Friendly Spider-Fish Abomination
- Location
- Formerly of the Far Realm
Huh, yeah, I can see that. I've always assumed they were Protoss when I saw them used.
Huh, yeah, I can see that. I've always assumed they were Protoss when I saw them used.
The argument revolves around the "...up to having Yss chew on him and spew out a version that would be more forthcoming with answers"-part that was initially in the vote.@Acolyte it is just interrogation, not any sort of re-writting their mind.
It's in the "smilies" under the "elaborate" tab.
Pretty sure they are based on the we have investigated the reapers meme.Huh, yeah, I can see that. I've always assumed they were Protoss when I saw them used.
My issue with it was that it read to me like "specifically use the nastiest options for the purpose of causing this guy pain" rather than just allowing for feeding him to one of our gods. I object to that reasoning because its a deviation in Viserys' behavior and I'd prefer if we don't start walking down that road.I am okay with that, but am confused still why it's now of all times that the fact we have Yss on call to do the thing is making people yucked out.
It's not like we even used him often, it's for really weird edge cases only, but-
Why not keep him as an option, at least?
If we learn that all other methods failed, will we allow the guy to just die?
Will we really? Aware that he's hiding something even our bullshit couldn't get through to?
@GoldfishMy issue with it was that it read to me like "specifically use the nastiest options for the purpose of causing this guy pain" rather than just allowing for feeding him to one of our gods. I object to that reasoning because its a deviation in Viserys' behavior and I'd prefer if we don't start walking down that road.
I'll admit that I forgot that Yss could kill proposed dump their memories into a new outsider though. For some reason that part of the vote sounded more like asking them to psychically mutilate him into compliance instead of copying the useful parts of his memories. That's my bad. Sorry about that @Crake
I think that the problem is that we normally don't need to use that option, simply because our other more simple methods are effective enough. So some people mistook Viserys "not needing to use it" for "not using it for moral reasons".And the fact that it's even an option makes it seem like we are too Evil in the way we handle peopel we capture, period.
Even if we only used it less than a handful of times, and it's there just in case.
This part. This part specifically irritates me.My issue with it was that it read to me like "specifically use the nastiest options for the purpose of causing this guy pain" rather than just allowing for feeding him to one of our gods. I object to that reasoning because its a deviation in Viserys' behavior and I'd prefer if we don't start walking down that road.
Aparently some voters thought it was a vote to torture the guy? I'm really not sure why.Isn't the method to use the soul of the creature as payment to transfer all memories and knowledge of said creature into new creature?
I don't understand the problem here.
Because our rather business-like disregard for the lives of sacrifice-bait sometimes gets interpreted for cruelty.Aparently some voters thought it was a vote to torture the guy? I'm really not sure why.
I've already made a note to myself to add them and the other Fey loot, but the Armory post is too big to work with on my Kindle. I'm still living in a hotel until my house is ready to move into, so my PC isn't set up. I might try to do that this weekend.
I'm curious how Dusk Dancer changed form from a Leanansidhe to a (supremely buffed) mythic glaistig. Was it because Violet Veil died or when she offered her mantle to Dusk Dancer? Very fascinating.Yes... and here I though it would take you guys more time to identify her.