Put together a modification of Chimeraguard's plan that I think better fits the turn, tweaked Infra and LCI around some and freed up enough cash for a second Services die. Rocketry definitely needs to focus on electronics and the closed-cycle hydrogen engine, next turn probably the wind tunnel? The cosmodrome is going to have to wait a few years unfortunately, it's not nearly as important as getting R&D ticking on this stuff IMO.
Politically, obviously insert ourselves into the dealmaking with Pod and Kos, best to make sure we have a seat at the table. Cross-CMEA standardization will help with making more money which is always necessary, and more rural funding is an easy way to get support.
[] Plan Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
[]Infrastructure, 5 Dice +1 Free, 395 Resources
--[] Secondary City Metro Lines (Stage 5), 1 die (75R)
--[] Passenger Rail Network (Western SU), 2 dice (150R)
--[] Civilian Airports (Stage 1), 1 die (50R)
--[] Telecommunications Infrastructure (Stage 4), 2 dice (120R)
-[]Heavy Industry, 5/8 Dice, 485 Resources
--[] Novocherkassk Locomotive Plant, 1 die (80R)
--[] Further Arc Furnace Efforts, 3 dice (330R)
--[] New Automotive Plants (Zaporozhye), 1 die (75R)
-[]Rocketry, 3 Dice, 100 Resources
--[] Cancel Project: Communications Satellite
--[] Development of the Stalingrad Plant (Stage 3), 1 die (100R)
--[] Hydrogen Engine Programs, 1 die
--[] Vacuum Electronic Development, 1 die
-[]Light and Chemical Industry, 8 Dice +1 Free, 470 Resources
--[] Petrochemical Pipelines (Stage 4), 3 dice (150R)
--[] Fertilizer Plants (Stage 4/5), 4 dice (240R)
--[] Luxury Goods Initiatives(Stage 3), 2 dice (80R)
-[]Agriculture, 3/5 Dice, 120 Resources
--[] Peoples Dietary Initiatives, 1 die (40R)
--[] GOST Standardization, 1 die (20R)
--[] Development of Additional Fruits, 1 die (60R)
-[]Services, 0 Dice + 2 Free, 120 Resources
--[] Film Studio Formation (Stage 3), 1 die (60R)
--[] Television Station Development (Stage 3), 1 die (60R)
-[]Bureaucracy, 5 Dice
--[] Dedicate Focus: Arc Furnaces, 1 die
--[] Advocate Cross CMEA Standardization, 1 die
--[] Accelerate Rural Development Programs, 1 die
--[] Negotiate with Kosygin and Podgorny, 2 dice
-[] Total Cost: 1690/1695 Resources, 5 reserved