Calling it now!
Waymar will kill the Sultan and then somehow sidestep the Ashadieeyah's inevitable infatuation with him wihtout being offensive or requiring social skills.
"Go up to the palace with the head, Maelor. You'll be showered in accolades and parties, Maelor. It's not like you'll have to dodge palace guard patrols every time you want to visit your home plane, Maleor!! :mad:"
@DragonParadox I'm thinking of how to convey "I'm interested in helping, but you started this thing with the Sultan on your own, so I expect some payment for this, and the Caliph probably does, too" in diplomatic terms, but I'm not sure how.

Generally one does not pay people for alliance in war like sellswords. Dividing the spoils (be they treasure lands or people) is done once the enemy is dead.

Anyway doing a Tyene interlude next so you guys have plenty of time to work out the offer.
Generally one does not pay people for alliance in war like sellswords. Dividing the spoils (be they treasure lands or people) is done once the enemy is dead.

Anyway doing a Tyene interlude next so you guys have plenty of time to work out the offer.
Okay, this is a big deal for us. @DragonParadox, couldn't we keep the arrangement we already made with the Sultana's Grand Vizier? We get hired out for missions, get paid for those missions, and get to keep the loot we get?

Does this mean we lose the deal?
@Duesal No? We have a standing contract written out and everything, which has provisions of being ongoing.

We could (and probably will) write out a new deal. War contributions which involve the movements of soldiers and the use of resources to secure strategic and tactical advantages would probably be taken into account after the war's conclusion... keep in mind that a state can take in prisoners and under it's own proviso any spoils of war it comes across, but expecting payment for fighting in an ongoing conflict is mercenary work. We were doing that for the Vizier. Maybe they would continue to buy anything we captured. We'd have to talk about it.

Just gotta keep our cool.
@Duesal No? We have a standing contract written out and everything, which has provisions of being ongoing.

We could (and probably will) write out a new deal. War contributions which involve the movements of soldiers and the use of resources to secure strategic and tactical advantages would probably be taken into account after the war's conclusion... keep in mind that a state can take in prisoners and under it's own proviso any spoils of war it comes across, but expecting payment for fighting in an ongoing conflict is mercenary work. We were doing that for the Vizier. Maybe they would continue to buy anything we captured. We'd have to talk about it.

Just gotta keep our cool.
In that case I'd prefer that part of the negotiations be their own update and have their own vote rather than being tacked on to this one. There are a bunch of IC concerns and proposals that the Sultana and the Caliph will likely bring up on their own.

-[X] However, and this is something Viserys should prod the Caliph into bringing up, the Sultana started this war with the Brazen Throne for vengeance, and while he understands and sympathizes, he sorts of, well, expects to be paid for his trouble, besides the spoils. Not necessarily in cash, but things like trade concessions and such.
I think we should stay away from negotiating for the Caliph. If he has concerns then he should bring them up on his own when the subject in general is brought up.
Maybe inquire if they have any expertise on expanding demiplanes?
If that is about Shadow Tower, please note, that DP already ruled that we ripped out not only tower, but a sizeable chunk of earth around it to shadow realm, so we have more than enough place to build there for now.
I want a first coin of eachdenomination minted in the trophy room. "The day Viserys, the Iron Bank and Lake-chief saved tens of millions of lives"

I mean. This is definitely one of our greatest deeds imo.
DP usually takes time to piece apart massive plans like this into several updates, so eh. I have confidence he'll cover this and assign enough importance to the military arrangements to give those arrangements their own update, along with Viserys' social skills avoiding any faux pas like trying to speak for the Caliph.
Omake: You're Welcome, Ft. Viserys Targaryen
@DragonParadox You're welcome.

You're Welcome, Ft. Viserys Targaryen


I see what's happening here
You're face-to-face with greatness and it's strange
You don't even know how you feel.
It's adorable!
Well, it's nice to see that mortals never change

Open your eyes, let's begin
Yes, it's really me,
It's Viserys! Breathe it in
I know it's a lot:
The hair, the bod!
When you're staring at a Dragon Quasi-God

What can I say except "You're welcome"
For the economy, Mantarys, and your formerly dying Gods?
Hey, it's OK, it's OK. You're welcome
I'm just an ordinary dragon-guy!

Hey, what has two thumbs and held off the Pit
When you were waddling yay high?
This guy!
When the nights got cold, who kept back the Long Night and Ithilidae from down below?
You're looking at him, yo!

Oh, also I wrassled the Lung, Yi Tish if you didn't know
—you're welcome—
To lengthen your days and keep you from being well done
Also, I harnessed the power of steam
—You're welcome—
To fill your sails and break your piggy bankies

So what can I say except "You're welcome"
For the islands I pulled up from the shattered sea?
There's no need to pray, really don't send them my way
You're welcome
I guess it's just my way of being me

You're welcome, you're welcome
Well, come to think of it

Kid, honestly I can go on and on
I can explain every unnatural phenomenon
The Living Brass mages, the incarnate spirit sages, the ground-breaking enchanted necrophages
Oh, that was Viserys just messing around
I killed an Aboleth, I buried its deep-guts
Sprouted a heart tree, now you've got bloody entrails to go with your bear butts
What's the lesson? What is the take-away?
Don't mess with Viserys when he's on the break-away
And the tapestry here in my Doom Keep?
Is a map of the victories upon which I heap
Look where I've been. I make everything happen
Look at that mean mini Varys just tippity tappin'
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, hey!

Well, anyway, let me say you're welcome!
For the wonderful world as you now know
Hey, it's OK, it's OK. You're welcome!
Well, come to think of it, I gotta go

Hey, it's your day to say you're welcome!
'Cause I'm gonna need that Spell-Jammer boat
I'm flying away, away. You're welcome!
'Cause Viserys can do anything but not gloat
You're welcome, you're welcome

And thank you!
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With Overland Flight, you need months, if not years for the trip.
The thrust of a Decanter of Endless Water is negligible. I did the math long ago and you couldn't even get a plane off the ground with it, let alone a spaceship. It would be barely work as maneuvering thruster, but not even that would work on a larger vessel.

Overland Flight is to get you to space after the TP doing the grunt work, Decanter would be fine in space it's just poor atmospheric propulsion. Ion thrusters for example, the Decanter would be unendingly accelerating.
Overland Flight is to get you to space after the TP doing the grunt work, Decanter would be fine in space it's just poor atmospheric propulsion. Ion thrusters for example, the Decanter would be unendingly accelerating.
> "unendingly accelerating"

Yes, I know that SV's name doesn't refer to the speed of light or any such space travel limit. Whatever, it's a joke.
@Duesal sure, I can take that out.

Thinking this through, the sultan only dies if we sack the City of Brass. A slice of that particular pie will be more than enough payment.
True, but even so, we have a very nice deal set up already with the Grand Vizier. Who else gets a deal that they're paid to loot? If at all possible that should be preserved and maintained for any big-ticket missions the Shaitan would like us to do. It'd be a shame if it had to go.