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[X] Azel
Perhaps, but she'd have to work for it. We can keep an eye on her via divination, and if she intends to disobey us on this we can step in and put an end to it.I just hope she doesn't decide to bring him back herself. Dungeons and Dragons, Death might not be cheap but the prick has a price and if she's willing to do the legwork she can make that happen.
Might not be now, might not be soon, but the possibility is definitely there.
Really? I don't have trouble believing it. It's pretty clear that Rhaenyra was succumbing to the stupidity and madness that's so often plagued the Tagaryens. Paranoia, jealousy, a severe overestimation of exactly how much power and authority sitting on the Iron Throne gave you, all classic symptoms that show up again and again.It had always seemed a foolish thing for even one as flawed as Queen Rhaenyra to not only condemn her husband's paramour and one of the few dragon riders loyal to her to death, but to command Daemon himself to carry out the sentence.
Really? I don't have trouble believing it. It's pretty clear that Rhaenyra was succumbing to the stupidity and madness that's so often plagued the Tagaryens. Paranoia, jealousy, a severe overestimation of exactly how much power and authority sitting on the Iron Throne gave you, all classic symptoms that show up again and again.
Fair enough, I'm just applying Occams Razor to the issue and deconstructing Viserys logic here. He though that the Queen wouldn't have been crazy and stupid enough to write those letters, while I'm going "No, she totally would have."
Odds are, it's a bit of both.Fair enough, I'm just applying Occams Razor to the issue and deconstructing Viserys logic here. He though that he Queen wouldn't have been crazy and stupid enough to write those letters, while I'm going "No, she totally would have."
*cough* memory-removing poison *cough*Odds are, it's a bit of both.
Rheanyra went wading into the deep end and her Grand Maester made sure to enhance the damage by some careful editing.
We really need to start researching some advanced nerve agents. All the simple stuff would damage the books...
What's wrong with Cloudkill?We really need to start researching some advanced nerve agents.
Too small area and odd movement. We need to saturate entire buildings.
Hard to say if that would help as Cloudkill is rather particular about how it moves.@Azel, how about a lot of Cloudkill? A Widened Enlarged Scultped Cloudkill?
Cast repeatedly, just to be sure. And on the ethereal plane too.
This was everything I hoped for. Elder Roots is wonderfully OP. Our wards are going to be insane.Lya gains Runecraft III (Bonus Feat)
An enchanter possessing this feat can shape magic in accordance to the ancient traditions of the First Men, allowing them to use any one of the following abilities.
Legend-wrought: May reduce the cost of any enchantment process (or group of such processes) so long as they align with the zeitgeist associated with the base object (ex a famed explorer's ship taking to the sky, a mighty fortress gaining walls impossible to scale). The reduction in cost depends on the scale of the legend ranging from 10%-50%. This bonus stacks with and is added after any other cost-reducing feats.
Elder Roots: May at the cost of doubling the price of an enchantment or group of enchantments (inducing but not limited to wards, traps and lineage blessings) make the magic far more resilient, echoing back upon the world from the Dreamlands. This means that any dispel checks made against it are rolled twice, choosing the lowest result. The spell may endure for millennia of waning magic and has a 20% chance to continue to function even in an anti-magic effect. (May be improved with use and study)
First Tongue: Offers a significant boost to researching new magical effects at the cost of longer research times.
Mulitple Cloud Kill spells combined with a carefully directed Control Winds spell, and generous use of Smokesticks spread throughout the Citadel's campus in order to herd the Maesters into the prepared kill zones could do the trick.@Azel, how about a lot of Cloudkill? A Widened Enlarged Scultped Cloudkill?
Cast repeatedly, just to be sure. And on the ethereal plane too.
It's probably simpler to just kill them all one by one wearing Mind Blanks. Divine when the main Maesters are all in the tower, sneak in using high-level magic (and excellent preparations)and then do a decapitation strike.Mulitple Cloud Kill spells combined with a carefully directed Control Winds spell, and generous use of Smokesticks spread throughout the Citadel's campus in order to herd the Maesters into the prepared kill zones could do the trick.
A Blade Barrier in the right place could accomplish similar results, though the mess would probably be quite gory.