"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Iron Bank,

it is with great sorrow that I have to pen this letter, for the Kingdom of Westeros always had a cordial and productive relationship with your house. However, your continued association with the pretender Viserys Targaryen leaves us no other choice but to cut our ties, should you not be willing to cease your association with him. This would mean that the crown would no longer be beholden to any debts owed to your house, due to your support of an enemy of the state.

Robert Arryn, Hand of the King"

"Dear Robert Arryn,

it is cute that you think your backwater kingdom still matters or that our house cares about the pocket change you owe us.

the Iron Bank of Braavos"

Arryn: *finishes reading the letter* "Well..."
Robert: "You letter writing privileges are hereby revoked."
Small Council: *nods*

It's not as if we're bitter about him 'forcing' us out of Braavos, right?

...right? :V
Building two immense, and immensely expensive, manses for this meeting is ridiculous. Not only is it frivolous, but it's futile as well. We cannot possibly approach the opulence each of the Genie parties will be accustomed to, and trying so hard, while perhaps endearing, will just make us look desperate.

Why not arrange a meeting somewhere that epitomizes the Plane of Balance? I'm sure we can find a spit of land that overlooks the sea, and if sufficient greenery isn't there, we can take steps to remedy that deficiency. A place where the land, meets the sea, watched over by the sky, under a blazing sun, surrounded by growing things.

Sometimes less is more.

EDIT: We can ward the area with Refusal and Forbiddance spells, keyed to passwords we will share with the Genies, covered by additional spells such as Mage's Private Sanctum and False Vision. Dany can use her Half-Celestial template's Hallow SLA to further protect and enhance the meeting place. Each delegation can be provided with their own Lya's Magnificent Mansion spell, with an interior suited directly to their requested specifications.
Well, I would rather host them in the Imperial Palace, but don't have any of those in stock currently. Furthermore, I'm not trying to match Amun Kelisk or the Opaline Vault here, merely to provide adequate room and board for state guests, as it is custom literally anywhere.
Quite the opposite. I was annoyed by it back then, but by now it's a well established thread-meme that this single letter was the greatest fuck-up in the history of bad ideas.

I mean, it did push us to finally get off our collective butts and go a-conquering. Seems to have worked it pretty well so far.
@Goldfish, the other thing is that we kinda need a regular location for such meetings if my economic plans go through. See this not as a one-time waste of resources, but as the beginning of a inter-planar embassy district.
[X] Azel

@Azel, for the books section, would you mind purchasing us a Masterwork Map of the Planes for the collection? This wouldn't just be the arrangement, but also mark out major cities and whatnot.
[X] Azel

@Azel, for the books section, would you mind purchasing us a Masterwork Map of the Planes for the collection? This wouldn't just be the arrangement, but also mark out major cities and whatnot.
I'm not aware of the full list of special books we want, so I would appreciate if someone could make a full list that I can append.
Sorry, @Azel, but I disagree with your approach to this meeting, though not at all with the actual meat of it. I only changed the part dealing with the arrangements and accommodations of the meeting, plus I invited Soft Strider along as another non-human guest.

I'm unlikely to win this vote, but I have to try.

[X] Plan Planar Conference Mk II
-[X] The conference will be hosted in a location on the island of Sorcerer's Deep selected for its natural beauty, preferably with Narrow Sea in view. If not already home to bountiful plant life, steps will be taken by our Druid Treants and Leshy, Vee, and Viserys if necessary, to turn the area into a close approximation of a botanical paradise.
--[X] The designated meeting area will be warded with a Forbiddance spell cast by Dany while affected by Lya's Harmonic Chorus and Moment of Greatness spells in order to boost her caster level to 17th level. A password will be added to the effect in order to allow the genie and other attendants safe passage into the Forbiddance area without harm. Dany will also use her Half-Celestial form's Hallow spell like ability to ward the area, tying a Freedom of Movement spell to it as both a precaution and a promise that we would never seek to bind our Genie allies.
--[X] Lya will place a Mage's Private Sanctum spell over the area, along with layered Refusal spells, also password coded to allow the Genie's unfettered access. Tyene will add her own False Vision spells to the meeting site to further obscure the location from any attempted Scrying.
---[X] The meeting site itself will be located out in the open in an area constructed to conform to a mix of observed Djinni and Shaitan aesthetics, and using any insights gained from books and other lore pertaining to Genie construction practices.
----[X] The weather will be perfect on the day of the meeting, even if Dany or Malarys need to prepare and cast multiple Control Weather spells.
----[X] Each delegation of Genies will be provided with extraplanar accommodations created by Lya's Magnificent Mansion spells, with internal dimensions and layout tailored specifically to their desires. This not only provides the most comfortable possible lodging for the Genies, but adds an additional layer of security which cannot be easily bypassed.
-[X] Invite a few people on your side:
--[X] The Creek-Caliph for Braavos.
--[X] Lady Uraka for the Iron Bank, specifically request her, just in case the higher ups think this above her pay-grade.
--[X] Inform House Adjar ahead of time, so that they might have a chance to attend on the Shaitan side. Being friends with us has a tendency to pay for you.
--[X] Doran Martell as a Lord directly sworn to Viserys. If he aids us here to get everything in order, the planar markets are wide open for him.
--[X] Velen as one of our oldest friends and allies, as well as a benevolent representative of the Plane of Fire.
--[X] Breath-Taker as the representative of the nearby Tritons, the Merling King, and the Plane of Water.
--[X] Relath as a Lord directly sworn to Viserys. The same as Doran. Play ball, gain a slice of the cake.
--[X] Meet with Yrael to talk about the future. Depending on the outcome of this discussion, maybe invite him to the conference.
--[X] Soft Strider as a representative of her people, and an ally against the coming darkness of the Others.
--[X] Bronze Yon as Lord sworn to Viserys and future LP of the Vale. If nothing else, he could spend some time with his daughter.
---[X] If he comes, brief Ysilla to not mention Azema. At all.
--[X] If Zherys has the time to attend and the Divinations to check on his truthfulness after the coup come up green, invite him too. He would be a junior partner in all of this, though Volantis can profit greatly from the deals we strike here.
--[X] Salladhor Saan as a Lord directly sworn to Viserys. Remind him that these are the big leagues, so he should try to tone down his roguish charm.
---[X] Appraise him of the future of his raiding fleet. It is untenable to keep raiding in the Narrow Sea, for pickings are getting slimmer and political developments in the near future may or may not dry up completely. We have two options for him:
----[X] 1. He heads a military campaign to claim the Basilisk Isles for us. He renounces his claim on Port Sorrow or passes it on to another Saan and instead gets the whole Basilisk Isles. The islands are currently poor in anything but slaves and pirates, but we have grand plans for the area and Sothoryos. Furthermore, it puts his ship in reach of Ghiscary shipping lines.
----[X] 2. He strikes a side-deal with the genies and hire himself and his crews to them. They have sky-ships, not sea-ships, but we trust him to none the less have a very productive privateer career against the Efreeti.
--[X] Lords Brune and Velarion, due to being directly sworn to Viserys. While there are not many thinks they could gain from interacting with the genies, they shouldn't be left out and it is a good chance to rub elbows with the other people around.
-[X] Further attendants:
--[X] Malarys as legal aide to Viserys
--[X] Richard as Viserys bodyguard.
--[X] Maelor as Viserys gofer, so that he can learn something.
--[X] The rest of the companions will not be part of the actual meeting, but can freely chat with everyone attending as they please.
--[X] Put Rhealla and Lya in charge of accommodating the guests. Rhealla because she has experience in these things, Lya because she has the planar lore necessary to understand this particular batch.
-[X] Security
--[X] In addition to previously mentioned warding, run regular and spontaneous divination's to make sure there are no interruptions for this meeting. None. Incoming Divinations should clearly show that any attempts to interrupt, let alone attack this meeting will result in a fate worse then the torments of the pit for any who dared it. This includes our old friends the Lannisters. If they try to interrupt this, Casterly Rock will be nothing but a glass stain on a pile of rubble that was once a mountain.
-[X] Next Action:
--[X] Fetch Xor before returning to Oddo's. He might like to meet another apparently benevolent being who originated in the Far Realm.
--[X] Buy books as planned. Add a few volumes on Genie culture and architecture, primers on Genie laws and legal practices, and any tomes related to Dungeoneering, Nature, or War.
---[X] Buy common and inexpensive books
---[X] Buy a book on cryptography.
--[X] Attempt to purchase Call the Void, Cyclic Reincarnation, Psychic Asylum, Ruin Delver's Fortune, Spell Enhancer, Scribe's Binding, and Wall of Eyes spell scrolls.
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I'm not aware of the full list of special books we want, so I would appreciate if someone could make a full list that I can append.
Okay, here's my wish list.

1. One complete Masterwork Map of the Planes, with all major cities and landmarks clearly marked
2. Book on Djinn architecture
3. Books on Shaitan & Djinn etiquette
4. A few books on important planar history
5. Book on known sentient races in the planes
6. Book on magical materials (everything from rare woods to rare metals)
7. Book on all the known types of mages there are

It shouldn't be too much, just one of each would be fine. The prize for me is the Map.
@Goldfish, I don't mind that disagreement.

Will edit a few things later and split it up into task-votes, then we don't need to tend to two versions of the whole vote.

I've also semi-forgotten Yrael.
@Goldfish, I don't mind that disagreement.

Will edit a few things later and split it up into task-votes, then we don't need to tend to two versions of the whole vote.

I've also semi-forgotten Yrael.

I just added this to my plan. Can you tack it onto the end of yours as well? I really want these spells and I've forgotten about them before. They would make fantastic Pages of Spell Knowledge for Viserys, plus any other Charisma-based Arcane caster with access to 4th level spells, such as Teana.

--[] Return to Oddo's and attempt to purchase Ruin Delver's Fortune and Spell Enhancer spell scrolls.

EDIT: Also just stuck Yrael into my plan for now. Thanks for the reminder.
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Preliminary plan. Thoughts?
There are a ton of random people who will barely know what's going on.

Otherwise, I agree with Goldie.

If we want a impressive and very secure place, arranging for a nice round table at the Trophy Room would certainly do it.
planned. Add a few volumes on Genie culture and architecture.
--[X] Return to Oddo's and attempt to purchase Ruin Delver's Fortune and Spell Enhancer spell scrolls.
Also fetch Xor.

We need to go talk to the Shaitan Vizier, too.
Aww, I have missed a wake-up call and got Duesal'd.
Mostly what he said, yes.

@Azel, we also need:
0*. Books on Knowledges (Nature), (War), (Dungeoneering), as these sections of our library on that look somewhat bad compared to others :/

1. Generally we need common books. Stuff that doesn't cost a lot and everyone have access to.
Because stuff that is common for them is not common for us, yes.

2. Books on "mundane" subjects. We don't have anything in our library to give bonuses to Knowledge (Architecture/Economics/Math/etc.)
We'll need that shit to start our own university for administrative personal.

3. Book/guide/whatever on breaking codes and ciphers.
I find that one especially important as we currently have several objects requiring such knowledge, yet no PC time to deal with it. Such book and a few pendragons would forever make this task easier.

4. Laws of Jinn, full compendium.
I'll not give up on that, having such things as Pendragons, and not abusing their perfect recall feature is just wasteful.

Mostly all I remember off the top of my head.
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On a totally different subject, today is the 15th of the month and Zherys' coup in Volantis is scheduled for the 18th.

Right now, Viserys, Richard, Lya, Glyra, Garin, and Teana are scheduled to attend and assist. Dany could be included in this mission if we diverted a few of her assigned days for studying the Black Dragonscale Tablets. Rina and Malarys are going to be otherwise occupied.

I would prefer Dany to be in attendance, too. Not only will there be XP for her, but having a Cleric along, with specially prepared spells best suited to dealing with Demons, could be very helpful.
I warn you, though, that they are relentless in seeking their quarry. They will enter your world to give battle in strength."

Glad to see he agrees with me, please don't turn Planetos into the Planar Disputed Lands for the next thousand generations.


If you want to hurt the Illithid then I may have found the answer, it'll take a bit of ritual tweaking but Hunger for Flesh is the core.

The creature ravenously craves the flesh of its own kind, gaining the staggered condition as hunger pangs rack its altered body.

Illithid are selfish, indulgent and xenophobic, if some of them start craving their brethren's flesh they know the consequences that will befall them, they won't give themselves up either, they'll go to ground and become the parasite to Illithid society that their race as a whole is to mortals, hopefully tearing themselves apart and creating an Alhoon like schism forcing them to focus on themselves.

Planetos has cursed an entire line before, we'll do it again.
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There are a ton of random people who will barely know what's going on.

Otherwise, I agree with Goldie.

If we want a impressive and very secure place, arranging for a nice round table at the Trophy Room would certainly do it.

Also fetch Xor.

We need to go talk to the Shaitan Vizier, too.

Aww, I have missed a wake-up call and got Duesal'd.
Mostly what he said, yes.

@Azel, we also need:
0*. Books on Knowledges (Nature), (War), (Dungeoneering), as these sections of our library on that look somewhat bad compared to others :/

1. Generally we need common books. Stuff that doesn't cost a lot and everyone have access to.
Because stuff that is common for them is not common for us, yes.

2. Books on "mundane" subjects. We don't have anything in our library to give bonuses to Knowledge (Architecture/Economics/Math/etc.)
We'll need that shit to start our own university for administrative personal.

3. Book/guide/whatever on breaking codes and ciphers.
I find that one especially important as we currently have several objects requiring such knowledge, yet no PC time to deal with it. Such book and a few pendragons would forever make this task easier.

4. Laws of Jinn, full compendium.
I'll not give up on that, having such things as Pendragons, and not abusing their perfect recall feature is just wasteful.

Mostly all I remember off the top of my head.

@Goldfish, so long as it is tablets that are foregone, and not dragon lore, I, for one, don't mind.
Who do you see as useless? I've added a lot of people for secondary concerns, who would not be part of the main negotiations except as observers.

Maybe I should make that clearer.
If you meant it as a "here's the major happening in the realm" for them, great.

But some, like Yrael, could be more problem than anything. We would be planning an offensive, and him and I guess Relath would be the only ones knowing what's going on, but he would likely moan a bit.

Relath could be interesting for his knowledge of the Marid, if nothing else.

But would the genie have any interest in random low level human sailors, for example?

Note, my biggest issue is this not really having direct impact over most of them, save for Doran and Relath who have the scale and freedom to benefit directly.
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@Azel, quick!
Goldfish is stealing your votes by appealing to my magpie-ish nature!
Writing an update for my own quest right now. I will amend my plan after that.

If you meant it as a "here's the major happening in the realm" for them, great.

But some, like Yrael, could be more problem than anything. We would be planning an offensive, and him and I guess Relath would be the only ones knowing what's going on, but he would likely moan a bit.

Relath could be interesting for his knowledge of the Marid, if nothing else.

But would the genie have any interest in random low level human sailors, for example?

Note, my biggest issue is this not really having direct impact over most of them, save for Doran and Relath who have the scale and freedom to benefit directly.
I want this to double as a conference of our own allies and subjects. We are pretty unlikely to get another chance to get the more important people over, so yeah. This is also a big thing for our realm.
-[X] 2. He strikes a side-deal with the genies and hire himself and his crews to them. They have sky-ships, not sea-ships, but we trust him to none the less have a very productive privateer career against the Efreeti

There is no way Slann is ready for this, maybe mention it as a possibility for the future?