Changing Destiny (Kancolle)

"I'm afraid not." There was no tone of apology in his voice, whatsoever. "This was requested by the Americans and the Prime Minister agreed. You'll find that your little friend isn't the only girl like her."
And thus, we have our first hint at Utah's new job: Diplomat! I'm sure she's accepting the noncombat assignment with no reservations whatsoever :V

Also really enjoying these axis snips, by the way. Thompson's story's good, especially with the bombshell last chapter, but with my historical bias I was already inclined to like the American chapters.
"In point of fact, my government was hoping for exactly that." The man spoke up, not bothering to give his name nor to explain how long he was listening. No. He just stared at the Germans, and continued speaking. "Admiral Lütjens? You and your...associate...are to join the Prime Minister for a meeting with the Americans."

Lütjens frowned at that, "Is that a request?"

"I'm afraid not." There was no tone of apology in his voice, whatsoever. "This was requested by the Americans and the Prime Minister agreed. You'll find that your little friend isn't the only girl like her."
Hmmm. If he is referring to Utah, seeing how she and Gneisenau interact is going to be very interesting. I can imagine Utah being quite reluctant to share the exact circumstances of her shift to more than a spirit, given that it involved what can be described as "not her finest moment".

Anyway, thanks for the update Sky. It was worth the wait imo.
"To be completely honest, I was curious about Doria herself." Schreiber finally spoke, when he felt the Italian move to stand beside him again. A half-smile hidden by the shadow of his cap. "As well as how you and your crew are treating her. I am far from the most religious man myself, though I do know how important the Church is in Italy."

Vitale shook his head almost bemusedly. "That is a stereotype, you know."
If I remember correctly, but until Mussolini agreement with the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church and the Italian Government were notably on bad terms, due to the unification of Italy, where the future Italian state conquered Rome from the Catholic Church. To the point, that the Catholic Church forbids any Catholic from participating with the Italian State. This meant that the Italian Government was very anti-clerical, although it governed a people who mostly identified as Catholic.
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Vitale waved his hand dismissively, "No one denies that. To my understanding, the main question for the Priests is if this is unique to ships. It proves, beyond any doubt, that souls are real. tanks have the same? Planes? The rifle of an infantryman or the home of an engineer? What if the Pantheon has a spirit?"
Hmm... the possibility of Tank Girls, Plane Girls, and Raifus is there, although I don't know how slim they are.

Also, imminent meeting with Lutjens and Thompson when, if it's even possible?
And thus, we have our first hint at Utah's new job: Diplomat! I'm sure she's accepting the noncombat assignment with no reservations whatsoever :V

Also really enjoying these axis snips, by the way. Thompson's story's good, especially with the bombshell last chapter, but with my historical bias I was already inclined to like the American chapters.

I doubt it's Utah. She's not doing so well emotionally, and I don't think that the US would send their only free body shipgirl across the pond. Especially since the UK has a large possibility of ships to have appear.

In other news, good to see this back.
I doubt it's Utah. She's not doing so well emotionally, and I don't think that the US would send their only free body shipgirl across the pond. Especially since the UK has a large possibility of ships to have appear.
I doubt they'd let a German battlecruiser near the Prime Minister without someone able to check her, no matter how anti-nazi she seems to be. Not without getting to know her and her intentions a lot better.

It can't be a girl that is still afloat, and she should be a battlecruiser at least. That leaves Royal Oak, or maybe something unfortunate happened while shooting up the Italian girls in the Med recently, but they didn't sound very celebratory either. OTOH SMS Seydlitz is running about and she wasn't sunk recently.
Looks like Andrea Doria and Cesare got pretty well bloodied fighting Liz and her sisters. I wonder how the convoy fared, and if Upholder and the rest of the 10th Submarine Flotilla managed to have a go at them while the surface battle was going on.
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First off, You're back!
Second, The British Meido is infecting others! In addition, I'm imagining Azur Lane Gneisenau as Sascha, then imagining Sascha in the succubus costume.

Still, happy to see ship-girl interactions.
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A new diplomat shipgirl? Between the US and the UK? Maybe, to everyone's confusion, the old frigate USS/HMS President? <s>, but it would be awkward and entertaining for all involved!
A new diplomat shipgirl? Between the US and the UK? Maybe, to everyone's confusion, the old frigate USS/HMS President? <s>, but it would be awkward and entertaining for all involved!
Make it a liner shipgirl, the MS Gripsholm. She actually served as a diplomatic exchange ship during the war, so she would have experience dealing with the Axis Powers in a non-combat capacity.
Saw an advance screening of Midway tonight. Verdict was a low 'B' or a high 'B-'. Was definitely worth seeing once, but that's enough. On the plus side, it was no Pearl Harbor.
So it's somewhere between Pearl Harbor and Tora Tora Tora?
Honestly, it doesn't even come close to Tora! Tora! Tora!. If I had to choose between Midway 1976 and Midway 2019, I'd pick the former. I won't pay to see it in the theater again, nor will I add it to my DVD collection when it hits shelves. I might change my mind once it hits Walmart's $5 bin. Maybe.
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Honestly, it doesn't even come close to Tora! Tora! Tora!. If I had to choose between Midway 1976 and Midway 2019, I'd pick the former. I won't pay to see it in the theater again, nor will I add it to my DVD collection when it hits shelves. I might change my mind once it hits Walmart's $5 bin. Maybe.
Aww. I was hoping it would be better than that. Honestly, kinda wish they'd do something new, like the Battle off Samar, or the Surigao Straits.
Aww. I was hoping it would be better than that. Honestly, kinda wish they'd do something new, like the Battle off Samar, or the Surigao Straits.
In the era of Bay & Bruckheimer?
Fat chance.

Minor rant here...
I've actually run into 15-16yr old kids now, who's history class LITERALLY only covered, Pearl, Doolittle, Midway, Iwo Jima, and bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Full Stop.
Everything else was Europe (which didn't even mention about what Russia took on the chin). They don't even know what/where Guadalcanal is, nor that Japan hit anyone but us and a tidbit about 'they were in China', the firebombing of Japan, or tons of other bits.

Its not historical revisionism due to authors changing facts, not this time. Its the kids not caring (and schools set on acing SAT tests and all else is a distant secondary), that'll see it happen this time.

So unless its one of the known 'big name' battles...nobody in John Q Public tends to give a damn, with exceptions for Medal of Honor winners (Hacksaw Ridge), unless a director & studio are willing to take a very big risk.
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In the era of Bay & Bruckheimer?
Fat chance.

Minor rant here...
I've actually run into 15-16yr old kids now, who's history class LITERALLY only covered, Pearl, Doolittle, Midway, Iwo Jima, and bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Full Stop.
Everything else was Europe (which didn't even mention about what Russia took on the chin). They don't even know what/where Guadalcanal is, nor that Japan hit anyone but us and a tidbit about 'they were in China', the firebombing of Japan, or tons of other bits.

Its not historical revisionism due to authors changing facts, not this time. Its the kids not caring (and schools set on acing SAT tests and all else is a distant secondary), that'll see it happen this time.

It's like when the father of a friend was describing to his grandson how he and other British, Indian and other Commonwealth troopers fought the Japanese to defend India, and how my friend's father was so stunned when the grandson asked "Who in the hell is William Slim and what made him so great?" "Orde Wingate? Who's he? Never heard of him!" "You mean Japan was so delusional that they thought they could conquer India?"

My friend's father lamented that, after all this time, it still is "the Forgetton War"

When you go home don't worry about what to tell your loved ones and friends about service in Asia. No one will know where you were, or where it is if you do. You are, and will remain "The Forgotten Army."
― attributed to General Slim

"When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today" - Inscription at the War Cemetary in Kohima
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It's like when the father of a friend was describing to his grandson how he and other British, Indian and other Commonwealth troopers fought the Japanese to defend India, and how my friend's father was so stunned when the grandson asked "Who in the hell is William Slim and what made him so great?" "Orde Wingate? Who's he? Never heard of him!" "You mean Japan was so delusional that they thought they could conquer India?"

My friend's father lamented that, after all this time, it still is "the Forgetton War"

When you go home don't worry about what to tell your loved ones and friends about service in Asia. No one will know where you were, or where it is if you do. You are, and will remain "The Forgotten Army."
― attributed to General Slim
Pretty much this.

Time waits for nothing, until eventually life changing events for us, are little more than footnotes in a sidebar, in a textbook 50 years from now.

IRL, there would be more than a few shipgirls, if summoned today, that would throw the mother & grandmother of all shitfits at finding out how their contributions were ignored, sidelined, or worse, downgraded/brushed off in contemporary text books.

And they'd have every right to be that pissed.
In the era of Bay & Bruckheimer?
Fat chance.

Minor rant here...
I've actually run into 15-16yr old kids now, who's history class LITERALLY only covered, Pearl, Doolittle, Midway, Iwo Jima, and bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Full Stop.
Everything else was Europe (which didn't even mention about what Russia took on the chin). They don't even know what/where Guadalcanal is, nor that Japan hit anyone but us and a tidbit about 'they were in China', the firebombing of Japan, or tons of other bits.

Its not historical revisionism due to authors changing facts, not this time. Its the kids not caring (and schools set on acing SAT tests and all else is a distant secondary), that'll see it happen this time.

So unless its one of the known 'big name' battles...nobody in John Q Public tends to give a damn, with exceptions for Medal of Honor winners (Hacksaw Ridge), unless a director & studio are willing to take a very big risk.
Oh yeah. When I was in high school, all I learned was "Japan was evil, pearl harbor happened, Midway happened, island hopping happened, nukes happened".

There was no mention whatsoever of Guadalcanal, the Philippines, China, Russia, Australia, India, or anything else.

American education is the best in the world, guys!
Oh yeah. When I was in high school, all I learned was "Japan was evil, pearl harbor happened, Midway happened, island hopping happened, nukes happened".

There was no mention whatsoever of Guadalcanal, the Philippines, China, Russia, Australia, India, or anything else.

American education is the best in the world, guys!
at least you guy learn that stuff

Viet Nam history class is mostly: China invade, oppression, some one rise up, become king, decline, China invade again, repeat like 5 time, SUDDENLY FRENCH, insert the same thing but with bread and French accent, insert another fight, and then FREEDOM PANIC from Red fear, tree start speaking word and then the FREEDOM leave
Oh yeah. When I was in high school, all I learned was "Japan was evil, pearl harbor happened, Midway happened, island hopping happened, nukes happened".

There was no mention whatsoever of Guadalcanal, the Philippines, China, Russia, Australia, India, or anything else.

American education is the best in the world, guys!

Homeschool and independent research because I had an interest in warfare since I was six, IIRC, saved me from this.

Edit: And I am in high school
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To be completely honest, I think just a summary of the important battles is sufficient for high school history. There's a lot of history to go through in a year, even if it's only narrowed down to US history like my junior year. Further, the focus of a history class is generally not details of which ships/companies/divisions were at which battles, but how an important battle/tactic affected the overall war. For example, with Midway, the carrier divisions on either side of the war may not even be mentioned by name, nor the fact that a specific number of ships sank on either side. Rather, the main focus is the fact that Midway was the turning point of the Pacific war, after which the other battles are mostly details in the overall narrative of the Pacific front. And that's fine. You could fill an entire year with classes on just the events of the war, but that kind of focus is what college classes are for.