We do have an awakened Deer as a lord of our lands, Sir Degaire.
About those poison-attacks, I suspect that was not the Chosen. Can't rule it out, he/she might have either been the Chosen or working for the Chosen, but I really don't think so.
Who knows... it has to be someone either so skilled they can get past Lannister security apparatus (of a vastly more paranoid Red Keep)... of which we are kept apprised of due to having three members of the Small Council in our pocket.
Come to think of it, it can't be anyone on the Lannister payroll because the first thing anyone says when Cersei has a 'brilliant idea' is 'fuck no'.
One has to think then that whoever it is, that's at least Companion grade. Of the people in Westeros (or elsewhere, really) that we know about who is a PC of that caliber, none of them really read as Assassin or Sneaky types.
Hence, again, just a decent hunch it might be related to the Chosen of the Stranger.
It could also be one of the Rogue Faceless (seems unlikely, it's not like they explicitly chose to become hostile, more like evasive, and they didn't seem to want to draw down heat on the schismatic division they left behind either).
Baator has been mighty hands off Westeros since their presence was heavily rooted out by various parties. That could just mean "why over-invest", just send one competent agent and approach the right person. The Loyalists are so twitchy, it really only takes the death of one of our chief organizers to light that first spark.
But that doesn't seem right to me. I mean you could kill one person, but you could also just kill a handful of prominent nobles simultaneously and that should send enough recriminations and mass panic to make someone do something incredibly stupid, which should set off a chain reaction.
Sure most anyone who would have that effect dying has protection by this point, but even just a false flag attack pinning the blame on the right party would work, even if the target didn't die.
So I don't think it's Baator.
I think it's someone with some kinda investment in Westeros, who is more than happy to take advantage of Cersei's stupidity, but also has some reservations about murdering a sufficient number of people that could set off the panic, and or simply doesn't have the resources to manage more than one competent assassination attempt and thus has to pick and choose who to target.
That speaks to me of ONE PC grade person, with not enough resources that they could delegate the work to, nor enough time to organize it in advance. So that means someone juggling multiple other responsibilities, who presumably is uncertain how many resources we've invested in any one loyalist house (it varies, but they chose just about the worst target tbh).
Signs point to Chosen, or unintroduced third party, presumably some variety of Extraplanar agent, or lastly... the Court of Stars.
DP has been holding back from introducing more random complications, so we can probably cross out the second.
He has been reticent to do much with the Chosen, so that probably excludes the first.
So by process of elimination, we can conclude it's either the Brazen Throne, or the Court of Stars.
Brazen Throne seems far too distracted to invest resources into dealing with us. We are an irritant at best right now.
One has to think then that whoever it is, that's at least Companion grade. Of the people in Westeros (or elsewhere, really) that we know about who is a PC of that caliber, none of them really read as Assassin or Sneaky types.
It could be someone weaker in all areas, except for sneaking and applying magically-enhanced poisons.
A specialized build of lower level, not a second Garin.
Aside from the mechanical point, it could also be that someone (Cersei) just hired a pro, like a Sorrowful Man or some other second-best assassin after the Faceless are mostly out. PC-grade murderers are not as rare as they used to be.
Even the Sons of the Harpy had one, the guy who once attacked Bronn and from whom we never heard again. (I actually assume that guy ran into the wrong devil at some point and is long dead, but we have no proof of that)
It could be someone weaker in all areas, except for sneaking and applying magically-enhanced poisons.
A specialized build of lower level, not a second Garin.
Aside from the mechanical point, it could also be that someone (Cersei) just hired a pro, like a Sorrowful Man or some other second-best assassin after the Faceless are mostly out. PC-grade murderers are not as rare as they used to be.
Even the Sons of the Harpy had one, the guy who once attacked Bronn and from whom we never heard again. (I actually assume that guy ran into the wrong devil at some point and is long dead, but we have no proof of that)
Meme aside, I never had them be a problem to be honest. All my games were either Mega-HRE-Blob-of-Doom, but rarely with a Karling in charge, or the Karlings turning western Europe into a never ending slug fest between each other. I preferred the former, since rolling up the doomblob empire is much more challenging then opportunistically backstabbing a bunch of squabbling kingdoms.
It's not that, it's the border gore. I could care less about mega-HRE, the trouble is when they died and succeed in such a way as to make western Europe like someone fed it though a wood-chipper and assembled it wrong.
It's not that, it's the border gore. I could care less about mega-HRE, the trouble is when they died and succeed in such a way as to make western Europe like someone fed it though a wood-chipper and assembled it wrong.
As far as my CK3 experience goes for now, the Swedes are much worse. My current save is Darfur, in the Abessinia region, so I had nothing to do with western Europe and it is mostly a complete mess of various Norse realms inter spaced with the remnants of Christianity.
As far as my CK3 experience goes for now, the Swedes are much worse. My current save is Darfur, in the Abessinia region, so I had nothing to do with western Europe and it is mostly a complete mess of various Norse realms inter spaced with the remnants of Christianity.
Yeah noticed the same thing, oddly enough also playing in sub-Saharan Africa right now tying to reform the faiths down there after I did the Norse in another game.
Yeah noticed the same thing, oddly enough also playing in sub-Saharan Africa right now tying to reform the faiths down there after I did the Norse in another game.
Funnily enough, in my first game, some random nation in sub-Saharan Africa reformed their faith maybe 30 years or so after the game started, but the Swedish mega-empire in my current one could not get the job done in 150 and now might be converting to Islam instead, even though most of France,. Spain and England are wholly Norse in culture and faith.
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 7, 2020 at 5:15 AM, finished with 287 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Tell them that there have been plans made to develop the under-sea industry of the Imperium by attracting workers from the PoW and that you will contact them with the details for a joint venture to expand their production to Planetos once the details have been set up. (ACSEC subsidiary controlling the large-scale underwater industry of which you will sell no more then 40% of the stock to outside investors.) [X] Vialesk Enchanted Item Commission (8th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x100 Saccadic Prism Spectacles: 480 IM each (Total: 48,000 IM) -[X] x8 Mind Blank Rings: 24,000 IM each (Total: 192,000 IM) -[X] x30 +1 Soulfire Mithral Bracers - 5,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM) -[X] x50 Restorative Ointment: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM) -[X] x10 Whisper Safe: 1,600 IM each (Total: 16,000) -[X] x40 Foxfire Lantern: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM) -[X] x10 Eldritch Egress: 2,000 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM) -[X] x20 Spectacles of Lip Reading: 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) -[X] x40 Cloak of Secrets Cloaks: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM) -[X] Single-Use Charms: --[X] x30 Discretion Charm: 700 IM each (Total: 21,000 IM) --[X] x30 Mask of Mask from Divination: 490 IM each (Total: 14,700 IM) --[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Charms: 910 IM each (Total: 18,200 IM) -[X] Scrolls: --[X] Permanency Scroll (3rd Level): x10 - 15,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM) --[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Scrolls: 455 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 739,700 [X] Opaline Vault/Armun Kelisk Enchanted Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x5 Titan's Tool: Cost: 40,000 per set (Total: 200,000 IM) -[X] x20 Lyre of Building: 2,600 each (Total: 52,000) -[X] x20 Banner of Restful Nights: Cost: 1008 IM each (Total: 20,160 IM) -[X] x4 Gemcarver's Tools: Cost: 1,800 IM each (Total: 7,200 IM) -[X] x4 Jeweler's Loupe (+10 Competence bonus to Craft [Jewelry]): 2,000 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) -[X] x400 Pyre Salt: 140 IM each (Total: 56,000) -[X] x8 Astralabe: 3,200 IM each (Total: 25,600 IM) -[X] x25 Heirloom Seal: Cost: 1,000 IM each (Total: 25,000 IM) -[X] x100 Handy Haversack: Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM) -[X] x100 Amulet of Tears: 430 IM each (Total: 43,000 IM) -[X] x100 Healing Belts: Cost: 150 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM) -[X] x100 Earrings of Arcane Acuity: Cost 680 IM each (Total: 68,000 IM) -[X] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM) -[X] x100 Rings of Sustenance: Cost: 500 IM each (Total: 50,000 IM) -[X] x100 Boots of Speed: Cost: 600 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM) -[X] Single-Use Charms: --[X] x50 Brilliant Barrier Charms: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM) --[X] x50 Sending Stones: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM) --[X] x50 Teleport Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM) --[X] x50 Plane Shift Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM). -[X] Metamagic Gems: --[X] x40 Enlarging Amethyst: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Extending Garnet: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Silent Spinel: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Still Amber: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x15 Maximizing Sapphire: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) --[X] x15 Widening Emerald: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) --[X] x15 Quickening Diamond: 1,000 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 893,960 [X] Githzerai Monastery Psionic Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x20 Crystal Rod of Share Pain (1/Day): 864 IM each (Total: 17,280 IM + 25% markup = 21,600 IM) -[X] x20 Gloves of Object Reading (1st Manifester Level): 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM + 25% markup = 15,000 IM) -[X] x3 Slotless Third Eye: Conceal [equivalent to Mind Blank] (15th Manifester Level): 48,000 IM + 70% markup = 81,600 IM each (Total: 244,800 IM) -[X] Psionic Tattoos: --[X] 2nd Level (Cost: 60 IM + 25% markup = 75 IM each): Detect Hostile Intent (x100), Detect Teleportation (augmented to 2nd level for 130ft range) (x100) - TOTAL COST: 15,000 IM --[X] 3rd Level (Cost: 150 IM + 25% markup = 187.5 IM): Eradicate Invisibility (x40), Time Hop (x40), Touchsight (x40), Ubiquitous Vision (x40) - TOTAL COST: 30,000 IM -[X] Single-Use Crystals: --[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM) --[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration): 1,200 IM each (Total: 20,400 IM + 70% markup = 34,680 IM) --[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM) --[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level): 660 IM (Total: 6,600 IM + 70% markup = 11,220 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 403,240 [X] GRANT TOTAL: 2,036,200
Adhoc vote count started by DragonParadox on Sep 7, 2020 at 5:15 AM, finished with 287 posts and 12 votes.
[X] Tell them that there have been plans made to develop the under-sea industry of the Imperium by attracting workers from the PoW and that you will contact them with the details for a joint venture to expand their production to Planetos once the details have been set up. (ACSEC subsidiary controlling the large-scale underwater industry of which you will sell no more then 40% of the stock to outside investors.) [X] Vialesk Enchanted Item Commission (8th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x100 Saccadic Prism Spectacles: 480 IM each (Total: 48,000 IM) -[X] x8 Mind Blank Rings: 24,000 IM each (Total: 192,000 IM) -[X] x30 +1 Soulfire Mithral Bracers - 5,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM) -[X] x50 Restorative Ointment: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM) -[X] x10 Whisper Safe: 1,600 IM each (Total: 16,000) -[X] x40 Foxfire Lantern: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM) -[X] x10 Eldritch Egress: 2,000 IM each (Total: 20,000 IM) -[X] x20 Spectacles of Lip Reading: 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) -[X] x40 Cloak of Secrets Cloaks: 600 IM each (Total: 24,000 IM) -[X] Single-Use Charms: --[X] x30 Discretion Charm: 700 IM each (Total: 21,000 IM) --[X] x30 Mask of Mask from Divination: 490 IM each (Total: 14,700 IM) --[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Charms: 910 IM each (Total: 18,200 IM) -[X] Scrolls: --[X] Permanency Scroll (3rd Level): x10 - 15,000 IM each (Total: 150,000 IM) --[X] x20 Fortunate Fate Scrolls: 455 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 739,700 [X] Opaline Vault/Armun Kelisk Enchanted Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x5 Titan's Tool: Cost: 40,000 per set (Total: 200,000 IM) -[X] x20 Lyre of Building: 2,600 each (Total: 52,000) -[X] x20 Banner of Restful Nights: Cost: 1008 IM each (Total: 20,160 IM) -[X] x4 Gemcarver's Tools: Cost: 1,800 IM each (Total: 7,200 IM) -[X] x4 Jeweler's Loupe (+10 Competence bonus to Craft [Jewelry]): 2,000 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) -[X] x400 Pyre Salt: 140 IM each (Total: 56,000) -[X] x8 Astralabe: 3,200 IM each (Total: 25,600 IM) -[X] x25 Heirloom Seal: Cost: 1,000 IM each (Total: 25,000 IM) -[X] x100 Handy Haversack: Cost: 400 IM each (Total: 40,000 IM) -[X] x100 Amulet of Tears: 430 IM each (Total: 43,000 IM) -[X] x100 Healing Belts: Cost: 150 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM) -[X] x100 Earrings of Arcane Acuity: Cost 680 IM each (Total: 68,000 IM) -[X] x100 Rings of Protection from Evil: Cost: 800 IM each (Total: 80,000 IM) -[X] x100 Rings of Sustenance: Cost: 500 IM each (Total: 50,000 IM) -[X] x100 Boots of Speed: Cost: 600 IM each (Total: 60,000 IM) -[X] Single-Use Charms: --[X] x50 Brilliant Barrier Charms: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM) --[X] x50 Sending Stones: 280 IM each (Total: 14,000 IM) --[X] x50 Teleport Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM) --[X] x50 Plane Shift Charms: 450 IM each (Total: 22,500 IM). -[X] Metamagic Gems: --[X] x40 Enlarging Amethyst: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Extending Garnet: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Silent Spinel: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x40 Still Amber: 200 IM each (Total: 8,000 IM) --[X] x15 Maximizing Sapphire: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) --[X] x15 Widening Emerald: 800 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM) --[X] x15 Quickening Diamond: 1,000 IM each (Total: 15,000 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 893,960 [X] Githzerai Monastery Psionic Item Commission (19th day of the 2nd month, 294 AC] -[X] x20 Crystal Rod of Share Pain (1/Day): 864 IM each (Total: 17,280 IM + 25% markup = 21,600 IM) -[X] x20 Gloves of Object Reading (1st Manifester Level): 600 IM each (Total: 12,000 IM + 25% markup = 15,000 IM) -[X] x3 Slotless Third Eye: Conceal [equivalent to Mind Blank] (15th Manifester Level): 48,000 IM + 70% markup = 81,600 IM each (Total: 244,800 IM) -[X] Psionic Tattoos: --[X] 2nd Level (Cost: 60 IM + 25% markup = 75 IM each): Detect Hostile Intent (x100), Detect Teleportation (augmented to 2nd level for 130ft range) (x100) - TOTAL COST: 15,000 IM --[X] 3rd Level (Cost: 150 IM + 25% markup = 187.5 IM): Eradicate Invisibility (x40), Time Hop (x40), Touchsight (x40), Ubiquitous Vision (x40) - TOTAL COST: 30,000 IM -[X] Single-Use Crystals: --[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Fate of One Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM) --[X] x10 Single-Use Crystal Temporal Acceleration Charms (Augmented to 15th Manifester level, 2 round duration): 1,200 IM each (Total: 20,400 IM + 70% markup = 34,680 IM) --[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Reddopsi Charms (13th Manifester Level): 910 IM each (Total: 9,100 IM + 70% markup = 15,470 IM) --[X] x10 Singe-Use Crystal Null Psionic Field Charms (11th Manifester Level): 660 IM (Total: 6,600 IM + 70% markup = 11,220 IM) -[X] TOTAL: 403,240 [X] GRANT TOTAL: 2,036,200
According to Alinor there is a cabinet of fine wines and stronger drinks in the central offices of the treasury here in Sorcerer's Deep. It exists in defiance of official policy about drinking on the job, but it is allowed to remain for it it used only sparingly and with noble purpose. Whenever someone newly promoted or transferred first sees the figures for the import of enchanted objects and reagents from the far corners of the Spheres they are allowed one drink of their choice. Most choose the strongwine.
Lost 2,036,200 IM
Speaking of the administration here in the Deep, work to hire and train more clerks to handle both the expanding population and its growing importance as the heart of the Empire is going smoothly if not always swiftly. If there is one thing you do not lack for in the capital it's manpower though. If anything the flow of people through the harbor and across the bridges from the east is only growing with each passing month.
Increase Manpower in Stepstones (3/3) -> +5 Manpower
Expand Administration in Stepstones (36/85)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (15/85)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Stepstones -> Nothing Found
In Tyrosh one finds much the same circumstances, the moon to Sorcerer's Deep's sun perhaps but still following the same pattern, expansion in the administration and agents sent off to Old Town to finally establish an Inquisition base in the city. Your mother is a touch worried that the capital is only growing more Essosi by the day, its common tongue Valyrian and its faiths those of the east in spite of its central location, and your hope that it might bring the two halves of your empire together. Westeros is late and too long in the care of one ill raised to the task.
Expand Administration in Tyrosh (8/47)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (aiding)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Tyrosh -> Nothing Found
Establish Inquisition Base in Old Town (25/32)
In Hermetia's absence Lys has also been quiet, not a spy in sight and the worst arcane crimes are the sort of conmen selling cure-alls and illusionists playing at being miracle workers that are a staple of the age. You imagine a century from now, when the world has once more grown used to sorcery, such troubles will seem quaint.
Establish Public Schools in Lys (10/46)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Lys -> Nothing Found
In Myr progress on public schools surges ahead of neighboring Lys, partly spurred on by the efforts of the Glassblower's Guild which has embraced the concept of an educated populace with open arms as the goldmine you had promised that it would be.
Establish Public Schools in Myr (32/56)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Myr -> Nothing Found
It was in the Daughters' March however that the most interesting find of the region was uncovered. While working to expand the messenger service to the far corners of the province a surveyor had been directed by the locals to a cave that might be widened and built up to accommodate a relay station such that had been used in other parts of the realm when available to save on coin and man hours. Shepherds used to shelter there in bad weather, but not often saying as it was 'a witchy place', but the envoys of a Sorcerer King were obviously counted inured enough to magic to camp there regularly. Rather than a cave the surveyor had found a necropolis long predating the Valyrian colonization of the area. Though it held no unrestful dead, save for an odd lingering chill in some corners, the site proved to be a treasure trove of historical artifacts from a culture all but lost to history. The find had captured the imagination back in Myr and might be the seed to the city's first private museum after the model you established in Sorcerer's Deep.
Establish Messenger Service in the Western Disputed Lands (15/130)
Establish Messenger Service in Northern Disputed Lands (8/52)
Establish Messenger Service in Daughter's March (8/38) -> Critical Success -> Minor Pre-Valyrian Necropolis Discovered
Establish Guard Posts in Eastern Flatlands (14/49)
Work in Volantis however took a turn for the dramatic that quickly made you forget minor finds of lost history. Blight had stuck the fields there accompanied by the unnaturally hot stretch of summer. With many landholders already struggling to adapt to a changed economy and large numbers of former slaves moving to the cities what would have been only a middling blow in most years was amplified to the point where tens of thousands had to find a new home or die. With enough magic you might be able to make the fields bloom again or you could help them on their way to other richer lands and cities far off.
Expand Law Enforcement in Orange Shore (4/45) -> Critical Failure
Establish Messenger Service in Orange Shore (22/71) -> Critical Failure
Establish Messenger Service in Volon Therys (7/2) -> Complete
Establish Inquisition Base in Valysar (4/30)
Establish Messenger Service in Eastern Disputed Lands (10/60)
Establish Messenger Service in Selhorys (5/1) -> Complete
Establish Inquisition Base in Volon Sar (14/36)
33,000 people were left wandering after a blight struck the final blow to the already weakened local economy
What do you do about the blight and depopulation of the Orange Shore?
[] Send in mages to help repair the damage
-[] Just Scholarum mages
-[] Pledge Companion support for the next month
[] Help the people relocate
-[] Write in where
[] Write in
OOC: I was going to carry this update into Braavos and roll the swamps dried into that until you guys rolled a major provincial crisis thanks to 2 crit fails in one province.
According to Alinor, there is a cabinet of fine wines and stronger drinks in the central offices of the treasury here in Sorcerer's Deep. It exists in defiance of official policy about drinking on the job, but it is allowed to remain for it is used only sparingly and with noble purpose. Whenever someone newly promoted or transferred first sees the figures for the import of enchanted objects and reagents from the far corners of the Spheres, they are allowed one drink of their choice. Most choose the strongwine.
Lost 2,036,200 IM
Speaking of the administration here in the Deep, work to hire and train more clerks to handle both the expanding population and its growing importance as the heart of the Empire is going smoothly, if not always swiftly. If there is one thing you do not lack for in the capital, though, it's manpower. If anything, the flow of people through the harbor and across the bridges from the east is only growing with each passing month.
Increase Manpower in Stepstones (3/3)
Expand Administration in Stepstones (36/85)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (15/85)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Stepstones -> Nothing Found
One finds much the same circumstances in Tyrosh. It is perhaps the moon to Sorcerer's Deep's sun, but still follows the same pattern, expansion in the administration and agents sent off to Old Town to finally establish an inquisition base in the city. Your mother is a touch worried that the capital is only growing more Essosi by the day, its common tongue Valyrian and its faiths those of the east in spite of its central location, and your hope that it might bring the two halves of your empire together. Westeros is late and too long in the care of one ill-raised to the task.
Expand Administration in Tyrosh (8/47)
Expand Law Enforcement in Stepstones (aiding)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Tyrosh -> Nothing Found
Establish Inquisition Base in Old Town (25/32)
In Hermetia's absence, Lys has also been quiet, not a spy in sight, the worst arcane crimes the sort of conmen selling cure-alls and illusionists playing at being miracle workers that are a staple of the age. You imagine a century from now when the world has once more grown used to sorcery, such troubles will seem quaint.
Establish Public Schools in Lys (10/46)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Lys -> Nothing Found
In Myr, progress on public schools surges ahead of neighboring Lys, partly spurred on by the efforts of the Glassblower's Guild, which has embraced the concept of an educated populace with open arms as the goldmine you had promised that that it would be.
Establish Public Schools in Myr (32/56)
Investigate Enemy Spies in Myr -> Nothing Found
It was in the Daughters' March, however, that the most interesting find of the region was uncovered. While working to expand the messenger service to the far corners of the province, a surveyor had been directed by the locals to a cave that might be widened and build up to accommodate a relay station such as had been used in other parts of the realm when available to save on coin and man hours. Shepherds had once sheltered there in bad weather, though not often, seeing as it was 'a witchy place'. The envoys of a sorcerer king were obviously inured enough to magic to camp there regularly. Rather than a cave, the surveyor found a necropolis long predating the Valyrian colonization of the area. Though it held no unrestful dead, save for an odd lingering chill in some corners, the site proved to be a treasure trove of historical artifacts from a culture all but lost to history. The find had captured the imagination back in Myr and might be the seed of the city's first private museum after the model you established in Sorcerer's Deep.
Establish Messenger Service in the Western Disputed Lands (15/130)
Establish Messenger Service in Northern Disputed Lands (8/52)
Establish Messenger Service in Daughter's March (8/38) -> Critical Success -> Minor Pre-Valyrian Necropolis Discovered
Establish Guard Posts in Eastern Flatlands (14/49)
Unfortunately, work in Volantis took a turn for the dramatic that quickly made you forget minor finds of lost history. Blight had struck the fields there, accompanied by an unnaturally hot stretch of summer. With many landholders already struggling to adapt to a changed economy and large numbers of former slaves moving to the cities, what would have been only a middling blow in most years was amplified to the point where tens of thousands had to find a new home or die. With enough magic you might be able to make the fields bloom again or you could help them on their way to other richer lands and cities far off.
Expand Law Enforcement in Orange Shore (4/45) -> Critical Failure
Establish Messenger Service in Orange Shore (22/71) -> Critical Failure
Establish Messenger Service in Volon Therys (7/2) -> Complete
Establish Inquisition Base in Valysar (4/30)
Establish Messenger Service in Eastern Disputed Lands (10/60)
Establish Messenger Service in Selhorys (5/1) -> Complete
Establish Inquisition Base in Volon Sar (14/36)
33,000 people were left wandering after a blight struck the final blow to the already weakened local economy
What do you do about the blight and depopulation of the Orange Shore?
[] Send in mages to help repair the damage
-[] Just Scholarum mages
-[] Pledge Companion support for the next month
[] Help the people relocate
-[] Write in where
[] Write in
OOC: I was going to carry this update into Braavos and roll the swamps dying into that, until you guys rolled a major provincial crises thanks to 2 crit fails in one province. Not yet edited.
Here's an edited version of the chapter, @DragonParadox.
Alright. The westernmost of the big isles in the Stepstones, the last one before Dorne, is similarly arid, so we could recruit a bunch of people to settle there and build up the local industry on the quick with plant growth cheats again. Olive oil is a good staple food and industrial lubricant, so we could do with some experienced farmers and it's one of the few useful things we can do with arid hills and mountains.
@Crake, @egoo, which one of you is keeping track of province actions? Can we allocate the Orange Shore province action and one economic action to this? I'd also like to throw ACSEC itself at setting up maritime industries.