Discussion in 'TV, Movies, and Anime Discussion' started by Landslide, Mar 3, 2015.
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Dark Wizard
Considering we have ships in orbit, why don't we have a giant solar focusing array laser canon thing to just use... GLORIOUS SOLAR POWER BEAMS to erase them? I mean, we can fix the atmosphere later... right guys?
Dark Wizard, Report
#261+ Quote Reply
Dark Wizard said: ↑
Considering we have ships in orbit, why don't we have a giant solar focusing array laser canon thing to just use... GLORIOUS SOLAR POWER BEAMS to erase them? I mean, we can fix the atmosphere later... right guys?
Uh, yeah, no. Space Fuckery, remember? 0s 'd just twist your solar lasers into a pretzel and throw 'em right back at you.
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#262+ Quote Reply
Dark Wizard
RampagingRathian said: ↑
Uh, yeah, no. Space Fuckery, remember? 0s 'd just twist your solar lasers into a pretzel and throw 'em right back at you.
Well then, we just need to make the light move faster than they can react to avoid them using Space Magic on it. Obviously by using space magic of our own! IF WE MAKE THE LIGHT WEIGH LESS... AND SPUN IT AROUND A BLACK HOLE, WE CAN SLINGSHOT IT AT LIGHT SPEED * LIGHTSPEED...
... and accidentally the planet. Shit. Alright, maybe that won't work. Well if we modify the first plan, and encapsulate the light in a higgs barrier field or something (like a one-use impeller mimic or something) it should avoid SPACE FUCKERY long enough to hit. I mean speed of light right?
Dark Wizard, Report
#263+ Quote Reply
Dark Wizard said: ↑
Well then, we just need to make the light move faster than they can react to avoid them using Space Magic on it. Obviously by using space magic of our own! IF WE MAKE THE LIGHT WEIGH LESS... AND SPUN IT AROUND A BLACK HOLE, WE CAN SLINGSHOT IT AT LIGHT SPEED * LIGHTSPEED...
... and accidentally the planet. Shit. Alright, maybe that won't work. Well if we modify the first plan, and encapsulate the light in a higgs barrier field or something (like a one-use impeller mimic or something) it should avoid SPACE FUCKERY long enough to hit. I mean speed of light right?
Higgs are bullshit. I would be totally unsurprised if A0s were legitimately FTL.
Higgs are also bullshit in how they make no fucking sense and how are you going to turn that into cohesion packet on a C projectile?
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#264+ Quote Reply
Dark Wizard
RampagingRathian said: ↑
Higgs are bullshit. I would be totally unsurprised if A0s were legitimately FTL.
Higgs are also bullshit in how they make no fucking sense and how are you going to turn that into cohesion packet on a C projectile?
Obviously with more Higgs... or I guess maybe if we used the Higgs to keep some micro black holes from collapsing in the middle, the Black Holes could keep the light trapped within the Higgs Envelope, and perhaps the vortex created by the Black Holes making the light 'rotate' around it, might cause the whole thing to become spinning, like bullets are via rifling, THUS MAKING IT MORE ACCURATE.
Alternatively, it might just become a swirling vortex of doom like Naruto's uh Wind Rasgen thing.
Dark Wizard, Report
#265+ Quote Reply
Bright as Lead
Dark Wizard said: ↑
Well then, we just need to make the light move faster than they can react to avoid them using Space Magic on it. Obviously by using space magic of our own! IF WE MAKE THE LIGHT WEIGH LESS... AND SPUN IT AROUND A BLACK HOLE, WE CAN SLINGSHOT IT AT LIGHT SPEED * LIGHTSPEED...
This would require impellor to be streched all the ways to the target.
Also anyone involved in Stark quest is familiar with the headaches of variable c.
That was only a tiny fragment of the demon force. The bulk of it was stopped by Santa Claus' defenses.
Bright as Lead, Report
#266+ Quote Reply
Dark Wizard said: ↑
Obviously with more Higgs... or I guess maybe if we used the Higgs to keep some micro black holes from collapsing in the middle, the Black Holes could keep the light trapped within the Higgs Envelope, and perhaps the vortex created by the Black Holes making the light 'rotate' around it, might cause the whole thing to become spinning, like bullets are via rifling, THUS MAKING IT MORE ACCURATE.
I... don't think that's how it works.
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#267+ Quote Reply
Forget the Higgs, the only thing I want to see is whether we get a beach episode or not.
Irontalons, Report
#268+ Quote Reply
Irontalons said: ↑
Forget the Higgs, the only thing I want to see is whether we get a beach episode or not.
Shuri in a bikini...
*passes out from blood loss*
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#269+ Quote Reply
Bright as Lead
Irontalons said: ↑
Forget the Higgs, the only thing I want to see is whether we get a beach episode or not.
RampagingRathian said: ↑
Shuri in a bikini...
*passes out from blood loss*
Get back to 4Chan. This thread is for SCIENCE!
That was only a tiny fragment of the demon force. The bulk of it was stopped by Santa Claus' defenses.
Bright as Lead, Report
#270+ Quote Reply
Are you saying that we cannot see Anna making a Bikini out of Durga for the sake of maximum protection out In a new hostile environment?
Irontalons, Report
#271+ Quote Reply
Ah yes, the beach. Truly, one of the most inhospitable environs known to man.
Although, in seriousness, Anna strikes me as the Sukumizu type. One pieces provide more coverage from enemy fire.
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#272+ Quote Reply
Confused Party
Where would the beach be, though?
Apparently there's a setup on the Moon... Beach party at the Sea of Tranquility, anyone?
Most likely on the generic white sandy beach, reasons unknown and lost the moment Sandra shows and steals the show with her hair.
Irontalons, Report
#274+ Quote Reply
Tornadic Sorcerer
Forget the beach episode, that's just going to be a filler and a place for Koji to make his move. Back to dakka, we should just nuke all of the Type Zeroes over and over again until there is nothing left. It worked in the beginning, right?
Bread-Chan has forsaken us mortals.
Tornadic Sorcerer, Report
#275+ Quote Reply
Tornadic Sorcerer said: ↑
Forget the beach episode, that's just going to be a filler and a place for Koji to make his move. Back to dakka, we should just nuke all of the Type Zeroes over and over again until there is nothing left. It worked in the beginning, right?
They tried that. It didn't stick.
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#276+ Quote Reply
Ummm, so, has anyone else noticed that all the other characters have things like heavy breathing after exertion and Anna... doesn't?
Robot Girl!Anna confirmed?
SillyAsCanBe, Report
#277+ Quote Reply
Maybe she's just that good at athletics?
Edit: I mean, the robot girl theory isn't new, but Occams Razor. She could be a secret military valkyrie-piloting terminator, or a valkyrie core using an old corpse as an interface with humanity, or an infiltration-model Type-0, oooor she could just be a socially inept prodigy child.
I know which one sounds more likely to me.
Currently running QB Quest. Saving the universe one Magical Girl at a time!
RampagingRathian, Report
#278+ Quote Reply
Tornadic Sorcerer
Clearly she only has to breathe in order to act 'normal' and fit in. That's what robots do, right?
RampagingRathian said: ↑
They tried that. It didn't stick.
HOW DOES LOTS OF DAKKA NOT WORK? Alright then, let's throw the Golden Ace at it.
Bread-Chan has forsaken us mortals.
Tornadic Sorcerer, Report
#279+ Quote Reply
Confused Party
If she's a robot, why does she eat? Surely it would be simpler just to change batteries or something? And before anyone says "to fit in" or some such, she could just say she's eaten elsewhere/at a different time.
Tornadic Sorcerer said: ↑
HOW DOES LOTS OF DAKKA NOT WORK? Alright then, let's throw the Golden Ace at it.
Golden Ace? I've missed that one. Also, maybe the issue is less "amount of dakka" and more "type/location of dakka"? Conventional weapons (or, well, Valkyrie Core standards of "conventional weapons") seemed fairly effective in that simulator battle.
Here, something to hold y'all over until the usual Insufficient Velocity crowd chimes in.
Project: Valkyrie Core episode 10
Discussion in 'TV, Movies, and Anime Discussion' started by GoneBlast, Aug 1, 2017.
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Nothing but a dustbowl remains at the end of the road you're taking. I suppose some people can appriciate that kind of thing, but...
Redhelmet GoneBlast, Yesterday at 12:16 PMReport
#1+ Quote Reply
The Antagonist nest looks kind of like a mechanical version of that scene at the end of Akira.
You know that feeling in the dark, where you know it's your mind playing tricks, but you look behind yourself anyway? That's me.
LurKing ClicKing, Yesterday at 12:19 PMReport
#2+ Quote Reply
The Rude Sandstorm
Anna of all people is one of the commentators. Maybe she's part of the student council or somesuch, and that's where she's disappearing to all the time.
The Rude Sandstorm WhatSong, Yesterday at 12:25 PMReport
#3+ Quote Reply
ClicKing said: ↑
The Antagonist nest looks kind of like a mechanical version of that scene at the end of Akira.
Kaneda is Coke-zero, but who is Tetsuo in this scenario?
BeTAo omeGAmma, Yesterday at 12:26 PMReport
#4+ Quote Reply
omeGAmma said: ↑
Kaneda is Coke-zero, but who is Tetsuo in this scenario?
Has to be a childhood friend, so Setsuna is the likeliest to get kidnapped and brainwashed by the antags. "COKE-ZEROOO!" "SETSUNAAA!"
Carbon 5thElement, Yesterday at 12:29 PMReport
#5+ Quote Reply
Demon King
WhatSong said: ↑
Maybe she's part of the student council or somesuch
Inb4 Kouji and the gang have to fight the evil student council in order to stop their well-intentioned but immoral plot. They face down Anna first, who is torn between her duty to the council and her promise to Yukari. They beat her with the power of friendship and she joins them to fight the others, warning them that she is the weakest valkyrie on the student council.
If faith is what prevents them from fearing death, then we shall burn that faith from their bodies. Advance, and find doom. Retreat, and find doom.
Demon King Nobunaga, Yesterday at 12:30 PMReport
#6+ Quote Reply
I wanted to see what was no doubt a beautiful curbstop by Setsuna, but Koujirou was too busy NOT. PAYING. ATTENTION.
O ye who does not believe; merely gaze apon my form and you shall believe once and for all time in a higher existence.
Archangel Heavenward, Yesterday at 12:44 PMReport
#7+ Quote Reply
Koujirou's valkyrie core tries talking to him, and he's all like 'fuck off I'm busy' lol. Never seen that before, usually protagonists try to talk to their super power an it blows them off, not the other way around.
One, at sufficient velocity.
Unstoppable Infinite, Yesterday at 12:51 PMReport
#8+ Quote Reply
Heavenward said: ↑
Koujirou was too busy NOT. PAYING. ATTENTION.
If you're going into harem anime not expecting the main character to be the densest motherfucker on the planet, more often then not you're gonna have a bad time. Coke-zero has his rare moments for insight, but overall the clue bat avoids him like poison ivy.
The insatiable knawing hunger that crawls through the depths of space, consuming sun after star; how can a mere mortal hope to stop such a thing, that which has no physical form to strike upon.
The way I'd love to see the hypothetical Valkyrie Core tie-in game go:
The first Valkyrie Core game isn't "the game of the Anime" – it's a tie-in prequel gaiden game, released very alongside the early anime, meant to hype up the show and the characters without actually spoiling the anime. Play-style-wise, it's fast-paced armored-core style combat missions, but intercut with building and managing a progressively larger and more complex team of characters you can bring to battle with you (appropriately, one of my inspirations here is Valkyria Chronicles).
There'd be a lengthy campaign... and Anna wouldn't be in it.
It would be a Shuri gaiden.
You start off as babby tween cadet in the Pakistani military, and are initially just responsible for fighting in your own frame, following orders from high command on missions that start as reasonable back-line stuff. And between the first few missions you learn to pick what you practice in your downtime or how to integrate new systems or practice with old ones, and you the player learn to manage your Pilot XP and stats and gear.
And then the Great Battle kicks into gear. Back-line missions get more dangerous. Command starts sending your cadet squadron in on more and more dubious missions above your level. And you (playing Shuri) start picking up team- and infrastructure- management stuff in between the missions – story-wise, because the seniors and instructors who were doing that stuff start dying. As your babby squadron keeps running into missions that are "nastier than HQ expected" and gets progressively more chewed up, the survivors start turning to the girl who's kicking ass for more and more advice. In-story you start becoming a mentor; in gameplay you start getting to manage your party.
In-story, your flight-mate asks you between missions if they'd be better in a different role, and suddenly you can pick flight positions and manage formations. Another asks what skill you think she should practice during her downtime, and now you're managing Pilot XP and stats for your flight. Two of your flight-mates get into a scuffle and you step in, and suddenly you can affect interpersonal synergies and perks that alter how well individual pilots train together or fight together. You start learning how and when to call in support from ground forces or strategic weapons to re-arrange the battlefield. Eventually this translates back into being named a cadet flight leader in-story.
And meanwhile, you're getting put on tougher and tougher missions by command. Back-line missions become reconnaissance and then direct assaults. Some missions go really wrong. A forward deployment unexpectedly introduces your squadron to its first Type Zero, and your strategic objective becomes "Survive." Your standard downtime phase is interrupted when antagonists launch a surprise assault on the Arcology (also, you end up rescuing a certain blonde girl during this). UN forces start pushing forward, and your command takes crazy risks trying to "keep up," and you manage more and more as your squadron's senior members die. You're eventually sent in deliberately against Type Zeros alongside other Pakistani forces.
The game is pretty lethal, particularly since most characters don't have Shuri's protagonist stats. You'll lose teammates despite your best efforts, though as long as Shuri lives you continue; you'll get new recruits merged in from other squadrons and (once you get a year into the timeline) rookies younger than you. And as Shuri wins on battlefield after battlefield, more new teammates and old start look up to the girl dubbed the Golden Ace. Eventually you're managing stats for your entire squadron as you take part in some of the big regional battles of The Great Battle. In her personal storyline, Shuri grows more and more disillusioned with her own commanders and disgusted with the inefficiency with which they spend the lives of her fellow cadets (possibly with some goading from your new blonde love interest friend). Ultimately, you fight in [some big climactic battle], which is the definitive turning point for this region of the war. Then the Epilogue: The Great Battle is won, but once again at huge cost to your squadron... but Shuri is satisfied to see the UN sweeping in to annex the Pakistani military, and the game ends with her hopeful that the UN forces can keep winning victories without the catastrophic costs that she's seen.
The game doesn't cover Sandra's kidnapping, Battalion 44, and the presumed [spoilers] in that story (though that may be a flashback in Valkyrie Core 2). Shuri's somber about her teammates dying, but not as cynical as she can be in BAAHSCQ present day.
In all, I think Shuri Gaiden would make a pretty sweet game that's a lot more representative of "this is how normal Valkyries work" and "this is how you will be playing when Koujirou's game comes out" than Anna's story would be.
Then Valkyrie Core 2: A New Coke A New Hope comes out once the anime's got several seasons of storyline and characters to play with, alongside a massive hype machine about how this one has All The Characters You Love and is The Epic Campaign Of The Anime and You Can Be The Waifu Magnet Hero.
Of course, we all can see the fatal flaw in this idea: this notional prequel game has a critical lack of Anna.
Or does it?
Because as it happens, campaign mode isn't the only single-player mode in Valkyrie Core.
Like a lot of games, Valkyrie Core has another mode: Infinite Battle Mode. Horde mode, endless fight, whatever you want to call it – you just fight endless enemy waves, forever, and they keep coming tougher and tougher until you lose. It's gameplay for those who just really love the Valkyrie combat without the campaign and team management stuff.
And unlike the campaign, Infinite Battle Mode doesn't even pretend to have a "real storyline", just a transparent excuse plot to justify fighting forever. It doesn't even have a named main character, just a nameless little girl defending her nameless little town as long as she can.
There's no party management or formations or story missions. The only mission types are "defend the town" and "sortie out and kill everything". There's a simplified XP system – you can still raise stats and unlock skills, but there's no classes or trainers or character synergies. You just have one girl, fighting. You start with a borrowed shotgun and a police surplus flak jacket three sizes too large and the whole big empty skill tree in front of you. And you just fight, and level up, and fight again, more and more and waves of harder and harder opponents until you lose.
Maybe every X character levels you unlock a progress checkpoint or something, so after you die – and you will die – you can start nearer to the harder combat stages you've unlocked if you want. But it's a longer, harder set of waves between each checkpoint, so it's still escalating difficulty.
Maybe there's a simplified crafting system where you earn craft points you can spend on fixed defenses. Maybe there are occasional bits of flavor text on crafting options or scanner entries for new enemy types, that might hint at what's happening in town. Maybe some of those hints are cute or heartwarming and some of them are actually pretty dark. But there's no storyline, just an excuse for Valkyrie battles without the full squadron management system. You fight bigger and badder waves until you get overwhelmed, and eventually something will kill you or you'll fail a defense round. You lose, git gud and try to beat more waves next time.
And maybe... if you get far enough in that mode, level up and git gud and learn to play flawlessly to the point where you can eat numbered Types for breakfast, where you're ridiculous enough to solo bosses that your whole squadron couldn't take in campaign mode... you might notice the nameless little girl's gotten bigger. And maybe, though you can't see her face anymore, her frame is starting to look a bit familiar somehow.
And eventually some bright spark on the internet finally puts it together, ideally right around the time the reveal hits in anime: Infinite Battle Girl is just as canon as the rest of the game, and holy shit Bread-chan is Infinite Battle Girl.
(That game mode still does not pull the anime's story punch, though. There really isn't a win condition. Every time you die, the game lingers on your broken frame, and every time you survive but fail a defense round, it lingers on you alone in front of a grave marker. Those are the only endings, and the second one is canon.)
So Avalanche, there is an interesting dichotomy in the arts between an audience willingness to pay for something, and an artists desire to monetize it.
I, and others, have made several coy requests for a donation method, and you have....avoided it.
Are you uncomfortable with us offering money for your writing? Would you like us to stop mentioning it? Do you feel that your not at a place where getting moolah for writing a book about harem subversions is something you want in your life?