Dragon Santa.They don't come with any enchanted gear, not counting the Scout's ability to turn any bow into a murdermachine. We could give each of them a significant boost with relatively minor gear upgrades.
With 8 Archers and Horses, 4 Scouts, and 12 Hounds, we could form 4 separate kill squads, each with 2 Archers and Horses, a Scout, and 3 Hounds. Each of those teams would have all of the Wild Hunt Link bonuses which they could also share with their allies.Alright, sure.
[X] Goldfish
Where do we assign them?
Slavers' Bay or dealing with CoS shenanigans?
Both need elite "hunter" teams if we can spare 'em, just for somewhat dofferent things.
I think for the start we can put them with our big Hunt in Sarnor, if we still want to pull that off next month.With 8 Archers and Horses, 4 Scouts, and 12 Hounds, we could form 4 separate kill squads, each with 2 Archers and Horses, a Scout, and 3 Hounds. Each of those teams would have all of the Wild Hunt Link bonuses which they could also share with their allies.
Wherever we assign them, we just need to take into account that they aren't going to like being cooped up in hiding. A couple kill squads assigned to help out forces in the Reach would be a good idea, I think. The Fey there are powerful and entrenched, so stationing powerful Fey of our own there makes sense.
Another might be good to assign to Gogossos as supplemental guardians for the Flesh Forge. There would be plenty of stuff to hunt in the area, so it would be more like a fun vacation for them. Rotating the kill squad assigned there on a monthly basis should be an automatic action, IMO, to keep them sharp and from becoming bored.
I would keep the remaining kill squad in Sorcerer's Deep. They could be deployed elsewhere as needed. The Horse's Transport via Plants ability would let them and their Archer riders rapidly travel to just about anywhere in the Imperium on short notice, or we could just Teleport the whole team as necessary.
I think for the start we can put them with our big Hunt in Sarnor, if we still want to pull that off next month.
Hunting the lords among the Undead over wide plains and in ruined cities sounds like a perfect start for our relationship.
Oh I read it, that's why I wrote the last Omake.We'll be clearing out as many of the Sarnori undead, or their leaders at least, at the start of the month @Artemis1992.
...Well, unless nobody actually read my proposal, and we'll argue about it all over.
The Wild Hunt Fey will be of use then, but we also could leave all of them behind when we are "done", and they'll keep on hunting down any stragglers we'll undoubtedly leave.
Bonebreaker might get himself a Horse bro out of it. They can hang out, gripe about their riders, eye up the mares, and compare war stories.Oh I read it, that's why I wrote the last Omake.
The Hunters will fare well there and I think assigning them to clear-up might be a good idea.
Also, they can party with Khal Rhango afterwards, seems fitting.
Make it our goal to have them so happy with working for us that they eventually take a deal like the one we gave Moonsong -- fealty for as long as the Imperium endures.[X] Goldfish
We want to give the wild hunt jobs that are both difficult and entertaining so they not only have a great time in our service, but try and convince the rest of the Wild Hunt to join in the fun.
This feels a little like bullyingActually, where are Rhango's Riders right now?
They might enjoy taking some vengance on the Undead that brought down the Dothraki.
I would vote that, after we try to defeat the serious resistance, his Khalasar is part of the clean-up effort.
You know, escorting priests and Archons to consecrate the biggest undead spawn-points, hunting down surviving intelligent undead, stuff like that.
So, we start working on our own Imperal Court for our new shinny Imperal Fay.Make it our goal to have them so happy with working for us that they eventually take a deal like the one we gave Moonsong -- fealty for as long as the Imperium endures.
I'm honestly not really happy about it. Genocide sucks and the Dothraki where among the worse mass-murderers in Planetos history, even compared to the First Men killing the CotF, the Andals killing the First Men, the Valyrians killing the Rhoynar, etc...This feels a little like bullying
They just arose, driven largely by memories of suffering, and great amount of hatred to the ones who broke their homes and lives.
Having died at the hands of Dothraki, they seemed to have managed to at least start on their revenge...
And then we come bustling in, breaking down the doors, cutting them down with high-level PCs, Aerial superiority, unstoppanle Fey hunters, and dothraki.
Funded. So, so funded.