Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

That's not the issue. Graf Zeppelin had full air wings and replacements ready
No It didn't. The majority of the 70 Bf 109 T's built weren't carrier capable, and apart from prototypes the only bombers built for it were a dozen-odd biplanes. As to Goering, is there a source for him refusing to allow aircraft to serve on the Graf Zeppelin? He certainly let Luftwaffe aircraft operate on other German warships.
The big big big problem in the way of completing Graf Zeppelin is the air wing. Goering kept a death grip on all things flying as the Luftwaffe was his fiefdom and Hitler never got angry enough with Goering to bother stripping authority from the fat addict. Unless Goering truly fucks up to a level even Hitler can't just ignore, there is a higher probability of Mussolini getting tossed out and his replacement Balbo offering to loan the Kriegsmarine Italian planes (since the pastas do not have the ability to finish their own CV Aquila) in the Re2001. And that's a pretty damn slim chance there as well.

The best option to get Zeppy-chan completed is for Goering to screw up so badly that Hitler strokes out while shooting Goering at the same time.
That or for war reparations, the allies seize her but do NOT sink her. Thompson, since the secret is failing fast about time travel, very likely would stress - hard - that having her finished and ecperienced is going to be vital.

And considering he knew about the spirits of ships coming to life, and then BACK to life as ladies (independent of their hulls), I certainly would be giving him the benefit of doubt about 'evil' ships doing the exact same thing.

Hell, just mention some of the occult dealings several Nazi groups had going, and off-hand mention that it'd certainly make for a true 'fuck you all' if/when their Reich falls. Its no less right or wrong than other theories as to why/how the Abyssals came into existence. Mention the Flying Dutchman or several other 'haunted' ships, and also mention how the Bermuda Triangle was swarming with them.
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Scrieber is going to have a hell of a time trying to convince Hitler to devote the funds and material needed to complete an aircraft carrier and air wing that is going to sit in port for the foreseeable future. Especially since Barbarossa is already well underway and it is eating men and material at an ever increasing rate.

If she's not built during the war, then there is effectively no chance that she is going to be built/completed post war. While the revelation of the ships having souls and manifesting as women would probably prevent them from being bartered away as war prizes, you can be damn sure that the Allies will not want Germany to make more capital ships. Not to mention, Scrieber would have to justify to a post war government why exactly Germany needs an aircraft carrier when (as part of NATO) they can just call in both the Royal Navy and USN if the Soviets start getting uppity.

Edit: Actually, he would be lucky if there is a German navy at all post war. If NATO goes through as OTL then the Germans would be pouring their funds into the Bundeswehr, investing in the new Leopard series of tanks and otherwise preparing for that feared Soviet armored wave. There's little point of having anything beyond coastal defense, escorts and destroyers for naval assets because the RN are literally hours away, and the USN is a few days beyond that.
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There's also the fact that Graf Zepplin would be completely, utterly worthless.

She's awfully designed, the Kriegsmarine has zero established carrier doctrine, they have no time to establish that doctrine, she would have no escorts, no support, and no way to do anything meaningful. She would be as effective as the Scharnhorsts or Bismarck: Have a glorious battle or two, then get sunk by the Royal Navy or stuck in port.

At the end of the day, the Nazis have absolutely nothing to gain from completing her.
Well, in this timeline, WHat if The Fat Bastard did fuck things up so royally that Hitler couldnt just let him get away with it, or even have a random accident result in that Fat Bastards demise? Have a working accident while he inspects a new delivery of aircraft for his We have a chance to really make things different here. And wouldnt that throw our AMerican Time Traveling Admiral for a loop. Nazi germany with a functioning Air Craft Carrier? hell. The new replacement could follow America in their Aviation training. DO a mission, and get some dedicated rest. WOuld make for things to be more interesting with competent leadership who all despise Hitler and want to see him gone.
the problem is that both the BF-109 and JU-87 were ensign eaters that had accident rates on dry land on par with the Corsair. I wouldn't be surprised if Graf never managed to go on patrol because of air crew and aircraft losses from training.
the problem is that both the BF-109 and JU-87 were ensign eaters that had accident rates on dry land on par with the Corsair. I wouldn't be surprised if Graf never managed to go on patrol because of air crew and aircraft losses from training.
well, obviously, they should go with enlisted pilots. young officers are always getting into trouble.
What would the Nazi's even do with an aircraft carrier? There's no real use for one on the Baltic, since land-based aircraft can go pretty much anywhere over it from the airfields the Germans already have.

Sending it out in the North Sea will make it a target for the Royal Navy, who are certainly not going to allow another Bismarck situation if they can possibly avoid it. Most likely the carrier will wind up doing much what the Tirpitz did - lurking in shadowy corners and trying not to be spotted, since if it is spotted then it'll be a race between the RAF and RN to try to knock it out.
I believe the original tactical plans for the Kriegsmarine was to provide air scouting/recon for fast commerce raider groups. Hence the absurd secondary armament on Graf Zepp. It was supposed to combo a light cruiser and a light carrier, so it could pull double duty in protecting and assisting the battleship raiders in the commerce raider department. When you look at it from that reasoning, ie, someone let a madman of a German engineer loose on an idea, it makes a sort of sense from an efficiency standpoint. You just didn't have experienced naval engineers around in Germany to Gibbs' slap some people, after taking a look at the latest 'I have an idea' the interns just proposed.
I can see Graf Zepplin being completed, and maybe even given her flight group with the political clout that Schreiber has earned from his victory in Bismarck. However, this doesn't mean that she'll be useful. While we know that Zeppy makes Kaga with the triple deck look good, she's the only thing Germany has, so they might as well build her.

Also, from a completely cold blooded point of view, she's a waste of resources (sure not many) so why not push for her completion?
The closest argument I can see for completing Graf Zepplin is to point at US and IJN carrier groups operating in the pacific but that would still require time for them to really show their strengths.
Approximately 1,100 over the 6-year stretch of the European Front and Battle of the Atlantic.

Even assuming as little as ten percent reserved for the really notable ones like U-47 (Killed Royal Oak at Scapa Flow), U-81 (Killed Ark Royal 30 miles from Gibraltar), U-110 (Got jumped by the British and had her Enigma Machine and Codebooks captured), U-556 (A Promise Unfulfilled), just to name a tiny handful, you're still looking at a total complement of over 100 U-boat ship spirits or shipgirls made manifest.

As for Sky's plans regarding the U-boats and the fact that their extended family can quite easily take up a significant fraction of an Open-air Stadium for a game of Football, well, that's up to his notes on the subject.
... U-boat soccer hooligans. Considering the reception I got in Dresden, that would be absolutely terrifying.
It's the valley of the clueless and broadly speaking East Germany.

Dynamo Dresden hooligans are known to be violent by hooligan standards and like many Eastern German clubs, a significant portion of the Hooligans/Ultras tends to fall under HooNaRa aka Hooligans, Nazis, Racists.

As far as hooligans are concerned, U-Boats would be closer to St. Pauli hooligans. Still violent and up for enjoying third halftime, but also always up for stomping HooNaRa shitbags flat.
I don't think U-505 would participate in any hooligan style activities. Considering she has spent decades as a museum ship in Chicago. She would probably be more into American sports than European.
Yes I am picturing U-505 as a fan of the Bears and the white sox as well of American snack foods. Chicago style deep dish pizza for one.
I don't think U-505 would participate in any hooligan style activities. Considering she has spent decades as a museum ship in Chicago. She would probably be more into American sports than European.
Yes I am picturing U-505 as a fan of the Bears and the white sox as well of American snack foods. Chicago style deep dish pizza for one.
...I am now picturing a cute German girl running a Giordano's and complaining about her rowdy sisters getting detained after a sporting event again.
I don't think U-505 would participate in any hooligan style activities. Considering she has spent decades as a museum ship in Chicago. She would probably be more into American sports than European.
Yes I am picturing U-505 as a fan of the Bears and the white sox as well of American snack foods. Chicago style deep dish pizza for one.
...I am now picturing a cute German girl running a Giordano's and complaining about her rowdy sisters getting detained after a sporting event again.
Oh please, she's probably just as bad but hides it better. I bet that museum almost collapsed following the 2016 World Series.
I don't think U-505 would participate in any hooligan style activities. Considering she has spent decades as a museum ship in Chicago. She would probably be more into American sports than European.
Yes I am picturing U-505 as a fan of the Bears and the white sox as well of American snack foods. Chicago style deep dish pizza for one.
Probably. Much to the befuddlement of her sisters who wonder what their sister sees in those things.

King Football, now that's something they understand the importance of. The last league game in Hamburg was less than a week before the Brits took the city in WWII. Handegg on the other hand? Hit ball with stick? Might as well watch golf and pretend that's a sport worthy of consideration.

Also, 505 is likely someone other unlucky girls seek out, so they can share stories and lament the misfortune.

Also, funny enough, I can easily see any ship called Chicago be violently protective of their U-Boat.
Well, I know 24 or something USN Subs that will give U-505 crap for liking the Bears. They were built in Wisconsin because why not. Rasher is best girl.