May I direct you to my post last night regarding well constructed quest characters having motivations and desires that sometimes conflict with those of the quest thread. Frankly, given how utterly unreasonably people have reacted to her
doing everything she can to adapt to the new world she's found herself in, and Viserys' feelings on the matter, I'm left wondering why the choice of character even mattered. They don't seem to want to play a person, they want to play a caricature with Vast Arcane Power who turns into a dragon. Everything involving meaningful human interaction that isn't shameless aggrandisation, futile resistance, or meek obedience just seems to be met with incomprehension and salt.
>The following veers off heavily from being a response to your quote and is not singularly directive<
Quest (and other) characters are representative of people. They do things sometimes, and have desires that the quest thread will not like. This is a mark of DP's skill as a writer, and it's more than a little disgusting to see it met with such complete apathy and/or outright rejection. See: how people were adamant that I was overreacting because 'Oh, Heart's Ease can fix everything and catatonia isn't an option so she'll totes just adapt because there's no other choice.'
The actual fuck is wrong with you?
I feel the need to reply to this in depth, since you raise some points that rankle me quite a bit. Obviously, I'm mostly speaking only for myself here and the opinions of others will greatly differ.
1. "Everything involving meaningful human interaction that isn't shameless aggrandisation, futile resistance, or meek obedience just seems to be met with incomprehension and salt."
Quite the contrary. I greatly enjoyed our interactions with Zherys, like Velarion, who is obviously making his own moves, greatly enjoyed our latest meeting with the Sealord and the Iron Bank, hammering Stannis into shape and quite a few others interactions with people who decidedly did none of those things. I still like to remind people that I even liked the Lich in Lys and only campaigned for his death due to his actions making him untenable for recruitment after freeing him. What all these persons have in common is that they are competent, acting goal oriented and try to leverage their interactions with us into benefits for themselves.
They are
peers. Interacting with them is fun because we
can't just roll over them. What I detest are Aurane being a oblivious moron at us or Doran "hedging his bets" instead of taking the best offer he is ever going to get. He wants to keep looking for other others? Fine by me. Try and betray us. I will vote to give a toast to you in recognition of a game well played if you pull it off.
What I detest is the sheep acting as if they could dictate the actions of the wolf. And Rhaella is a sheep.
2. "This is a mark of DP's skill as a writer, and it's more than a little disgusting to see it met with such complete apathy and/or outright rejection."
I did not deny the quality of the chapters at all and neither claim that she is badly written, but I see Rhaellas resurrection as nothing more then a personal failure of Viserys. He has many issues. His father, Wildfyre and burning people, and the death of his mother. All of these are an avenue for character growth by addressing them, but instead the two first a floundering around for years now and the last has just become permanently unaddressable. Viserys is trying to rebuild a rose tinted image of his past and a perfect home. Nothing more.
Why did he bring her back? Because she wanted it? Because Dany asked it of him? Dany didn't care terribly much about Rhaella, having never met her. She said about Aerys once that she always thought him "roughly king-shaped" and I have no reason to assume that her mother was any different before this.
All Viserys did here was do drag a woman back from the dead for his own gratification. All that anguish, that trauma, the fears and worries? The chance to have her break down and become a catatonic wreck? It's all for him to have her there to give him a hug. He basically turned her into a pet whose only purpose in existence is to make him feel good by being present.
That is what
I consider disgusting.
This is Viserys being a self-centered fool, which I
So yeah. I don't care about her feelings. If you wanted to spare the woman grief, then you should have fought to let her rest in peace instead of dragging here back to Planetos on some self-deluded attempt to 'fix' things.
3. "The actual fuck is wrong with you?"
A lot of things.
Edit: This is not meant to be loud, yelling, angry or an attack. You merely poked the salt-dam a bit too hard this time, so the whole mess needed to vent.