Part MMXXII: Unbound Spirit
Unbound Spirit
First Day of the Third Month 293 AC
There is a time for mercy, for reasoned negotiation and for magnanimity in victory, yet they attacked without provocation, scorned words of peace... and the battle is not over. You dive... Fire spills from your jaws, bright as the heart of the sun, magic and flame twined together. One of the archers and two of the axe-bearers take the full brunt of the blaze, burning... the dreadfully familiar stink of cooked meat mingles with the bitter miasmas of the flats as the giants shout in alarm, their sight stolen by the flame though the hardiness of their stone keeps them from perishing.
Again a pair of arrows fly, one chipping off the tip of your crown of horns, the other lodging itself painfully in your underbelly. A long keening sound of steel is the only warning you get when one warrior's axe spins through the air to cleave at your left wing. It is enough...barely to once more guard yourself with sorcery against the blow.
You take 17 Damage
As the ward fades before your sight you notice the weapon has returned obediently to the warrior's hand, and in some distant corner of your mind you cannot help but weigh its worth as spoils. Thunder rolls at Lya's command but the foe keep their feet and their wits, though they are not so fortunate as Dany once more cuts through the air in a dive far steeper than you had done and conjures a snare of dried sinewy and blackened bone from the earth flinging both of them into the ground. The gates behind them are filled with flame and the screams of their fellows rushing to their aid... Lya's work you know at once reaching beyond the boundaries of time. How many were there, how many willing to die for this?
You do not ponder the question long as from behind the flames another giant emerges, shorter than the others and raises his hands in supplication to the powers of the earth. A net of pulsing green flies towards you cast swift and true... Yet even as you feel it tangling your wings you hear Dany's voice upon the air and you know that you have escaped and so it is the magic twisting fate.
"Your lord is bound to lowly flesh, your champions are blind and kneeling in the dirt. Surrender!" you call for the third time that day.
"I am never bound to flesh!" the giant laughs, the same pride you had heard before in his words. He had been wearing a warrior's flesh before, to take advantage of his strength and hardiness, you realize distantly.
Ser Richard is a flash of shadow and flame-touch steel as he spurs his spectral steed across the field of battle, narrowly avoiding a geyser, ducking under the blows of a warrior, sighted or not with the skill of long practice, driving Oathkeeper again and again intro the sorcerer's flesh even as you reign down fire from above.
Somehow the sorcerer lord still stands to try one last desperate gambit... he tries to flee, but sword and knight together are ready for the ploy. The giant falls, his leg cut off from under him before the sword slips between his ribs and cuts through the heart. Now at least he is truly unbound by flesh, you think with grim amusement.
Viserys 1563
Daenerys and Ser Richard 2100
Lya 2817
Tyene 3600
Xor 6250
Daenerys and Ser Richard 2100
Lya 2817
Tyene 3600
Xor 6250
The remaining giants reluctantly lay down their arms, or simply drop them in the dirt in the case of those who had been blinded.
What do you do?
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OOC: That was a lot closer than it looked. If Viserys had gotten trapped in the Earth-bind the giants would have tried to swarm you and your companions would have had to try and cut their way to you.
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