Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
I've been trying to come up with spells we can use, too. Hide from Undead seems like our best bet, IMO. I don't think Antipathy will work unless we can make the AoE effect mobile. Since we don't have any specific Undead to target, I don't think we can use Undead Beacon in this manner, either. I was thinking about maybe using Summoned creatures as decoys, but that would be problematic due to limited duration and resource wastage.Could we just carry around a rock with Antipathy cast on it and tag everyone with Hide from Undead? We'd need to check the average alignment around here to make the antipathy spell as broad as possible, but if the unintelligent undead can't detect us and the intelligent ones need to make two high DC will saves just to interact with us we can likely just slip by.
If someone does make the save we just slap them with an Undead Beacon and leave while the other undead eat them "alive".
Normally I'm all for negotiation, but these guys are almost certainly too deeply enthralled to safely deal with while we're on a time limit.
Was also thinking of using Aura of the Unremarkable in conjunction with Hide from Undead. Viserys' has a Metamagic Rod of Threnodic Spells, so he could make the Mind-Affecting spell affect Undead. Between both spells, that would be two high DC Will saves any given Undead would need to make in order to target us.