Of Battles that Were and Those that May Yet Be
Sixth Day of the Twelfth Month 293 AC
"Truth be told, Elder One, I had no part in crafting the
Moonchaser or her sister vessels, beyond providing funding and resources, along with encouraging those with the gift of artifice and a skill for innovation," you explain, thankful that the crew is prepared to fire and even more so that they will not have to do so in anger.
Somewhat to your surprise Althazi's gaze falls upon Lya at once, but the dragon does not comment as the ship is put through her paces by a proud Moonsong, all too happy to oblige. "A very robust armament. Conceived for heavy use without resupply?"
"Mostly conceived to strike as hard as possible without requiring the higher spheres of enchantments," Lya replies ruefully. "Though as is often the case for innovative solutions, doing so unveiled other advantages of the design."
"As for the cloak," you interject, guiding the discussion away from too deep a look at the
Moonchaser. "The Lord of Minauros thought to challenge me to what he thought was a sure wager, but which I proved otherwise." You chuckle a little remembering the battle, or rather the aftermath of that brief deadly skirmish.
"What reason had the Lord of the Third to wager against you?" you note with some satisfaction that there is a measure of respect mixed with the curiosity in his voice.
"Mammon took exception to my attempt to employ a number of erinyes who no longer wished to remain in his service. Alas for him, his Avatar made an embarrassing showing, after which it's hide was peeled from it's still warm corpse while it's blood, bones, and flesh were harvested for experimentation and its venom extracted for alchemical preservation."
"Commendable thrift," Althazi hisses. "Most wyrms as young as you are in truth would have been tempted to devour the remains for power, but patience yields the richest harvest." The words prove to be a signal to one of his warriors to swim down and stand between you. "Witness my immortals. Trolls are inclined to overconfidence and savagery in battle, believing themselves beyond harm until something or someone proves otherwise. With care, training and the proper incentive to maintain discipline they can be far more deadly. The first lesson is to not let them trust their innate healing to see them through a battle. I have at no small expense of time and effort trained healers from among their own ranks, one out of every fifty, one hundred and sixty it all."
So eight thousand sea trolls in total, you calculate, strong disciplined assault companies even excluding the might of their master.
"The mages can also strengthen their arms or their minds as required. More importantly their armor provides a ward against all common compulsions as well as serving as well as any forged armor and regenerating with the the bearer. As long as they are not sent into a lifeless waste they require no resupply. So tell me, cousin, how much are such services worth to you, in lore or in coin? If the offer should prove interesting I will even lead them myself," Althazi continues.
Once his lord had finished speaking the troll offers to duel any champion you care to name as a demonstration of strength and skill at arms.
What do you reply?
[] Offer lore
-[] Write in
[] Offer wealth
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: Rather short, but I figured it was worth it to get it up tonight.