Wondrous Craft
Third Day of the Third Month 293 AC
"What odds do you lay on this
not being a trap?" Malarys asks as the waning moon reflected on the waters lapping at the docks. He does not sound concerned, only curious as a man asking for some minor wager to pass the time. For all that his right hand finds its way to the gold wire-wrapped hilt of his sword while his left was never far from reaching for the ancient icon of Balerion hidden in his robes.
"Small enough that it is worth the risk," you counter. "While I am not so arrogant that I think an assassination attempt could not be perilous, I am certain we can at least escape in time from any foe we are likely to meet."
"True," he allows. "However, that would leave us in the rather unenviable position of having to hunt down said foes in defiance of Myrish
sovereignty." Though the last word is spoken with scorn his point is no less well taken for it.
"Let us hope it does not come to that," you sigh. "I have some hope for the magisters' sanity." If nothing else the remainder of the day's discussions had gone well enough to warrant calling it at least a qualified success. Though the conclave has not been lulled quite into the complacency you might have wished, most seemed at least willing to entertain the notion that your eyes were pointed west and not east for the moment. The profits some of them stand to obtain delivering supplies at inflated prices to the roiling Tyroshi economy certainly did not hurt.
"It is time to see if that impression holds," Malarys says, motioning to a closed carriage drawing near.
Black it was against pale moonlight and the wispy lights of the city, and black the steeds that draw it also, far more solidly built than the ones that had taken you to see the conclave. A glance at your companion is greeted with a small nod. Nothing truly amiss under True Sight, then. Thus you seat yourself in dark red satin, drawing the curtains closed against any curious eyes that might still be open at this hour.
The journey is far longer than before, the sound of hooves and wheels subtly changing as you pass from cobbled streets, to paved roads and then to hard-packed earth. By the time an hour had worn through Varys is about ready to fly up and ask the coachman pointed questions, and truth be told you are not far behind. Before the thought can gain any substance, however, the carriage slows and the taciturn though scrupulously polite coachman announces your arrival.
No ambush awaits you, only a tall-looking red brick building set by some sort of channel, the slowly turning shapes of paddle wheels within it. From the many chimneys smoke belches into the air even at this hour. Perhaps it is safer to work at night...
"A Myrish glass-works, our hosts are
uncommonly open with us," Malarys replies, sounding faintly intrigued. An understatement if ever you had heard one. The Myrmen have standing bounties on escaped glass-makers and have been known to hire assassins for the task, on one infamous occasion even the Faceless.
Though you are hardly any sort of craftsman, and unlikely to become one, from a few fleeting looks the setting does show a certain commitment to the
substance of the talks that are about to take place.
"More than that, look..." Varys hisses in your ear, her barbed tail pointing to what seems at first to be only a shimmer of moonlight by the main doors until it reveals itself to be a glass sculpture... and then the sculpture
moves. Sharp edged lines wrought in the stylized image of a woman, but for the fact that her arms end in sickles of razor-sharp glass dance in the moonlight, gesturing for you to approach and enter.
"That could be troublesome," you note to Malarys as the arcane formulas from whence living glass is born dance before your mind's eye, too swift to grasp, but enough to understand its strengths and weaknesses. "They can turn spells back upon the caster as easily as a mirror reflects light."
"I shall be on my guard," he assures you. However, the servitor does not make any hostile motion as you approach, no motion at all in fact, allowing you to enter the workshop proper.
Here dozens of craftsmen are going about their tasks feeding ovens, polishing glass or blowing it into shape. You might almost have beloved it a commonplace sight, but for the dozens of wary looks you receive.
This is as much a demonstration as the arcane sentinel outside, all the more so for being able to feel sorcery in the air. Nothing grand of course, minor enchantments upon tools to make the work go smoother and wards against the heat for some of the workers at least. Here at last lady Phassen greets you, a small satisfied smile upon her lips.
"I see that you have many questions. It would be only polite of me to answer all I can before we move on to the substance of our meeting here."
"What of those questions you cannot answer?" Malarys asks, fixing her with much the same look he had earlier today at the meeting, not the faint superciliousness he reserves for most Essosi highborn but a sorcerer measuring a potential rival.
"Those I will refrain from answering, but you have my word I shall not lie," the lady replies, her smile never wavering.
What do you reply?
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OOC: For anyone wondering why there are no rumors of golems and magic, it's because the members are very well conditioned to keep secrets in the glassworkers' guild.