So for the melee lists I have so far. Ultimately we need three Groups of 16

No magic
Greatjon Umber (chip on his shoulder since that fight with Roose)
Edmure Tully (Does not really expect to win but wants to at least lose in a way that will get House Tully talked about in that context)
Liomond Lashare (Martial Maneuvers are not magic really...)
Ser Roger Reyne (he could use the prize money)

Just self buffs and spells
Valaena Velaryon (It was fun the last time)
Anya of Sorcerer's Deep (wants to see if she can go further)
Ser Dregaire the Fey Knight (for the fey glory is food)
Virys Melreos (Duskblade from Volon Therys; he is in this mostly for the glory and plans to give the a cash prize away to charity to help rehabilitate a checkered House past)

All magic
Argo the Cunning Bull (For Glory, also money)
Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade (Partly for his own glory, partly as a bit of a PR stunt for someone who is running go the serpentfolk seat in the Vocium)
Dirriz Bluecloak (He gets to show off. What's not to like?)
Harko the Beastmaster (Lorathi Born Slayer; worked on and off as a bodyguard and a assassin both; though after Imperial law was established stuck to the former over tha latter)

So yeah I need 12 more in each category. I do not expect to be done with this today, just thought I would get the ball rolling for player suggested characters
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Final sheet so I can link it to the front page:

Name: Selwys Jyreal
Alias: The Apostate; Shard-Born
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Age: 193
Race: Drow
Level: 8
Class: Oracle of Intrigue 8
Feats: Magic in the Blood, Deceptive Illumination, Unspeakable Vow (Lolth Death to the Spider Queen), Vow of Decadance, Highborn Drow
Flaws: Slow Healing, Paranoid
Class Features: Covetous (Curse); Assumed Form (Revelation); Forgotten Presence (Revelation)

HP: 52/52
AC: 10 +3 (DEX)
Initiative: +3 (DEX)
Attack: +6/+1
Spell Save: 10 +3 (CHA) + spell level
Weapon Proficiency:


7 (-2) Strength
16 (+3) Dexterity
12 (+1) Constitution
16 (+3) Charisma
13 (+1) Intelligence
20 (+5) Wisdom

FORTITUDE: 2+ 1 = 3
REFLEX: 2+ 3 = 5
WILL: 6 +5 = 11

Bluff: 11 + 3 (CHA) = 14
Disguise: 10 + 3 (CHA) = 13
Knowledge (religion): 10 + 1 (INT) = 14
Sense Motive: 11 + 5 (WIS) = 12
Spellcraft: 5 + 1 (INT) = 5
Use Magic Device: 8 +3 (CHA) +4 (Curse) = 15

Oracle Spells Known (CL 8):
Level 0: Bleed, Create Water, Enhanced Diplomacy, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic(6/day)
Level 1: Cause Fear, Cultural Adaptation, Detect Demon, Dream Feast, Recharge Innate Magic (6+1/day)
Level 2: Build Trust, Lesser Restoration, Undetectable Alignment (6+1/day)
Level 3: Blindness/Deafness, Cure Serious Wounds (5+1/day)
Level 4: Tongues (3/Day)

Spell-Like Abilities (CL 8):
At Will: Disguise Self ; Alter Self
3/Day: darkness, faerie fire, dancing lights/silent image, detect good, detect magic, levitate

Forgotten Presence (Sp): Once per day as an immediate action, you can cause a creature to forget that you were present for the last minute per oracle level, including forgetting all actions you took during that time, unless it succeeds at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier). Effects such as modify memory can restore the lost memories. At 15th level, you can use this ability twice per day.

Covetous Curse (Ex): You must wear fine non-magical clothing and jewelry worth at least 50 gp + 100 gp per character level you have beyond 1st. If you do not have sufficient wealth to purchase this additional equipment, you feel a strong desire (but are not compelled) to sell existing items or steal from others to obtain it. You are sickened whenever you do not meet this requirement; you are also sickened for 24 hours after anything worth 25 gp × your character level or more is taken from you against your will. Use Magic Device becomes a class skill for you.

You gain a +4 insight bonus on Appraise checks, Spellcraft checks to identify magic items, and Use Magic Device checks.
What about the Drow lady and Morwyn and tuin?
Will they be participating?
The idea of particpating in beating up others for glory and wealth would appeal to them.
Dirriz Bluecloak (He gets to show off. What's not to like?)
Still she I think?

So yeah I need 12 more in each category. I do not expect to be done with this today, just thought I would get the ball rolling for player suggested characters
There's (Volantine) Aemon's brother, the Hexblade.
He didn't win anything last tourney in the groupfights, while his brother got in the magic-finale.
Definitly worth trying to make a better show this time. He'd propably go best in full magic.

Maybe someone from the Feycourt-remnants?
A minor Gold, Azure or Green, for the not fully integrated CoS Fey?
So for the melee lists I have so far. Ultimately we need three Groups of 16

No magic
Greatjon Umber (chip on his shoulder since that fight with Roose)
Edmure Tully (Does not really expect to win but wants to at least lose in a way that will get House Tully talked about in that context)
Liomond Lashare (Martial Maneuvers are not magic really...)
Ser Roger Reyne (he could use the prize money)

Just self buffs and spells
Valaena Velaryon (It was fun the last time)
Anya of Sorcerer's Deep (wants to see if she can go further)
Ser Dregaire the Fey Knight (for the fey glory is food)
Virys Melreos (Duskblade from Volon Therys; he is in this mostly for the glory and plans to give the a cash prize away to charity to help rehabilitate a checkered House past)

All magic
Argo the Cunning Bull (For Glory, also money)
Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade (Partly for his own glory, partly as a bit of a PR stunt for someone who is running go the serpentfolk seat in the Vocium)
Dirriz Bluecloak (He gets to show off. What's not to like?)
Harko the Beastmaster (Lorathi Born Slayer; worked on and off as a bodyguard and a assassin both; though after Imperial law was established stuck to the former over tha latter)

So yeah I need 12 more in each category. I do not expect to be done with this today, just thought I would get the ball rolling for player suggested characters
No magic
Domeric Bolton (don't think he had time yet to retrain into the more magical levels of the Harbinger class)
Andar or Robar Royce (trying to get out of their brothers shadow)
one of the Knights Griffon
Osric (who has to keep his monkey form the entire time)

Just self buffs and spells
a Leshy druid (raising money for a Leshy colony in Westeros)

All magic
Nuri (for the glory of her mother)
Brienne (for the glory of her gods)
Who was the least stupid Tyrell brother again, Garland?

I think he might try to get some renown for literally anything but that name, so he's a good candidate.
Also an excellent swordman.
Depending on how much equipment he got during the Tyrell's partnership with the Fey either in no magic or full magic.
No magic
Greatjon Umber (chip on his shoulder since that fight with Roose)
Edmure Tully (Does not really expect to win but wants to at least lose in a way that will get House Tully talked about in that context)
Liomond Lashare (Martial Maneuvers are not magic really...)
Ser Roger Reyne (he could use the prize money)
My imaginary money is on Liomond here. Greatjon and Edmure might be decent combatants, but Liomond is a high level Martial Initiator.

Liomond Lashare
Roger Reyne
Just self buffs and spells
Valaena Velaryon (It was fun the last time)
Anya of Sorcerer's Deep (wants to see if she can go further)
Ser Dregaire the Fey Knight (for the fey glory is food)
Virys Melreos (Duskblade from Volon Therys; he is in this mostly for the glory and plans to give the a cash prize away to charity to help rehabilitate a checkered House past)
Anya is a solid low to mid-level combatant with a lot of good spells to choose from to enhance her performance. I don't know what Virys can do or what level he's at, so I can't speculate too much. Duskblades can be very effective combatants, though.

Valaena's build could work really well here. Her Magus build includes a lot of self buffs and abilities that let her function quite well without magic gear.

This fight is Ser Dregaire's to lose. Even without his equipment, he's loaded with natural abilities and spells.

Valaena Velaryon
Ser Dregaire the Fey Knight
All magic
Argo the Cunning Bull (For Glory, also money)
Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade (Partly for his own glory, partly as a bit of a PR stunt for someone who is running go the serpentfolk seat in the Vocium)
Dirriz Bluecloak (He gets to show off. What's not to like?)
Harko the Beastmaster (Lorathi Born Slayer; worked on and off as a bodyguard and a assassin both; though after Imperial law was established stuck to the former over tha latter)
Full magic use makes this one harder to predict. It could go either way.

Argo the Cunning Bull
Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade
Dirriz Bluecloak
Imagine how awkward it would be if aberi and co showed up as 17 to 20th level participants.

EDIT: Or their levels could be capped to make it work and we could alsoget the opportunity to renegotiate for that inevitable part.
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He might feel more at home in the no magic group.

Fighting Liomond without any high magic nearby is literally reliving his glory days against the Ninepenny Kings.
Yeah, but if he shows up at all, then because he has a chip on his shoulder and wants to prove something.

On that note, @DragonParadox, if you say that my vampire team is a thing, then Digir Izi would definitely enter the Full Magic group to prove his superiority.
@DragonParadox, here are some types of our Forge servitors that might be an interesting participant.

Jesulan, Aquatic Cleric Creature (CR 10, 12 HD) - Good for any category, depending on what abilities it uses. Could fight to represent our servitors.

Naga (Guardian) (CR 10, 12 HD) - Also good for any category. Could be fighting for the glory of Yss.

Vigilant Shadow Cat (CR 8) - Good for the muggle and semi-muggle division. Is a cat and a ninja, so it would probably just be fighting to exercise its innate bloodlust in a socially acceptable manner.
Yeah, but if he shows up at all, then because he has a chip on his shoulder and wants to prove something.

On that note, @DragonParadox, if you say that my vampire team is a thing, then Digir Izi would definitely enter the Full Magic group to prove his superiority.

Sure, I would love to have an undead in the ring. Adding. Here is what the list looks like so far.

No magic
Greatjon Umber (chip on his shoulder since that fight with Roose)
Edmure Tully (Does not really expect to win but wants to at least lose in a way that will get House Tully talked about in that context)
Liomond Lashare (Martial Maneuvers are not magic really...)
Ser Roger Reyne (he could use the prize money)
Domeric Bolton (don't think he had time yet to retrain into the more magical levels of the Harbinger class)
Robar Royce (trying to get out of their brothers shadow)
one of the Knights Griffon
Osric (who has to keep his monkey form the entire time)

Just self buffs and spells
Valaena Velaryon (It was fun the last time)
Anya of Sorcerer's Deep (wants to see if she can go further)
Ser Dregaire the Fey Knight (for the fey glory is food)
Virys Melreos (Duskblade from Volon Therys; he is in this mostly for the glory and plans to give the a cash prize away to charity to help rehabilitate a checkered House past)
A Leshy druid (raising money for a Leshy colony in Westeros)

All magic
Argo the Cunning Bull (For Glory, also money)
Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade (Partly for his own glory, partly as a bit of a PR stunt for someone who is running go the serpentfolk seat in the Vocium)
Dirriz Bluecloak (He gets to show off. What's not to like?)
Harko the Beastmaster (Lorathi Born Slayer; worked on and off as a bodyguard and a assassin both; though after Imperial law was established stuck to the former over tha latter)
Nuri (for the glory of her mother)
Brienne (for the glory of her gods)
Digir Izi (For personal glory)

I'm kind of on the fence about Baristan so far. In that I could see him go either way depending on how he took the blow to his sense of self-worth.
No magic
Domeric Bolton (don't think he had time yet to retrain into the more magical levels of the Harbinger class)
Andar or Robar Royce (trying to get out of their brothers shadow)
one of the Knights Griffon
Osric (who has to keep his monkey form the entire time)

Just self buffs and spells
a Leshy druid (raising money for a Leshy colony in Westeros)

All magic
Nuri (for the glory of her mother)
Brienne (for the glory of her gods)
What about Roose Bolton? Sure, it's not really his scene, but he's at least a 9th level Martial Initiator, possibly higher now, and he uses an esoteric skillset. He could use it as an opportunity to earn some respect for his faction maybe?
What about Roose Bolton? Sure, it's not really his scene, but he's at least a 9th level Martial Initiator, possibly higher now, and he uses an esoteric skillset. He could use it as an opportunity to earn some respect for his faction maybe?
I've always been under the impression that the head of house is not supposed to enter tourneys in Westeros.

That being said, if he enters, he would fit in well with the Full Magic group after bumming a few high-level buffs from Qyburn. ("Why do people dragging me into these juvenile antics?")
@DragonParadox, here are some types of our Forge servitors that might be an interesting participant.

Jesulan, Aquatic Cleric Creature (CR 10, 12 HD) - Good for any category, depending on what abilities it uses. Could fight to represent our servitors.

Naga (Guardian) (CR 10, 12 HD) - Also good for any category. Could be fighting for the glory of Yss.

Vigilant Shadow Cat (CR 8) - Good for the muggle and semi-muggle division. Is a cat and a ninja, so it would probably just be fighting to exercise its innate bloodlust in a socially acceptable manner.

No magic
  1. Greatjon Umber (chip on his shoulder since that fight with Roose)
  2. Edmure Tully (Does not really expect to win but wants to at least lose in a way that will get House Tully talked about in that context)
  3. Liomond Lashare (Martial Maneuvers are not magic really...)
  4. Ser Roger Reyne (he could use the prize money)
  5. Domeric Bolton (don't think he had time yet to retrain into the more magical levels of the Harbinger class)
  6. Robar Royce (trying to get out of his brother's shadow)
  7. one of the Knights Griffon
  8. Osric (who has to keep his monkey form the entire time)
  9. Hidden Coils (Naga looking to make converts for Yss and gold for herself)

Just self buffs and spells
  1. Valaena Velaryon (It was fun the last time)
  2. Anya of Sorcerer's Deep (wants to see if she can go further)
  3. Ser Dregaire the Fey Knight (for the fey glory is food)
  4. Virys Melreos (Duskblade from Volon Therys; he is in this mostly for the glory and plans to give the a cash prize away to charity to help rehabilitate a checkered House past)
  5. A Leshy druid (raising money for a Leshy colony in Westeros)
  6. Neck-snapper (Vigilant Shadow Cat; It's a sapient cat, what more reason do you need for it to engage in blood sport?)
  7. Sea's Blood (Jesulan, Aquatic Cleric Creature, mostly in this for the experience; something of a thrill seeker)

All magic
  1. Argo the Cunning Bull (For Glory, also money)
  2. Vrath the Serpentfolk Hexblade (Partly for his own glory, partly as a bit of a PR stunt for someone who is running go the serpentfolk seat in the Vocium)
  3. Dirriz Bluecloak (He gets to show off. What's not to like?)
  4. Harko the Beastmaster (Lorathi Born Slayer; worked on and off as a bodyguard and a assassin both; though after Imperial law was established stuck to the former over tha latter)
  5. Nuri (for the glory of her mother)
  6. Brienne of Tarth (for the glory of her gods)
  7. Digir Izi (For personal glory)
Neck-snapper (Vigilant Shadow Cat; It's a sapient cat, what more reason do you need for it to engage in blood sport?)
This fight could make for a funny interlude. One participant steps out, the crowd cheers, then Neck-Snapper phases into view, most of the crowd laughs and jeers at the cute little cat, but a few among them look closer and then go pale. That is no normal cat.
How about a Bulabar tinker trying to test his inventions in the No Magic tier?