Can we drop of a druid leshy to the mountain clan adept when we drop of the monthly supplies? So she can start retraining those adepts lvls to druid lvls in the background.
@Azel I've included an upgrade plan for Aradia and Kira into my level up plan. If you have issues with anything I selected, let me know and I'll change it.
For the first month we can have them work as crafters if necessary.
Now, this brings up another thing: We should define policy for our crafters.

I think the foreign ones will still bill us normally, or will they work for a fixed salary like the other ones?
What's the CL requirement for the armor and animated shield that TNE wants? The Oracle could get started on crafting those if he's strong enough.
Armour just requires Cat's Grace, even if the default is CL 8. So, under our system, CL 3 and up can do it.
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We're supposed to get them when we get our Mind Blank and Soulfire items.

That's the 3rd of the month if I recall correctly.

What's the CL requirement for the armor and animated shield that TNE wants? The Oracle could get started on crafting those if he's strong enough.

If we're getting them when we go back to the Plane of Air, then that will be on the 5th. @DragonParadox How many days can we use our new sell-spells to craft stuff this month?

Animated requires a caster level of 12.
Now, this brings up another thing: We should define policy for our crafters.

I think the foreign ones will still bill us normally, or will they work for a fixed salary like the other ones?
The bill for the foreign crafters is a fixed salary, and under that deal we can have them crafting basically the entire month.

What we need to do is define standardized salaries for our Scholarum crafters.

The wizards are a bit of an odd case, though, since this turn they're crafting gear for themselves. Not really sure if they should be payed for that.
Animated requires a caster level of 12.
Ouch. Well, that means that even Rina can't craft it due to a lack of the necessary feat. This is solely Lya's domain for crafting.
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8000 GP.

Come on, the schedule can't be that packed if we barely had stuff planned. +2 on armour is the same price as a PfE item, and we've churned out tons of those a turn.
Wayfinder is 2200.
Each of the four Whispering Braziers is 810.
Each of the four Necklaces of Natural Attacks (3 for Golems, 1 for Azema) you want is 520.
Each of the two See Invisibility items for the Golems is 1800.
The Scabbard of Keen Edges I wanted for Richard is 1600 (but I'm just going to remove that now, for the 3rd month in a row).

It all adds up really fast.

Part of the problem with enchanted armor is that we don't have as many crafters with the required feat. Our mage-smiths cannot yet work with Mithral, or exceed +1 Enhancement bonus on arms or armor.
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Wayfinder is 2200.
Each of the four Whispering Braziers is 810.
Each of the four Necklaces of Natural Attacks (3 for Golems, 1 for Azema) you want is 520.
Each of the two See Invisibility items for the Golems is 1800.
The Scabbard of Keen Edges I wanted for Richard is 1600 (but I'm just going to remove that now, for the 3rd month in a row).

It all adds up really fast.

Part of the problem with enchanted armor is that we don't have as many crafters with the required feat. Our mage-smiths cannot yet work with Mithral, or exceed +1 Enhancement bonus on arms or armor.
Regarding the Whispering Braziers, those can be crafted by any of the level 5 Archivists or Wizards. Leila should be focusing on those right now.
AN: An internet cookie for the first one to figure out the monsters.

Hmm... so fast she could not see them kil but glass canons if you actually hit them. Quicklings?

Edit: that's a lot of level ups.

Vote closed
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 29, 2018 at 11:50 AM
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Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Aug 29, 2018 at 11:51 AM, finished with 51 posts and 12 votes.

  • [X] Malarys Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Seeker of Law
    -[X] Skills (7 points): +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +2 Knowledge(Law)
    [X] Xor Level Up
    -[X] Class: +1 Beholder of Wonder
    -[X] Attribute Bonus: +1 Intelligence
    -[X] Skills (8 points): +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Perform(Singing), +1 Spellcraft, +1 Spot, +4 Knowledge(Arcana)
    -[X] Feat: Words of Creation
    -[X] New Spell Knowledge:
    --[X] 5th Level: Mass Cacophonous Call, Shadowbard
    [X] Mercy Upgrade to 7 HD
    -[X] Skills (12 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Craft(Alchemy), +1 Heal, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge(Nature), +1 Knowledge(Religion), +1 Knowledge(The Planes),+1 Listen, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Spot
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 1st Level: Magic Missile
    --[X] 2nd Level: Mirror Image
    --[X] 3rd Level: Dispel Magic
    [X] Aradia Upgrade to 7 HD
    -[X] Skills (12 points): +1 Concentration, +1 Disable Device, +1 Hide, +1 Knowledge(Arcana), +1 Knowledge(The Planes), +1 Listen, +1 Move Silently, +1 Sleight of Hand, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Spot, +1 Survival, +1 Tumble
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 1st Level: Heightened Awareness
    --[X] 2nd Level: See Invisibility
    --[X] 3rd Level: Dispel Magic
    [X] Valeria Upgrade to 7 HD
    -[X] Skills (12 points): +1 Appraise, +1 Concentration, +1 Craft(Alchemy), +1 Decipher Script, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Knowledge (Religion), +1 Knowledge (The Planes), +1 Profession (Instructor), +1 Listen, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Spot
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 1st Level: Magic Missile
    --[X] 2nd Level: Invisibility
    --[X] 3rd Level: Shrink Item
    [X] Kira Upgrade to 7 HD
    -[X] Skills (12 points): +1 Bluff, +1 Concentration, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Gather Information, +1 Listen, +1 Perform(String Instruments), +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spot, +2 Knowledge(Arcana), +2 Knowledge(The Planes)
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 1st Level: Comprehend Languages
    --[X] 2nd Level: Mirror Image
    --[X] 3rd Level: Channel Vigor
    [X] Naria Upgrade to 7 HD
    -[X] Skills (12 points): +1 Decipher Script, +1 Knowledge (Arcana), +1 Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), +1 Knowledge (Dungeoneering), +1 Knowledge (Geography), +1 Knowledge (History), +1 Knowledge (Nature), +1 Knowledge (Religion), +1 Knowledge (The Planes), +1 Knowledge (Mathematics), +1 Profession (Instructor), +1 Spellcraft
    -[X] Spells:
    --[X] 1st Level: Keep Watch
    --[X] 2nd Level: Invisibility
    --[X] 3rd Level: Alter Fortune
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@DragonParadox How many days of crafting can we get from each of the crafters we are bringing over from the Plane of Air in a few days?

They'll be an 8th level Witch with Craft Wondrous Items and Brew Potion, and a 6th level Oracle with Craft Magic Arms and Armor.
As many as you want. A crafting job is comfortable living for the average adventurer and they only work at it 8 hours each day.


Okay, @TotallyNotEvil, I've managed to work in all the +1 Str/+1 Dex/+1 Con items in for the Erinyes and now that I know how much crafting time I can squeeze out of the Oracle we're getting in a few days, the Erinyes will also have their +1 Nimble armor.

I am going to take off one of the See Invisibility items for the Golems, though. The second one can be crafted next turn.
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Okay, didn't catch up with the discussion, but finished reading the omakes.

And I still have one and a half omakes more to finish my series. I will wait for my time, until there aren't so many omakes flooding this thread.