Part MMCDXXXI: Lost upon the Road
Lost upon the Road

Twenty-Fifth Day of the Sixth Month 293 AC

You ponder the choice at length. The tangled weaves of gods and spirits are not ones you wish to thread if you can help it, but you wonder if can you truly afford to do so? There is something to this caravan of the damned, a mark of destiny, riddle you have yet to answer. How did they know so much of the goings on in Lyceos? Why had they and they alone been bound to this hellish existence? If nothing else might there be some way to end it, to give them peace? Through Varys' mind-voice you converse with the others and find most curious or sympathetic to the fate of those eternally lost upon this cursed path. Above all else, however, you speak to Malarys, as it is upon the fulcrum of his skill and his pain that this deception must turn.

"Can you do this, my friend?" the last two words come naturally, as easily as ever you have spoken them to Vee or Garin. With an inner start you realize that in this place under the scorched skies of Fallen Valyria you have finally come to consider the last of its children a friend as much as a vassal or companion in battle.

"I can," the answer acknowledges the concern, a thread of wordless thanks running through it.


Bedding down for the 'night' under the hellish crimson radiance is nerve-wracking. Every moment you expect Malarys' mask to slip somehow or the specters to suddenly see some glimpse of the truth around them. Your muscles ache from the strain of being ready to dive at any moment, fire licks the inside of your throat waiting to be unleashed, yet through it all the magelord plays his part masterfully. Imperious without quite being rude, charming without being verbose, you watch him take non-existent tea from charred cups and even 'unwind enough' to give legal advice for cases that had died four centuries and more ago. Usually petty things of course, trespassing and smuggling most prominent among them, but as the evening wears on the dead grow more restless, the spectral campfires sputter and spark with balefire, the beasts paw at dust and stone.

Finally 'Argaer' approaches you not half an hour after you finally deem it safe enough to abandon the skies for the pose of Malarys' young Lyseni cousin. "How do you think your cousin would feel if we asked him about something a little bigger than a touch of 'misplaced' liquor or 'forgotten' emberwood, for a friend of course?"

"And what sort of trouble has this 'friend' gotten himself into?" you ask, daring to let the guise of naiveté slip ever so slightly in the hopes of unraveling the traders' tragic tale.

As he draws close to whisper you can smell the scent of burning flesh upon his breath but you do not flinch. "Politics..."

"Ah, well as to that there's no more skilled help you are likely to get than my cousin. He's not one to keep his nose in the air to the troubles of common folk, and better yet he's not from around here so has no stake in whatever you... that is your friend is tangled in. So if you need an advocate's help..." you trail off.

For a long while there is silence broken only by the sound of your breathing, then finally, reluctantly, the spirit speaks, "Remember those kids we talked about?"

"Yes?" you prompt.

"Well..." another long sigh. "What we told you is the story going around Lyceos, but it ain't the truth. The Aedil's wife handed them off to us alongside two chests full of treasure. She said to take them north to Mantarys. The tutor apparently has it in for them, and he's 'not what he seemed,' though as to what that meant the lady didn't want to tell the likes of us."

With utmost care not to seem to eager you ask: "Are the children still with you?"

"The boy is but he's sick, or maybe just playing at it... the girl..." A look of confusion enters his eye. "You know, I'm not sure where the girl is..."

The fire hisses and sputters angrily.

"I'm sure they are both still right where you left them," you interject hastily. "Where else would they be?"

"Right, of course... they are in there," the spirit points towards one of the larger tents towards the center of the camp.

After signaling to the others where you are going again with Varys' aid, including a mentally grumbling Ser Richard, you step through where you are bid. There is no light inside and even the light of the cursed sun seems to stop at the threshold as though from some unseen command.

"How are you here? Are you alive?" The words echo as though from a great distance, spoken from unnaturally pale lips. A boy of perhaps ten stares back at you through bloodshot eyes. He had obviously been crying... and he was just as obviously dead, though you could see no mark on him.

As though reading your thoughts he says in a chillingly matter-of-fact-tone: "I took poison. I didn't want the flames to take me. Like they took the others, like they must have taken Aenie."

"Where is your sister?" you ask at once.

"She stayed with one of the farmers a few days back... before It. She said she had a dream had bid her stay, but mama said get to Mantarys since that was the only place that would be safe from Baegor-who-wasn't-Baegor."

The words spark a suspicion in your mind, though it is best to ask before assuming, given that the child seems to talkative. "What was he, then?"

"He looked sort of like a tiger..."

It seems you had found the Rakshasa, in a manner of speaking at least, though that does not take you any further into realizing how to break the curse that binds these unfortunate souls to their endless trek.

What do you do next?

[] Write in

OOC: Wow, Malarys is on fire, he got a natural 20 to follow up the other high rolls.
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"Well..." another long sigh. "What we told you is the story going around Lyceos but it ain't the truth. The Aedil's wife handed them off to us alongside two chests full of treasure. She said to take them north to Manrarys. The tutor apparently has it in for them and he's 'not what he seemed' though as to what that meant the lady din't ant to tell the likes of us."

Raise dead him. Now. Now. Now. Now.

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Normally I would do an interlude but I find myself agreeing with this. They break up the narrative tension too much to use at a time like this.
If you want to write something when things like this happen, you can always write the interlude, and wait with posting it until the current tension is over, if it's happening in another country or a little before the update, then it shouldn't be affected by what we do anyway.
Lost upon the Road

Twenty-Fifth Day of the Sixth Month 293 AC

You ponder the choice at length. The tangled weaves of gods and spirits are not ones you wish to thread if you can help it, but you wonder if can you truly afford to do so? There is something to this caravan of the damned, a mark of destiny, riddle you have yet to answer. How did they know so much of the goings on in Lyceos? Why had they and they alone been bound this this hellish existence? If nothing else might there be some way to end it, to give them peace? Though Varys' mind-voice you converse with the others and find most curious or sympathetic to the fate of those eternally lost upon this cursed path. Above all else however you speak to Malarys it is upon the fulcrum of his skill and his pain that this deception must turn.

"Can you do this, my friend?" the last two words come naturally, as easily as ever you have spoken them to Vee or Garin. With an inner start you realize that in this place under the scorched skies of Fallen Valyria you have finally come to consider the last of its children a friend as much as a vassal or companion in battle.

"I can," the answer acknowledges the concern, a thread of wordless thanks running though it.


Bedding down for the 'night' under the hellish crimson radiance is nerve-waking. Every moment you expect Malarys' mask to slip somehow or the specters to suddenly see some glimpse of the truth around them. Your muscles ache from the strain of being ready to dive at any moment, fire licks the inside of your throat waiting to be unleashed, yet though it all the magelord plays his part masterfully. Imperious without quite being rude, charming without being verbose you watch him take non-eistent tea from charred cups and even 'unwind enough' to give legal advice for cases that had died four centuries and more ago. Usually petty things of course, trespassing and smuggling most prominent among them but as the evening wears on the dead grow more restless, the spectral campfires sputter and spark with balefire, the beasts paw at dust and stone.

Finally 'Argaer' approaches you not half an hour after you finally deem it safe enough to abandon the skies for the pose of Malarys' young Lysene cousin. "How do you think your cousin would deal is we asked him about something a little bigger than a touch of 'misplaced' liquor or 'forgotten' emberwood, for a friend of course?"

"And what sort of trouble has this 'friend' gotten himself into?" you ask daring to let the guise of naivitee slip ever so slightly in the hopes of unraveling the traders' tragic tale.

As he draws close to whisper you can smell the scent of burning flesh upon his breath but you do not flinch. "Politics..."

"Ah well as to that there's no more skilled help you are likely to get than my cousin. He's not one to keep his nose in the air to the troubles of common folk and better yet he's not from around here so has no stake in whatever you... that is your friend's tangled in. So if you need an advocate's help..." you trail off.

For a long while there is silence broken only by the sound of your breathing, then finally, reluctantly the spirit speaks "Remember those kids we talked about?"

"Yes?" you prompt

"Well..." another long sigh. "What we told you is the story going around Lyceos but it ain't the truth. The Aedil's wife handed them off to us alongside two chests full of treasure. She said to take them north to Manrarys. The tutor apparently has it in for them and he's 'not what he seemed' though as to what that meant the lady din't ant to tell the likes of us."

With utmost care not to seem to eager you ask: "Are the children skill with you?"

"The boy is but he's sick, or maybe just playing at it... the girl..." a look of confusion enters his eye. "You know I'm not sure where the girl is..."

The fire hisses and sputters angrily

"I'm sure they are both still right where you left them" you interject hastily. "Where else would they be?"

"Right of course... they are in there," the spirit points towards one of the larger tents towards the center of the camp.

After signaling to the others where you are going again with Varrys' aid, including a mentally grumbling Ser Richard you step though where you are bid. There is no light inside and even the light of the cursed sun seems to stop at the threshold as though from some unseen command.

"How are you here? Are you alive?" The words echo as though from a great distance, spoken from unnaturally pale lips. A boy of perhaps ten stares back at you though bloodshot eyes. He had obviously been crying... and he was just as obviously dead, though you could see no mark on him.

As though reading your thoughts he says in a chillingly matter-of-fact-tone: "I took poison. I didn't want the flames to take me. Like they took the others, like they must have taken Aenie."

"Where is your sister?" you ask at once.

"She stayed with one of the farmers a few days back... before It. She said she had a dream had bid her stay, but mama said get to Mantarys that was the only place where would be safe from Baegor-who-wasn't-Baegor."

The words spark a suspicion in your mind, though it is best to ask before assuming, given that the child seems to talkative "What was he then?"

"He looked sort of like a tiger..."

It seems you had found the rakshasa, in a manner of speaking at least, though that does not take you any further into realizing how to break the curse that binds these unfortunate souls to their endless trek.

What do you do next?

[] Write in

OOC: Wow Malarys is on fire he got a natural 20 to follow up the other high rolls.
Ahh, so good, DP! You've really nailed the atmosphere and creep factor here.

@TalonofAnathrax I'm glad I changed my vote to you.
"She stayed with one of the farmers a few days back... before It. She said she had a dream had bid her stay, but mama said get to Mantarys since that was the only place that would be safe from Baegor-who-wasn't-Baegor."

The words spark a suspicion in your mind, though it is best to ask before assuming, given that the child seems to talkative. "What was he, then?"

"He looked sort of like a tiger..."

It seems you had found the Rakshasa, in a manner of speaking at least, though that does not take you any further into realizing how to break the curse that binds these unfortunate souls to their endless trek.
A target! :evil:

@DragonParadox, I don't suppose Baegor is the name of the Rakshasa? I'd love to summon him. We have Valyrian Steel to make.
He'd been dead for four hundred years. That's outside resurection's range.
Thats... incredibly sad.

I thought the raksha was new...

[X] We live yes.
-[X] Can you leave the road? Will the... others object?
-[X] We are headed for the city. Anything you could tell us would be appreciated.
-[X] And if theres anything we could do in return...
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Yes it would. It works on basically anything with a soul.
Would us finding a way to reliably push would out of it require a research action by this point, or Lya's proficiency with soul-stuff is great enough these days to ace such rolls automatically?

I kinda want this Scythe to be in our cloak from now on.

Also, I can't find the scythe in the main page. What were it's characteristics, again?
Yes it would. It works on basically anything with a soul.
Could we dominate a Cacodaemon, have it capture his soul as we kill his undead body, and then extract the soul gem? Or is a Cacodaemon's ability to capture souls, limited to capturing the souls of the living, not the soul of freshly killed undead?

Mainly asking because it's way easier to extract a soul from a soul gem, than from the reapers scythe.
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Would us finding a way to reliably push would out of it require a research action by this point, or Lya's proficiency with soul-stuff is great enough these days to ace such rolls automatically?

I kinda want this Scythe to be in our cloak from now on.

Also, I can't find the scythe in the main page. What were it's characteristics, again?

It's an artifact of winter and death. It would take some study

Anyway night guys see you tomorrow with arrival in Lyceos and all that is contained therein.
Not sure how well sticking him into a robot body without giving him something to live for is a good idea.
I'm merely arguing for carrying a useful tool with us from this point on, since upgrading Dark Sister with it's pieces isn't gonna come soon.

Way too many more important research actions :/

Well, that, and the fact that this idea sounds awesome.
It's just too bad we didn't have either of these things when we met that valyrian spirit that filled us on a ton of lore :C
Could we dominate a Cacodaemon, have it capture his soul as we kill his undead body, and then extract the soul gem? Or is a Cacodaemon's ability to capture souls, limited to capturing the souls of the living, not the soul of freshly killed undead?

Mainly asking because it's way easier to extract a soul from a soul gem, than from the reapers scythe.

I'll have to think about it when I'm not half-asleep.

You can't dominate outsiders right now in any case. You lack the spell.
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I'm merely arguing for carrying a useful tool with us from this point on, since upgrading Dark Sister worth it's pieces isn't gonna come soon.

Well, that, and the fact that this idea sounds awesome. It's just too bad we didn't have either of these things when we met that valyrian spirit that filled us on a ton of lore :C

Way too many more important research actions :/
Too much cool shit to do not enough updates to do it all:V
Not sure how well sticking him into a robot body without giving him something to live for is a good idea.
Don't have to be a robot body, we can always do as we did with Amrelath, stick his soul in a new body, and bring him back to life that way, the flesh forge can probably make him an appropriate body, probably wont be human, but he can probably deal with that, and if he can't, once he's back to life, there's nothing stopping us from using directed reincarnation to make him human.
I'll have to think about it when I'm not half a sleep.

You can't dominate outsiders right now in any case. You lack the spell.
We can't dominate them, but if I remember right we can possess them with soul Jar, I think Maelor did that all the way back in Mantarys, and there's not much practical difference, between dominating a cacodaemon to get it to make a soul gem, and possessing a cacodaemon to get it to make a soul gem.
Can we not stab the sad, eternally imprisoned ghost child with the not fully reserched Others powered artefact of death? Actually can we try to avoid stabbing the sad eternally imprisoned child at all?
I know this might seem like a big ask, but could we maybe focus on trying to end the hellish nightmare this child is stuck in over 'grab de SHINY'?
Edit: (and that I have to edit this in baffles me) Having a literal demon trap the kid in a soul gem isn't better, even if we could pull it off.
At least Duesal is looking for Smoky Confiment, which would grant the kid some manner of peaceful oblivion.
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If he's not incorporeal we can preserve him with Smoky Confinement until we get a way to restore him. This kid is our ticket to another one of the Forty Families. I'm pretty hyped.

In any case... this rakshasa was serious enough that rather than simply destroy him and be done with it, the dragonlord mother had to smuggle her children away. o_O What the hell kind of templet is that thing sporting?
We can't dominate them, but if I remember right we can possess them with soul Jar, I think Maelor did that all the way back in Mantarys, and there's not much practical difference, between dominating a cacodaemon to get it to make a soul gem, and possessing a cacodaemon to get it to make a soul gem.

Possession does not give you access to their Supernatural Abilities.