of votes: 3
veekie, Rei of Sunshine, Nix's Warden

[x]Mike's original idea yesterday was great! Time to meet the other Magical Girls.
No. of votes: 9
Rei of Sunshine, Gore17, 恐Drake, Highwind, xenondestroyer, Wirdo, Andres110, Locos_Docos, Jrin

[X]Check to see how the War is going.
No. of votes: 1
Alright, this I a bit embarrassing, but I gotta ask:

Would someone count how many days have passed in-quest? I flubbed my timeline and I can't remember how far off the next big event is. I'd do it myself, but I keep getting distracted.
Alright, this I a bit embarrassing, but I gotta ask:

Would someone count how many days have passed in-quest? I flubbed my timeline and I can't remember how far off the next big event is. I'd do it myself, but I keep getting distracted.
Day 1: Gear Start to Gear Acceleration
Day 2: Gear Acceleration to Gear Idle
Day 3: Gear Idle to Gear Stall
Day 4: Gear Stall to Gear Ignition
Day 5: Gear Ignition to Ruinous Gear
Day 6: Ruinous Gear to Steel Gear
Day 7: Steel Gear to Formless Gear
Day 8: Formless Gear to Hold Gear
Day 9: Hold Gear to ???

You appear to have ended up dropping two days somewhere while at the base: the updates say the attack occured on the fourth day, it actually happened on the sixth.
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Day 1: Gear Start to Gear Acceleration
Day 2: Gear Acceleration to Gear Idle
Day 3: Gear Idle to Gear Stall
Day 4: Gear Stall to Gear Ignition
Day 5: Gear Ignition to Ruinous Gear
Day 6: Ruinous Gear to Steel Gear
Day 7: Steel Gear to Formless Gear
Day 8: Formless Gear to Hold Gear
Day 9: Hold Gear to ???

You appear to have ended up dropping two days somewhere while at the base: the updates say the attack occured on the fourth day, it actually happened on the sixth.
Yeah. I fucked up my timeline. I'll take a look and see what I can fix before I write the next update.

As consolation: Day 10 is when the next big thing is supposed to happen. More later.
So has our higher ups noticed our character's obscene power growth and are willing to make sure that we stay hidden for a few years?
The way this story is headin'? Solid Core will be lucky if she doesn't gain notoriety by the end of the month.
Eh. Not really. We may get elevated to "Bros" with her and be an Enkidu-lite, ya know, if neither of us dies/falls anyway. And then Uni is potentially around, don't really like Tsuns myself, but... *Shrug*

And then we get to her age. Leave the shipping at the door for a few years.

I can't just decide when to ship it just happens. But yeah I'm not gonna try for anything except shoot down other ships until she's old enough.
"She's my pet. No little sister equipment for you."

Yup. It's happening. "Oh, come on... not again." Your whispered despair attracts the attention of Richard beside you. He leans over slightly as to not draw the attention of the now arguing Magical Girls.

"What's wrong?" You glare at him in an adorably cute way.

"A bad joke got out of hand years ago between my sister and her friends. It only lasted a few days but it ended with me getting the nickname 'Nepgear' and it never left! And at this rate it's going to come back and I'll never be rid of it!"

The reference
Guys, it's just a nickname, we're more like a surrogate little sister to her.
Not quite, sadly...
Rei's ego is massive. She's brutally honest for the simple fact she doesn't see the point of lying. Almost to the point she's mentally incapable of lying. Her claiming you as a pet? That was her literally claiming you as a pet. A far as she's concerned you're now her personal property.
Still we're treated like a little sister anyway, so all's good for now.
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