...I'm not cheerful?

I find you delightfully cheerful and very insightful.

Be aware that my entire life I have had this addendum to school reports, priest reports.... Police reports.

Very possibly crazy or really high on a constant basis.

No matter how many drug tests they gave me I never tested positive though....

Edit: My parents deserve medals. Or lifetime supply of really high quality liquor. Now that I am too old to steal it.

Edit 2: On retrospect maybe my endorsment of you is not one you should hang too much on lol.
Last edited:
I find you delightfully cheerful and very insightful.

Be aware that my entire life I have had this addendum to school reports, priest reports.... Police reports.

Very possibly crazy or really high on a constant basis.

No matter how many drug tests they gave me I never tested positive though....

Edit: My parents deserve medals. Or lifetime supply of really high quality liquor. Now that I am too old to steal it.
This explains a lot.
Where do we have our weakest forces?
Westeros Loyalty Chart
The North

House Stark: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)

House Wull: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Burley: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Harclay: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Liddle: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Norrey: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Flint of Breakstone Hill: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Cassel: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Forrester: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Flint of Widow's Watch: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Flint of Flint's Finger: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Glover: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Reed: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Tallhart: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Ally (Lord Eddard)

House Manderly: Aligned (House Stark)

House Woolfield: Aligned (House Stark) - Ally (Lord Wyman)

House Hornwood: Neutral

House Umber: Neutral - Steady (House Targaryen)

House Lake: Neutral - Ally (Lord Greatjon)

House Mormont: Neutral - Steady (House Targaryen)

House Overton: Neutral

House Marsh: Neutral

House Slate: Neutral

House Bolton: Loyalist - Mercenary (Highest Bidder)

House Dustin: Loyalist

House Karstark: Belligerent

House Crowl: Loyalist - Rebellious

House Magnar: Belligerent

House Stane: Belligerent

House Ryswell: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Roose)

House Whitehill: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Roose)


House Baratheon of Storm's End: Loyalist

House Caron: Neutral - Hostile (Lord Stannis)

House Morrigen: Neutral - Hostile (Lord Stannis)

House Wylde: Loyalist

House Swann: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Stannis)

House Grandison: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Stannis)

House Staedmon: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Stannis)

House Buckler: Loyalist - Steady (Overwhelming Force)

House Cafferen: Neutral - Hostile (House Targaryen)

House Fell: Loyalist

House Connington: Loyalist

House Trant: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)

House Dondarrion: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)

House Peasebury: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)

House Penrose: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)

House Whitehead: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing)

House Estermont: Neutral - Unsteady (Conflict of Interest)

House Errol: Loyalist

House Tarth: Loyalist


House Darry: Loyalist

House Mooton: Loyalist - Steady (Strong Heir)

House Blanetree: Loyalist - Ally (House Cox)

House Cox: Loyalist

House Terrick: Loyalist - Rebellious (Ser Karl Terrick) - Ally (House Cox)

House Goodbrook: Loyalist - Rebellious (Ser Garse Goodbrook)

House Frey: Loyalist - Mercenary (Highest Bidder)

House Hawick: Loyalist - Rebellious (Ser Harold Hawick)

House Rygar: Loyalist - Unsteady (Conflict of Interest)

House Blackwood: Loyalist

House Bracken: Loyalist

House Keath: Loyalist

House Lolliston: Loyalist (Reliant)

House Lychester:
Loyalist (Reliant)

House Roote: Loyalist

House Shawney: Loyalist

House Smallwood: Loyalist

House Vypren: Loyalist

House Whent: Loyalist

House Tully: Aligned (House Baratheon of King's Landing) - Unsteady (Cornered)

House Deddings: Aligned (House Lannister)

House Grell: Aligned - (House Tully)

House Mallister: Aligned (House Tully)

House Paege: Loyalist

House Piper: Aligned (House Tully)

House Vance of Atranta: Aligned (House Tully)

House Vance of Wayfarer's Rest: Aligned (House Tully)

House Wayn: Loyalist


House Velaryon: Loyalist

House Celtigar: Loyalist

House Brune of Dyre Den: Loyalist (Ballsy)

House Brune of Brown Hollow:

House Boggs: Loyalist

House Cave: Loyalist

House Pyne: Loyalist

House Crabb: Loyalist (Impoverished)

House Hardy:

House Bar Emmon: Loyalist

House Massey: Loyalist

House Rykker Loyalist

House Buckwell: Loyalist

House Langwald: Loyalist

House Staunton: Loyalist

House Wendwater: Loyalist

House Longwaters: Loyalist

House Byrch: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Bywater: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Cressey: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Edgerton: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Follard: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Harte: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Hayford: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Manning: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Pyne: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Rollingford: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Rosby: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Stokeworth: Aligned - (House Lannister)

House Lannister of Dragonstone - Belligerent

House Blount: Loyalist

House Chelsted: Aligned - (House Baratheon) - Steady (Hostage)

House Chyttering: Loyalist

House Farring: Loyalist

House Mallery: Loyalist

House Rambton: Aligned - (High Septon)

House Sunglass: Aligned - (High Septon)

The Reach

House Ambrose: Loyalist

House Appleton of Appleton: Loyalist

House Ashford of Ashford: Loyalist - Unsteady (Catspaw)

House Ball: Loyalist

House Beesbury of Honeyholt: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Baelor)

House Blackbar of Bandallon: Loyalist

House Bulwer of Blackcrown: Loyalist

House Caswell of Bitterbridge: Loyalist

House Chester of Greenshield: Loyalist

House Costayne of Three Towers: Loyalist

House Crane of Red Lake: Loyalist

House Cuy of Sunhouse: Neutral

House Florent of Brightwater Keep: Loyalist

House Footly of Tumbleton: Loyalist

House Fossoway of Cider Hall: Neutral - Hostile (House Fossoway of New Barrel)

House Fossoway of New Barrel: Neutral - Hostile (House Fossoway of Cider Hall)

House Graceford of Holyhall: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Baelor)

House Hewett of Oakenshield: Loyalist - Ally (Lord Brandon)

House Hightower of Old Town: Loyalist

House Leygood: Neutral - Hostile (Crownlanders)

House Meadows of Grassy Vale: Neutral - Hostile (Magic/Supernatural)

House Merryweather of Longtable: Loyalist

House Mullendore of Uplands: Loyalist

House Greyshield of Greyshield: Neutral - Unsteady (Conflict of Interest)

House Oakheart of Old Oak: Neutral - Ally (House Tyrell)

House Osgrey of Standfast: Neutral - Unknown (Pious)

House Peake of Starpike: Neutral - Unsteady (Catspaw)

House Redwyne of the Arbor: Loyalist

House Rowan of Goldengrove: Neutral - Steady (Indebted)

House Roxton of the Ring: Neutral - Hostile (House Targaryen)

House Serry of Southshield: Neutral (Paranoid)

House Shermer of Smithyton: Loyalist

House Tarly of Horn Hill: Loyalist

House Tyrell of Highgarden: Neutral - Steady (Blackmail)

House Osgrey of Coldmoat: Neutral - Unsteady (Catspaw)


House Allyrion of Godsgrace: Loyalist

House Blackmont of Blackmont: Loyalist (Resigned)

House Dalt of Lemonwood: Loyalist

House Dayne of High Hermitage: Loyalist (Honored)

House Dayne of Starfall: Loyalist (Pious)

House Drinkwater: Loyalist

House Fowler of Skyreach: Loyalist

House Gargalen of Salt Shore: Loyalist (Reliant)

House Jordayne of the Tor: Loyalist

House Ladybright: Loyalist

House Manwoody of Kingsgrave: Loyalist

House Nymeros-Martell of Sunspear: Loyalist (Family)

House Qorgyle of Sandstone: Loyalist

House Santagar of Spottswood: Loyalist

House Toland of Ghost Hill: Loyalist

House Uller of the Hellholt: Loyalist

House Vaith of Vaith: Loyalist

House Wells: Loyalist

House Wyl of Wyl: Loyalist

House Yronwood of Yronwood: Loyalist (Reliant)

Note: I will be adding blurbs to most of these to summarize basic information as to their relationship with us or our enemies as appropriate and over time. @Duesal offered to help me track down some of this stuff, but as a note I'm just starting with the Stormlands because it was relevant. Any alterations to these statuses will be updated as the situation changes.
I mean, you're definitely not wrong. I imagine that even a few Black Knights to each of those Lords would boost their forces considerably.
Most of their forces are peasant levies, so, yes. Though quantity is a quality of it's own. You'd need either stronger or more assets to beat a peasant army.
Also, ASOIAF levies are generally absurdly more well-equipped than their real counterparts, though that might come down to more GRRM's lack of any sense of scale and logistics.

At the end of the day though, what makes a peasant levy with a spear valuable to us, is our ability to enhance their effectiveness using resources that basically cost us nothing thanks to what happens when you scale a process up enough.

That levy with a spear can be turned into a reasonably effective soldier in plate armor who a peasant levy probably couldn't scratch. And that's a raw recruit.

Use the smallest unit organization of the Legion for your encounter, and I give decent odds they could take down an actually scary gribbly. Or, I dunno, beat a group of actual soldiers black and blue due to generally being better coordinated and equipped on average.

Really, the above is just a modest showcasing of their capabilities. We don't employ them to kill pesky monsters which the average village would be killed by with impunity. We don't even employ them because they can mow down an army of houseguards and their press-ganged serfs.

We do it because nothing dissuades rebellion like ten thousand soldiers being sent in for pest removal, or as the first step to deescalating rising tensions between two vassals. And everyone involved knows it is the first step, because the letter sent along with them makes it explicitly clear that the Crown sincerely hopes it does not have to go into Phase 2 of its de-escalation protocols.
Also, ASOIAF levies are generally absurdly more well-equipped than their real counterparts, though that might come down to more GRRM's lack of any sense of scale and logistics.
Are the peasant levies actually that well-equipped, or is it just that the houses have a lot more well-equipped armsmen than what should be possible?
Are the peasant levies actually that well-equipped, or is it just that the houses have a lot more well-equipped armsmen than what should be possible?
Really, either situation is rather damning. A retinue is costly to maintain, yet we know Tywin has a standing force of at least 5,000, in addition to Knights who provide their own gear, and then thousands more who generally seem like what we would call "men-at-arms" if we were comparing regular medieval armies.

Either way, ASoIaF doesn't present us with a picture of people bringing farm equipment onto a battlefield even if that was pretty common, but one in which even peons have generally fairly standardized equipment, even if it sucks.
Reminder here that the Reach is said to be able to field 20,000 men of cavalry. The Byzantine Empire could field, at most and in theory, 12,000 during the 12th century and in practice they never did as that would have been ruinously expensive, even for a very limited campaign.
Reminder here that the Reach is said to be able to field 20,000 men of cavalry. The Byzantine Empire could field, at most and in theory, 12,000 during the 12th century and in practice they never did as that would have been ruinously expensive, even for a very limited campaign.
I like to take a headcanon that any patently absurd ASOIAF troop number is propaganda by their enemies. Much like how medieval and ancient chroniclers and historians routinely exaggerated the size of the armies of their employer's foes to make them and their employer look better for having defeated said enemies. Yes, I know that in ASOIAF it's usually the actual rulers themselves who state the size of their armies, but let me have this, dang it! :p
Nah, it's better if we attribute it to the setting weird magic. Everyone keeps talking about how magic was dying out and shit, yet they can pull stuff like that before the dragons came back.

If someone from our world came and saw all that he would be calling it some kind of army magic bullshit, like the army teleportation and fleet teleportation tricks.
Vote closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Oct 24, 2020 at 7:26 PM, finished with 39 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Stick with the usual, atomized contact you would use for every hostile source. Multiple small cells using a few of her contacts each, with each of her contacts beings used by multiple cells, so that the overlap can be used to find out any duplicitous contacts or to notice when a cell might have been flipped. Devils in service of Baator are no more risky in that regard then any other contact from a high-magic realm with it's own security apparatus.
Research Actions updated.

[] Re-making Chromatic Breeds (innate connection to Tiamat lowered as much as possible)
-[] Greens (Felzath's skeleton lowersProgress needed) (Progress: 25, Cost: 50,000 IM)
-[] Blacks (Progress: 35, Cost: 50,000 IM)
-[] Whites (Progress: 35, Cost: 50,000 IM)

[] Making Imperial Steel dragons.
(Progress: 50, Cost: 150.000 IM) [Progress halved if one other breed of True Dragon is restored first)
-[] Have Dark Sister turned into the first of the species
(Free Action, Cost: As forging cost for a being of her CR)
Godcrafting (@Azel, @Crake, note take):
[] Dreamshaping Cost Reduction: Shaping the dream is technically possible, it is also ruinously expansive with current methods. That can change with more studies.
(Progress 40 Cost 10,000)

[] Dreamshaping Hardening: There isn't much point is creating dreamlands infrastructure if the denizens can tear it down with ease. Work on hardening the construction.
(Progress 50 Cost 60,000)

[] Layered Demiplane Research: It is possible to create demiplanes with more than one layer, allowing for layered defenses for the Imperial Dream as well as specialized aspects that would make transmutation of souls more feasible
(Progress: 35 Cost: 60,000 IM)

[] Tying the rituals of Administration into Imperial Deity base
(Progress: 0/30 Progress – TIERED RESEARCH; Tier 1)

-[] Project Distilling Dreams: The Rituals Naria discovered produce divine power but not in any usable form, distill it to something that can be stored and used
(Progress 60 Cost 120,000 IM)

[] Forging Paths of the Divine: Imperial Steel, creation of Meraxes, may just end up being far more than just an empowered version of the Valyrian creation. Explore the necessary requirements for the material to carry energy and signals - as it may be the only material viable to create the physical base of the "Imperial Deity".
(Progress: 50 Cost: 200,000 IM)
Primordial Magic:
[] The Scourge of the Abyss: The parasites of the Abyss, the Qlippoths, are naturally connected to Demons in many strange and terrible ways - yet this connection may be exploited to hurt the Demons further. Use Qlippoths to advance ways of detecting Demons and their influence.
(Progress: 44 Cost: 80,000 IM)
I'm still not fully clear on what that Imperial Steel Dragon is supposed to be?
Just a construct, like the Herald?

Or a new flavour of True Dragon like the Mind Dragons and Myrkdreki?
And if the latter, what kind of dragon would it be?
The latter.

I'm not clear on the details yet, but I recon Azel had some ideas..?

It is there before we start designing stuff, as a reference for how time-intensive it'll be if we decide to go for eet.
Lots of stuff on the RA list was like that before.
Why are we reconstructing chromatics again? We don't exactly have the bandwidth to manage a large number of new dragons without issue, and I doubt we can meaningfully cut off a goddess from the people she made using one of her core domains.

Dragons are powerful sure, but we can get what we need without dealing with the mess of adding those particular ones in any quantity.
Why are we reconstructing chromatics again? We don't exactly have the bandwidth to manage a large number of new dragons without issue, and I doubt we can meaningfully cut off a goddess from the people she made using one of her core domains.

Dragons are powerful sure, but we can get what we need without dealing with the mess of adding those particular ones in any quantity.
We aren't, not right now, anyway.

But someone asked how hard it would be, and I slapped it in.
¯\_( :/)_/¯

It is at least tangentially related to Imperial Dragons (in whom several people expressed interest in), anyway, so it's not 100% irrelevant.

Again, mostly a show of "how hard is X?".

If we are making any, likely we'd be making our new breeds, not re-creating Timmie's or Baggie's shitshows.
The latter.

I'm not clear on the details yet, but I recon Azel had some ideas..?

It is there before we start designing stuff, as a reference for how time-intensive it'll be if we decide to go for eet.
Lots of stuff on the RA list was like that before.
For the record. Again. I'm against this idea since it makes no sense. If you ask me, then axe this.
For the record. Again. I'm against this idea since it makes no sense. If you ask me, then axe this.
Imperial Steel Dragons or remaking the chromatics?

Because if the latter, then I'm not too excited about the prospect myself.
Again, I only put it in as reference, because somebody (don't remember who) asked "how hard would that be?"-sort of question.

I'll remove that outta the list if y'all are so jittery about the prospect tho.
Imperial Steel Dragons or remaking the chromatics?
Because if the latter, then I'm not too excited about the prospect myself.
Again, I only put it in as reference, because somebody (don't remember who) asked "how hard would that be?"-sort of question.

I'll remove that outta the list if y'all are so jittery about the prospect tho.
Define "jittery". I'm simply against both ideas. Completely. Especially the part where Dark Sister gets involved.
Yet it keeps being brought up and people keep pointing at me as if I was the instigator of this.
Winning Vote
Adhoc vote count started by Goldfish on Oct 24, 2020 at 7:26 PM, finished with 39 posts and 7 votes.

  • [X] Stick with the usual, atomized contact you would use for every hostile source. Multiple small cells using a few of her contacts each, with each of her contacts beings used by multiple cells, so that the overlap can be used to find out any duplicitous contacts or to notice when a cell might have been flipped. Devils in service of Baator are no more risky in that regard then any other contact from a high-magic realm with it's own security apparatus.