Next update. I still have to work on the fluff for some of his items.
Look at all of the items we have, at all of the crafting we do, and think really hard whether we care for such fluff at this point in quest.
Most stuff looted ever went to be sacrificed.
Do you have to invest your time and effort into things that won't get any attention ever afterwards?
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Look at all of the items we have, at all of the crafting we do, and think really hard whether we care for fluff at this point in quest.
Most stuff looted ever went to be sacrificed.
Do you have to invest your time and effort into things that won't get any attention ever afterwards?
Fluff is still nice, especially for powerful or interesting stuff.
Look at all of the items we have, at all of the crafting we do, and think really hard whether we care for such fluff at this point in quest.
Most stuff looted ever went to be sacrificed.
Do you have to invest your time and effort into things that won't get any attention ever afterwards?
That honestly depends. A lot of the psionic stuff is great for Qyburn.
yeh, whatever, I'm clearly outvoted here by other active players.

I just want to maximize the time we can spend doing the more-or-less meaningful stuff, that is all. Random loot never went into that cathegory for me, not unless it's from a 'Boss'-creature for an adventure, and teh squid isn't.
Let's resist the temptation to brag!
And these minions aren't Mind-Blanked and will be in a land infested with Deep Ones spies, so let's not leave any information about how our God will function. What if the Deep Ones get it and sabotage us in the middle of our own great ritual?

[X] Nothing. Assure them that the threat was eliminated, but that to share more would threaten their sanity.

I also vote "Fluff is good".
yeh, whatever, I'm clearly outvoted here by other active players.

I just want to maximize the time we can spend doing the more-or-less meaningful stuff, that is all. Random loot never went into that cathegory for me, not unless it's from a 'Boss'-creature for an adventure, and teh squid isn't.

Psionic loot is pretty rare still as others have said. For what it's worth it's also fun for me to write such fluff.
[X] Nothing. Assure them that the threat was eliminated, but that to share more would threaten their sanity.
[X] Nothing. Assure them that the threat was eliminated, but that to share more would threaten their sanity.
[X] Nothing. Assure them that the threat was eliminated, but that to share more would threaten their sanity.

If they look like they're going to argue for details I vote we add on the fact that there was a very real chance we would have ended up as our own ancestor and leave it at that.
[X] Nothing. Assure them that the threat was eliminated, but that to share more would threaten their sanity.

It almost threatened ours after all. I'm fairly sure we were one failed will save away to cracking when the "drowned god" landed beneath the island.
I think the "this will shatter their lil' brains" is a bit fearmongery.
The reason to not reveal the details is infosec, not Aisha not having the guts/being too dumb to get the basic concepts of time-travel.

Also, this feels redundant, but I feel like the IC paranoia makes it reasonable...ish.
Shall we get on comparing our personal experience of the timeline with one of the other Companions/checking whether we changed any of the world's/our journey's history by butterflying a wrong man away from Westeros [some]k years ago?
Viserys and Lya'd have perfect memory to check over most of relevant history.

On the other hand, leaving the time-travel behind like a bad dream is reasonable too.
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I think the "this will shatter their lil' brains" is a bit fearmongery.
The reason to not reveal the details is infosec, not Aisha not having the guts/being too dumb to get the basic concepts of time-travel.
Asha probably wouldn't put much thought into it, but Rodrik is a thinker, and the more one thinks about what we just did, the more disturbing and viscerally terrifying it becomes.

That said, it is also a great excuse to maintain information security.
[X] Tell them the threat was handled, but due to infosec concerns, you can't say more then that at this time.

I can't help but feel like we're forgetting something.
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I think the "this will shatter their lil' brains" is a bit fearmongery.
The reason to not reveal the details is infosec, not Aisha not having the guts/being too dumb to get the basic concepts of time-travel.

Also, this feels redundant, but I feel like the IC paranoia makes it reasonable...ish.
Shall we get on comparing our personal experience of the timeline with one of the other Companions/checking whether we changed any of the world's/our journey's history by butterflying a wrong man away from Westeros [some]k years ago?
Viserys and Lya'd have perfect memory to check over most of relevant history.

On the other hand, leaving the time-travel behind like a bad dream is reasonable too.
I'm all for sitting them down and telling them when they have Mind Blanks. For me this is less for their sake and more so the Deep Ones can't divine anything properly.