That is definitly atmospheric, even if Viserys is not the person who would be taken in by the atmosphere anymore.

Thinking further about that, I now have the impression that whenever things get objectivly creepy or disturbing the backround noise of "Am Dragon, argument invalid" gets louder to drown out that factor.
That is definitly atmospheric, even if Viserys is not the person who would be taken in by the atmosphere anymore.

Thinking further about that, I now have the impression that whenever things get objectivly creepy or disturbing the backround noise of "Am Dragon, argument invalid" gets louder to drown out that factor.

This is very much the case. Viserys is both a dragon and a human but humans deal with this kind of craziness less well so dragon it is.
Minds of Madness

Twentieth Day of the Fourth Month 294 AC

Time does not slow, for you do not dare slow it, but there is a moment there, familiar as your own breath, where you find the answer, as simple as it is elegant."You shall not pass!" The words of High Valyrian ring out over stones that have not heard a mortal tongue since the world's beginning, just as an arcane chorus swells all around you, a thousand voices and all of them Lya's. This song lifts you up to heights almost unimagined.

Flesh like tar and inky darkness slams against your will in a tide of madness and all too knowing eyes, then one of the shoggoths below explodes in a mass of stringy flesh and fractal angles, its 'eyes' tearing free into the luminous tail of an eel-like creature with jaws within jaws and teeth of thrice envenomed glass. Its voice had been hidden in the mad babbling, just as its flesh had been coiled in the form of its thrall. Stillness pours forth from its maws, eating into your spell like acid.

Moving on instinct as much as carefully prepared spell, you twist your power just so against the walls of the world made perilously thin, a counter undone, for now at least. The ward holds as flashes of searing light expand from Qyburn, Richard, and the dark winged twins, and brightest of all from Aife, like the petals of some arcane flower. An unneeded guard for now, perhaps, but one that sees you draw in a gulp of poisoned air in sheer reflexive relief, there is another line of protection. Your spell is not all that stands between your friends and allies and all consuming death.

Only then does the enemy speak, its voice like slime slipping through the cracks in your mind, "You have been foreseen, what is will be, what was is eternal. Flickering lights and dead stars, gods who were and those who would be more than gods. You will fall here, you have fallen, you have always been here."

For just a moment you see the bodies of your friends and your companions strewn upon the cracked basalt floor; Aife, like a discarded silver ribbon ringing good withered corpses of Lya and Ser Richard, the myrkdreki in broken heaps beside them, and even Qyburn reduced to a few paltry cells squirming in the dark, a mockery of the immortality he sought. But even in this place, and in this strangest hour, you are guarded from such trickery and so are those who fight beside you. The vision fades, colors blurring together, shapes lost in the nightmare of another's forging.

Looking around, you are glad to see the others resist the lies as well as you, though each in their own manner, and each now prepared to pay the foe back a thousandfold for the the deed. After all there is no trap more deadly than one sprung and failed to catch its quarry.

Alas, your true foe seems to be of the same mind, by the time the figment had faded it was gone in a twist of alien thoughts and violated space, paying no mind to Aife's attempt to bind it in the name of her god. In the babble of the shoggoths's voices it leaves behind the strangest and most unsettling thing you had heard from one of its ilk, a nursery rhyme old as the world and spread from the Sunset Sea to Volantis, "Won't you come into my parlor, said the spider to the fly."

What do you do next?

[] Write in

OOC: Welcome to the bullshit that is psionic augmentation at high level, expect to see more of it before this is done. I hope all the dispelling, counter-spelling and counter-counter spelling comes off coherently. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox. I highlighted one word that needs attention, but I can't figure out what it should have been.
It's kinda funny.
On one hand, this is a definitive "TPK in motion" for just about any standard DnD session.
No party playing by the rules is supposed to survive stuff like what DP presents...

But then again, we aren't playing by the rules.
See our unlimited-money gear, custom PRCs, custom spells... The fact we are playing in forum-format and have all the time in the world to plan out near-perfect strategies to any encounter, all the time...

For us, this is 'just' a "very dangerous but potentially manageable"-situation, not even as bad as Nightmare Dragon's first appearance was (comparatively across the levels, ofc).

The only thing I do worry a bit, is the post-factum justification being needed for "why, exactly?" all the stuff Squids will throw our way here not having been thrown at us while we were distracted/less geared/less levelled. The usual with this setting, anyway.

[X] Goldfish
And I feel a bit like a dick assuming the fishie to do all the job, but I don't think anyone elese's stepping out to try and do anything complex combat-wise these days anyway.

Well, if nothing else, we definitely are getting the important people (read: Lya, Qyburn) up to speed levels-wise if we manage to survive this.
Too bad we couldn't have brought Maelor - he would have gone splat here.
Alas. Poor guy's been left underlevelled by the Evul Efreeti place.

Hell, maybe we are about to get those 5k XP needed to Miracle-restore all the books as much-needed mental thearapy for Lya after we are done clearing this palce out :V
The only thing I do worry a bit, is the post-factum justification being needed for "why, exactly?" all the stuff Squids will throw our way here not having been thrown at us while we were distracted/less geared/less levelled. The usual with this setting, anyway.

Well for one thing you are not in standard reality right now. Maybe some of these assets cannot be sent under the sky.
Eh. He is sufficiently different from a regular Illithid to not raise too many questions. I mean, Ishmagnis is an Alhoon, which is just an Illithid with a Lich template. Qyburn is... something.
Though he might have trouble in the non-Squiddy parts of Nirvana, they are propably a lot more paranoid about the Squids there than in any other part of the multiverse.
Though he might have trouble in the non-Squiddy parts of Nirvana, they are propably a lot more paranoid about the Squids there than in any other part of the multiverse.
Nirvana would be a no-go for him, since everyone there will hate him for being too much or too little squid. Plane of Water might be a bit dicey too, since it's pretty obvious that he is an Abberration, so he wouldn't pass for a squid-man.
The name of the game here is conserving resources while leveraging them for maximum effect, since we don't know how long we're going to be down here or what else there is left to face. Hopefully, this will remove the Shoggoths from our path using just two spells, one 2nd level spell from Lya and one 8th level spell from Aife. Any that do manage to resist will get peppered with Enervation spells and/or turned into Viserys' puppet, readying them for the followup in the next round. An Ooze Puppeted Shoggoth would make for an effective trap locator and meat (slime?) shield.

[X] Plan "Get in my Seal, said the Divine Herald to the Shoggoths."
-[X] Lya maintains Concentration to keep her first Harmonic Chorus spell active on Viserys as a Swift Action, then casts another Encouraging Harmonic Chorus spell, this time on Aife, to raise her caster level and saving throw DC by +3 as a Standard Action. She uses her Battlemagic Perception spell to Counterspell enemy spellcasting as a Free Action, if necessary.
-[X] Aife cancels her Moment of Greatness buff to enhance the +3 from Harmonic Chorus to +6 then a 26th level Reached Chained Sacramental Seal (DC 41 Will save to resist for primary target, DC 37 for secondary targets) spell while using a Wide Spell Metamagic Gem if she deems it necessary to affect all of the Shoggoths. She uses her Battlemagic Perception spell to Counterspell enemy spellcasting as a Free Action, if necessary.
-[X] Any Shoggoths that escape Aife's spell are targeted by Qyburn and the Myrkdreki Twins with Enervation spells. Qyburn uses Alter Fortune to force one of the Shoggoths to re-roll if it manages to resist Aife's spell and the Twins use Wings of Cover to defend the group, if necessary.
-[X] If one of the Shoggoths escape Aife's spell, Viserys casts Assay Spell Resistance followed by Blood Wish to target one of the Shoggoths with a 23rd level (27th to resist Dispelling, 33rd to overcome Spell Resistance) Ooze Puppet spell (DC 37 Fortitude save). If none escape, he uses the opportunity to quickly reapply his Battlemagic Perception spell, while using Wings of Cover to defend the group or Counterspelling using as an Immediate Action using his ring, if necessary. If Viserys uses Blood Wish, before moving on he uses a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage.
-[X] Richard remains vigilant and prepares to defend Viserys and the others from unexpected attacks.
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The name of the game here is conserving resources while leveraging them for maximum effect, since we don't know how long we're going to be down here or what else there is left to face. Hopefully, this will remove the Shoggoths from our path using just two spells, one from 2nd level spell from Lya and one 8th level spell from Aife. Any that do manage to resist will get peppered with Enervation spells and/or turned into Viserys' puppet, readying them for the followup in the next round. An Ooze Puppeted Shoggoth would make for an effective trap locator and meat (slime?) shield.

[X] Plan "Get in my Seal, said the Divine Herald to the Shoggoths."
-[X] Lya maintains Concentration to keep her first Harmonic Chorus spell active on Viserys as a Swift Action, then casts another Encouraging Harmonic Chorus spell, this time on Aife, to raise her caster level and saving throw DC by +3 as a Standard Action. She uses her Battlemagic Perception spell to Counterspell enemy spellcasting as a Free Action, if necessary.
-[X] Aife cancels her Moment of Greatness buff to enhance the +3 from Harmonic Chorus to +6 then a 26th level Reached Chained Sacramental Seal (DC 41 Will save to resist for primary target, DC 37 for secondary targets) spell while using a Wide Spell Metamagic Gem if she deems it necessary to affect all of the Shoggoths. She uses her Battlemagic Perception spell to Counterspell enemy spellcasting as a Free Action, if necessary.
-[X] Any Shoggoths that escape Aife's spell are targeted by Qyburn and the Myrkdreki Twins with Enervation spells. Qyburn uses Alter Fortune to force one of the Shoggoths to re-roll if it manages to resist Aife's spell and the Twins use Wings of Cover to defend the group, if necessary.
-[X] If one of the Shoggoths escape Aife's spell, Viserys casts Assay Spell Resistance followed by Blood Wish to target one of the Shoggoths with a 23rd level (27th to resist Dispelling, 33rd to overcome Spell Resistance) Ooze Puppet spell (DC 37 Fortitude save). If none escape, he uses the opportunity to quickly reapply his Battlemagic Perception spell, while using Wings of Cover to defend the group or Counterspelling using as an Immediate Action using his ring, if necessary. If Viserys uses Blood Wish, before moving on he uses a charge from his Orb of Mental Renewal to heal the Charisma damage.
-[X] Richard remains vigilant and prepares to defend Viserys and the others from unexpected attacks.
Would be good if, assuming we have a few rounds of breathing room, you let Qyburn use Ego Whip on one of the Shoggoths to dump his CHA to 0. I'm leery of letting his Necrotic Mold Familiar try and take over a Shoggoth that is merely paralized from Ooze Puppet, but when their mental scores have flatlined, it should be safe, since the Shoggoth can't fight back anymore.

That way, Qyburn can mentally commune with the Necrotic Mold, giving us a much better scout. There are also some really fun little exploits opened up by the Shoggoth being treated as part of the Mold, while the Mold is a valid target for Personel spells from Qyburn. Worst case, it can suicide-charge a better ride, engulf it and then switch over.
Would be good if, assuming we have a few rounds of breathing room, you let Qyburn use Ego Whip on one of the Shoggoths to dump his CHA to 0. I'm leery of letting his Necrotic Mold Familiar try and take over a Shoggoth that is merely paralized from Ooze Puppet, but when their mental scores have flatlined, it should be safe, since the Shoggoth can't fight back anymore.

That way, Qyburn can mentally commune with the Necrotic Mold, giving us a much better scout. There are also some really fun little exploits opened up by the Shoggoth being treated as part of the Mold, while the Mold is a valid target for Personel spells from Qyburn. Worst case, it can suicide-charge a better ride, engulf it and then switch over.
That would be helpful. Best case scenario, one Shoggoth escapes Aife's spell then gets Ooze Puppeted by Viserys. Then we can prepare it for the Mold at our leisure, or at least not a mid-combat pace.
That would be helpful. Best case scenario, one Shoggoth escapes Aife's spell then gets Ooze Puppeted by Viserys. Then we can prepare it for the Mold at our leisure, or at least not a mid-combat pace.
It would take, on average, 2 castings of Ego Whip for 10 Power Points each to subdue one of the Shoggoths and then a Full-Round Action by the Mold to take over his larger counterpart.

Once that's done, cast Major Metamorphosis for 12 Power Points to give the Shoggoth 60 feet Burrow, +2d6 Acid damage to all his natural attacks, poison to all his natural attacks that deals 1 CON damage with DC 26 Fort to negate, +10 ft. land speed and grow one size category to Gargantuan.

Normally I'd suggest 40 ft Fly (Good), but Burrow is more useful here.
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It would take, on average, 2 castings of Ego Whip for 10 Power Points each to subdue one of the Shoggoths and then a Full-Round Action by the Mold to take over his larger counterpart.

Once that's done, cast Major Metamorphosis for 12 Power Points to give the Shoggoth 60 feet Burrow, +2d6 Acid damage to all his natural attacks, poison to all his natural attacks that deals 1 CON damage with DC 26 Fort to negate, +10 ft. land speed and grow one size category to Gargantuan.

Normally I'd suggest 40 ft Fly (Good), but Burrow is more useful here.

You know I'm sometimes struck at how differently you guys take things relative to a normal adventuring party:

Tabletop players: Seven CR 22 shoggoths, no fair!
ASWAH players: What if we hijacked one of them and then transformed it to make a better scout?
Very few adventuring parties have "taking over the world as Not!God-Emperor and building a pan-humanoid plus friends alliance against all the horrors of the setting" as a stated goal.