A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover
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A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

In a world where magic has all but guttered to ashes, becoming the fare of charlatans, petty conjurers, and ragged illusionists, a mighty change is stirring. From small and fragile sparks a great blaze will be reborn and men will again look in wonder awe and terror at those who would dare to call on secret powers. Heroes and fiends, champions and monsters, soon all will walk under the light of common day once more.
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Character selection
A Sword Without a Hilt: A Song of Ice and Fire/D&D 3.5 Crossover

In a world where magic has all but guttered to ashes, becoming the fare of charlatans, petty conjurers, and ragged illusionists, a mighty change is stirring. From small and fragile sparks a great blaze will be reborn and men will again look in wonder awe and terror at those who would dare to call on secret powers. Heroes and fiends, champions and monsters, soon all will walk under the light of common day once more.

Who shall you be in this world on the cusp of reforging?

[] Myrcella Waters: Though you know it not you are not the daughter of the Crowned Stag, but the product of the incestuous affair of the Queen and her Kingslayer brother. The Faith of the Seven would call you cursed, and perhaps you are, for in the bowels of the Red Keep you found a fel spirit of Elder Ages yearning for release. You heed its call and in exchange you are granted fearsome and terrible powers that will only grow with time (Warlock Class)

[] Viserys Targaryen: Last living son of Aerys the Second of his name, heir by blood to the crown of Westeros and much more… The blood of Dragons flows in your veins, and with the swelling tides of power you have been wakened to Sorcery. The day will come when you take back what is yours, not by the sword but by powers arcane (Sorcerer Class)

[] Arya Stark: Ever have you been the rebellious one. A true child of the North, you remind your father of his lost sister even as you drive your mother to despair. The Wolf Blood runs strong in you. One night, restless and unsleeping, you choose to rest under the ancient Heart Tree of Winterfell. There you dream of things so True that had they been revealed in the waking world it would had broken under their weight. Long have the Gods of Stone and Tree been silent, but no more, for you will be their voice (Druid Class -Spontaneous-)

[] Gendry Waters: In your veins flows the blood of Westeros' Baratheon King, and through him the legacy of the Durran Godsgrief and Elenei Stormborn. Down through the long ages a single spark of Power Divine did pass, and by some chance or fickle fortune in you it may in time grow once more into a mighty storm (Favored Soul Class -Charisma based-)

[] Write-in (If you have another character concept like the above feel free to suggest it)

OOC: Had this idea for a quest that would not go away until I attempted it. So let's see if I can sustain two active quests at once. The Kings of Men will still have priority, but I'll try to do this one in addition to it.

It was originally supposed to be Joffrey that was the warlock, but then I figured even the types of entities that grant warlock powers have some standards. It was also supposed to be Bran that got Druid, but he is just too young and I like the symmetry of two boys and two girls—two arcane and two divine classes.
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Part I: To Wake the Dragon
To Wake the Dragon

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

You are Viserys Targaryen by blood King of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. You are also a boy of thirteen and you are afraid. For months now Ser Willam Darry once armsmaster of the Red Keep and now your family's last sworn sword has been ailing of a fever that will not break. In the last few days the servants answer your calls less and less and you fear that they have started to take things from the house to sell. You have not the strength of arm to compel them otherwise. As you enter Ser Darry's darkened sickroom for the first time that morning a stench more profound than that of sickness assails your senses. Approaching the bed you find what you dread. The knight is dead. There will be no one to shield you and your sister now. As if to reinforce that conclusion you hear the sounds of heavy items being moved in the entrance hall. You resolve to stay here for now for what can you do against the menservants ironically chosen for their strength that they may better protect you?

You are abruptly drawn from your despondent thoughts by the sound of your sister crying noisily, suddenly cut off. At once you race out of the room. The scene in the hall is at once what you expected and a scene of your darkest nightmares. The porter Mothos is dragging the heavy furniture towards the door with the aid of another man in rough dark clothing. Dany lies on the floor mercifully still moving, trembling in fear a red mark on her face.

The stranger is speaking: "... safer to just kill the brats, the watch might listen to them seeing as they're highborn."

So this is the line of the last of the Dragon Lords ends with a whimper at the hands of common cutthroats... In that moment you wish with all your heart and soul that you could have a measure of the power of your legacy. You would pay any price call on any power to have the strength to save Dany at least.

Power answers. Not the Gods of the Andals or even those of Doomed Valyria from without but the power of your blood ignited in your veins surging from within. Time stands still, in your mind you perceive a myriad of voices some human and some markedly not bequeathing on to you a torrent of lore. If you could hold it all you would be as a god among men. Alas that is far beyond you. Scraps only do you grasp: how to mend how to play with the senses, a bit more how to twist the mind to serve, for that has been your desire these last few months, and how to be someone else for though you could not admit it to yourself many have been the times when you wished to have the burden of your family's legacy lifted from you.

Time jerks into motion again and you stand before Mothos and his cohort armed with ancient powers. How do you act:

[] Attempt to defuse the situation with words (Bluff DC 22)
[] Charm Mothos
[] Charm the unknown man
[] Use conjured light to frighten them away (Intimidate DC 15)
[] Write-in

OOC: The idea of the Dragon Waking as more than just a temper tantrum was the first inkling I had of this quest concept.
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Omake: A Loosing and a Binding
A Loosing and a Binding

Myrcella Baratheon, second-born child and only daughter of Robert Baratheon First of His Name, was not having a good day. Truth be told she was having one of the worst days of her short life. It had all started when her elder brother had been hurting little Tommen under the pretense of toughening him up "so he would not be such a crybaby." Angrily, the princess had decided to give Joff a taste of his own medicine and slapped him as hard as she could, hard enough to cause the surprised boy to fall down in front of some of his friends as well as Lord Rosby. Her mother had been furious, taking Joff's side like always. The old Septa had been more tedious than usual in her lessons (an impressive achievement), and Joff had looked at her with such hatred in her eyes that it sent a chill down the princess' spine.

Frustrated, out of sorts, and unwilling to suffer even more whispering idiots gawking at her as if she were an attraction in an Essosi traveling carnival, Myrcella had traveled through some of the less inhabited corners of the Red Keep in search of solitude. There she found hidden behind a tapestry a passageway of the kind stories told riddled the keep owing to the paranoia of Maegor the Cruel. Perhaps this was even one of the passages lost to history owing to the fact that the same paranoia had led Maegor to slay the builders of the Keep.

The girl reasoned that if she were to "get lost" for a bit her mother would be too preoccupied with the fact that she had been found again to scold her for hitting Joff and damaging his non-existent dignity. As it so happened she got lost a bit too well, pretense turning deadly earnest in the lightless corridors. This led her to her current predicament turned around, her left hand bleeding from a cut on a sharp stone. She was blindly following the ancient stone wall in the hope that it would eventually lead her out somewhere.

By some whim of fate her hand touched a faded carving of a dragon's eye once adorned with the flowing script of old Valyria, and her blood was accepted as sacrifice by the centuries-old enchantment that had lain dormant for many a long year. The stone of the passage drew back like a curtain (much more smoothly than when it was first made for the tides of magic were waxing).

After the pitch blackness of the tunnel, the faint greenish glow emanating from the chamber dazzled Myrcella. Desperate for a way out not to mention light of any sort she entered the ancient chamber. It was circular and seemingly carved into the stone under Aegon's Hill. Within lay dusty heavy jewelry adorned with rubies the color of old blood, ancient weapons that looked foreign to the princess' eyes. But the most odd thing by far was the source of the light. On a slender obsidian plinth in the center of the room rested a dark crystal sphere at the heart of which a spectral green flame shone.

In the ordinary run of things Myrcella was a practical child who had less time than usual for tales of sorcery and heroism in ages past, but when confronted with actual magic she could not help but be intrigued. As she neared the sphere to get a closer look a whispering started in the back of her mind first in tongues she could not understand (indeed they did not seem to be sounds men could make at all) but then at last shifting into Common:

"Child born of Sin, will you not aid me? I can make you great. Knowledge beyond the ken of humankind and dominion beyond the power of Kings shall be yours if you but free me."

Perhaps it was bravery she never before knew she possessed or merely greater fear of the dark twisting corridor outside that compelled the princess to answer: "What need have I of these things? I am a Princess of the Blood. In time I will have the best of lives without any help of yours," she spoke, imitating her mother's voice at her haughtiest.

"Royal blood, yes, the same twice over just as my jailers of old," the voice answered with a laugh like the crackle of flames. "See the truth of your birthright, girl, if you dare."

The Green light filled Myrcella's sight, and then her mind. She saw before her eyes a vision of her mother the Queen and her uncle the Kingslayer embracing not as siblings might but as man and woman. Understanding dawned upon her, and her horror broke the hold of the illusion. She wanted more than anything else to call the fire-thing a liar, but her own treacherous memories would not let her. So many things made sense now, including one faint recollection from when she had been a little girl and had seen her uncle "help her mother dress." No, not my uncle. My father likely as not, and even if that is not so the king's dignity could not bear that stain. At best the Silent Sisters if the secret were found out, a life of oppressive silence and judging eyes, she thought despairingly. At worst... Myrcella could easily imagine what a man like father... the King might do to her in a rage.

"Dominion beyond the power of Kings..." she whispered to herself. "Why should I trust you?"

"Do you have a choice? Can your gaggle of Seven Gods defend you from what is to come? Would they even do so for one such as you? Such a waste of a brave and clever life it would be," the voice continued like sweet poison in her ear.

"What must I do?" the girl asked with far more courage than she felt.

"Place your left hand upon the orb and speak my name, Loptr, then name to conditions of our pact."
Now the voice was filled with an inhuman longing.

Jumping to touch the magical orb, Myrcella placed her hand upon it and said swiftly, "Loptr, freedom I offer for the power to defend myself from my enemies present and future."

The room rang like some titanic bell had been struck with the Smith's own hammer, and the girl felt pain such as could not be described in the tongues of men.

What seemed like an eternity later she lay gasping on the hard stone floor, her mind filled with eldritch lore. She knew as surely as she knew that night followed day that what she had been gifted was only the barest beginning of the power she could attain. So with a smile that seemed to belong on a much older face Myrcella Waters made her way out of the room, the darkness holding no more terrors to her.
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Part II: The Voice of Command
The Voice of Command

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

Mothos is considering his companion's words at his leisure. Why should he not? He is between you and the door. What possible threat could a child be to him? The time has come to educate both these men of the truth of their lowly position, though if this works as your instincts tell you it the one ensorcelled will not recall quite how the lesson was taught. The unknown man is likely the greater threat having already shown the willingness to kill.

The words of Old Valyrian come easily to mind with none of the stutters and uncertainties of your lessons in that tongue first with the Grand Maester then with Ser Darry. As easily as breathing you command that he heed your words as he would would those of a trusted friend and confidant. For the briefest moment you panic as you feel resistance but lucky his will succumbs.

You are fortunate Mothos is looking at Dany, perhaps considering if his heart is hard enough to kill her and thus does not take heed of your words and gestures.

"Come to think of it I'm not so sure about this..." the nameless thug mumbles uncertainly.

He obviously does not wish to attack his new "friend" but is not sure of what caused his chance of heart. Now is the time to provide him with a reason:

"I wouldn't think Dany and I would be less bother dead than alive if I were you." You take on the tone of a man sharing confidences, somewhat absurd given the circumstances but needed just the same. "A living penniless king in exile is just about the best of pawns but a dead one not so much. After all even the dullest noble is bound to notice the stink eventually if you prop a corpse upon the throne."

Though the joke leaves a bad taste in your mouth you are glad to hear the man laugh at it and not at you for grasping at straws. Good listen to my words, you unwashed brute, I am not just a body to step over now, I'm a person you are talking to. It would be too much to expect some respect for those of high birth left in your treacherous heart but surely you must expect that some people have more wit than you.

"And if a would-be puppet master were to find us dead he might go looking for those that cost him his plans." you continue smoothly.

"'Nd what if you high and mighty brats just vanished?" asked Mothos more to assert his new superiority over his old masters by sowing fear than out of any willingness to do the deed, you would judge

Perfect, you think now caught in the excitement of the moment, an actor playing a role your very life depended on.

"You think all those schemers will just shrug and not look for us?" With mock-ingenuousness you add "I wonder who they would have the guards question in the matter? Perhaps those who were known to work here."

The thug laughs again just as you had hopped. Easiest way to get a man to think your words are wise, set someone else to look the dullard.

"Little prick's right Mothos..." the man begins just as you call on your power again just to make sure his companion's words get through.

This time the feeling of resistance is much less but unfortunately the other man notices. Seeing his eyes on you you offer the first explanation that comes to mind: "Old Valyrian prayer of thanksgiving... however foolish it would be for you to do it Dany and I would be just as dead if you killed us."

"You'd make a great grifter kid, words of silk, balls of steel..." he says with a friendly smile that disgusts you coming from such a lowlife.

Mothos meanwhile was looking at the carefully still and softly sobbing form of Dany with an expression of guilt. It seems that being your new "friend" has made him feel guilty for his brutish acts.

"Master Vyserys I'm sorry I don't know what came over me... I'll give it all back, I'll help you. Fyro we can't do this anymore," he says in a rush.

The positively jovial Fyro barks another laugh: "Bit late for that mate..."

Then he turns to you

"Tell you what kid I'll only take half of my share of whatever's left in the old knight's room. Mothos here seems to have had a change of heart so you get to keep three parts in four."

"Master Viserys, what should we do sir?"

[] Let Fyro take his ill gotten gains, you can't risk a fight breaking out with Dany in the room
[] Order Mothos to defend you and your property as he should have done from the beginning (Opposing CHA check)
[] Write in
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Part III: The Better Part of Valor
The Better Part of Valor

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

Looking at your sister not even five name-days old trying to be as still and silent as a mouse you cannot bring yourself to start a fight. For that matter it would be hardly certain that Mothos would be willing to actually fight his erstwhile partner in crime. The spell's hold on his mind is not absolute. So you give a self-deprecating smile and answer:

"While I could hardly call Master Fyro's offer fair it is the best we are going to get. Excuse me for a moment though I will have to put my sister to bed." You smile at your two spell-bought "friends" not perhaps as convincingly as you would have liked but magic you have come to realize covers a multitude of sins. For a moment that thought brings to mind the Seven and their ban on magery but you swiftly dismiss it, you are no zealot to forfeit your life and the lives of your kin on a matter of dogma. Magic is your birthright.

As you approach Dany she looks at you with awe, her amethyst eyes wise behind the curtain of silver hair she begins to speak but you motion her to be silent. She nods spasmodically, tears still in her eyes, but looking very brave and resolute for one so young. She does not protest when you pick her up, thankfully she is a slight child and you are able to get her to her room. Once there you realize what she was doing in the entrance hall to begin with. The rogues had been emptying her room, claiming her the cabinet that contained her few keepsakes. she'd probably followed Mothos out to order him to put her things back.

The moment you enter the room before you even had a chance to put her down Dany asks with a childish excitement that has been rarely heard from her in recent days:

"Was that magic? Looked like magic, felt like magic too, all toasty and warm like a fire on a rainy day. Can I do it too?"

You know the prudent course would be to lie, a girl her age is not the best keeper of secrets by far but you remember too well seeing the hopelessness you have felt since Ser Darry fell ill mirrored in her eyes. She may have been too young to grasp the full truth of the situation but she understood enough to feel fear and grief just the same. Can you bear to deny her the knowledge that you have some power over your destiny at last? Can you deny her hope?

[] Yes it was magic like in the stories but I can't do much of it and you have keep it secret for both our sakes. I'll show you more when I can.

[] No, unless you mean the magic of a glib tongue. Sit tight here for now.

[] Write in

Returning to where you the two men were, you led them to Ser Darry's sickroom, silently apologizing to the loyal knight for not being strong to deal with these wretches as they deserve.

Looking through the drawers you find 24 Gold Dragons, 38 Silver Moons, and 40 Copper Pennies. Judging by the fact that it was all Westerosi coinage you suspect these were funds for an emergency. You also find a badly balanced ceremonial dagger you would not trust to cut bread that is nonetheless adorned with silver and opals. You recall carrying from Dragonstone as a boy of eight, a pretty bauble for a prince made dull so as to prevent accidents. Fortunately your mother's crown is in your room and not here. You do not think you could have borne to even have this rogue look at it with covetous eyes

You manage to persuade the Fyro to take the dagger and 8 Silver Moons as his share marveling at how surreal it is to negotiate with someone as to how much they will rob you.

Gained 24 Gold Dragons, 30 Silver Moons, and 40 Copper Pennies

Once your "transaction" is complete Fyro turns to you and says "You know your Dragonness, there's a reason why I took so little, barely enough to keep me in booze for a month."

Though you would prefer to bandy no more words with the thief you indulge him not wishing to anger him and perhaps test the limits of the spell

"What reason is that master Fyro?"

"Well I was thinking about what you said with the people what wants to make a puppet out of you and how you have a sweet way with words. The bosses are always looking for more people that 'ave sharp wits. So you go to the One-eyed Rat over in Ragman's harbor and say Fyro sent you. If you can talk as sweet to the Old Man like you did to me he'll have some use for you and he'll be thanking me for finding you."

"So you want me to take my sister and all this money into a thieves' den?"you ask incredulously, the mask of politeness slipping altogether

"You don't rob a fellow sneak just like that." Fyro answered sounding downright offended. "For that matter patrons at the Rat are mostly left alone, bad habit to shit in your own nest. As fer your sister the old man's strange like that he doesn't hurt kids least they try to steal from him."

Unlocked Quest: Lord of the Rats: Work your way up through the Braavosi underworld (750 XP reward)

"I'll think on it." you answer surprised you were speaking truth, but your current skills were uniquely suited to such underhanded dealings including keeping such things from being associated with your good name. You lead your unwelcome guest to the door and pointedly insure the door is locked behind him.

Completed Quest: A Flame from the Ashes
: Gained 350 XP
Bonus objective complete: No suspicion of magic use. Gained 75 XP
Bonus objective complete: Keep Dany safe. Gained 50 XP

You have half a hour until the spell on Mothos expires and he comes to his treasonous, larcenous senses. Where will you go?

[] The Sealord's palace: If his good nature is not enough to take you and your sister in than perhaps a few spells will serve to bring him to a more agreeable mood. Or you may offer your services. You do after all have many of the skills of a Faceles Man

[] The One-eyed Rat Tavern: If the idea of working for the Sea Lord is distasteful than this one is revolting. However it does offer two advantages. Firstly you would not have to reveal your powers and secondly your abilities and natural leadership skills should allow you to rule over those wretches in short order.

[] The Merry Hog Inn, near the Purple Harbor: Braavos is too close to the usurper. Though it will cost you much of your meager funds you coud take ship to other lands.

[] Write in

OOC: And you are finally out of the prologue.Hopefully the quest will see more discussion now.
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Part IV: Into the Shadows
Into the Shadows

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

Ragman's Harbor stank. Not perhaps as much as your recollections of King's Landing, which was bad enough that not even the rosy glow of nostalgia ameliorate it, but it stank just the same compared to Braavos' better districts. Dany looks distinctly unenthused by the view of porters, mummers, ropemakers, sailmenders, taverners, beggars, and whores plying their trades among the docks serving foreign merchants and Braavosi vessels of ill repute. Seeing this you lean in your sister's direction and whisper: "Not a place you'd expect to find a prince and princess is it?"

"Defin'tely not," Dany says holding her nose theatrically

"Well I think the Usurper and his Dogs would agree," you answer.

You are glad to see Dany's eyes light up with mischief at the thought of deceiving your enemies rather than marked by the formless fear that she usually showed at the prospect of being hunted.

"So you we got to pretend to be someone else, right, like mummers in a play?"

"Clever girl, that's exactly right." you say with genuine surprise and admiration for such sharp wits in a child of five.

Dany looks as proud as she ever was to be congratulated on her reading or figuring at this compliment. For a moment you wonder at your choice to bring her into such a place. What habits might she gain among such gutter-sweepings? No, you do not have the money for the gentile poverty that would provide some measure of protection, not anymore. You would have to vanish altogether. You'd worry about Dany's manners after her safety and not before. The gifts you were given are best suited to places like this. I never thought I'd be like Bloodraven, a sorcerer and an weaver of intrigue, when I was little but maybe that is what is needed. Rhaegar tried to face the Usurper on the field and he died for it. I won't make his mistake, you think your resolve hardening.

As you turned feeling eyes upon you you saw:

[] A raven like a shadow of the coming night flying straight towards you carried on a cold wind from the sea (Raven familiar, +3 to Appraise checks can speak Bravosi or Common)

[] A strangely well fed looking ginger cat advancing regally towards you (Cat familiar +3 to move Silently Checks)

[] A tinny bright-colored snake that must have escaped from some merchant's hold (Snake familiar +3 to Bluff checks)

[] Write in (Other familiar)

[] Nothing, it must have been your imagination (No familiar for now)

After buying some hot pies from the least dubious looking vendor you could find, you and Dany stand on a lonely half-built pier where the sound of the waves would cover your words before they reached unfriendly ears. Who would you be in this place, now that Viserys Targaryen and his sister Daenerys must vanish:

[] Corlys Waters, born a Crownlander lord's bastard his sister Daena. You used to be squire with the Golden Company before you parted ways in a manner which left you not on the best of terms with them though considerably richer. This would best disguise any Westerosi mannerisms you may retain and you are decent enough with the sword to play the part

[] Alios and his sister Larra. Two children of Lysene origin which fled the city after the tragic deaths of their parents at the hands of rival merchants. This would best explain your features and would do away with any Westerosi connection but you are not sure how well you can impersonate one of the Lysene in deportment

[] Aeros and his sister Saera. Once of Qohor you have fled the city because of religious persecution. Lurid tales of the worship of the Black Goat abound in Braavos so the tale might gain some sympathy even among such lowlifes as dwell around Ragman's Harbor. However you will have to rely entirely on the ignorance of your audience with regards to supporting your supposed heritage in word and deed.

[] Write in
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Part V: A Dragon among Rats
A Dragon among Rats

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

You absently pet the small reddish-brown snake sunning itself on your worn traveling bags as you finish your inopportune seaside meal. Dany can't keep her eyes off the snake (it being the most magical thing around) even now making couching her through the rough story you conceived for the two of you difficult. You do manage to get through the idea that she should act shy if addressed and give the shortest possible answers or preferably no answers at all while you settle into your roles. While it would still be obvious that she is hiding something, you doubt there is anyone in such a den of thieves that is not followed by his or her own secrets.

After the frustration of trying to memorize the daily routine of a mercenary company (or at least the bare bones of such that you have gathered from books) you decide to cheer Daenerys up by allowing her to name the reptilian companion your magic has summoned in some nebulous way. She decides to go with:

[] Write in

Having settled that as well as possible you head out to the One-eyed Rat following Fyro's directions. The tavern looks every bit as dingy as the others in Ragman's Harbor, it's paint peeling in the constant humidity of the city. However there is a certain solidity to it that makes you think it is far less likely to blow away in a strong storm. The sign of a rat with a single eye has the charm of honesty you suppose. Several urchins and perhaps up and coming thieves around your age or perhaps a bit older loiter outside kept there by large thug with a lame leg that nonetheless looks competent with the cudgel he wields. As you approach he draws himself up to speak seemingly surprised to see two gently born and (if you are to be honest with yourself) so young seeking admission.

You do not wish to try magic with all the sharp-eyed sneaks about, here under the light of day least of all, so you show off the glint of silver while also purposely drawing attention to your sheathed sword. The lame thug shrugs, his eyes glittering with a surprising amount of lively curiosity under heavy brows, and steps aside allowing you to pass. Dany follows so closely behind she is almost touching.

The interior is steeped in shadows. Little light manages to penetrate the decades old grime on the windows. You do note that there are windows, somewhat unusual given the value and scarcity of even low quality glass. You come to suspect that this may be what passes for opulence for the poor of Ragman's harbor. Whether one is ruler among the high or the low some things stay the same apparently.

What do you do now:

[] Linger and gamble a bit with a group throwing bones on a table in the corner. Luck may smile on you and even if it does not hurrying could make you appear uncomfortable in the atmosphere of the place, a truth best left concealed

[] Buy a drink indulge sparingly but buy some rounds also for the whole custom. Drunk thieves are less likely to notice magic if you find yourself having to fall back on that

[] Head straight for the table in the back where an man in gaudy finery is obviously holding court to judge by the guard scanning the tavern steely-eyed and the advisers flanking him and speaking in whispers. Real lords have little patience, perhaps the same is true of this lord of rogues.

[] Write in

OOC: Remember the name is IC as Dany. Feel free to saddle poor Viserys with an embarrassing name for his familiar.;)
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Part VI: An Audience with a Rogue
An Audience with a Rogue

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

Well for better or for worse you are committed now. If ever you do reclaim the Iron throne you will be very careful not to mention that he who should be the ultimate source of justice ever performed such an act.

Alignment shifts 25 points towards Chaotic, now True Neutral (55/50)

First thing's first you can't do this with Dany trailing you like this. You lead her into an more sparsely populated corner of the tavern which you should be able to see while talking to the "Old Man.". You call one of the serving women asking for some of their best wine (the quality of which you do not wish to contemplate). After your order is delivered you pay and extra penny to have the woman watch Dany, while you of course would be watching both of them.

For the first time you can see the man you came here to see clearly. His mismatched finery is clearly stolen, knife holes still visible in the back of his doublet. As you doubt thieves are incapable having that mended you suspect it to be some manner of subtle boast. The man's hair is grizzled though his long, carefully combed mustache is still black. Clever dark eyes like glittering beetles sweep the room while he speaks is a hushed voice with his companions.

At last the wine arrives. You sip it once, twice, barely registering the sour taste and the third time you merely mime the gesture as you speak the works of the spell you used two times before today. At the same time your hand moves through the gestures the magic requires hopefully appearing to merely straighten your clothes. With a surge of elation you feel the magic gripping the thief master's mind tightly. This is good for you can feel that you may only cast one spell of this magnitude today.

You step up to the table where your newest temporary friend sits, the "Old Man" signaling his cohorts to let you approach. You call for a round of wine for the whole table declaring that it is the least you can do in exchange for taking up their tine unannounced. The now smiling man in gaudy clothes waves any inconvenience away magnanimously. The scared blond man who guards him merely scowls. The woman with languid eyes on the leader's other side gives you a searching look that causes an odd feeling in the pit of our stomach as if you missed a step going down a flight of stairs.

"Corlys Waters, at your service", you say.

"Gorthos called the Old," the leader introduces himself "you'll pardon if I do not offer my services, men are like to read too much into that."

"Lysandre of Myr," the woman speaks in a soft pleasant voice

The guard merely grunts clearly annoyed.

"You'll have to excuse Yohn, not enough wine in him yet," Gorthos stage whispers to the further irritation of the aforementioned Yohn.

"Well it seems I have the gift of foresight then." you jest, a part of you wondering if your magic could allow for you to have such a gift in truth.

"That was better than half the people making their living off it that is for sure." Gorthos replies congenially "Now young Corlys what can I do for you?"

"Word is that this is where a man would go about looking for work by his wits."

"Wits aye, I know better than most that you do not have to be old and grey to have 'em, but what makes a fine lordling like yourself looking for Old Gorthos?"

"Not a lording am I?" You say with the bitterness expected of a bastard "My father didn't swear anything before he got my mother heavy with child. For a while I served with the Golden Company, then my mother passed away and it was just me and Daena. I figured there are better ways of relieving a man of his coin than charging like a maniac across the field of "honorable" battle to kill him, talking him out of it for one and if that fails then you do it the other way..." you finish your speech with a sly smile, having slipped into the role of the treacherous bastard with disconcerting ease.

To your surprise Yohn barks a laugh. "You're lucky boy, most can't figure how crazy war is until they feel it on their own skin."

"And what have you got to show fer your wise resolution boy?" Gorthos asks looking at you with interest.

You pull out a coin pouch containing ten of the gold coins and some of the silver and let it fall unlaced on the table. "Let's just say I practiced my new philosophy before leaving my former employers."

"A fine recommendation if ever I saw one," the thief master answers his eyes fixed on the gold. You were very glad indeed for his spell-bought "friendship."

"And there is more," you continue smoothly "I can read, write and figure and know something of how the highborn act. That can make it easier when it comes to parting people from their valuables..."

"True enough, the rich and idle make better pickings than the poor and hard-working." said Lysandre sounding downright predatory as her eyes too lit up with greed.

"Done then," Gorthos said as serious as a lord passing a sentence. "You can take a room upstairs for as long as you want. I and my associates will be passing jobs to you."

You did it. You felt lightheaded though you could not tell if it was from the wine or from relief.

Gained 150 XP from joining the Braavosi underworld successfully


You pick up Dany who is trying her best to look shy while all but bouncing off the walls in excitement and pay for three months guesting before heading up to your room. You are pleased to find that the door can be barred from inside though it is hardly a perfect defense.

What do you do the first week?

Major actions (Choose two):

[] You have a power that allows you to see magic. look around the bazaars for any trinket with actual power in it and then acquire it (???)
[] Meditate on the tumultuous visions that marked your awakening to power (3d100 XP, ???)
[] Gorthos would like to test your skills. There is the matter of a young scion of the nobility who owes a great deal of money to Gorthos's underlings and who's father is refusing to pay (500 XP on success +opinion with Gorthos)
[] Lysandre would like you to teach some of her "girls" how to act more refined (250XP on completion +oppinion with Lysandre)
[] Yohn asked you to be the "face" of some thugs collecting protection money (300 XP on completion, potential combat)
[] Find kill Fyro in retribution for the humiliation you suffered as well as removing one who could identify you and Dany (Danger removed, vengeance XP from kill)
[] Write in

Minor actions (Choose two):

[] Spend time with Dany and fulfill the promise to show her magic (+oppinion with Dany)
[] Spend time with Varys, your familiar and learn more of his abilities (knowledge of familiar abilities)
[] Explore the area around the One-eyed Rat to get a better feel for the place (better knowledge of Ragman's Harbor, potential encounter)
[] Milk your familiar for a ready supply of venom (access to DC 10 poison)
[] Write in

OOC: You did quite well there. We are now moving on to more long term planing.
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Part VII: Settling In
Settling In

Twelfth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

As soon as you bar the door behind you Dany asks to see the magic you promised her. Fortunately she manages to contain her excitement enough that you do not think she was overheard. Of course the casting of real magic is not the first conclusion an eavesdropper would reach on hearing a child's voice speaking of such things but you would rather not take even slight risks. You use the incantation of petty magic that allows for a variety of small effects, crucially including cleaning. After cleaning the straw mattresses with magic (to the amazed acclaim of your audience of one) you beat the bugs out of them as best you can. Finally you replace the sheets with he ones you brought with you and place the pillows you likewise took from your last home.

After only a token amount of badgering you agree to play with dolls (including but not limited to levitating them so they can be Dragon Riders and changing the color of their dresses to playact the Dance of Dragons). Though you would never admit it you are having fun playing with your power. You are very glad to see your sister laugh wholeheartedly again, feeling more content than you could have imagined possible mere days ago.

Before going to bed you spend the remainder of your petty spells mending various broken personal effects like Dany's writing slate and her mother-of-pearl decorated hairbrush, the last thing the two of you have of your mother's other than her crown... your crown since she crowned you just before her death. You wonder what she would think of you now, here. Would she be proud, angry, sad? Perhaps one day I could ask her, the thought comes unbidden. There are many tales of mages communing with the dead or even returning them to life. Could it be done? Do you dare take such an act upon yourself? As you fall into a fitful slumber it seems to you that your blood, your magic whispers Yess filled with pride and a terrible will to dominate all that is. Your dreams are filled with the shades of what you perceived when power woke within you but they are all dispelled by the light of dawn.


Thirteenth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

As you awake you see Varys coiled on the pillow next to you. Such an odd feeling, to know that your unprotected face is inches away from a venomous snake yet feel no concern for your safety. "Are you comfortable?" you ask the little red snake idly. You are in no way prepared for it to nod back deliberately. True it is a sorcerer's familiar but as the sorcerer you feel you should know if there is any magic about it. Shouldn't you?

You spend hours getting to know the little snake with Dany's enthusiastic help. You try to get a system of simple commands in place for whatever you may use it though you have the feeling it will take days to create one. While Varys is smart it does not seem to be quite man-smart or maybe snakes just think differently.

As you are about to finally go down to see if the tavern offers last night's leftovers as breakfast Dany bids you to ask your reptilian companion one last question: "Are you a boy?"

Varys shakes its, no her head, somehow looking bemused by the question. You can feel the tips of your ears turn red and Dany snickers all the way down to the taproom.

OOC: In this segment I tried to show the different facets of Viserys' character: The would-be adult we saw the most of so far, the young teenager barely out of childhood and the Dragon-blooded Sorcerer.
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Part VIII: Vengeance in the Dark
Vengeance in the Dark

Fifteenth Day of the Ninth Month 289 AC

It had taken you the better part of of three days to find out something of Fyro's haunts. In your impatience to remove the threat he posed and finally have your vengeance for the humiliation you suffered at his hands you made the tavern keeper of the Rat somewhat curious, an undesirable state of affairs. You can only hope the story of how he owed you money would not be suspicious in light of the manner you planed to slay him. Once again it would be up to your arcane abilities to make up for your deficiencies in other areas. You keenly felt the absence of any reliable allies to fall back on.

For better for worse you are here, cold and wet in the heavy rain, waiting in a blind alley just outside a dockside dive that makes the Rat look palatial. The distant but still clear roar of the Titan announces midnight. The time has come. You speak the words of Valyrian that would grant you a seeming like that of the Faceless men themselves though only for one sixth of an hour Still you need no more than that if you are fortunate enough to find Fyro lost to drink and if you are not you can leave and return with another mask.

Your current Illusory form is that of a old sailor his skin brown and leathery from a life on the sea wearing heavy woolen clothes that had seen better days. Your temporary face also shows many prominent pockmarks and several of your teeth appear missing. A more different appearance from Viserys Targaryen you could scarce imagine. You hope your voice does not break and spoil the seeming.

As you enter the tavern your gaze sweeps the room twice before noticing your query passed out on a table in the corner. If your smile is more than a bit predatory on seeing him all the better for the ruse. As you approach you whisper the words of the charm spell counting on the shadows of the tavern to mask your hand movements and the sounds of loud drunks to hide your arcane words. You almost laugh derisively at how easy his intoxicated mind is to ensnare. You shake Fyro awake and introduce yourself as "his old friend Samwell." Confused by the wine and in the grip of magic the man accepts this instantly and begins to babble something about Pentos and wenches. After a few minutes of listening to hm, making approving noises and throwing the odd inane reply in you generously offer to guide him home.

Careful not to touch bare skin, for your illusion tricks only the eye you hoist the big man up and help him through the door. You lead him to the same alley you emerged from minutes before. As you reach the half way point the blood begins to surge in your eares like a drum and you taste blood as you bite your lip. It's time, you think with a strange detachment as you withdraw your hand from the man next to you and draw your sword in one fluid motion. As Fyro struggles to retain his balance you stab him in the throat. Only a horrible gargling sound marks his death.

You feel joy unlike any you had ever felt before at slaying the one who threatened you, stole from you, made you feel weak. Well you are weak no more. For a moment you stand there breathing heavily them all at once you empty your stomach over the body of your victim. I killed a man, you think disgust at your sword, at your bloody cloths and most of all yourself threatening to overwhelm you. Not even in battle but by stealth trickery and sorcery. It felt good. How could it feel so good?

Through the haze of regret and revulsion you manage to remember why you did it. You remember Dany weeping softly on the floor, the ever-present danger of the Usurper's assassins that Fyro might have called upon you. You push down the feelings of self-loathing, This is your life now and for a long time to come. You'll be damned if you fail because of a weak stomach.

More to prove to yourself that you can do it you gingerly search the corpse for valuables. You find eighteen pennies and two of the Silver Moons he stole from you. You take them as is your due twice over, once as a robbed king and once as a successful cutthroat.

Gained 2 Silver Moons, and 18 Copper Pennies

Resolutely you clean the the blood from yourself with magic and take a second false shape as you exist the scene

Completed Quest: Cutting the Loose End Gained 75 XP
Gained 100 XP from kill

OOC: You botched an information gathering roll there at the beginning and had to bluff to do damage control.
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