I honestly thought the arcanums would be just another Lya body, a different point of view for the lya hive mind.
i am abstaining from this vote.
Lya is too smart to not see the problems that this would cause, and too Good to go through with it anyway. A retcon is pretty much necessary at this point, then.
Well, how much does Lya actually know what they could be like?

And you guys do realize that otherwise Good or decent people are capable of screwing up and obliviously doing something cruel at times right?

I mean, Lya didn't even seem to realize there could be a problem until Dany brought it up. And she hadn't exactly been insistent about the suggestion nor did she go into specific detail about why it would be problematic. It was just along the lines of "Hey she might have some of your memories, might want to give her some time to adjust."
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I must add that it doesn't even make any sense internally. Both Mercy and Aradia have skills Lya lacks and are missing others that she has. They thus can't be a perfect copy.

I think this is just something the thread kept worrying about and it stuck around, dspite it never being intended by the class or desired.

My intended relationship was always that Lya provides a framework made out of spells, part of herself as a template and a general direction for the Arcanum to develop into. Planar energies then fill out that mold to make a person in a process very similar to the planes generating elementals or other Outsiders.
The opinion and attachment thing is more instinctual, since it's something that tags along with the minor bit of Lya given to the Arcanum.

Full memory clones are a bit... much...

Arguably there isnt even a reason for them to form much of a personality when 99% of their formative years a pure Lya, no matter how much they travel...
Also kinda awkward that we have to send them away. Makes them rather poor assistants and that's their core purpose.
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Well, how much does Lya actually know what they could be like?

And you guys do realize that otherwise Good or decent people are capable of screwing up and obliviously doing something cruel at times right?

I mean, Lya didn't even seem to realize there could be a problem until Dany brought it up. And she hadn't exactly been insistent about the suggestion nor did she go into specific detail about why it would be problematic. It was just along the lines of "Hey she might have some of your memories, might want give her time to adjust."
I am aware that Good people can screw up, I was just hoping (apparently in error) that Lya would be smart enough not to. :facepalm: Dear god, this might be one of the most spectacular fuck-ups of the quest. I mean, seriously, the Dedicated Wrights were made with their own personalities and none of Lya's memories. Why jump from that to every last one of he memories being shoved into an Arcanum? Was Lya not capable of simply creating feelings of loyalty and love within the Arcanum regarding the people she should view positively?
I must add that it doesn't even make any sense internally. Both Mercy and Aradia have skills Lya lacks and are missing others that she has. They thus can't be a perfect copy.

I think this is just something the thread kept worrying about and it stuck around, dspite it never being intended by the class or desired.

My intended relationship was always that Lya provides a framework made out of spells, part of herself as a template and a general direction for the Arcanum to develop into. Planar energies then fill out that mold to make a person in a process very similar to the planes generating elementals or other Outsiders.
The opinion and attachment thing is more instinctual, since it's something that tags along with the minor bit of Lya given to the Arcanum.

Full memory clones are a bit... much...
See, this is an interpretation I would have happily supported. Full memory clones cross so many lines for me.

We need to talk to DP when he wakes up. He goes with this interpretation and it basically ruins the class feature.
Well, when I brought up the issue how disturbing it would be for everyone involved to have several Lesser Lyas running around DP said they'd be their own people, not that.

So I'm hopeful this is a missunderstanding, not a big problem.
See, this is an interpretation I would have happily supported. Full memory clones cross so many lines for me.

We need to talk to DP when he wakes up. He goes with this interpretation and it basically ruins the class feature.
Which is what I've been worried about for a while now and why I wanted Aradia and Mercy made on tge same time.
Well, when I brought up the issue how disturbing it would be for everyone involved to have several Lesser Lyas running around DP said they'd be their own people, not that.

That's kind of what I thought they would be.

That while they have her memories, they know that they aren't actually her and that those aren't actually their memories. That the memories would be like watching a film, without any precise emotional connection. If that makes any sense.

On a second thought, why would they have all her memories, assuming that's what Dany had actually meant?
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Well, it's a rather extreme difference to have general knowledge of Lya's life, or her memories, with all the emotional components that implies.

One would be a useful guide to start your own life,the other would make you Lya and only many years of differing experiences might change that.

I hope the update badly expressed the former.
That means no more Chaotic actions like stealing an inn.

That was the most Lawful act imaginable, we met the letter of the agreement and delivered in full.

As to the talk about 15-30th level progression, @Duesal, my take is a slightly modified Dragon Mystic to reflect thematic contemplation of our Epic streak.

DP has stated that it would take absorbing some divine energy or else likely ritual magic on top of a leyline of some sort to start progressing in Epic levels.

Dragon Mystic reflects dragons that specifically spend more time reading and researching magic than they do terrorizing the countryside or growing their hoard (though we'll be doing plenty of that). And I'm kind of tired of Viserys not coming off like an extremely well-read practitioner that he is. The only time it gets brought up how much he's read is when it isn't exactly complimentary, like how he knows a bunch of shit about demons and devils.

So 16th-20th, Dragon Mystic. 21st-30th we do a modified Dragon Ascendant, natch, to signal the start of applying some of that research he did to prepare for his final confrontation with Tiamat.

Yes, I am talking about usurping Grandma's throne. It makes sense in context.

Edit: @Goldfish, I approve of the metabreath aspect of Dragon Mystic, so no argument from me, as long as Agonizing and Searing can be applied.

As for Ascendant, we don't have to go that route. We'd have to gut a lot of the features anyway since they seem designed for a Great Wyrm with some class levels already.

Viserys is so Emperor he even delegates his portfolio haha.

Dany has already stolen half her hoard may as well have her take the rest, we can have a Master of Ships and a Mistress of Divinity.

Then when we speak to Gods we can give them shit about mucking around with the Nitty gritty of devotion and reward.
Viserys "I'm too busy for specifics" Targaryen at it again.

That's actually something I wasn't fond of and now I want to see if she can do research to avoid that in the future. Having Arcanums with all of her memories makes things super awkward with Viserys. Awkward to the point that Dany thought it bad enough to suggest that the Arcanum spend some time away from Sorcerer's Deep immediately after being born.

Seriously, this is incredibly messed up. It's one thing to create life, that's great and all, but where a side-effect of that is basically awakening a clone who thinks they're the original only to find out that no, they're not, and that the original is living the life they thought they were living--being loved by the people they remember being loved by--while they now have to go do whatever the original built them for.

I am genuinely pissed it turned out like this, and I don't want another Arcanum built until Lya fixes this.

EDIT: If Lya can somehow figure out how to give the Arcanums either altered memories or just memories of her younger self before she met us then that would be better than what we've currently got. This is an identity crisis in the making and I don't want such a great class feature to be destroyed by this.

If only somebody could have seen this dramatic BS coming, such a hero (were foresight of such magnitude existent in this world) would be grand indeed, and who could fault him for an "I told you so" or two?

Why if I were such a person I'd be the veritable cock of the walk, crowing it from the rooftops I would.
If only somebody could have seen this dramatic BS coming, such a hero (were foresight of such magnitude existent in this world) would be grand indeed, and who could fault him for an "I told you so" or two?

Why if I were such a person I'd be the veritable cock of the walk, crowing it from the rooftops I would.
Except for the fact that this interpretation is the absolute worst that DP could have gone with, and the original intent of the Arcanum concept wasn't anywhere near this bad. You don't get to gloat yet. Not until we work this out with DP. If he sticks with this terrible interpretation then you get to rub it in our faces.
ough is that the epic casters were in all likelyhood in Old Valyria or its neighboring core cities in the peninsula, essentially ground zero for the Tzar Bomba. I'd imagine any demiplane and/or any other baby corpse powered bullshittery was blown into smithereens by the sheer metaphysical force of it
It bears reminding: the Doom shattered the cosmos.

As in, every other plane got the shit nuked out of it. Planetos essentially got off lightly.

That's why there are no armies of Demons and Devils and Angels prancing around after the big mean sorcerer's are gone. Valyria got a TPK, everyone else outside Planetos just changed genre to post-apocalyptic survival.

If the universe is a wheel, the prime material is the axle.
Lya would never do that. She would label the project as strictly theoretical and let it gather dust on a shelf somewhere.
That sounds like a great plot hook for a plucky band of adventurers twenty years from now: the evil wizard's backstory as a bullied apprentice thst stumbled upon some misfiled papers way out of his clearance.
I'm pretty sure he was even Neutral Good for a very brief time.


I really can't chime in as I have no idea how this idea came up in the first place.
@Deliste, I'm actually kinda miffed at you right now for that. You are one of those people who just couldn't stop talking about Arcanums having full memories, while the class doesn't say anything about them having any of them.

So you are kinda responsible for this interpretation to stick and gloating about that now is making me rather annoyed.
I still think they should just be Lya, a single soul connecting them all, sure, each one would have their own personality, and It would be interesting to see how they would settle their differences, as It would be an internal struggle.But she should be able to have all her bodies act in unison when requiered, and share their senses, but ultimately still share the same conciousness.
This would be an ideal case scenario for me, i dislike the arcanums in general, we already have a lot of characters we dont get to see enough of, i dislike creating more just because.
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We're not going to be disappointed with the final result. Worst case we're not as beefy as some other dragons
To clarify: that's wholly intentional. Part of balancing that admittedly incredibly strong class feature is how, upon detailed analysis, a great deal of a dragon of this cr's power comes from their heaps of HD. We'll be behind roughly 1/3 to 1/4, compared to a normal dragon of an age we match.
Edit: @Goldfish, I approve of the metabreath aspect of Dragon Mystic, so no argument from me, as long as Agonizing and Searing can be applied.
Might I hook you up with this then?:

Honestly, I like my idea better:
I still think they should just be Lya, a single soul connecting them all, sure, each one would have their own personality, and It would be interesting to see how they would settle their differences, as It would be an internal struggle.But she should be able to have all her bodies act in unison when requiered, and share their senses, but ultimately still share the same conciousness.
This would be an ideal case scenario for me, i dislike the arcanums in general, we already have a lot of characters we dont get to see enough of, i dislike creating more just because.
That's the tenth level ability, more or less.
Hardly, the Sundering the Archons meant happened way before the Doom. I think it's the time the serpent striked out against the sinners in Sher's lore.
The Sundering was the fault of the dragons. We even see mention of it way, way back in the quest when Aryssa the Pixie first meets Garth.
"I am one of the Undying Court of Stars, no lady merely a warrior and guard," she replied choosing her words with care. "Long ago my people fled beyond the borders of the world least we be enslaved by the Winged Terror. For ages we have watched the world seeking a moment when we may return. Now the peril is long passed and the world is Mended that we may safely dwell upon it again."
I'm guessing Winged Terror = Tiamat.

And from Sher and Aberi we got this lore:
The powers all unknowing did as they were bid and each offered a part of their might to the Serpent and great did it grow, a monster of hissing heads that could spit plagues upon the land, wings that could blot out the light of the heavens and claws that could sunder mountains. It filled the realm with its progeny uncounted and then it turned to the powers and it turned to the powers and said: "Behold for this land is mine and my kin's for we are born of it and you are not..."

Fought did the Serpent with all the power of the land behind it and the Music turned against its Singers and the realm of Symphony was lost and the Nameless One Laughed from the Void. Though the Garden died its spawn fled on secret ways and they live to bedevil the world. Of the Serpent itself it is said it still it still squats atop the Ruin of beauty undone
So not only did Tiamat completely fuck over the Old Gods, apparently she scared the Pixies and their Undying Court of Stars off the plane entirely. I did find it interesting, though, that Prime Material is the true home of dragonkind. It makes me feel like the entire planet is overdue inheritance. :V
Really? I got the impression the Doom's effects sort of snowballed as they went further out.
Sundering was way, way before the Doom. At least that's my impression of it.
I mean there's very little chance we won't have over 200 HP once we hit level 20.

200 HP on a primary caster PC? Even if it's far less than what a Mature Adult Red would sport, that's still really good.

Edit: I say this while pointing out that while we have the option to rip and tear stuff, if we went up against something which we would be better served casting spells at it to defeat, chances are we are just going to cast spells to defeat it.