Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

On Nep Going The Way of Ni: Unlikely. It's not obvious, but I think it's about time to reveal this.

Nepgear doesn't quite think like a normal human.
I'm not joking on this. Even under scrutiny, her thought processes are damn near indistinguishable from you or me, but when seen from the long view, it's obvious there's something different with her. There's a reason she's taking this long to finally break.
Huh. Been wondering if it was just me.
What comes from you is a sound not unlike that of an animal, so enraged that 'decision making' could be summed up as 'KILL IT'. That is your only thought, the only thing that passes through your mind.

You transform in a wave of power that shatters everything around you. Food turns to dust, the sodas that you had been placing out explode, and the disintegrating ground blows all the other girls off their collective feet, tossing them all aside like ragdolls.
Overwhelming Presence when?!

Overwhelming Presence
-Deals 1000 damage per turn to all enemies within range.
Vote Tally : Original - Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest! | Page 361 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4

[X] The Fascinated Mother, Gaia
No. of Votes: 20

[X] More than he seems, James
No. of Votes: 15

[x] The Golden Annihilator, Goddess Gold
No. of Votes: 9

[X] The Good King, White Knight
No. of Votes: 9

[x] The Armor, Sega
No. of Votes: 5

Total No. of Voters: 29
I've been thinking about why Nep has Gehaburn's effect.

My first thought would be that the power boost would come from drawing upon the souls as a power source, and the reason that she can only take the souls of her friends is that she needed the emotional connection to act as a sacrifice for the power. The souls are then used to temporarily strengthen how much she can output. Wail of Madness would be basically using their souls to widen the channel pernamently, instead of being temporary. This destroys souls, which prevents them from being resurrected. Thought this implies that Nep can do the same to enemies if she has the know how. However, I have a second theory which I prefer since it means we dont have to destroy the souls of friends.

Nep holds a fragment of a Divine Being that predates the universe, and can be considered a nascent Divine Being herself. When she kills her friends and their souls get absorbed into the core, its because she does not want to separate from them, and thus she is using her core as a pseudo afterlife. This is also why Reincarnate does not work. The soul is safely in the Core and beyond of reach of such abilities, at least at this scale. The power boosts comes from the fact that when she absorbs a soul, the connection between her and the core widens, temporarily doubling our output. Wail makes that widening permanent.

Either way, the reason why it only affects people killed by Nep Purifier Beam is because the Beam is a direct connection to her Core, and getting killed by it allows our her Core to create a connection to their soul. It also means that killing the other Divine girls would have an interesting effect, especially if their souls are connected to the other fragments of Peace and enter Nep's Core
....Does this mean that our responsibility is to go on a spree? Or do we think that the other places offer better afterlives?
First, it's only conjecture at this point, second, if that is true there's really no way to examine said pocket dimension to confirm that it's actually a nice place to live in, and third you'd still have the trauma of stabbing your best friends in the gut.

So...let's just assume the worst for now so that we don't start going on a 'righteous' massacre to 'protect' people. That never ends well.
Well, Gehaburn is actually due to an outside influence:
It doesn't actually. Gehaburn is from a third party that was accidentally implanted during the Calamity.
So that should be taken into account as well.
If you want. No reflections until the update after Nep gets out of her catatonia though.
That's fine.

I created this omake as a "what-if", when we were discussion the whole "Blue Sky and Truth" thing. Enjoy!


Her words have barely even begun to fade. Ana, still uncomprehending, jerks, unsure whether to move forward of backwards. Truth, shock and a dawning horror appearing on her face, already moving away. Blue Sky, rage, fear and determination settling into place. And you begin to move, all thoughts focused on two things:

She betrayed your sister.

She's a danger to your sister.

You don't know why she has done so, you don't understand why she is. In the recesses of your mind, jumbled ideas on why are formed. Is she doing it for someone she loves? Is the Unified Darkness holding her family hostage? Was she killed and brought back, like you had been.

Immaterial. Your consciousness can't make anything out, everything is hazy, surprise, sadness, hate, your thoughts can only analyse what's going on.

But your body... your body reacts. Moving forward, engaging the enemy in front of you. Still human.

She see's you, and steps back, mouth opening, ready to transform. Everything is slow, moving as if through molassess.

Your fist lashes out, catching her in the jaw. Her head twists. You hear her neck snap. You don't know if she's still alive.

You don't care.

Your sister begins to scream. The shouting begins.

You can only be strong for her.
What do Auto Max Charge and Rain of Blows do?

Also, I'm also eager to see what Sabrina would look like in this. And it also makes me curious as to what Hikari would look like in this system.
What do Auto Max Charge and Rain of Blows do?
Rain of Blows is Full Auto for melee, and Auto Max Charge presumably auto-maxes the MM.
Also, I'm also eager to see what Sabrina would look like in this. And it also makes me curious as to what Hikari would look like in this system.
I may actually end up doing my Sabrina rather than Firn's Sabrina, because I have a better handle on her and what she can do.
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