I don't see anything for Danny to be getting a yes for.............he pretty much hung Taylor out to dry until a stranger verified what she just said.
Danny is useless as a father, I bet he doesn't miss a thing at the job but can't be bothered to take care of his own kid. Danny is a deadbeat father.

His first action was to suspect Taylor first. Jesus Danny.:facepalm::facepalm:
It was probably the Shard talking there.
I don't see anything for Danny to be getting a yes for.............he pretty much hung Taylor out to dry until a stranger verified what she just said.
Danny is useless as a father, I bet he doesn't miss a thing at the job but can't be bothered to take care of his own kid. Danny is a deadbeat father.

His first action was to suspect Taylor first. Jesus Danny.:facepalm::facepalm:

was not listening to his daughter and immediately suspecting her shitty? yes, even with the context that he didn't know anything about the situation except that taylor has started being out for long periods of time, doesn't really talk to him much, and now he's getting messages of her misbehaving in school, since she's never told him about the bullying

but he is actually trying to do something now, and I'm cheering for him to bring some justice down on the head of little miss "I'll sit back and watch someone get mutilated unless she fights back herself"
I love you forever for having a proper blow out between Danny and Taylor.

Dat's good storytelling, mmm.

Also, Danny VS Alan's character witness: Ooooooooh!
I'm chalking that one up to power or god-enduced mental blocks. Thinker shards DO tend to fuck with their hosts the most from what we've seen.

Not necessarily. I had to read that line twice, because the first time I read it I thought Mr. Hendrick was talking about Taylor walking his dog for him, and not her own.

And I'm third-person omniscient. It's not a stretch to assume Danny glossed over that in a similar manner.
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I enjoyed the smack down layed on Allen. However I was sorry of disappointed that it wasn't Taylor solving her problem, but her neighbour being the superintendent of the school. That part kinda came out of left field and felt like a deus ex machina.
How is it that someone whose power is apparently super organization not notice the fact that his daughter has been said to be walking her dog almost every day. WHEN THEY DONT OWN A DOG.
Datcord Says: 10 and 11
Whulp, I got lapped. C&C is tucked behind spoilers, as is my usual in situations like this.

(Which is only 6.8 if you believe the Russian judge.)

Haru stopped by the shrine over the weekend, with a small jug of rice wine in hand and a ball of anxiety resting behind his ribs.
Oh, Bakuda went for the torso this time! (Why does she have a bomb that induces anxiety? ...why NOT?)

Souta hadn't done more than have some words with the redhead, but the girl had started shrieking at the top of her lungs, which brought down the teachers.
Souta later commented that the redhead's future boyfriend had better wear earplugs or else....

Which, looking back, now that she had a name and a face and a very scary patron, had been pretty shitty of him. That it took the threat of angering Oni Lee to actually make him look at her, and see what happened instead of merely watching... well, that was pretty shitty too.
Well... at least he's got SOME kind of self-awareness. Not a lot, but a little. ...this doesn't make him a good person, though. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

"...thanks. For what it's worth." What was it about girls being able to say 'fuck you' in the most innocuous of words?
It's a special skill they get taught in the women's bathroom. Ever wonder why girls go to the bathroom in groups? That's why. For the classes.

"And what does that mean?" It was no wonder the Oni was fond of her. There was probably iron running through this girl's blood. "Why don't you sit down. I'll make tea."

Haru talked.
At length. About anything. About everything. Whatever it took to get her to stop LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT.

She hadn't started coming to the shrine with any thought for the gang in mind outside of a healthy touch of fear; certainly not with any designs on joining, if that were even possible.
Oh, Taylor. You're not joining the ABB. No, no, no. No... they're joining YOU. I give it... maybe a month before "ABB" stands for "Alliance for Brockton Bay."

And saving her bike had been beyond their call of duty, as far as she could see-- she'd told the Haru boy as much. She'd given him some paintings she'd done over the summer, in thanks, with instructions to hand one over each to the other two teens he'd been acting with.
"Miko says we don't have to do thing like that any more."

"...we're not gonna stop, though. Right?"

"What, do you think I'm fucking CRAZY?! Shit no, we're not gonna stop. We'll just be... subtle. -ish."

the wolf grabbed the neck of the small jug in her teeth and tilted her head skyward. Taylor could hear the guzzling sounds from here.
*facepalm* Taylor, your... "pet" is a lush. I'd tell you to get her on the wagon, but a wolf on a wagon is an entirely DIFFERENT series.

(Additional charges on Miko's PRT rap sheet: Aiding in the delinquency of a... wolf?)

"May we speak?" He asked. Asked, as if Taylor could possibly say no.
I like to believe that if she'd said no, Oni Lee would have politely nodded and asked when a better time would be.

"Lung has asked about you. He has asked about the trees, and the shrine, among other things." Sunny's ears perked to listen a little more intently. Taylor put one hand back behind her, to grip the wolf's fur as an anchor. "He will meet with you."
Taylor's current mental dialogue:

"I am... diminished, Miko. Much of me is lost. The Ōkami has aided me in ways I cannot express. I owe a debt that cannot be repaid. If I can aid you, I will."
I... am really looking forward to Lung realizing that his lieutenant (because he can't be his friend, his friend died long ago in Oni Lee's mask) is... slowly becoming his friend again. I can't imagine Lung ever allowing himself to show actual gratitude, but... I'd like to believe that he'd show something.

We've gone to eleven!

Danny didn't believe for a second that his Taylor had set thugs on Emma Barnes,
I mean, if she wanted to do THAT, she could have just asked him. He DID work in the Dockworker's Union for years, after all!

Taylor was a good girl. Taylor was a smart girl.
Taylor is annoyed her father is mentally talking about her like she's a particularly clever puppy.

Taylor never mentioning friends at school,
...she doesn't have any friends. There, that's explained.

Maybe sometime soon she'd bring up the three-hundred-and-some-change charge on his credit card, and there'd be a reasonable explanation for that, too.
"My dog did that."

"...so it's drugs, then."

"No! My dog did it! I think she was drunk!"

Or maybe she'd made some friends who weren't entirely on the straight and narrow.
*eyes "Sunny" suspiciously*
What's that? ...Oni Lee? No, he's cool.

Taylor came down the stairs, wearing a red skirt and white blouse, and with her backpack nowhere in sight. She spotted him in the kitchen and froze, eyes wide. The seed grew deeper.

"Taylor," he said, keeping his voice carefully even. "I'm driving you to school today. No buts."
Whups. Someone got busted. Very, very busted. ...in the slang sense. Not so much in the adjective sense. I believe canon made THAT very clear.

Taylor spotted Yuuta on the way, trying to attract her attention. Behind him, Haru saw the thunderous look on her dad's face and pulled the other teen into a different hallway.
Haru: "Now is NOT the time to ask her out, dude!"

Danny Hebert was silent, save for the creak of wooden armrests beneath his fingers.
And, inside his brain, a timer has started counting down....

"Although, over the past year Miss Hebert has complained frequently of aggression from Miss Barnes, as well as a few other students."
"We didn't do anything about it, of course, because we're blatantly, over-the-top evil. It would have cut into my kicking puppy time and that just wasn't going to happen."

The principal hedged a bit, saying, "I'm not sure that's the first explanation I'd come to, but..."
Yeah, it's hard to straight up offer "I think your daughter's a psychopathic bitch." as a suggestion, isn't it.

"Alan, this isn't a courtroom." Danny hissed. The lawyer waved a hand in dismissal.
"And you're a DIVORCE LAWYER, anyways! If they were married, I'd ask your opinion. Until then, shut up."

anything else is just slander. Defamation of character.
...which is EXACTLY what divorce lawyers use. Just... putting that out there.

Ms. Blackwell coughed. "Mr. Barnes, this is Mr. George Henrick and Mr. Clive Stevenson, the former and current superintendents of this district. They have every right to be here."
I... did not see THAT coming at ALL.

I need a bowl of popcorn. This will be AMAZING.

"Your voice carries, you know. Good for a courtroom. Not so good when you're threatening lawsuits with intent to bankrupt the other party. Do the words 'moral turpitude' mean anything to you?"
For the record: Moral turpitude. So, yes. Having a former and current school superintendent throw THAT at a lawyer (divorce lawyer, not a REAL lawyer!) is a bit of a... thing.

She's out walking her dog, every day, rain or shine. She's out gardening an' planting trees in poorer sections of town, just because she can and because they need a bit of color.
I mean, she kinda committed credit card fraud doing that last one, but... I'm pretty sure the courts would buy the "My DOG did it!" defense in this case.

Danny put his mug down with a careful click. If it was still in his hand, it was going to shatter. "Barnes, you said?"
Oh, god. My schadenfreude gland. I... I think it's going to explode with this human emotion called "glee!"

Danny turned to face Velocity, and the speedster actually took a step back.
Keep in mind that this is an experienced and talented member of the Protectorate, here. And Danny is a tall, skinny dude. ...who's just made said hero BACK THE FUCK UP with nothing but his glare.

Velocity stopped chewing his granola bar. He swallowed, carefully. "...maybe we should go see Armsmaster. And the Director. They're going to want to hear this."
You know, it's not often that I like Piggot or Piggot Interludes. But... I gotta admit: I *really* want to see her reaction to this little bit of information. I suspect it'll make Pompei look sedate and boring.

Danny did not smile-- he showed his teeth. "Gladly."
Ooooh, NICE callback. I approve! (Though I'm still not happy with you, Danny. It took you MONTHS to notice anything and, even then, you didn't back your daughter up until somebody ELSE chimed in. You ass.)
Hmm. I wonder what Danny's power is. If it follows what Wildbow said, it's probably rats instead of bugs.
Possiy that he's very, very good at coordinating Parahunans, if that is QA.

(Oh god I know far too much of Worm from osmosis -_-)

Anyway, this story's actually pretty nice so far. Looking forwards to where it goes.
That part kinda came out of left field and felt like a deus ex machina.

More like spreading Aciton/Reaction. It was posted earlier That doG's power is from good deeds being passed around.

What we have here is just part of a long line of chain reactions from Taylor doing good deeds with Wolfie. Ever action along that chain built up power and momentum one after the other. And hit the barn's like a fucking train.

Edit: All so when's the last time danny checked his own back yard. Does he not notice the fix fence with the nabors or all the new plants and trees?
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Eh, the scene leaves a lot of things ambiguous, and it is the gaps that make me wonder how much we should like this Danny. For one thing, we miss the scene where Danny tells Taylor that they have to meet about the Emma scene (I am giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming he did actually explain what they were meeting about, rather than just springing it on her) so we don't know if he actually listened to her side of the story. From what she said about him never listening and the reaction he had to the two Asian kids, I am guessing that he didn't and instead played the clueless, 'my kid is turning out wrong and I won't stop to think if I could have contributed to this or if the information I am hearing is wrong' card.

From the way that parts of the update are written, it doesn't particularly look like he actually spoke to his daughter at all beforehand besides telling her that he was driving her to school. He certainly didn't tell her what the meeting was about given:

Emma and Mr. Barnes were already sitting with Blackwell, of course. Of course they would arrive early, to express how awful the situation was, and how terrible it must be for Emma to... whatever this was about. Friday's altercation, most likely.

I'd kind of like to know more about what Danny is thinking at the end there, all we really know is that he's feeling numb before he gets side tracked into the whole Shadow Stalker thing.
His first action was to suspect Taylor first. Jesus Danny.:facepalm::facepalm:

To be honest, Taylor is getting a lot of "something's wrong" vibe.

I'm going agree with archangis here, Taylor is partially to blame with how she has been acting, along with the online shopping thing Ammy did. Regardless of how much you might love your kid when you are getting all sorts of "my teenager is doing something" vibes you tend to get suspicious. it doesn't help that she made no mention of the bullying to her father, which paints a damming picture when he gets a call of her sending gangsters after a former best friend.

I can easily see why Danny kept silent because all the evidence that he has (remember, he is not a telepath and we have far more information than he does) points to her doing something bad, plus a person he considered a best friend just pulled an large betrayal as well.

What makes me excited though is this can lead up with Danny waking up and pay more attention and be more of a dad, which I think is going according to Ammy's plan for more pets. everyone makes mistakes, what makes someone a better person is admitting and solving those mistakes.

PS: Danny in canon sucked mostly because Wildbow's focus was on Taylor and not the family aside from something to poke for more potential drama. It's why a lot of teenage or children characters are orphans, runaways, their parents are abroad, ect. The focus is on the character and the creators don't really want to deal with them a lot. It's very much the Adults are Useless trope (caution prep for Tv Trope extended stay just in case).


You are awesome @Datcord , go give Ammy belly rubs for how awesome you are :D.
Whulp, I got lapped. C&C is tucked behind spoilers, as is my usual in situations like this.

(Which is only 6.8 if you believe the Russian judge.)

Oh, Bakuda went for the torso this time! (Why does she have a bomb that induces anxiety? ...why NOT?)

Souta later commented that the redhead's future boyfriend had better wear earplugs or else....

Well... at least he's got SOME kind of self-awareness. Not a lot, but a little. ...this doesn't make him a good person, though. Not by any stretch of the imagination.

It's a special skill they get taught in the women's bathroom. Ever wonder why girls go to the bathroom in groups? That's why. For the classes.

At length. About anything. About everything. Whatever it took to get her to stop LOOKING AT HIM LIKE THAT.

Oh, Taylor. You're not joining the ABB. No, no, no. No... they're joining YOU. I give it... maybe a month before "ABB" stands for "Alliance for Brockton Bay."

"Miko says we don't have to do thing like that any more."

"...we're not gonna stop, though. Right?"

"What, do you think I'm fucking CRAZY?! Shit no, we're not gonna stop. We'll just be... subtle. -ish."

*facepalm* Taylor, your... "pet" is a lush. I'd tell you to get her on the wagon, but a wolf on a wagon is an entirely DIFFERENT series.

(Additional charges on Miko's PRT rap sheet: Aiding in the delinquency of a... wolf?)

I like to believe that if she'd said no, Oni Lee would have politely nodded and asked when a better time would be.

Taylor's current mental dialogue:

I... am really looking forward to Lung realizing that his lieutenant (because he can't be his friend, his friend died long ago in Oni Lee's mask) is... slowly becoming his friend again. I can't imagine Lung ever allowing himself to show actual gratitude, but... I'd like to believe that he'd show something.

We've gone to eleven!

I mean, if she wanted to do THAT, she could have just asked him. He DID work in the Dockworker's Union for years, after all!

Taylor is annoyed her father is mentally talking about her like she's a particularly clever puppy.

...she doesn't have any friends. There, that's explained.

"My dog did that."

"...so it's drugs, then."

"No! My dog did it! I think she was drunk!"

*eyes "Sunny" suspiciously*
What's that? ...Oni Lee? No, he's cool.

Whups. Someone got busted. Very, very busted. ...in the slang sense. Not so much in the adjective sense. I believe canon made THAT very clear.

Haru: "Now is NOT the time to ask her out, dude!"

And, inside his brain, a timer has started counting down....

"We didn't do anything about it, of course, because we're blatantly, over-the-top evil. It would have cut into my kicking puppy time and that just wasn't going to happen."

Yeah, it's hard to straight up offer "I think your daughter's a psychopathic bitch." as a suggestion, isn't it.

"And you're a DIVORCE LAWYER, anyways! If they were married, I'd ask your opinion. Until then, shut up."

...which is EXACTLY what divorce lawyers use. Just... putting that out there.

I... did not see THAT coming at ALL.

I need a bowl of popcorn. This will be AMAZING.

For the record: Moral turpitude. So, yes. Having a former and current school superintendent throw THAT at a lawyer (divorce lawyer, not a REAL lawyer!) is a bit of a... thing.

I mean, she kinda committed credit card fraud doing that last one, but... I'm pretty sure the courts would buy the "My DOG did it!" defense in this case.

Oh, god. My schadenfreude gland. I... I think it's going to explode with this human emotion called "glee!"

Keep in mind that this is an experienced and talented member of the Protectorate, here. And Danny is a tall, skinny dude. ...who's just made said hero BACK THE FUCK UP with nothing but his glare.

You know, it's not often that I like Piggot or Piggot Interludes. But... I gotta admit: I *really* want to see her reaction to this little bit of information. I suspect it'll make Pompei look sedate and boring.

Ooooh, NICE callback. I approve! (Though I'm still not happy with you, Danny. It took you MONTHS to notice anything and, even then, you didn't back your daughter up until somebody ELSE chimed in. You ass.)
Best neighbors continue to be the best. Did Mr. Henrick start an investigation just for Taylor?

I'm glad that things aren't going so well for Sophia. Hopefully Danny will actually have a talk with his daughter soon and get the names of her tormentors. Then things can get even worse! :)