Welp. That happened.

"Ah, Mr. Henrick, Mr. Stevenson-- my apologies, but I'm going to be a bit delayed. Why don't you continue your tour while I deal with this?"

"Like hell I will. Susan Blackwell, what is this all about?"

Both Danny and Alan's faces were red with anger, but it was the lawyer who spoke. "This is a private matter, and you have no business being in here!"

Ms. Blackwell coughed. "Mr. Barnes, this is Mr. George Henrick and Mr. Clive Stevenson, the former and current superintendents of this district. They have every right to be here." Mr. Barnes' face didn't seem to know if it wanted to blanch or flush further.

"Still not answering me, Blackwell. Taylor-- what's going on?"

Taylor blinked, then hastily wiped at her face. "Emma stole my inkpot on Friday, then splashed it in my face. Some other kids finally stood up for me, so now Emma's saying I sicced gang members on her."

"Uh huh. I remember you runnin' home in tears that day." Old Mr. Henrick's eyes were shrewd. "I've had my suspicions-- has she been giving you a hard time for a while now?" At her nod, Old. Mr. Henrick hissed a breath through his teeth.

"Blackwell, I hope for your sake you've been addressing this. I've watched Taylor Hebert come home in tears more times than I care to count."

"Look-- Mr. Henrick--" Alan Barnes gestured, drawing attention away from Taylor and back onto him. "You have to understand, I don't know what's between my daughter and his, but there's been witness accounts with some pretty bad implications, here. Taylor's been seen talking with suspected gang members, levering accusations against upstanding students-- I even hear her own grades took a pretty sharp drop, when before she was such a clever girl. Danny, have you thought about having her tested for drugs?"

"Mr. Barnes, is it?" Old Mr. Henrick interrupted. "Your voice carries, you know. Good for a courtroom. Not so good when you're threatening lawsuits with intent to bankrupt the other party. Do the words 'moral turpitude' mean anything to you?" Mr. Barnes' mouth snapped shut with a click. "And as for implying that Taylor here's not an upstanding student-- I have no idea what her grades are like. But I know what she's like. She does chores and yard work for the missus and I. She's out walking her dog, every day, rain or shine. She's out gardening an' planting trees in poorer sections of town, just because she can and because they need a bit of color." Old Mr. Henrick snorted. "You want to bluster and yell about slander and character defamation, you should get your own ducks in a row, first."

That is one of the more satisfying smack-downs of the Barnes family I've seen in fanfiction. Authority being abused, go to a higher authority that is actually friendly to Taylor. And is on her side because of evidence he seen with his own two eyes.
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"More of a wolf, really."

"It used my credit card?"

"She. She used your credit card."
"I... how did she manage that?"

"Dunno, dad. At least I managed to make sure she didn't use it to buy sake."

"Your dog is a drunkard?!"

"Well, she sure loves the stuff."

Danny stares blankly at his daughter.

"Then again, I don't think we'll have to worry about that anymore. Oni Lee always brings her a bottle when he visits the shrine."

"Well, that's... reassuring, I gue- what was that about Oni Lee?"
To be fair to Danny, Taylor has been acting odd and didn't come forward to him about the credit card charges.

Which he has no idea that Taylor actually didn't do.

Danny's real problem is he hasn't actively tried to connect with Taylor since Annette's death, with the rationale that Taylor would come to him if she wanted to talk about things or bridge the gap. The issue with that is, for that to happen, Taylor has to believe Danny is emotionally available. Which she doesn't, and not without reason. Someone has to take the first step.
You don't listen, the teachers don't listen-- nobody does!" Taylor fisted her hands in her hair, her breath coming in hitches and gasps. "Nobody listens to me except--!" The door slammed open.

"What in blazes is going on in here?!"
The voice was familiar, but the tone was so far out of expectation that Taylor couldn't help staring. Old Mr. Henrick was standing in the doorway, a middle-aged man in a suit behind him. Mrs. Blackwell stood up, looking like she'd just swallowed a lemon.

An expression of gratitude is often all that is needed to attract her gaze, and where her gaze falls evil is banished away.
I can see it...

Lung: I am a dragon.
Amaterasu: I am a star over a million kilometers wide. Your argument is irrelevant.
She's actually the goddess of the Heavenly Cycle. I.E. Excluding the moon/Tsukiyomi, she's the Goddess of all of it. Which means he's picking a fight with the universe instead of just our sun.

Well, she's the goddess of the physical universe anyway. There's also gods for the separation of Heaven and Earth and such.
More like spreading Aciton/Reaction. It was posted earlier That doG's power is from good deeds being passed around.

What we have here is just part of a long line of chain reactions from Taylor doing good deeds with Wolfie. Ever action along that chain built up power and momentum one after the other. And hit the barn's like a fucking train.

Edit: All so when's the last time danny checked his own back yard. Does he not notice the fix fence with the nabors or all the new plants and trees?
Lol, so Taylor/Ammy has a master power that makes worm characters act like nice people :p
Danny did not smile-- he showed his teeth. "Gladly."
Chessmated. I think just ask SS about small personal service.
I can see it...

Lung: I am a dragon.
Amaterasu: I am a star over a million kilometers wide. Your argument is irrelevant.
Lung respect only one argument power.
Hmm. I wonder what Danny's power is
hat was fine with Armsmaster-- the other hero had a natural knack for organizing and coordinating that his power had only built upon.
Look likes some kind of Number Man power.