Attempting to Fulfill the Plan MNKh Edition

Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
[ ] Plan All the bandaids:
Infrastructure 8 Dice
-[ ] Expand Western Rail Networks, 2 Infrastructure Dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Create Trolly Lines, 1 Infrastructure Die (15 Resources)
-[ ] Rail Line Replacements(Stage 1), 5 Infrastructure Dice (50 Resources)
Heavy Industry 12 Dice
-[ ] Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 4), 3 HI Dice (105 Resources)
-[ ] Power Production Campaigns(Stage 4), 2 HI Dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Ordzhonikidze Plant Modernization, 2 HI Dice (60 Resources)
-[ ] Turbine Upgrade Programs, 2 HI Dice (50 Resources)
-[ ] Casting Industry Refurbishment, 3 HI Dice (60 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry 6 Dice
-[ ] Baku Field Upgrades, 2 LCI Dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Sulfa Drug Expansion, 2 LCI Dice (80 Resources)
-[ ] Irkutsk Synthetic Rubber Plant, 2 LCI Dice (60 Resources)
Agriculture 5 Dice
-[ ] Farming Supply Programs, 3 Agriculture Dice (45 Resources)
-[ ] Reverse Reporting Policy, 2 Agriculture Dice (10 Resources)
Services 5 Dice (1 idle)
-[ ] Expand Resources to Ailing Schools, 2 Services Dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Closed City Expansions Services, 1 Services Die (15 Resources)
-[ ] Pharmacy Systems, 1 Services Die (10 Resources)
Military 8 Dice (+4 Free Dice)
-[ ] Trial New Fighter (Polycarpov), 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Trial New Twin-Engine Bomber, 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Trial New Close Air Support, 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Trial Divisional Guns, 1 Military Die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Radar Plant, 2 Military Dice (60 Resources)
-[ ] Stalingrad Plant Retooling, 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Pilot Academies, 1 Military Die + 4 Free Dice (75 Resources)
Bureaucracy 3 Dice
-[ ] Trial the Worst of the Misreporters, 1 Bureaucracy Die
-[ ] Trial the Bureaucrats, 1 Bureaucracy Die
-[ ] Propagandize Towards Female Workers, 1 Bureaucracy Die

Resources Used: 930
Resources Remaining: 0

So, this plan focuses on sufficiently funding all the fix-up actions available. The fact that those actions are cheaper than Gorky, and, unfortunately, focus on VVS academies as opposed to more tank/aircraft plants, allows it to do all these fixes while remaining within budget.
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We absolutely cannot afford not getting Gorky this turn.

It's not just income or capital goods. Gorky Stage 4 allows us to introduce more mechanization to a category, which means the progress needed for a lot of actions gets halved (at the cost of doubling resource cost.) This is massive savings on dice and for concentrating focus on one area, which we are definitely going to need for Heavy Industry ASAP.
We absolutely cannot afford not getting Gorky this turn.

It's not just income or capital goods. Gorky Stage 4 allows us to introduce more mechanization to a category, which means the progress needed for a lot of actions gets halved (at the cost of doubling resource cost.) This is massive savings on dice and for concentrating focus on one area, which we are definitely going to need for Heavy Industry ASAP.

Does it only work in such a way for heavy industry, or they could have similar effect for some of LCI&/military plants?

[ ] Plan Bandaids & Gorky:
Infrastructure 8 Dice
-[ ] Expand Western Rail Networks, 2 Infrastructure Dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Create Trolly Lines, 1 Infrastructure Die (15 Resources)
-[ ] Rail Line Replacements(Stage 1), 5 Infrastructure Dice (50 Resources)
Heavy Industry 12 Dice (+2 Free Dice)
-[ ] Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 4), 8 HI Dice (280 Resources)
-[ ] Power Production Campaigns(Stage 4), 2 HI Dice (40 Resources)
-[ ] Ordzhonikidze Plant Modernization, 2 HI Dice (60 Resources)
-[ ] Turbine Upgrade Programs, 2 Free Dice (50 Resources)
Light and Chemical Industry 6 Dice
-[ ] Baku Field Upgrades, 2 LCI Dice (30 Resources)
-[ ] Oil Prospecting, 2 LCI Dice (20 Resources)
-[ ] Irkutsk Synthetic Rubber Plant, 2 LCI Dice (60 Resources)
Agriculture 5 Dice
-[ ] Farming Supply Programs, 3 Agriculture Dice (45 Resources)
-[ ] Reverse Reporting Policy, 2 Agriculture Dice (10 Resources)
Services 5 Dice (1 idle)
-[ ] Expand Resources to Ailing Schools, 2 Services Dice (10 Resources)
-[ ] Pharmacy Systems, 2 Services Die (20 Resources)
Military 8 Dice (+2 Free Dice)
-[ ] Trial New Fighter (Polycarpov), 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Trial New Twin-Engine Bomber, 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Trial New Close Air Support, 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Trial Divisional Guns, 1 Military Die (20 Resources)
-[ ] Stalingrad Plant Retooling, 1 Military Die (25 Resources)
-[ ] Pilot Academies, 3 Military Dice + 2 Free Dice (75 Resources)
Bureaucracy 3 Dice
-[ ] Trial the Worst of the Misreporters, 1 Bureaucracy Die
-[ ] Trial the Bureaucrats, 1 Bureaucracy Die
-[ ] Propagandize Towards Female Workers, 1 Bureaucracy Die

Resources Used: 925
Resources Remaining: 5

This variant cuts back on fixing up heavy industry (there's just not enough dice to fix casting equipment this turn) and military (no dice to build the radar plant with) to bring commitment to Gorky up to 8 dice.
I'll point out that there seems to be a theme here that, in a lot of places, we can't necessarily risk the maintenance actions until we have enough surplus to take those actions.

In any event, I do not agree with transferring personnel, I think it's far too expensive for our current situation, so I'm taking Statistically Speaking, We're in Trouble and modding it down to just the -5 PI for women in the workforce balanced against +25 for the trials, Gorky, and the rubber plant. With a number of other changes in the mix too.

Other notes:

I'm cutting "Power Lines in the far East" as we don't have any particular power generation capacity there, and it'll just get workers killed this turn for little particular benefit. Instead, those resources are being spent on the upgrades that very much will improve our generation capacity (via improving transfer capacity) and on western rail networks, so that the added capacity will put us in a better place to refurbish the old ones next turn.

I'm also cutting the Turbine Upgrade Programs until power supply is in a better place, and switching that die to Gorky. Because I'm a proponent of Gorky Nine Dice and because, really, those Turbine upgrades are not going to get done this turn anyways. (And Gorky Nine Die is the difference between an 80% chance of success, and ~94% odds.)

[]Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble (Politically Net Positive Variant)
Infrastructure (8 Dice)
-[]Regional Interlinked Grid Modernization

--4 Infrastructure dice
-[]Expand Western Rail Networks:
--2 Infrastructure dice
-[]Create Trolly Lines
--1 Infrastructure die
(1 die Idle)
Heavy Industry (12 Dice)
-[]Gorky Machine-building Plant(Stage 4)

--9 Heavy Industry dice
-[]Power Production Campaigns(Stage 4)
--2 Heavy Industry dice
-[]Ordzokidze Plant Modernization
--1 Heavy Industry die, 1 free die
-[]Casting Industry Refurbishment
--3 Free dice
Light and Chemical Industry (6 Dice)
-[]Baku Field Upgrades

--2 LCI Dice
-[]Oil Prospecting
--2 LCI Dice
-[]Irkutsk Synthetic Rubber Plant
--2 LCI dice
Agriculture (5 Dice)
(5 dice idle)
Services (5 Dice)
-[]Closed City Expansions

--1 Services die
Military (8 Dice)
-[]Trial New Fighter (Polycarpov)

--1 Military die
-[]Trial New Close Air Support
--1 Military die
-[]Trial Divisional Guns
--1 Military die
-[]Shell Plants(Stage 1)
--2 Military dice
-[]La-1 Plant (Tbilisi)
--2 Military dice
-[]Stalingrad Plant Retooling
--1 Military die
Bureaucracy (3 Dice)
-[]Trial the Worst of the Misreporters
--1 Bureaucracy die
-[ ] Propagandize Towards Female Workers
--2 Bureaucracy Dice

Cost: 930 Resources

Assuming I balanced the budget correctly, anyways.
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Except we need transfer personnel, we likely can't reach even the MFPG and capital good target with our current dice, we absolutely need more of it. So far more dice has always been beneficial. 2 extra dice for the rest of the plan is equivalent to like 800-1000 progress, that absolutely can make all the difference between reaching the target and failing.

We can make up for the PI difference by doing things we were already going to do for MFPG target, build the steel city, get more oil, more aluminium etc. At worst, we can purge people before the last turn.
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Except we need transfer personnel, we likely can't reach even the MFPG and capital good target with our current dice, we need more of it. So far more dice has always been beneficial. 2 extra dice for the rest of the plan is equivalent to like 800-1000 progress, that absolutely can make all the difference between reaching the target and failing.

We can make up for the PI difference by doing things we were already going to do for MFPG target, build the steel city, get more oil, more aluminium, rubber etc. At worst, we can purge people before the last turn.
Only if we have the resources to feed those dice.
I'm going to come out and say it- we need to only do the absolute bare minimum in military. I'm not saying 'we need to give the military the bare minimum of what it needs'- I'm saying give it the absolute barest minimum of scraps that we can afford. If they're not screaming at us and begging for more military spending I think we aren't being thrifty enough right now. No free dice whatsoever, nothing but the barest resources we can afford after loading up on expensive but necessary tasks elsewhere with all our category and free dice.

I'd love to do as few military trials as possible and only look at the military plants if they affect our bottom line. Now is the time to cover our ass and save the economy, not prepare for a war we may not be lucky enough to get.
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I'm going to come out and say it- we need to only do the absolute bare minimum in military. I'm not saying 'we need to give the military the bare minimum of what it needs'- I'm saying give it the absolute barest minimum of scraps that we can afford. If they're not screaming at us and begging for more military spending I think we aren't being thrifty enough right now. No free dice whatsoever, nothing but the barest resources we can afford after loading up on expensive but necessary tasks elsewhere with all our category and free dice.

I'd love to do as few military trials as possible and only look at the military plants if they affect our bottom line. Now is the time to cover our ass and save the economy, not prepare for a war we may not be lucky enough to get.

I kind of agree with this. We need to prioritize Mikoyan and our nerds. If we get purged, that's a devastating blow for our nerd statistical collective.
So, uhhh, are people expecting us to not get shot if we blame just the worst misreporters? This has been a systematic, large-scale misreporting accross multiple levels and industries all the way to the bureocrazy that has lasted years, and has lead to what is arguably the most visible (to Stalin) nation-wide fuckup after the Tsar got violently deposed.

And this all happened on our watch, under our authority. Sure, we didn't implement it. We didn't order it. And we in fact exposed it.
But how much do you think taht matters to comrade Stalin when we're telling him his economic miracle is in fact systematic corruption and people just lying to him?

I fear that if we don't make heads roll, our head will roll.
So, uhhh, are people expecting us to not get shot if we blame just the worst misreporters? This has been a systematic, large-scale misreporting accross multiple levels and industries all the way to the bureocrazy that has lasted years, and has lead to what is arguably the most visible (to Stalin) nation-wide fuckup after the Tsar got violently deposed.

And this all happened on our watch, under our authority. Sure, we didn't implement it. We didn't order it. And we in fact exposed it.
But how much do you think taht matters to comrade Stalin when we're telling him his economic miracle is in fact systematic corruption and people just lying to him?

I fear that if we don't make heads roll, our head will roll.
We're going to tell him we fucked up either way. If we wanted avoid telling him, we would have needed to cover it up in the previous vote.

Anyway, we know what we need to do to get away with this.

1) Get both the MPPG and Cap goods target
2) Survive a -50 Party Support hit
We're going to tell him we fucked up either way. If we wanted avoid telling him, we would have needed to cover it up in the previous vote.

Allow me to put it this way:
When we're done with our presentation, and Stalin trancends mortal rage into a zen-like existence of pure malice and insanity, and he asks us "what have you done to rectify this?"

And our answer is "we shot the few active saboteurs we found, and are planning to leave the rest in place."

What do you think he will do in response - calmly accept that his management style has created a culture of fear where people are misreporting on achievements and quotas in order to avoid being shot, and chage his style.... Or order the bigger, meaner, even more atrocious purge targeted at whomever he holds accountable (including quite possibly us)?
Man Japan got trashed
Turns out the Ki-27 did a shit job battling enemy fighters with 120 kph greater speed, more than twice their firepower, and superior durability. Air superiority and artillery played a big role in the victory this time around.

Anyway, Moratorium's up so...

[X] Plan Statistically Panicking
[X] Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble
[X] Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble (Politically Net Positive Variant)

I'm happy with either mine or Crazycryo's or Phoenixian's plan so long as we keep an HI focus. But I'm not actually sure which one I want. Especially in terms of "pay PI for Dice" stuff with bureaucracy.

So I'll vote for them all now, and figure out which one I really want when I wake up.
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[X] Plan Statistically Panicking
[X] Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble
[X] Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble (Politically Net Positive Variant)
Koba can bite me. That revisionist ought to get purged for impeding progress. Soviet Cultural Revolution when?

[X] Plan All the bandaids
[X] Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble
[X] Plan Statistically Speaking, We're In Trouble (Politically Net Positive Variant)