So, priorities for this month and next 1.5 months, then?
1.1) Diplomance Marid?
1.2) Take part in Slavers' Bay cleanzing IC.
1.3) Take part in investigating of Qohor IC.
2) Diplomance whoever
@Crake hasn't diplomanced yet, apparently. Westerlands, or something?
next month---
3) Burn Quohor to the ground.
?Undecided?) Look into the info Marwyn shares on Lanisters/Citadel, may be worth acting on immediately.
4) Diplomance away/Kill Lucan. Tbd before the start of the reconquest.
5) Diplomance the Chosen of the Smith. Tbd before the start of the reconquest.
One month after? Else we fucked---
6) Attack Illithids in a manner that ensures we don't have to deal with their armies during the Reconquest.
6.1) Problem - we know jack shit about them, so we can't decide OOC where/when/with what force to attack. Yey. }:C
7) Deal with CoS, fighting them during Reconquest gonna suck ballz.
Seems right so far, y'all?