@Duesal why haven't we voted to contact Tiamat's opposite the father of Good Dragons. Our intentions and deeds align with his tenets.

We really need to Alpha Strike these filth. If any Other touched survives then and only then do we think of capturing them
I think we're not Good enough for him. At least when the alignment system was in full force since we had to flip flop between good and neutral in order to stay on our PrC.

Afterwards there's the problem of us trying to conquer the Seven Kingdoms and the practical realities of our actions we need to take into account, meaning we will be dipping into evil actions quite often, which means he will disapprove of us.

That doesn't even help with how we're the enemies of the Seven, and our plans to make a newly born Paladin to fall just so she can come to our side.

This is what happens when I take too long to answer.

Anyway there's a few dragon gods in D&D lore we could become allies with, it will just take some digging to find their lore IC.
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So, the question now is how many Baleful Polymorph attempts do we want to use to capture that thing, and if the thing is a shapechanger, we might want to use a different spell.
Lawful Neutral is the best alignment for our sworn sword. ;)

@Goldfish @TotallyNotEvil now can we capture a sacrifice? It's the only one left.
I thought a Red version was more likely to be possible.
We have to work with what Viserys is and knows after all.

Edit: And for Half Dragon it doesn't matter at all, the effect is the same.
Then Crystal, Prismatic, Force and Gemstone Dragons are what we need
hich amusingly enough allowed the ranger with Great Cleave to finish off five of the things.
He can take a lot of antlers back home.
Any nice trophies among them?

[X] Use Imperious Glare, Dany uses Alter Fortune to help, if it fails Celerity and again
-[X] If that fails RIchard tries to kill it

Bloodrager has much better fort than will, so first the fear, then the turtling.
So, the question now is how many Baleful Polymorph attempts do we want to use to capture that thing, and if the thing is a shapechanger, we might want to use a different spell.
Normal Perytons have no shapechanging abilities. I don't see why an Other-touched Peryton with sorcery would have shapechanging on top of that.
@DragonParadox, either Improved Grapple or Pounce. Since you get only one AoO by default, you can't disrupt the later iterratives when the enemy uses Pounce.

[X] Baleful Polymorph

Viserys: "Hi Uncle! Hi Old Gods! I brought you a fresh turtle for dinner."
He can take a lot of antlers back home.
Any nice trophies among them?

[X] Use Imperious Glare, Dany uses Alter Fortune to help, if it fails Celerity and again
-[X] If that fails RIchard tries to kill it

Bloodrager has much better fort than will, so first the fear, then the turtling.

Richard still can't fly and the thing seems rather focused on Dany.

@DragonParadox, either Improved Grapple or Pounce. Since you get only one AoO by default, you can't disrupt the later iterratives when the enemy uses Pounce.

[X] Baleful Polymorph

Viserys: "Hi Uncle! Hi Old Gods! I brought you a fresh turtle for dinner."

It has improved grapple.
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[X] Use Imperious Glare, Dany uses Alter Fortune to help, if it fails Celerity and again
-[X] Meanwhile Dany moves towards RIchard, allowing him to attack the foe if he comes after her

Richard still can't fly and the thing seems rather focused on Dany.
Since she only has to cast as a immediate action she should move rather quickly and last update already sounded like she was close to RIchard.
I would fully expect Bahamut to take his pound of flesh one way or the other, same as Tiamat but for perhaps more altruistic reasons (to him). If not then then Good would be considered the ultimate alignment and Azel would have a stroke.

In short, both evil and good gods seem to have way too meddling agendas, way too many for our tastes. Glorius neutrality has up till now given us simple and constant guidelines and I don't want to change that.

The fussy gods can stay where they belong, in their temples and away from our actions, plans and empire. Those who don't understand that will be burminated along with the Steven, Grandma, Drowny, Burny, and his ex.
which amusingly enough allowed the ranger with Great Cleave to finish off five of the things.
Well damn. Someone's is getting a boatload of XP.

Anyway, DP, we should have Freezing Glance still on as one of our buffs for the Werebears.

Should proc twice with @Artemis1992 's plan.

Also, didn't we destroy the illusions with firebrand? Or did it create another two in the spam we were dazed?

[X] Artemis1992
We should be ware of bears.
They're likely to drop on us at the least fortunate moment.
Like, Drop Bears
...I'll walk myself out.

But in all seriousness, this is the perfect moment for them to attack from their perspective - their enemies' backs are turned to them and they're busy tying up another enemy of theirs. All-out win for them.

Maybe tell everyone to move in positions unreachable from the cave? I'm not exactly sure of PC's and NPC's positioning right now.
I'm pretty clearly out-voted since the majority of the playerbase doesn't seem interested in sacrifices this time. I don't think you need to worry about us not alpha-striking these things.
Have you thought of when we get a new party member making a class based all around Sacrifice to the Old God's? A Wildling preferably but any one we get who are devoted to them we could use the class concept of blood sacrifice shaman on.

[X] Artemis1992
@DragonParadox Did Dany not cast True Seeing before the Peryton flock arrived? Given that only 3 rounds of a 13 round Holy Aura remained before they made their appearance, they would have had a full minute to cast every spell in this plan:

[X] Wait and face whatever is coming
-[X] Richard uses his amulet to gain 12 Temp HP, then he and Oathkeeper keep watch over the entrance to the caves.
-[X] Viserys recasts Haste and Searing Agonizing Mass Fire Shield if they expire before the threat makes itself known.
-[X] Dany casts Chained Resist Energy(Cold), then True Seeing, Blessed Aim, Moment of Greatness, and Bless, in that order, then uses her Aid SLA on herself.

Brine Dragon ring? Lawful neutral+ good for underwater adventures?

Also people really want to rip Relaths teeth out.

I did a bit of digging, and the only other Lawful Neutral dragon type I found were Vortex Dragons.
Having a turtle on hand to give to the bear spirit might work to convince it to hold back on the transferable wearbear curse, and that we are strong and it should listen when we tell it that there are many forms of strength and that it shouldn't kill people because of physical weakness, despite the fact that to do so has high utility value from it's perspective.

Imo, considering the circumstances of it's location, it's not entirely wrong.

I mean, I do think that this'll be violent, but I like to have max diplomancy points available to use if we decide to go that route.

I think trying to reach for a symbiotic relationship, if one can be made, is worth the attempt; if only as a teaching moment to the wildling and the ranger and to gain browny points with Uncle Brynden for making the attempt.