Don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake. I think we should deal with Tywin now and wait for Volantis to get done kicking it's own ass and deal with whoever's left after. I'd rather not go after Zherys get caught in the middle of a 4 way fight of us, the elephants, the tigers, and whatever demons or devils that get summoned only for for Zherys to get away and leave us to partly responsible for a half destroyed city full of rogue mages that will probably not like us. I'd rather just nuke their ruling class after the civil war and leave.
Don't interrupt your enemy when he's making a mistake. I think we should deal with Tywin now and wait for Volantis to get done kicking it's own ass and deal with whoever's left after. I'd rather not go after Zherys get caught in the middle of a 4 way fight of us, the elephants, the tigers, and whatever demons or devils that get summoned only for for Zherys to get away and leave us to partly responsible for a half destroyed city full of rogue mages that will probably not like us. I'd rather just nuke their ruling class after the civil war and leave.
Ah; but if we sabotage Zherys's faction right now then the Elephants will win, and that's also good for us. Long-term it's even the best outcome!
The infighting will weaken the city (Zherys has supporters and an army), and then the winers will be isolationists.
What did Lya use to kill them, it would have to be capable of killing them without the Merciful Firebrand as it doesn't matter which order the damage is in, only that Non-Lethal exceed remaining HP and I imagine with their HD, death was at a point significantly lower than -10.

The second vanila firebrand was enough to kill them on its own when added to the falling damage they had already taken.
@DragonParadox, since didn't respond to my question yesterday, I would like to ask again. How expensive and hard to acquire is mercury in the PoE? There should be entire lakes of it after all.
@DragonParadox, since didn't respond to my question yesterday, I would like to ask again. How expensive and hard to acquire is mercury in the PoE? There should be entire lakes of it after all.

Sorry missed it. It should be pretty cheap, say 20% cheaper than silver on a weight basis.

Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Jul 19, 2018 at 2:43 AM, finished with 206152 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Finishing up
    -[X] Turtle and Bottle all the surviving Ala and make sure to securely put them with the other sacrifices
    -[X] Gather the remains of the dead Ala and decide what to do with them later
    -[X] Gather the pieces of the deadwood weirwood to be worked into something useful later
    -[X] Return south of the Wall
    -[X] Spend the day with Lya quietly touring Braavos and SD (in disguise via Greater Ribbon) no great plans, no affairs of state, just each others company.
    -[X] Maybe take in some entertainment, a play or the Arena, or whatever Lya fancies.
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Just found something. The Horizon Goggles from Complete Mage increase the range of spells and SLAs that need a ranged attack roll by 50%.

That would apply to all Eldritch Blasts, Xor's and Tyene's Eyeblasts, any Reached spells and a lot more, right?
And it's reasonably cheap.

Consider it for the lists @Goldfish ?
As Zherys and Viserys fight back to back against a couple of Mallor: "You know Zherys..."

Z: "Is now really the time? Duck!"
V: "Oopsie daisy. As I was saying, we really must stop meeting like--" FIRE RUIN DEATH "--this."
Z: "That joke stopped being funny the... no, it was never funny."
V: "I just find it funny, is all. Setting ourselves up to be so adversarial... yet I seem to be swooping in to save the day--or your day, specifically, more than coming into conflict."
Z: "Yes, what serendipity."
V: "See, I would agree that it was all part of an elaborate series of gambits and schemes coming together, all to manipulate me into assisting you for no real cost--except for one little niggling detail."
Z: "...such as?"
V: "You're completely," explosions, "--there they are... completely winging it."
Z: "And what makes you say that?"
V: "Well, I skimmed the mind of a God recently--"
Z: *choking*
V: "Yeah, bit old hat, isn't it? But never fault a classic. Oh I know, that's basically breaching the spirit of our pact more than anything else, but it did get you to put more scrutiny into Ymeri than you already were."
V: "Just one little glimpse and I could tell--because your play book is mine. You think I got this far by carefully thinking everything through?! Caution is a mask. You see opportunity, and you grasp it. Only..."
Z: "..." *sigh* "I'll bite. What?"
V: "You didn't grasp hard enough. The rope is fraying. So..."
V: "I'll only offer this once--"
Z: "Viserys..."
V: "I know it's a bitter pill to swallow--"
Z: "Viserys!"
V: "But I'm sure you'll make the right decis--"


V: "Hah! You call that a whip? Valaena! SHOW HIM YOUR WHIP!"
Z: "Fourteen fucking help me, I'm following a masochist..."
V: "Hah!"
Sorry missed it. It should be pretty cheap, say 20% cheaper than silver on a weight basis.

Vote closed.
So... Let's see...
You lost 100 Scepters

You gain 5000 Gold in precious metals (the allotted quantity for 3 months)
This is the initial trade we made for precious metals. So with 1 Scepter = 2 IM, we got:
5000 Gold = 200 IM = 1,000 GP

5 Gold = 0.2 IM = 1 GP

I'm using GP here only as a unit of value, not as a stand in for actual gold.
1 pound = 40 SP = 4 GP = 20 Gold
1 kg = 2 pounds = 40 Gold

1 kg = 1.6 IM
1 ton = 1,600 IM

Yeah. No.
Either we find our own lake of mercury or that plan is a complete dud.
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...why do we need a lake's worth of mercury...
Anti-Gravity Engine for flying fortresses.

I wanted to use Wall of Forces to encase a few thousand tons of mercury, making it look very fancy and magical, even if it would be pricey. However, the Invisible Hand just grabbed a knife and shanked that idea. There is no way style and a small performance increase are worth over 3 million IM per unit.

So an ugly, utilitarian slab of basalt will have to do.

I will post the finalised plans in the evening.
Alright, we'll need to get on that. Those poor legionnaires were supposed to rewarded a while ago.

I don't think it's a good idea actually, over incentivising dangerous action is more likely to result in people not following orders.

We struggle to police ourselves and our judgment in when it's safe to take a sacrifice and when it's safer to kill it.

Better to let them find themselves in a situation to capture and act accordingly than to incentivise them into engineering such a scenario.
Anti-Gravity Engine for flying fortresses.

I wanted to use Wall of Forces to encase a few thousand tons of mercury, making it look very fancy and magical, even if it would be pricey. However, the Invisible Hand just grabbed a knife and shanked that idea. There is no way style and a small performance increase are worth over 3 million IM per unit.

So an ugly, utilitarian slab of basalt will have to do.

I will post the finalised plans in the evening.

You know the idea is so cool I am tempted to lower the price... eh what the hell it's not like you can break the economy selling mercury.

What would you consider an affordable price for the notion?
You know the idea is so cool I am tempted to lower the price... eh what the hell it's not like you can break the economy selling mercury.

What would you consider an affordable price for the notion?
I will run the numbers in the evening. The plan definitely needs a Permanencied Reverse Gravity and a few items enchanted with permanent AMF. The mercury version also needs Walls of Force and the mercury itself.

So yeah. It's expensive one way or another.
I mean, what mundane use is there for mercury at the current tech level?

I will run the numbers in the evening. The plan definitely needs a Permanencied Reverse Gravity and a few items enchanted with permanent AMF. The mercury version also needs Walls of Force and the mercury itself.

So yeah. It's expensive one way or another.
Needs the resources of more cities ...
Part MMCLVIII: To Thunderous Applause
To Thunderous Applause
Twenty-Third Day of the Third Month 293 AC

The sound of rain pouring down in sheets against the inn windows wakes you. Of all the times... For a moment you consider if there is some way to be rid of the pestiferous clouds, but you must sadly admit you have no means to do so without far more risk than can be justified for a day out in the city. "What do you say to going home for now? It might clear up by the afternoon," you offer without much hope.

"It's not so bad," Lya replies, still brushing her hair. "We won't melt from a little water..." As if to give lie to her words thunder rolls overhead loud enough to rattle the glass in the windows. "Alright, a lot of water then. We can use spells to keep warm..."

"And wishes to keep dry," you catch on, following suit, the pain of the deed barely felt through the lightheartedness that settles upon your shoulders.

More than one local can be heard to mutter something about mad foreigners as the two of you walk by laughing, skipping through puddles like children let loose from under some stern tutor's eye. Though in fairness the fey might have something to do with their weariness. Nixies peer out of the canals, chatting in their burbling tongue, though they are quick to slip beneath the water whenever you should happen to look their way.

By contrast they seem far more likely to approach Lya, perhaps sensing the affinity of her soul to their watery nature. One particularly bold fey with a lily-pad flower in her seaweed locks even calls something to her, though it only elicits a laughing denial.

"She asked if we wouldn't have more fun going under the water instead of up here were there's so little of it," Lya explains.

You briefly consider whether the fey would be amenable to an offer of employment before firmly locking away the thought, a matter for another time.


The Dome is not a playhouse you have had the chance to patronize yet, and truth be told you might have passed it by today as well had it not been for the newly painted sign set out by the entrance: A Dragon at Hell's Gate. It would seem the offer to the Sealord to have plays recounting your deeds and those of your companions may have been a touch late.

Most of the scenes are taken wholesale from the play you had performed in the Deep a few months past, though the Braavosi mummers do not shy away from embellishment of all sorts.

" know I don't think that's a very good representation of you," Lya whispers in your ear.

"I hadn't noticed," you reply dryly looking over the enormous set of crimson bellows with a carved dragon head at the end about to blow out the rickety 'Gates of Mantarys.' Perhaps they could have afforded a fey glamour for this too if they had not seemingly spent all the favors they could scrounge making the mummer that was playing you in human form as handsome as they could. A rather distressing number of the women in the audience and quite a few of the men sighed whenever the fellow was on stage proclaiming his heroic intentions in an unaccountably long winded and florid way.

"I think it's because of your Valyrian looks, I think," Lya muses. "They would associate that with Volantine theater here, so you would come out like..."

"Foul scurrilous fiends, unhand that beauteous maiden lest you face fire hotter than a forge's breath and fangs sharper than a bravo's finest steel..."

"The kind of idiot that usually gets killed because he is too busy talking to actually fight," you finish. "Also there seems to be an unreasonable number of maidens to rescue..."

She gives you a dubious look and starts counting off her fingers: "Hermetia, Valaena, Asha..."

"None of them were in Mantarys," you quickly interrupt. "The troupe leader could use some pointers I'd say."

"Then why don't you give them to him," she offers with a mischievous smile. "There's probably some use to it, and the look on his face when you introduce yourself would be priceless."

What do you say to the troupe master of the Dome regarding his latest play?

[] Point out that demons are rarely considerate enough to wait out five minutes of monologue before the fight starts

[] Remind them to give due attention to your companions, and less to supposed romantic entanglements

[] Write in

OOC: Considering your interest in propaganda plays I figured you would be interested in the troupe that is already sort of doing just that.
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