- Location
- Germany
The palace is preposterously huge. This here is roughly the size of one of the four main wings:

Not pictured: The five much bigger administrative wings or the entire artificial hill beneath the main palace.
The palace is preposterously huge. This here is roughly the size of one of the four main wings:
Will the Sultana of the Shaitan and the Caliph of the Djinn show up or will they send envoys?
That map is since then outdated, considering the population of Sorcerer's Deep (the city itself) is now well over a quarter million people.
I only saw that map for the first time that I visited this quest. Makes sense that I forgot about it. Thank you.
@Destrark, I do not envy you, famThat map is since then outdated, considering the population of Sorcerer's Deep (the city itself) is now well over a quarter million people.
When this map was last updated, that chunk in the middle with the completed city districts? Maybe current as of 80,000 people. So essentially imagine that but four times as developed.
Slums are officially enemies of the state and the Administration is eradicating with extreme prejudice. A poor worker can expect maybe a 10m² apartment with running water and central heating in SD.Still much better than King's Landing then, as I can't seem to spot any Flea Bottom equivalent and the IP dwarfs the RK.
Haha, yeah. The goal there is to bring Sorcerer's Deep to 1 million residents (2 million in the Stepstones) by 300 AC. Given we don't pack in people like they do in Braavos and to a lesser extent Volantis, I expect Sorcerer's Deep to be at least equal in urban sprawl to Volantis by that point... maybe somewhat bigger, since again, the uber wealthy still own their palatial manses in addition to the burghers and gentry generally having decent homes and the commoners having nice apartments, instead of having a family of 8-12 packed into a one room hovel.
Will the Sultana of the Shaitan and the Caliph of the Djinn show up or will they send envoys?
Also whatever representatives Vialesk feels like providing.
Well, Big Red has the balls for it.You know I'm honestly hoping that Baator sends an envoy just for sheer entertainment value.
He sends Mammon with a skinning knife, the gift being the chance to make a matching cloak for our wife.
Just imagine it, they show up with some well thought out non-cursed gifts you would need a source close to Viserys inner circle to think of and then proceed to be our most polite and well behaved guests doing nothing shadier then trying to arrange some mundane trade deals for normal goods and to cap it off when the events are over they politely leave, the thread would go berserk trying to figure out what the hell their game is.
A matching cloak for Lya would be very nice indeed.He sends Mammon with a skinning knife, the gift being the chance to make a matching cloak for our wife.
Just imagine it, they show up with some well thought out non-cursed gifts you would need a source close to Viserys inner circle to think of and then proceed to be our most polite and well behaved guests doing nothing shadier then trying to arrange some mundane trade deals for normal goods and to cap it off when the events are over they politely leave, the thread would go berserk trying to figure out what the hell their game is.
The real angle is to create needless and pointless work for our information gathering and counter-intelligence apparatus.Just imagine it, they show up with some well thought out non-cursed gifts you would need a source close to Viserys inner circle to think of and then proceed to be our most polite and well behaved guests doing nothing shadier then trying to arrange some mundane trade deals for normal goods and to cap it off when the events are over they politely leave, the thread would go berserk trying to figure out what the hell their game is.
And due to that we lack the divinatory capacity to notice some plot in a tertiary theatre ( not SD or Slaver's Bay).The real angle is to create needless and pointless work for our information gathering and counter-intelligence apparatus.
Every conversation poured over, every business arrangement scrutinized, every meeting watched.
I think @Azel had a level up plan in mind for the Twins? I've got level up plans prepared for F!Renly and Ser Kennos.@Goldfish, did we wanna get any levelup vote out of the way? Maybe Aife's Mythic Rank, or the Very Old Myrkdreki Twin's levelup?
@DragonParadox, if she's replacing it with the Faith's Reach Mythic power?
You can't take Extra Path below Tier 3.
No complaints on my end. Faith's Reach is fantastic. That kind of thing would be useful for pretty much all the Divine Casters among the Companions.And here's one for Aife's first Mythic rank. Can Aife simultaneously retrain her Reach Spell metamagic feat here, @DragonParadox, if she's replacing it with the Faith's Reach Mythic power? I don't think she'll ever have a better opportunity, and she's unlikely to ever be able to level traditionally for retraining considering that she's basically already a 20th level Cleric.
I'm open to suggestions on Aife's Mythic abilities, ya'll. These just seemed like the best options available to her, IMO. Faith's Reach makes it much easier for her to use various Metamagic without wasting Turnings to power the Reach Spell feat. Eldritch Breach is just mechanically one of the best options she could go for, and it comes at a good time, too, since its the exact ability she would have needed against the Chronomancer when it was resisting magic.
Retraining the Reach Spell feat into Divine Defiance is another solid boost for Aife's capabilities, and one that goes well with her status as the Herald of the Ferryman.
[] Aife's First Mythic Tier
-[] Mythic Path: Heirophant
-[] Mythic Feat: Extra Path (Faith's Reach)
--[] Retrain Feat: Reach Spell >>> Divine Defiance
-[] Mythic Surge:
--[] Inspired Spell (Su): As a standard action, you can expend one use of mythic power to cast any one divine spell, treating your caster level as 2 levels higher. This spell must be on your divine spell list (or your domain or mystery spell list) and must be of a spell level that you can cast using that divine spellcasting class. Using this ability does not expend a prepared spell or available spell slot. You can apply any metamagic feats you know to this spell, but its total spell slot level must be a slot level you can normally cast.
-[] Path Ability:
--[] Faith's Reach (Su): Whenever you cast a divine spell with a range of touch, you can instead cast the spell with a range of 30 feet. If the spell normally requires a melee touch attack, it instead requires a ranged touch attack.
--[] Eldritch Breach (Su): You are adept at breaching magical defenses and resistance to your magic. When attempting a caster level check to dispel an effect, overcome spell resistance, or otherwise determine whether or not your magic affects a target (such as with knock or neutralize poison), roll twice and take the higher result.
That does look like the best option.@Goldfish
How about Mythic Widen Spell as Mythic Feat?
A high-end Cleric with a double-sized Widen could do quite a lot of damage.
Say, use a single Maelstrom to lay waste to an entire army of Deep One minions?