It's hobby because it's not a job. Patreon would ethically turned this hobby into responsibilities, duty. It's... something rather delicate, so it should be approached carefully.
I disagree. If you enjoy doing something, and get paid doing it, then its possible to be both. For instance, if I enjoy woodworking and building boats and sell them when I'm done building them, and that is my sole income, then it is possible for my hobby to become my job. Find something that you love doing, and you'll never work a day in your life!
I disagree. If you enjoy doing something, and get paid doing it, then its possible to be both. For instance, if I enjoy woodworking and building boats and sell them when I'm done building them, and that is my sole income, then it is possible for my hobby to become my job. Find something that you love doing, and you'll never work a day in your life!
There's two paradigms to this thought;
  • Do what you love for a living and you'll never work a day in your life
  • Don't do what you love for a living, lest you grow sick of it and lose a love.
Besides, fanfiction and patreon are a legally fraught mix.
It's hobby because it's not a job. Patreon would ethically turned this hobby into responsibilities, duty. It's... something rather delicate, so it should be approached carefully.
More importantly, since we're talking about fanfiction it would change something that while it might be technically illegal doesn't open the author to any financial risks, to something that is quite illegal and makes the author potentially liable to significantly more than all the money they'll get from Patreon, with the added "bonus" of encouraging copyright holders to squash fanfiction whenever they can.
The main reasons AFAICT that copyright holders don't squash fanfiction are because if they do they have to squash down all fanfiction or weaken their copyright claim, there being so much fan fiction it's nearly impossible, fan fiction being a half way decent advertisement and a way to keep people engaged with the IP, and because it could be reasonably claimed that fan fiction is part of an author's portfolio in the same way art of other people's IPs can be considered part of an artist's portfolio and thus entirely legal to have, make and show.

The moment you start monetizing your fan fiction though, that calculation changes massively.
The thing about authors needing to break fanworks to protect copyright is a myth as far as I know.

The only thing that can theoretically be affected by fanfics is trademarks. If a fanwork becomes well known enough to cause the target demographic to believe it is in fact a work of the company, this can damage the trademark..

But thing is, fanworks tend to make it clear they are fanworks one way another. Never mind the insane levels of popularity you would need to have to actually endanger a trademark of any sort of reasonably well known work...

Note: This is in the US, I don't know exactly how it is here in Europe or rest of the world though wikipedia says fanfics have been made legal in the UK.

Edit: Huh sorry if this is a derail, I will not post anything else, had it written up and didn't see the last post before posting myself.
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Alert: Let's not do this here guys, alright?
well just in case.
While I'm glad that y'all were able to control yourselves enough to stop the derail on your own, I don't really care for the topic of the derail so I'm just going to advise everyone to avoid this kind of behavior in this thread in the future. The OP will return to the thread when they are ready to do so, so at this point it's better to let sleeping dogs lie until the OP is able to update.

Please, thank you, and have a good day ladies and gents.
[ALERT=Well just in case.]
While I'm glad that y'all were able to control yourselves enough to stop the derail on your own, I don't really care for the topic of the derail so I'm just going to advise everyone to avoid this kind of behavior in this thread in the future. The OP will return to the thread when they are ready to do so, so at this point it's better to let sleeping dogs lie until the OP is able to update.

Please, thank you, and have a good day ladies and gents.
Uhh, @kokuenDG, the alert showed up as an OP post. It looks like that glitch hasn't been completely fixed. Thought you might want to know.