In the era of Bay & Bruckheimer?
Fat chance.
Minor rant here...
I've actually run into 15-16yr old kids now, who's history class LITERALLY only covered, Pearl, Doolittle, Midway, Iwo Jima, and bombing Hiroshima & Nagasaki. Full Stop.
Everything else was Europe (which didn't even mention about what Russia took on the chin). They don't even know what/where Guadalcanal is, nor that Japan hit anyone but us and a tidbit about 'they were in China', the firebombing of Japan, or tons of other bits.
Its not historical revisionism due to authors changing facts, not this time. Its the kids not caring (and schools set on acing SAT tests and all else is a distant secondary), that'll see it happen this time.
So unless its one of the known 'big name' battles...nobody in John Q Public tends to give a damn, with exceptions for Medal of Honor winners (Hacksaw Ridge), unless a director & studio are willing to take a very big risk.