Amrelath is not your typical Red Dragon, @egoo.

I imagine that undeath has cooled his... passions somethin' fierce. Even if he is returned to life, it's not like you just forget millennia of undeath.
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Perfect for Malarys.

[X] Fuck, no.
Let's not be hasty. We should find out what exactly he wishes to rule. A continent, a nation, or a city?

And so long as he rules it within the framework of our laws, using our bureaucratic apparatus, he would be no more than a long-lived governor.
[X] "Dragons are meant to rule are we not? long living, enough to see our works bear fruit, powerful, enough to hold back armies if our own forces are elsewhere, glorious, that our subjects know that serving us is worthy"
-[X] "Many are the lands that would benefit from such a rule, does any place in particular hold your attention? I could lend you aid so that you might conquer a place, so that our new subjects never doubt your might, if not, i will need time to figure out where you are needed most"

Come on guys, we already have a dragon in our employ, if he realizes that a brine dragon is a ruler and he isnt he is going to revel, dont throw away our evil literal dragon.
Seriously, he's offering to acknowledge our laws. We're not going to get a better deal with him unless we kill him and sell his corpse :D

[X] Yes, but in a few years. We need to conquer the city first! You'll be Governor of a trading city and its hinterlands.

Why not?
Malarys has two important Rings (Sustenance and PfE) and many more HD than most candidates for the ring.
He is an option, but I think Mereth would fit better.
He also has a Mind Blank ring now, too. We upgraded his Ring of Sustenance to be slotless this turn so he could wear all three and have them function. We could do the same to his PfE ring, if necessary, though I don't think he would benefit most from the new loot.
Note that I'm no saying a flat no is out of character for Viserys. He does not trust even his own draconic instincts most of the time, but after all the effort you put into Amrelath it is probably worth it to explain how 'he really does not want to rule petty insignificant mortals and be drawn into their squabbles' or something of the sort .
unless we kill him and sell his corpse
You aren't magpie'ing enough.

He himself gave us the ritual to make a dracolich.

1. We rezz him now.
2. We make him back into a dracolich but with direct control over him.
3. ??????? (probably being send off to do fetch-quests now, that we can trust him, or rather control over him)
4. Profit.
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Rather than address the cryptic message you wait in silence for him to finish, and so he does. For all the ages he has endured, Amrelath is no elder wyrm who can wait out the tides and mountains at need. "There is something which might serve as a better ward against temptation. I wish to rule, under your dominion your law. It is only proper that dragons hold sway over mayfly mortals without even the vision to see past their feeble lives."

I'd say that once he lives again and shows himself sane that would work. But we need to remind him and show examples of how mayfly lives mean jack shit. That while humans live for only a century their ability to work together in common cause, and even work together across generations let them cast down an Empire of Dragons and reduce them to little more than beasts of burden.
Goldfish absolutely is the voice of reason. Violence is a perfect solution to most problems, especially when you can apply as much as we can.
It's just that the thread likes playing a wise King and skilled diplomat, not a walking WMD. But that's like, your opinion man.
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I added some standard votes just as suggestions and places to build form. I did promise I would try to have fewer pure write in votes to encourage engagement

Anyway night guys see you tomorrow with more from the matter at hand and then rune-lore results.
Can we Rez him as another type of dragon?
We can use up that Blue hatchling, but DP ruled needing another ritual for that.

And that would be kinda off-the-rails for this chapter, a while bunch of actions taken before that, current schedule... A lot of things.

And would make Amy angry and uncooperstive, most likely.
If we refuse, we should offer something else as an alternative, along with saying something like "ruling mortals is beneath you" to make it look less like we don't trust him or aren't willing to share the loot, and more like we're dragon bros and we're actually doing him a favor.
He still owes us years of service. There is no reason to promise him anything right now. Especially not throwing any insane stuff like "wanna have a continent?" out there.