The issue with prison labor is slavery. We are publicly anti-slavery and a very large percentage of our citizens will be freed slaves. We'll actually be seen as less just than if we just stuck to the rough corporal punishment methods in use by most polities, because it'll be viewed as enslaving people.
Have them work to ease their sentences or something? Either way at this point we don't have true prisons either. Those that commit minor crimes get some jail time, higher crimes get things like dick cut off or hand cut off while some go to the wall.

Maybe we can make a special penal order that instead of fighting does their sentence working, with oaths similar to the Night Watch?
The issue with prison labor is slavery. We are publicly anti-slavery and a very large percentage of our citizens will be freed slaves. We'll actually be seen as less just than if we just stuck to the rough corporal punishment methods in use by most polities, because it'll be viewed as enslaving people.
but its a waste, they need to be taught useful skills if we dont want to go out and stay criminals, i dont want to send them to mine coal to death, i want to have them work in prison factories, they can even send a part of their earning to their families.
Most people likely define slavery as "making people do things without their consent", yeah.

Considering what prison labor would actually be like, with essentially using them to mine or something similar, it would likely seem to be a lot like slavery to most.
I don't want them to mine, i want them to do something they can keep doing after they come out of prison, i don't want to devalue our artisans, but surely we could use more low skill work?
Part MDCXCI: Returned to Earth
Returned to Earth

Second Day of the First Month 293 AC

Though you seriously consider carefully-worded deception in the end, you discard the notion. Precise words might be worth something in a fey bargain or a devil's contract, but it does not trustworthiness make. Better to be a clear and open mystery than to let others craft their own lies about you upon a foundation of half truths. "I would prefer not to say exactly where, but we are from elsewhere, and just recently we've begun to explore the wonders of the Plane of Earth. This is the first time I've ventured beyond the enclaves of my contacts here, and have not yet purchased a proper map, since this was just a short trip."

That earns you a few measuring glances, what you suspect might have been suspicious glares had circumstances been different. For her part, Alyneah merely nods in understanding. Your next request, however, catches her by surprise. "My lady, a stranger as I am to these lands and all the more so to your people, I would ask to learn more of the laws and customs of your people so as not to give offense."

"Not only bold in battle, but cautious at need and mannerly besides," she replies with a slight tilt of her head. "You should be wary when you reach the Vault lest some of my more 'venturesome' cousins set their eyes on you."

You open your mouth to give a firm, not to say panicked, rejection when you see the faintest hint of a smile upon her face. You suppose a lesson in recognizing Shaitan humor might be technically fulfilling your request. "I shall keep a wary eye out," you promise.

Form then her tone turns serious. "If you would know more of us there are worse places to start than to witness our final respects to the dead. You..." she turns to look at all your company in turn. "All of you have earned it in full by avenging them and aiding in the fulfilling of their last duty."

"We would be honored," you answer solemnly.

The ceremony that follows is at once strange and familiar. First the dead are stripped of arms and armor with due reverence and have a few personal keepsakes placed beside them. Next their comrades stand over each in turn and speak nine deeds of note that the fallen had performed, mostly feats of arms though you are surprised to hear of poems and songs spoken of in the same breath, counted neither lesser nor greater, simply marks of excellence.

Lastly Alyneah presses the bodies, broken and whole, into the stone where they had fallen and says something that might be a short prayer in her tongue. At first you think she is blessing the earth that it may keep the dead, but by the time she speaks the words over the last of her fallen comrades you realize the words are, "May the stone be blessed by their keeping."

Once a few more moments of respectful silence had passed, you motion to the remains of the forge giants and ask softly, "What of those?"

The genie commander shrugs, her thoughts clearly elsewhere. "If you can find some use for them you are welcome to it."

Truth be told the iron copses present something of a problem of logistics. They will not fit into the pouch at your belt, at least not all six of them.

Alyneah too is considering her next step and one of her suggestions is startling. "For the aid you have given us I could justify a short pause in even our current task, enough to teach the basics of what you require... but there is another way that would serve your purpose as much as ours. We could journey together to the Vault while I speak of matters of courtesy and law besides. If you were serving as an escort for that which we guard no one would dare obstruct your path, even if you prove as... reticent about your origins there as you are now."

You shake your head regretfully, explaining you have business with the Xorn still.

Hearing this the Shaitan lady grimaces, perhaps the strongest emotion you have ever seen upon her features, and asks Echo Caller how far his clan-hold is. The other warriors shuffle uncomfortably but do not speak whatever misgivings they may have. Upon receiving her answer Alyneah makes one final proposal: "We might come with you and camp near this hold, then head off together to the Vault..." Then looking to her men she says shortly in their own tongue, "Better to arrive late than not at all."

You look to the others for counsel. Ser Richard is displeased at the notion that the ark and its mysterious contents may draw unneeded danger. Dany by contrast wishes to go, a gleam of curiosity and perhaps even grudging sympathy for Alyneah and her diminished company in her eye. Lastly Malarys is ambivalent, seeing the worth and danger of either path.

What do you answer?

[] Part ways after a short discussion

[] Escort the small company of Shaitans and their mysterious charge to the Opaline Vault, after completing your business with the Xorn (5 days journey)

[] Write in

OOC: If you chose journey you can planeshift back home for the culmination of the festival, though not the whole thing.
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I don't want them to mine, i want them to do something they can keep doing after they come out of prison, i don't want to devalue our artisans, but surely we could use more low skill work?
At that point, it's likely better to just have them work without pay at their regular job or something similar.
Or have them do community service while working off their debt or something similar.

Of course, this all depends on the severity of the crime, and so on and so forth.
The issue with prison labor is slavery. We are publicly anti-slavery and a very large percentage of our citizens will be freed slaves. We'll actually be seen as less just than if we just stuck to the rough corporal punishment methods in use by most polities, because it'll be viewed as enslaving people.
Have it so simple imprisonment is the basic sentence, but if you chose to work for the crown during your sentence, every day you work count for 2 days off your sentence, no one is forced to work, but you get out quicker, if you chose to work your sentence out instead of waiting it out.

I think it's best to make prison labor non-mandatory, and there being a reward for choosing to do prison labor, that way it's not slavery, it's employment paid in pardons for your crimes.

In order to make prison labor not be slavery, we simply need to make it non-mandatory, you will still get out either way, and you will still get your basic needs while in prison, but if you choose to accept a job while in prison, you will either get out sooner, or get out with money to spend.
there has to be another option here, would supplying steeds shorten the trip? can we postpone the xorn business for a bit? or delegate it? we can maybe shuffle some companions around (plane of air maybe?) and have some go with the xorn, while Viserys goes with the Shaitan.
We'll miss most of the festival, which was supposed to be Viserys's rest this month, and it's pretty much canceling the PoA trip, but it would get us crafting materials much sooner, potentially only losing 2 Lya days, and 6 Leila days, and with guided escort.
We are not going to miss our own party. :mad:

[X] Ask them if they would be willing to carry a stone marked by your magic to a safe spot close to the city gates. You do not wish to delay their arrival.
[X] Escort the small company of Shaitans and their mysterious charge to the Opaline Vault, after completing your business with the Xorn (5 days journey)

I would like to have seen the entire festival, but this is an extremely rare opportunity.
A Shaitan commander in our debt, willing to teach us their customs so we can trade without giving offense, and a change to get the vital supplies we need all at once?

I'm sure the people of Sorcerer's Deep will understand :V
I'm honestly beginning to despise that festival. Three days of Viserys' time.
how dare you...
this is suppossed to be a ceremony to our greatness, if we ever become a god this would be our holy day, we would get to see the common people's view of the arena, the temple of yss and magic in general. everyone will show what their culture has to offer, dances and songs of the little valyrians, food and crafts from the immigrants, visiting dignitaries witnessing with their own eyes that SD is no longer a den of pirates, but will soon be the cultural capital of the world, magic as the world has not seen in centuries for sale in our auctions, theatre performances straight out of volantis, enhanced by magic.
all in a colourful vibrant city, magic lights, spirits of earth and shadow walking the streets, magical fireworks going off at night, music of creation ringing as statues are build in our honor.
[X] Azel
We are not going to miss our own party. :mad:
how dare you...
this is suppossed to be a ceremony to our greatness, if we ever become a god this would be our holy day, we would get to see the common people's view of the arena, the temple of yss and magic in general. everyone will show what their culture has to offer, dances and songs of the little valyrians, food and crafts from the immigrants, visiting dignitaries witnessing with their own eyes that SD is no longer a den of pirates, but will soon be the cultural capital of the world, magic as the world has not seen in centuries for sale in our auctions, theatre performances straight out of volantis, enhanced by magic.
all in a colourful vibrant city, magic lights, spirits of earth and shadow walking the streets, magical fireworks going off at night, music of creation ringing as statues are build in our honor.
Yeah, see? That right there. That's why I hate the festival. It's the ultimate PR action which we need, and it can't be shifted around like other actions. It is the most inconvenient thing ever and we have zero flexibility with it. I truly do hate it and just want it to be over.
And I just realized we have an issue. Our current party is Viserys, Richard, Dany, + Malarys. Except our party in the turn plan was supposed to be Viserys, Richard, Tyene, + Malarys.

@DragonParadox uh...