@Azel, could you add officially recruiting the Tyroshi herbalist and her son to help grow and maintain all magical plants as a free action? DP said we can do it, but he never said it would happen automatically.
We currently have 30 ships, so a raven for each would cost us 750 IM and should help them quite a bit in their jobs. Aerial reconnaissance was a game-breaker in WW2 and our enemies aren't even in the Age of Sail technology wise, let alone in their tactics.

Another thing I would like are 4 ravens and 2 greater ravens for the counter-intelligence group. Secure point to point messengers and the greater ravens are purpose build for spying and can kill softer targets on its own. That would be another 500 IM.

@TotallyNotEvil, @Goldfish, your thoughts?
It's 1250 IM and 6 days of crafting to massively multiply the efficency of our operations.

But do we actually have 30 ships crewed and at sea? Or is that the total, after taking into account those we confiscated from the Westerosi fleet and any captured at Westhaven? We need to get around to selling those ships we aren't using or won't be using in the near future.

The greater ravens don't seem worth the expense right now. They cost far more than a regular one for relatively little gain.
It's 1250 IM and 6 days of crafting to massively multiply the efficency of our operations
Sounds good, but perhaps we wait on the greater ravens?
(Why doesnt the voters throw over 4000 IM at my crazy ideas...)
You realize we traded a Quill of Shipdesign +5 for it, right? Something like 600-800 IM.

Uthero wanted to straight up hand us 20k IM, but couldn't do it and the whopping 10 Favour we have with the Iron Bank or he'd be seen as foolish. So he traded us the ship, which he could build on the relative cheap, for the Quill, which was a justifiable purchase ont eh eye of the society judging this Young Master.
@Azel, could you add officially recruiting the Tyroshi herbalist and her son to help grow and maintain all magical plants as a free action? DP said we can do it, but he never said it would happen automatically.
But do we actually have 30 ships crewed and at sea? Or is that the total, after taking into account those we confiscated from the Westerosi fleet and any captured at Westhaven? We need to get around to selling those ships we aren't using or won't be using in the near future.

The greater ravens don't seem worth the expense right now. They cost far more than a regular one for relatively little gain.
The total active ships.

The main benefit of the greater ravens is at-will invisibility.
Remember how paranoid and pissed we where because of the constant threat of Quastis eavesdropping in Mantarys? Now we can make our enemies feel the same.
So that's why people hated Quasits so badly... I really had no clue. In hindsight having little cretins like that being responsible for unraveling an entire stealth operation would be sort of infuriating.

The total active ships.

The main benefit of the greater ravens is at-will invisibility.
Remember how paranoid and pissed we where because of the constant threat of Quastis eavesdropping in Mantarys? Now we can make our enemies feel the same.

If we're going to be spending that much on constructs, there are other things that need to be made, too; Lya's +Constitution belt, Richard's +Strength item, Garin's new sword needs to be enchanted, etc.

@DragonParadox Can we get a potential action added to do Richard's armor quest? Really want to get that taken care of ASAP.
So that's why people hated Quasits so badly... I really had no clue. In hindsight having little cretins like that being responsible for unraveling an entire stealth operation would be sort of infuriating.
Yep. The reason was lost to time, but the undying hatred remains.
Back then we double guessed every single vote, because we never knew if and how many Quasits where spying at us. We constantly swept for them when entering some place. Every planing sessions had Waymar use See Invisibility and murder the blighted things.

It was horrible. I dearly want to inflict that on the next squidface coming to SD.

If we're going to be spending that much on constructs, there are other things that need to be made, too; Lya's +Constitution belt, Richard's +Strength item, Garin's new sword needs to be enchanted, etc.
Frontpage says:
Liquid assets: 12407 Gold

I think we can easily spend another 6000 IM without risking to run dry, so go ahead and suggest something.
Oof, the plan turn did pop while I was sleeping. Quick thoughts.

Well, I'm a little sad that we're pushing off finishing our consolidation, but I don't think it can be helped. We should probably visit Saan first thing, though, next month. Yeah, visiting Saan, doing Runestone, and sweeping all independents from Stepstone waters should be doable next month I think.

Also, do we really want to do the super dangerous MS smuggling without Viserys present? Like if they get caught...

We should also include a note that we want to talk to Tyene before we go to Dorne about what exactly we can give her to reward her without it become a burden.

1. Can we do the crafting vote after the auction, MS and the rebuilding to get a clearer picture on our financial situation?
2. Can we boost our ships income by making Three Eyed Ravens for them to scout targets and dangers?

Yes to both

@DragonParadox You said 1980 IM for Moonsong's Ring, yet you billed 3000 IM. We are short then 1020 IM in crafting mats.

*considers going back and checking the numbers*


I'll take your word for it. Fixing
@DragonParadox How did our trade missions the galleons went on go? Did they arrive safely to all their targets/we establish teleport points like planned?
To be fair, a lot of your ideas are simply out of our reach right now and those that aren't usually go through like the Gorgon project.
I did add your suggestion for a free action to the plan after all.

Im just glad we've begun plans for garrison troops now. Suggestion from way back, before Mantarys. We'll see when we send an arcane marked ship towards Goggossi and Naath. Thats a month or three journey atleast.

I still think its better to possess Rhaela with somekind of spirit, and use the dryad what it is for; namely watering plants.

Playing god with the unborn child of his lover is not honoring the Orphne king's wish, and I find it weird that Vee havnt told Viserys off. Really wish DP could confirm this.

/Salt levels rising.
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Well, I'm a little sad that we're pushing off finishing our consolidation, but I don't think it can be helped. We should probably visit Saan first thing, though, next month. Yeah, visiting Saan, doing Runestone, and sweeping all independents from Stepstone waters should be doable next month I think.
That's my plan too. I'm just tired of pushing back the SSE any further, since we could really need the income.
Furthermore, our raiding won't stay sustainable for that many more months before the slave trade switches entirely to the land route. Having the SSE in place already makes the transition easier for us.

Also, do we really want to do the super dangerous MS smuggling without Viserys present? Like if they get caught...
Dany + Full Buff Scheme
Richard + Buffs from Dany
Vee + Summons buffed by Dany

Yeah... no. They are plenty dangerous without Viserys present. Dany can browbeat people into submission easily and I'm not worried about fights between those three.

We should also include a note that we want to talk to Tyene before we go to Dorne about what exactly we can give her to reward her without it become a burden.
Not quite sure what you mean. You want to reward Tyene now or do you want to plan with her what to offer Doran?
Interlude CXLVIII: The Hunter's Moon Arising
The Hunter's Moon Arising

First Day of the Ninth Month 292 AC

As his hands worked without thought at the knot work he had been assigned, the dark haired boy looked back on the last month's sailing with no small amount of satisfaction. Life on board the Hunter's Moon was far from the constant adventure and peril that that Theon had imagined a reaver's life to be as a boy, but from what he heard from more experienced hands it was far better than most other ships of her kind. For one, the captain had somehow managed to get her hands on one of the magic barrels for turning salt water fresh before the ship left port, so there was always fresh, clean water to drink. Besides that she had also managed to get one of the odd little tinker sprites to sign on as an assistant to the ship's carpenter. While the oddly named Ninth could not fix gaping holes in the side of the ship like "a proper wizard" he was a wonder for making repairs that should have only worked "just enough" be as tight as a merchant's purse.

The captain was a wonder to work for, with her wide-brimmed hat topped with the enormous colorful feather that had been plucked from some strange southern bird... and she liked to be reminded of it. You could not go far wrong praising the good captain, and from what old Donal said that was a vice shared by many purely mortal captains. What set captain Moonsong apart was that she did not let one shrink their duties or lord over their fellows for singing her praises. Doing so was merely her just tribute as far as she was concerned, and more often than not Theon found himself agreeing with her.

"Ship to port, ho! Ship to port!" Clem the lookout called down. Likely as not it had been the little golden fey flying through the rigging that had actually spotted it, but the wee thing did not have good lungs on it.

In these waters the chances of it being anything the captain would shy way from fighting were hardly worth mentioning. Honest sailors wouldn't be caught dead so near the Basilisk Isles... which was why they were here, of course. The crew of the Hunter's Moon were many things, but honest they were not. The boldness of having sailed a galley across hundreds of leagues of open water with naught but the stars for a guide was about to pay off.


The Hunter bore down on her prey like a hawk on a lame sparrow, eager hands working at the oars the wind from the northwest at their backs. Men clambered on deck, crowding behind one another to be the first into the fray and the first to the loot. For his part, Theon stayed about one step behind the great grey-furred minotaur Blood Roar. He had after all learned one lesson well: gold did dead man no good.

Three times the young Greyjoy shot into the rigging of the pirate enemy ship, each time picking a man off to fall to his death on the deck bellow, for he had a natural eye for marksmanship he found... but at the last the ships collided with an almighty crash and the time of knives was upon them. With a fey song ringing in his ears he surged surged onto the other ship.

Were Balon Greyjoy almost three years in his grave able to see the expression on his youngest son's face, he would have been proud.

OOC: It was a very risky move to take the Hunter's moon over that much open water, so much so that captains without supernatural charisma probably would not have managed to talk their crews into it.
OOC: It was a very risky move to take the Hunter's moon over that much open water, so much so that captains without supernatural charisma probably would not have managed to talk their crews into it.
To be fair, the barrel is blatantly cheating in that regard. A normal galley couldn't have hoped to carry enough water for the trip and back or wouldn't have had any room for actual plunder.
I really like cheating.

I also really like that we are parading the stolen Baratheon flagship all the way to the ass end of nowhere. :V
still think its better to possess Rhaela with somekind of spirit, and use the dryad what it is for; namely watering plants.
The idea if for her to be a fey of sea and sky. Remember that fey are inherently mutable, even a dryad will be a reflection of her groove.

And in this case, it's the mightiest warship since Valyrian Archmages were making wingships.

I think we can easily spend another 6000 IM without risking to run dry, so go ahead and suggest something.
Waymar's Gift:
- Ring of Arming (500 IM) containing a bronze Reinforced Segmented Fullplate +3 (900 IM) and a bronze Animated Extreme Shield +1 (900 IM) with cold iron studs (like the Royce banner).
// We give it to him in front of his father, after convincing him to travel without his Armour proper.
- Belt of +4 CON for Lya - 1600 IM
- WIS +4 for Dany - 1600 IM
- Reliquary Holy Symbol for Dany - 100 IM
- Nightstick for Dany - 750 IM
- +1 on Garin's razor sharp adamantine Thinblade - 200 IM
Total: 6550 IM - I figure we can go two days into the next month's allowance of Lya spends it herself if a project completes early.
Frontpage says:
Liquid assets: 12407 Gold

I think we can easily spend another 6000 IM without risking to run dry, so go ahead and suggest something.

@Azel, @TotallyNotEvil, @Duesal What about something like this for our next crafting binge? It totals up to 6,060 IM across the whole party. Starting off with a lot of +2 attribute bonuses for relatively cheap that can be upgraded to +4 later on as resources permit. Healing Belts are super cheap for their effect, too.

Viserys: Healing Belt (75 IM)

Richard: +2 Strength Item (400 IM), Greater Ironward Diamond (800 IM), Healing Belt effect (75 IM), Add Amulet of Tears effect to Enduring PfE Amulet (310 IM)

Lya: +2 Constitution Belt w/Healing Belt effect (475 IM)

Garin: +1 Enhancement bonus on Adamantine Thinblade (200 IM), +2 Dexterity Gloves (400 IM), Healing Belt (75 IM)

Dany: +2 Wisdom Headband (400 IM), Healing Belt (75 IM)

Waymar: +2 Dexterity Gloves (400 IM), Healing Belt (75 IM)

Tyene: +2 Wisdom Headband (400 IM), +2 Constitution Belt w/Healing Belt effect (475 IM)

Vee: +2 Constitution Ring w/Healing Belt effect (475 IM)

Maelor: +2 Charisma Ring (400 IM), Healing Belt (75 IM)

Xor: +2 Charisma Ring (400 IM), Healing Belt (75 IM)
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That's my plan too. I'm just tired of pushing back the SSE any further, since we could really need the income.
Furthermore, our raiding won't stay sustainable for that many more months before the slave trade switches entirely to the land route. Having the SSE in place already makes the transition easier for us.

Yeah, that's my rough assessment as well. Once it's up we can see if Garin wants to invest, so he gets some passive income that's actually close at hand.

Dany + Full Buff Scheme
Richard + Buffs from Dany
Vee + Summons buffed by Dany

Yeah... no. They are plenty dangerous without Viserys present. Dany can browbeat people into submission easily and I'm not worried about fights between those three.

Well, I'll trust the thread's judgement there, then.

Not quite sure what you mean. You want to reward Tyene now or do you want to plan with her what to offer Doran?

We brought up several ideas of how to reward Tyene (and thus indirect carrots for the Martells), from making her Mistress of Whispers (a role she's been drifting away from), to making her a noble lady in her own right, to legitimizing her, etc. However, the deal we made with her was service for freedom. I don't want to saddle her with rewards that she'd rather not have, so we should talk about it with her before we show up in Dorne. That way if she is fine with some of those rewards, or likes them, we can use it along with the promise of trying to revive Elia, and all our other aid to get out of the whole betrothal thing (and marry Lya before she rolls a 1 on Moon Tea effectiveness).
Waymar's Gift:
- Ring of Arming (500 IM) containing a bronze Reinforced Segmented Fullplate +3 (900 IM) and a bronze Animated Extreme Shield +1 (900 IM) with cold iron studs (like the Royce banner).
// We give it to him in front of his father, after convincing him to travel without his Armour proper.

I like that plan for Waymar. We should definitely arrange for this next month if we can work in a visit to Runestone. I wish we were doing it this month. :(
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