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No SV, you are the WiFi. I'm pretty sure that this quest title started that rather awkward trend of No SV, you are x.


I'll fix this up later.
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Hopes and Dreams - Spectral Waltz
So to recap, we made an RPG for this Quest, it's short, it's sweet, but it's kind of bare bones, and missing a lot of things.

The Rules for Valkyrie Core 'Quick'

We'd thought that the rules needed to capture a full BAHHSCQ-verse game would need more than five pages though, and we were right really. The original rules are little more than a combat system with some fluff stapled on, as well as some custom generation rules to let players create the things we hadn't managed to fit into the spacing limitations. We had plans though, we wanted to work in more social interaction systems, ways to tackle the slightly meta nature of Avalanche's narrative within a game world, and generally expand upon the systems we already had to make something more than just a Micro RPG.

For two long years, that project lay dormant. We'd run ourselves out of energy, many of us faded away into silence for a time, but NO MORE.

Valkyrie Core

The game is still very much a work in progress, a few things have been taken outright from the Micro version to lay the groundwork, but there is much left. Even in terms of mechanics alone, the new feats need to be designed, the new skills need to be figured out, the old TNs will have to be redefined and new mechanics will need to be accounted for when we do another pass over the core mechanics. Some things have been thrown out, some things are in a holding pattern, pending a redesign or expansion.

But we're working on it. THE PROJECT LIVES.

If you want to help... Well... There's a lot of work to do, and we wouldn't mind some assistance.

These are the big ones, the things that will take the most time and energy to accomplish. these are listed in order of priority, the ones at the top of the list will modify how we deal with the ones below them, so skipping downwards may result in ideas you introduce becoming incompatible down the line.
  1. Skills and their associated Specializations need to be sorted out.
  2. New feats need to be created for the Frame types and old feats from the Quick version need to be ported to the new system.
  3. Combat needs to be sorted out, old system had it as an extension of skill checks, but with more space, we might want to introduce some subsystems that we didn't have room for before, like making missiles work the way we actually wanted, or better handling drones and decoys and E-warfare.
  4. Social and meta subsystems should be worked out.
  5. A bestiary with details of the capabilities of various Antagonist Types.

These are the smaller things, the things that we want, but don't require for a full game. The big one though is LORE.

We already have tons from the quest itself, but putting it into a format that works with an RPG would be a great help! Short stories, snippets on various aspects of the world... (As confirmed by Avalanche anyways...) All are useful!
  1. General overviews of things like The Valkyries, The 300, so on and so forth. Just an explanation of whhat they are in the broad sense.
  2. A timeline! I'm pretty sure Avalanche has major dates lying around that we can put together...
  3. Other lore stuff? Probably?

(Also @Avalanche please threadmark this?)
Tayta Malika - Terra Invicta
It's not the October update we deserve, but the one we need.

On 17 December 2012, a mere four days ahead of schedule, fragments of a mysterious object from space struck Earth's surface.

What happened next was a cataclysm beyond anything humanity had experienced prior.

Enormous tsunamis unleashed by impacts in the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans engulfed coastlines and drowned cities; those cities would stay submerged when formerly frozen methane stocks melted ice caps and raised water levels permanently. Automated nuclear retaliation systems, convinced that the end of the world had come, duly followed orders and did their best to ensure it stayed that way. The simultaneous destruction of America, Europe, and Russia as geopolitical entities had knock-on effects on the global order; one nation after another crumbled and collapsed in the face of so much death and turmoil, leaving those that survived to deal with the endless waves of refugees left in their wake.

Democracy, liberty, and human rights were often the first principles cast aside by those confronted with such choices, the symbols of third millennium optimism becoming little more than words on paper soaked through with blood and salt water.

For some, the world had indeed ended; for others, the suffering had only just begun.

It is now 31 October 2025.

Thirteen years have passed since Impact. Thirteen long years of treading water; of being forced to watch as others sank beneath the waves, unable to render aid for fear of losing themselves; of being buoyed along solely by the mirage of safe harbour ahead. Thirteen years of falling to death and despair, of clinging to life and hope.

In that time, humanity has not only survived: it has changed.

All across the globe, in the tents of overflowing refugee camps, in the cramped offices of tired and thankless bureaucrats, in the remote homesteads charged with feeding entire communities, new strains of thought are beginning to evolve. Throughout the years they have warped and mutated, acquiring and discarding traits as necessary, coalescing in the motivations and actions of a handful of individuals.

Nobody knew who they were before Impact; had Impact not occurred it is entirely likely that they would have lived out the rest of their natural lives in obscurity. But while they experienced Impact alongside the rest of humanity, not even they could have predicted that they would be the ones to bring humanity into the future – whatever that future may be.

From their experiences, they have come to the conclusion that humanity must be:
[] Domesticated.
[] Disregarded.
[] Challenged.
[] Self-Sustained.
[] Enlightened.

Terra Invicta – Project Valkyrie Core (or: Battle Action Harem Highschool Ultimate Genius Strategic Simulator) is a total conversion mod being developed for the upcoming grand strategy game Terra Invicta. As the leader of one of five factions, you will coordinate the recovery efforts following Impact, wage the war of extinction against the Antagonists, and determine the ultimate fate of post-Antagonist humanity.

Assisting you with these trials and tribulations will be your very own harem of up to six waifus (or husbandos, if you prefer), recruited from all over the world. The waifus will be your primary means through of exerting your will on the world. Every month, you can assign them to missions against targets of opportunity so as to acquire resources and power, and counter your opponents who are doing the same.

Your waifus' first priority will be to assume direct control of Earth's nations, whether by guile or by force. This will grant you power over their budgets and armed forces, letting you take the first step in your faction's quest to reshape the world to its desires. Of course, these nations have their own agendas they'd rather pursue, and managing their expectations so that they won't defect will be one of your faction's main tasks.

Control over nations will soon lead to the construction of Arcologies, necessary to centralize the reconstruction efforts and maximize efficiency. Unlike nations, Arcologies are a faction's private domains, and specific modules can be researched and constructed to benefit both the host nations and their owning factions. Sadly, humanity is not yet adapted to post-scarcity utopia, and varying approaches to address this will mark the first divergences between the five factions.

The discovery of Higgs particles marks a golden age for humanity, leading to a new scramble to secure its supply and the eventual founding of the United Nations. Access to Higgs allows you to do all sorts of nice things, like training Valkyries, expanding Arcologies, rushing construction of shiny new facilities, and of course acquiring more Higgs. Alas, all good things must come to an end, for the Breaches that provided such an economic bounty will soon become the harbingers of humanity's second brush with annihilation.

The war against the Antagonists will be prosecuted through several means. There are, of course, the Valkyries we all know and love from the quest: both as individuals under your direct employ as waifus, and as larger formations trained at Academies and deployed on the world map. While powerful and decisive, they remain the tip of the spear, and will function best when supported by conventional military forces, nuclear barrages, and orbital bombardment from space warships.

For their part, the Antagonists have one simple goal: to exterminate the human species through all available means. They naturally field their own conventional forces to do so: while (initially) less numerous than humanity's, they more than make up for it with technology. Supporting them behind the scenes are the Type 18s and Type 7s, sowing chaos behind the lines and clashing with your waifus in the process. And finally, there are the Type Zeros, the flying, teleporting weapons of mass destruction, which mostly exist to make your life miserable through preventing you from having nice things.

Waged on both Earth's surface and in Earth orbit, it is expected that the war with the Antagonists will be brutal and uncompromising. As Arcologies and their entire human populations are burnt to a crisp, waifus are killed in action or assassinated by unscrupulous actors, entire continents are irradiated and littered with exotic wreckage, and humanity is asked to sacrifice more and more in the name of survival, the five factions ruling over them ever more openly will be forced to make ugly and unpleasant decisions.

And yet, even this will come to pass. One day, the war against the Antagonists will end. What is to become of humanity then? With any luck, it'll be your faction which gets to decide.


Will there be ways to date and romance our waifus in-game?
Hopefully, but it's not planned as a core feature at this time.

I don't agree with how you portrayed X country.
Sorry to hear that. Leave a comment on the big spreadsheet, or send me a PM, and we can figure something out. That said, I reserve the right to stuff this mod full of dumb and inaccurate memes.

Will there be X feature or X thing from the quest in-game?
Sure, why not. Anything is possible until it's too much work to implement. The more important it is to the setting thematically, the more likely it'll be in the mod.

Will the main characters from the quest be appearing in the game?
Most likely in a limited capacity as recruitable waifus.

Can I contribute to the mod?
For planning, sure. Post any thoughts and ideas here, on Discord, or in PMs, and there's a decent chance they'll end up in the mod.
For implementation, harder to say. Unfortunately, I can't officially accept any help on that front at this time. Check back in a few months.

All these crossover references are really cringey!
Heh, fair enough. I'll likely implement a config toggle to allow disabling crossovers on startup.

Tayta, when are you going to actually get back to writing your quests?
Uh... look, it's Anna Sanchez eating a bread roll!

Ugh, so we have to buy a whole new game just to play this? Why didn't you just make a HOI4 mod like everyone else?
HOI4 is a war game that isn't really designed to cover a decades-long journey to transhumanism.
Also, I didn't want to have to come up with a million political parties and leaders and focus trees for every single nation in the game.

When will you actually have something playable?
In October, of course. When else?

Informative Links

GitHub page featuring slightly outdated design documentation
The Great BAHHSCQ Nations SpreadsheetTM​
Official BAHHSCQ Discord
Pavonis Interactive Discord

DISCLAIMER: This mod is not officially supported by Pavonis Interactive in any way, and is purely a fan work being created on my own initiative.
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